Show I CITY my NEWS IN BRIEF BRIE Hl U Return Return- IU Rt Ri nv Franklin FI S S. Spalding returned t to tn 1 HIP tw lip city yesterday e a after a short shurl visit I it in iii inthe inthe the Ea East L C Colpany Company C Utah National Guard entertained th their heir lr friends at a dancing party part la last t evening at nt the Armor Armory A large number num her ber responded to lo lie Iho invitation of the soldier boys and a vcr very pleasant evening even even- lug ing was sas passed Hc I Eddy tl at mit O flos' flos nu Rov Frank Fay I Eddy ld goes oes to O Ogden tomorrow and in the tin evening will wi deliver a sermon ser ser- mon man at the hue studio of or Squire Coop in iii the old Masonic building The Reasonable Immortality Is the subject sub stub of the sermon selmon Ness Xe Choirmaster En I lf-J. lf M j J. Brines formerly choirmaster of St St. L Andrews church In iii New York el has been engaged as choirmaster for St. St Pauls Paul's Pauls chUch church of oC Salt Sal Lake I He lie will vilh wi assume the duties of the PoSition position l tion In this Is week I I ut at Murray The The i party held a mass mas meetIng meeting meeting meet meet- ing in the thc Murray opera house Thursday Thurs Thurs Thurs-I day night Frank J. J Cannon and a afew afew afew few others other went down to tell the thc of or the beauties of ha having the Sheets Sheets- Moran Sheets oran administration extended extended ex ex- tended to their bailiwick Ne' Ne Brick Company The Thc The Kaysville Brick company compan has filed ted articles of incorporation with the count county clerk The rhe company has hns a capital stock of with shares at time the par pal value of or HOO John R. R Barnes 1 is president John ern vice president and d S. S M. M I Barn Hamberger berger secretary V an and l treasurer r. r Hound Over Over Chanles Charles Hula Huls- tot charged with wih obtaining money under under un un- der false pretenses had a a hearing before bo- bo fore Judge Judee Diehl Diehi yesterday morning 1 and amid was waK bound over to the district court court r Is the thc man mn who passed a bogus dollar ten dolar bill bi on Mrs Mrs- McCarty Me- Me 1 Carty at the Gla Gladstone stone hotel a few days das ago Good Man lul Needed A II-A II A civil service examination nil fill to lo secure to fil vacancies in iii the position o of special examiners anti and agents In iii the Department Depart Depart- ment lent of or Commerce and Labor Laboi will vili wi 1 be beheld held belt helt in iii this city November Xo erber 1 1 The rhe Thesa sa salarIes la lies connected with wih the lie position range front from flOI foo 1200 to OOt a year eal Furth particulars ma may be had upon application to 01 Orrawell weI Williams secretary see sec of the tIme commission at the local po post office I V. V M. M C C. J A. A ht 1 Open o Tonight at al the Y M. M 11 C. C A. A ln trill wil he be beheld held time tho tw first thu-st t of lf o lh the lie Saturday night open house e entertainments and amid members mem mem- bees bers und and their friends are ale looking for forward t cr- cr ward vard to a good time An Au orchestra a n will trill wi be in imi attendance Plucks Pluck's enl Ju Juvenile band will wi ihl play several numbers a aHles series of or moving pictures will wi be lie shown and amid a basketball game gam played between the team earn antI and team the time candidates V for fo the lie Y M. M 1 C A A. 1 Lutheran ensue I The Intermountain Inter moun I tam tain Lutheran league held Its Ibe sl session fon I of the time annual convention I last tt evening C. C E E. E Palm president of oC the he local league made munde the thc opening address ad ad- dress dress Rev Hev f. f V E. E Bengtson a and ni Tv Rev Charles Pehrson of oC Portland Me Ie also made short addresses es The meeting was uvas wat well attended Refreshments were served b by the he ladle ladies This evening enin Rev He 1 Mr Carlson of oC Great Falls Mont ann and Rev ne Charles of Portland Port Port- lan land l Me Mc Ic will wi lecture on aim the work worl being done by the lie Lutheran Luther n mm league There will wi also also be a u concert In imi honor honorof of oC the lie visiting delegates I I |