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Show variably. as badly, os daytime. the in off pulled have names } inent Republicans in gambling is no there = Who with the been mentioned in connection : Salt Lake nominations for @ounty offices. Not all political dozen many AS announced have candidates the of at varilast night held were meetings their; but run to intention their Republicans town. about places |0U5 into to get them urged have friends the in meetings held Democrats and list is as follows The the race. who candidates various interests BenD. Spencer, State Senators-J. For we ek. next nominations 5 jwill seek C. Harkness, Robert ner X. Smith, Monday convention Republican Nn, | the William . Hoppaugh, A, Zane, for each candidates enough are Hew- | there I O. Williams, J. T. Hammond, invery things to make jnomination Cohn Henry Kinney, S. lett, Clesson the of some of friends and Frank | teresting, Riter, ‘D. .W. -Tane, (Si Cc! disand night last met ee ‘ Pierce : situation. the cussed | s. Representatives-C of ouse pe Soa ee De ae ane McMilWilliam Stanford, S.. L Brine ag ocri e Herbert B. arsscal = ‘yom vie 7 . Andrews, Preston Wheeler, ' * = Deming ner, H.-J. Higginbotham, Auditor-F. jr. auer, Leatherwood Surveyor-J. Swenson, rp O. a Recorder-Percy J. A. Melville, Fifth terday district attorney was in the city district, long enough of and have where been to cheer good sage to from " ‘ county Washington leaders. party of Democracy, long the stronghold sence, can Republican conspicuous officeholders for their ab- to he added will Mr. to running kearns kearns Western for ticket he say good looks Weir, ashamed congress Pacific is on is, That running. railroad Weir's Mr. against to seeking year, for,the of the I Utah, » re e | finance ie o will be to ‘ba Amerithe the When of ) Pe WHEN YOU Other H. executive | October senate, tunel as Raa can¢ PO NeH dis- 13. Mr. Ogden, Supreme who be alag REGISTER : The ed aii candidate fonestite | them together It sure to 30 will | + +> suit iy + istration. 444 30. Be Tuesday, D last day for Oct. reg- Toeeey and re ba 44H ihe HHH Oct. 4+ HHH HHH LEAVES PII DEMOCRATIC fall given to"walting for morning the evening edition of 7 an eoycounty Lake Lak Republicans to be and the the state in return. a matter of fact, according to Clark, a meeting of the directors in the principles by as Sadvoe atc heen' ha but of th | | and ; were George going Romney are directors, they to attend the meeting. At the conference the secretary were Democratic the of Clark-not John past years in +) party change would @)\they + + expressed away am. the the principles disappointed, of principles and of oven Deniooratia|. have not liberty, find andDemocracy simply course, hoped barter but more in he 1d at some other office. meeting, discussed business a politics was I jthe transaction of It was of but, following business. But the ee political " had cj Ww w hich story and whatever the | printed was anearately absurd. | eee ee ee BUSINESS Record of CONDITIONS Fallures in | Makes Seven SOUND, Best be a Its Yenrs. Searelty of Steel. of mest forms of steel and to for quick delivery, ten quotations, while the iron hus continued until position of a few years to be attained movement hus uw broader basis tonnuge of op kh in the repo business contr nets from many > their are more than eac Practically all shipments. last, furnaces are now on muny be started plants, hearth variety. ‘Commercial failures this week in the United States were week, 270 the prece the corresponding "Scareity has series many of the months. As of- One to of the be of made a new most will no decision has been Oo 6 e will] E. as Rilo trainmaster jurisdiction Helper for and sida- Western, over the yester- the dis-| Ogden. trainmaster Grande road for the | will Copper Market. Close $37. wo oo 41.00 es y iE Girl Pratt-Gillette's new Opera. scene con- the over puttrack, th beside of comitsisaton until re- Shippers in freight rates for has an- 7 < . ther ature { the new rate law where ona pubilic eats hie worst cs the geal}. The reduction is such that a man buying brick in Chicago could cay, money by paying the local rate from Chicago to Kansas, and then taking the special commodity rate from Kansas to Salt Lake. The new law not permit this, however, for KiWed by Trato. em getnorthbound of 2 south it |specifies that the through rate must lbe charged as specified in published | tariffs, even though the sum of local rates be lower | mab MRD dh CHEERFUL : TONE are Merchants IN WOOL. Fe. Kopk for Higher here, at ng that place over for Local : River Green to Green Junction to day a also Limited Taken The discontinuing Limited for the winter, it Was apparent that proposition paying the at increased. auctions tive and business dividing| pee changes Irom pounds. The 918 ‘269 pounds Off. of the Scenic at a time when it was a good- months. The train was not taken| ne oceur wool will be tofrom 1905, are to date Boston 185,788,398 are 236,- Shares Buoyant. 