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Show 1 A t VW . 1. 3 Farmington ITarlna Kennab, Mrs. Maud Odd, Mrs Zena Williams, Mrs. Thelma Sanders, Mrs. Rhea Blood and Misa Mariam Barnes. It was honoring Mrs. Luella Chadwick 8welson of Monte Rae, Calif, who is visiting here. . Kaysville News Mr. eed Mr. A. L OBrien, Layton, entertained at a dinner Saturday evening for Mr. and Un. Eugene OBrien and children. The dinner, was in honor of their son Eugenes birthday anniversary. Mrs. Sue Williams left for Kesler, Mississippi where she will spend the next two weeks with her husband, Lloyd Williams who is stationed there with the U. S. Air Force. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nelson and daughter Glenns returned from a vacation trip last week to Elko and Reno, Nevada, Lake Tahoe and returned by way of Idaho. Miss Muriel Reeves entertained a group of friends at a din ner party Monday evening at her home. Mrs. Romona Gaiiey was Guests were Mrs. Alta Stevens, Salt Lake; Miss Lucy Rigby, Farmington; Mrs. Elva Wynn Brown, Ogden; Mrs. Florence Trimble, West beautiful; Mrs. Jesse Robins, Layton; Mrs. Ethel Scoffield, Mrs. Hana Jarman, Mrs. Lucille matches Dr. and Mrs. R. Park Williams and family, Denver, Colorado, have been visiting week with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams and other relatives and friends. Mrs. R, N. Willey and daughters Twink and Taffy, Cuba, have arrived to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Ashton. The girls will remain in Utah to attend schooL Twink will attend the University of Utah and Taffy will go to East High School in Salt Lake. Their father will join them where he will attend the National Mining Congress in Las Vegas, Nevada. A family picnic was held Thursday at their ranch in Weber Canyon with Mr .and Mrs. Wesley Grandsen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Odd, Mrs. Thomas Lenox and children, Mrs. Ella Odd, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Odd and family, Nellie Rae and Georgina Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Larkin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Larkin, Mrs. Myrtle Larkin were among the later BDRM brick, carport, buy equity and assume existing GI Loan with payments of $60.50 per month, home is only 2 years old . . . Chain link fence. See this one today. KAYSVILLE 2 bdrm home, large corner lot with several fruit trees, located on 2nd East. Priced at $12,000.00 . . . Terms can be arranged. LAYTON 2 bdrm, full basement, large lot, attached garage . . . Immediate possession. See and make offer as to down payment and ninthly payments . . . LAYTON 3 bdrm brick, carport, L.R., carpet and drapes . . , Terms as owner will carry contract. LAYTON 4 bdrm masonry home with double garage. Large corner lot., bath and half, asking $13,250.00. LAYTON Exceptionally nice 2 bdrm home with beautiful landscaped lot. Home can be financed FHA with as little as $350.(10 down plus loan cost. You can buy equity ami assume existing loan with payments of $l(M!.ou per month. Possession to be arranged within 2 weeks if desiieH. See this one SUNDAY. SANDERS REALTY 197 N. Main, Phone 37 Layton ADMIRAL CLEARFIELD THEATRE TA Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug. 11, 12, "Conspiracy of 13 15, 16, 17 "The Rat Race" Tony Curtis, Debbie Reynolds best shooters from each service and several clubs vie against each other in the month-loncompetition. Sponsored by the National Rifle Association, the matches are known as the world series of shooting". g FIESTA (cont. from p. 1) SUNSET NEWS Called lor Mr. end Mrs. Vsrn Young have enjoyed a visit from Mrs. Youngs Tour cl duty Mother, Mrs. D. L, Johnson. Mrs. Johnson has been caring for the Young children while 'the baby was in the hospital The little one is home now becoming accustomed to the cast she must wear for a year. The Youngs express their gratitude to all the neighbors and friends who have helped them with their baby. New comers being wtlcomod to Sunset are Mr. and Mrs. Madsen and two sons who moved to 178 W. 1850 MArsenal Street. Mrs. Warren Yamoll and sons Clifford and Royce spent Wednesday visiting her uncle Leroy Heaton and family who recently moved to Layton from Provo. Mr. Heaton plans to teach at Central Davis Jr. High. Mrs. Marguerite Konopnlckl and two children are vacationing Mrs. Boatris Herrera and son Deraid are spending their summer vacation with her daughter and Mr. and Mrs. James Bara. They are enjoying the Bara children, David and Debbie. Mrs. Herrara and Deraid t, The Gearfield Fir a call to the made Department home of Mrs, Cumora Miles whea a burning roast filled the house with smoke, and a neighbor reported itjas a fire. A call was made to the horn of Paul Hardy in Villa Drive when a fire In the interior of the Hardys Lt. Col. Benton M. Clay, 733rd commander, said that the Utahns will join with nearly 18,000 other Air Force reservists from throughout the nation in operation Bright StarPine Cone HI at Ft. Bragg, Aug. Also participating in the maneuvers will be elements of the AFs Tactical Air Command, Air National Guard, Military Air Transport Service, and the Army's 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions. Col. Clay said that a giant armada of troop carrier and cargo airPackets craft, including 16 from the 733rd, will be flown and supported by Air Force reservists during the exercise. car burned up the upholstery. Cause of the fire is undetermined. The Merry Sewers 13-2- TRINITY LUTHERAN The Merry Sewers Layton club met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Afton Miller. The CHURCH girls are finishing their dresses E. r. KrugUr, Ikv. for the County Fair. Members pa i tor present at the August 1 meeting Oold.n Ay, and Koycvillo d. were Mary Miller, Trudy Woolsey, HiH Fild 1123 of lJ5f Layton, Utah Ruby Roberts. Mary Spencer, J0 Divlna SarvicM Carol Church, Carla Wilcox were libla Clau S Sunday School all on vacation and unable to 4-- t Fourteen (Reserve) Hampshire, fornia, will troop carrier wings from Utah to New from Florida to Caliplay the major role in dropping the Army paratroopers. COMO Swimming Bowling Skating Cabins Plane Rides Motel SPRINGS Top air cover, close ground support and tactical reconnais-anc- e will be the jobs of the Air National Guard and Tactical Air Command, said Col. Clay. The maneuvers are i d e a ly suited for 733rd reservists added Col. Clay. In June 1957 the squadrons mission was changed from r a squadron to that of troop carrying. The squadron was activated in Oct. 1955. Assigned to the 452nd Troop Carrier Wing, Long Beach, Calif., a unit of the Fourth Air Force, the 733rd was the first Fourth AF squadron to attain a 75 percent rate. It also was the first Fourth organization to qualify combat ready crews in Packet aircraft. MORGAN, UTAH 7V&ce 1 to o EFtUKJ fighter-bombe- A Complete Change of Water in Ail Swimming Pools Every 24 Hrs., Filled From Our Own Springs With 80 Water. n Kaysville Theatre Kaysville, Utah Quarterly taxes due the Utah area Employers were reminded today by District Director of Internal Revenue Roland V. Wise that Aug. 1st was the deadline for reporting and paying income and social security taxes withheld for the calendar quarter ended June 30, 1960. Mr. Wise said the law provides that taxpayers who made timely deposits in local authorized banks, or Federal Reserve Banks, of the 0 xes due' haveA an addtlotna1,. August 10, their returns Depository receipts ust e wlth turn- 116 added' Mr. Wise said employers! should use Form 941 to report their tax 'liability for that period, and mail in x PHONE 37 15 SHOW STARTS 7:30 One Complete Show Each Night Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., August 10, 11, 12, 13 " s"ted - " cm. (axes due, !? District Director, Internal Revenue Service, Salt Lake City, Utah. He said employers who do not have a copy of Circular E, Em-ployers Tax Guide" may obtain it from any local IRS office. This publication contains a full discussion of employment taxes together with tables and percentage meth-Parods for computing such taxes. ... - wk Sm toja MacOrngall m N. mt k liouri WM 'XhcCrani Wii Swam ftclvfw t, ham i Cohn (i Sc . k Plus oi DAY OF THE BADMAN Life Time .DRIVE-I- r Twin Bed Sets- Reg. $149.50 II Clearfield y Kaysville clubs Page Fire calls Some Hill Air Force Base Air Force reservists of the 733rd Troop Carrier Squadron (Reserve) at Hill AFB will be called to a tour of duty in August to participate in a huge military exercise at Fort Bragg, N. C. Leonard by phoning 86 The parade route will move should be registered with M. P. live in Mt. Rose, Colorado. South from Main and 3rd North Mrs. Loyd Case is telling of her Streets to 1st North; then west new a daughter grandchildren to 1st West; then South to State and a son daughter then east Main to Street; Street; 'born to her son and his wife, All entries South to the city park. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Elmer Case. in the parade will be judged and Mrs. Ward I s r a I s sn was the winners will be announced operated on recently. at ball the park. Saturday evening All the festivities will be at the park and all proceeds go toward helping to develop this community Mrs. Carol Duckworth enterpark. The Fiesta Days, a community tained the Kaysville Literary sponsored celebration has been Club for their annual summer planned to make this years fes- patio party last Wednesday evetivities the best ever, according ning. Their husbands were to Harold J. Tippetts, general gueets. Assisting hostesses chairman. Other Farmington resi- were Mrs. Helen Green, Mrs. dents who helped in the initial Beth Dredge, Mrs. Ronnie Stew planning are: Edith Steed, Dean art, Mrs. Christine Maxfield Swaner, Jennie Sorensen, Mary and Mrs. Margie Green. Wamock, Ward Wamock, Hod Van Mrs. Lucille Strong was hostFleet, Tom Wamock, Doan San- ess to the wives of the Exders, DeLore Nichols, Art Thurs- hausted Rooster Club at her ton, Clarence Sorensen, Robert home last week. Mrs. Ruth PerGriffith, Horton Miller, Frank kins was The men Vowels, Alex Stevens, Kathryn met at the home of Jay Green. Jennings, Norman Brown, Dean Mrs. Mildred Keves entertainFloyd, Doris Haugen, Iva Lou ed the Mountain View Neigh- King, Dean Bybee, LaMar Steed, borhood Club at their annual Alan Hight, Joe Morgan, Paul summer patio party at her Spencer, M. P. Leonard, Richard home, Tuesday evening. Their H o d s on, Glenda Rigby, James husbands were special guests. Hansen, Cheryl Sorensen, A1 Twenty-siguests attended. Bertha Herbert. Chamberlain, Herald Moon, Jean Barker entertained Mrs. Lucy Mr. and Mrs. Howard Open-sha- and Jay Ferrin, Olive Hodson, the ALonas Club at her home, returned from a five-da- y Vickie Spackman, Florence Spenvacation trip to Montana. cer, Wanda Wood, Thelma White, David Sill, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Linn Sandall Amanda Griffith, JoAnn Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Coo Hadden and and son Nohl are vacationing and A1 Parker. family have returned from a vacathis week while fishing at the tion in Yosemite, Calif. head of Bear River. Visitors in Farmington art Mr. and Mrs. Harry Epperson and Returning recently from e vacation trip to Phoenix, Arizfamily of Colorado Springs, Colo. The Eppersons are visiting MrS. ona, were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eppersons parents Mr. and Mrs. Cloward and son Curtis. While P. N. West. Two of the Epperson there they visited with daughMr. and Mre. 'iiweTspIVksT Dennis' Vai children have been staying with ter and will re-- ! Mrs. Dick Bourne. Fleet, son of Mr. and Mrs Reed their grandparents. They of their turn rest the with family, Van Fleet- and -D.V. (. where she is Wisconsin, Claire, for Calif. last Fort Ord, Saturday New Zealand was on of tbo wlth relatives. Guests at first countries to fall In tbo battls for military training in U S Army vlsi(lng e Turner home are Jack of the texts. World Book Ency- Reserve. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Van and Diane Turner Morrell from honorFleet a family party gave clopedia reports that Now Zealand aseThe Morrells ir gav woman the vota In 1893, ing their son last Friday before Plan to sPend most f thelr vaca 27 years before the U.S. granted he left. Another family party was tion at the Turner home. woman suffrage. given in honor of a departing son, Visitors in Wyoming last were the Frank Sorensens. The Sorensens went to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole, Wyo. MS- Man" "cn., Tues., Wed., Aug. 14, and children Steven, Robyn, Kim and Christine arrived by plane Monday from Hawaii where they have been stationed for the past three years. They will visit for 30 days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Williams and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Satterthwaite, Ogden. They will return to San Diego, Calif, to make their home. Mrs. Wendell K. Walton and children left Saturday for Boise, Idaho where they will meet her husband and visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Walton before returning to their horns in Calif. She has spent three weeks with her parents, Col. and Mrs. Wells F. Collett. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Odd, Mrs. Thomas Lenox, Mrs. Madeline McLatchie, Ogden, attended the wedding reception of Su Trimble daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Trimble at Woods Cross, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Vernell Swan-ge- r were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Gibson at a picnic at the South Fork in Ogden Canyon, Wednesday evening. Miss Yvonne Grover entertained at a Kitchen shower, Wednesday evening, August 2, in honor of Miss Lynnetta McCarty. Miss Alice Mitchell and Miss Mary Lynn Egbert were assisting hostesses. Thirty-fiv- e guests attended the patio party. Miss Jackie Dahlstrom, Cop- perton, is visiting with her aunt, Miss Muriel Reeves for two weeks. Mrs. De Wsyne Buchanan Is spending a few days this week at Salina with her mother, Mrs. Adjust II, I960 AF reservists son-in-la- Hearts" Plus "4-- D 71 descendant attending tne family gathering of the late Charles and Agues Odd, on Sat- compotes urday evening in South Weber riHa at the home of Mr. and Mra. Camp Perry, Ohio (FHTNC) Lyman Schanka. They had a Selected to compete In the 1960 the' lunch for and picnic games National Rifle and Pistol Matches children. at Camp Perry, Ohio, July 36 Mrs. Deo Rushforth enter- through August 28, as a member tained at a miscellaneous show- of the Marine Corps Infantry er at her home Friday, August Trophy Team, was Lance CpL 5 in honor of Mrs. Carolyn Phillip R. Moon, son of Mr. and Marston Anderson, a recent Mrs. James S. Moon of 1300 N. bride. Assisting hostesses were Main, Farmington. Mrs. Marjorie Green and Mrs. Before entering the service In Francis Morton. Twenty-seve- n August 1958, be attended the Uniguests attended. versity of Utah. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Satterth-wait- e During the annual matches the la NEW HOMES for $14,300.00 with no down payment on G.L Loans . . . Loan Cost only. 3 Bdrm, full basement, bath and half. Located in Church Street Sub., Layton. Immediate possession to qualified buyers. 8 f '! ; Kid's Show Saturday 1:39 p.m. All Seats 25c THEATRE N NORTH OF LAYTON HY. 91 f Abbott and Costello DANCE WITH ME, HENRY Adults, 75c Sale Price Children Under Box Office Opens at FREE 12 Starts at Dusk 7 :30, Show Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. August 14, 15, 16, 17 Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug. 10, 11, 12, 13 Includes: Headboard cm TONY GRANT CURTIS in NO MAN COULD . yATEMKi! STAND AGAINST vv IS Box Springs Legs Mattress Use Your Old Mattress as Down Payment Other Quality Mattresses at Carload Prices STEVE REEVES OPERATION Never Againl HffiGIMITg PETTICOAT znmmzi I Never Beforel -- Carolounge Sofa as WSTUUKOK Ur SCOff j Win A Month's FREE LIVING . . (One Piece) AUG. 12th IS THE BIG NIGHT! Sale Price BONUS NIGHT SAT. ONLY 3 BIG HITS GIANT OF MARATHON 8:30 OPERATION PETTICOAT BONUS FEATURE Reg. $69.95 Sun., Mon., Tues 11:55 August 14, ' Rimm unurif TMLOa KKUR3 Naugahyde or Frieze 9:55 Th COYchlngtr P 15, 16 1 wutyat of ea-B Th QtrU oC Th BntUnarjr Choice of colors beige, coral, brown, tan or poka dot. Central Floors Furn. & Appl. RAYMOND Lessee 28 West 659 North "u CLEARFIELD MASSEf K1ERONMOORE - -, Jb CSSS i MICE1D darrylTzanucki UneM HENRY KING set hi mm her ms Vf c I ' |