5-Copper shures opened every copper : y' and cheerful transactions Practice ally List scule larger ag ala an been has receipts senger the tio | stock on Dénver the difficulty the of 10.30 Osceola Grande z system 2 is having i in caring ing for fe ton of 358 the increase in business in the last| few 27, with. today buoyant of pee way may Jevel of Dec. eens Copper Boston, Oct. ac- accomplished the situation of leading merchants it rock. bottom. and th a | w ard a gher "The eae | to ners Bul- moderately eee a to a. the auton ces nov eb Pah the being imparting. from |2F°. stronger tone Green River the force of the in don freight and River, at etint. The coal chutes will be enlarged and eae machine! through' : ran. formerly pamian trains rane Helper Pees and es on 4 aa off for the reason that of itself it was SOE AnE {in coppers this morning opening the after shortly tended the | ~pis on but, proposition a paying not the , advances further check to}to up daily filled it was hand, other ub< sale the which in manner The man-) the season. its last trip for ‘Talk comment able favo of the road decided, however, | sorbed caused agement engines the the continued increase a be needed| and with ae gurding Amalgamated. regular business, the problem o ceeping train limited the as track clear Meredith's a to Trunk. Main 155° trunks. good Are re- quarters high in confident very haul-|is for necessary ing the limited train would in handling other business, allow ‘it to keep up its record of Beal Dryfork Postoffice to Move. ing on time to the minute all the time was becoming more serious each day | Republic an Special Brae Sesh + at = ct ' OF D Washington, winter season approached. The as the intah county, engines now in | postoffice at Dryfor new of number large service have relieved the situation to has been discontinued; mail to go to between extént some Salt os and | Maeser Lake Grand Junction, but the amount of 54 Jeweler, MeConahay. be .en | in service has not power motive re a asian for the reaincreased correspondingly son that many of th engines that)" _ aon as over- fe ae ae eeee ee oe ee eo of a general were sadly In need have hauling sent been to shops. the _ SALT LAKE LIVESTOCK SHOW. At men 1+ ANOTHER 7 | Boston, Mass., i nd i i years, day, were with Commercial club this af+ twenty re- | + will committee a special the preliminary arrangements | H+HHHese } here Boys' Knee Pant Suits, $2 up to $10. ; ey, + to- + above + cents see $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25, $30 or $35.00. + SOL in price copper young Men's Overcoats at + 5.-Sales recorded casting Men's and suits and + MARK Oct. of copper for Dee highest the cents the ternoon, port on HIGH ‘ADDI? FOR CORRE. Committee of Livestock Men + |# to Explain Plans Today.i the meeting of Utah livestock |}+ at St. Main a | + |f as Special Pick a flaw. if possible, in our Suits and Overcoats. Turn them inside out-every little detail shows the hand of the Master Tailor. No hurried work-no skimping -nothing slighted. That is why they fit so perfectly and hold their shape so much better than any others. When you spend your money for clothes, youcertainly want the best possible value for it. Lose. Kansas to Salt Lake the notice of shippers shop roundhouse + + ee ee eee ee eer Independent Grocery SATURDAY SPECIALS 13 eed SUGAR . . . . $1.00 ALL 3 pounds GOODS CRACKER SPECIALS, S@da Crackers ........----$ box Soda Sree ee ineers 3 pounds Ginger Sna : nee Fancy Mixed C gives 2 pounds 3 pounds Oyster Crackers ......-. Fresh Ranch Butter, pound . 6 Chicago, Oct. 5.-Susle rloye of the Pullman struck and Instantly kil nois Central train today ting out o e way of a freight she steppes in front bound passenge in- pre- vielnity Lon- elght-stall 3 cans 1, ‘315 Bandit'-Viola the Junction to Helper only. 1 Level of Prices. Another change scheduled is that Boston, Oct. 5.-The Commercial of making Green River a_ division | letin will say tomorrow point on the road, and erecting an| "The strength developed at the Richelieu Sugar Corn, 2 for . Refugee String Beans 2for 3 cans Fancy Sugar Co teeneentone Z the the was the to drove. wagon: reduction Grana | Yeading Curtice ee and in GUARANTEED. CANNED 29} Fancy Red FISHEL Salmon. Fancy Peas . 49} 1-pound 25 9 2515 or 2916 tall tims, We SPECIAL. % pound flats..$ CHEESE SPECIALS. Friends Oats, package ; ose $ . _| Zest. package ;. oe American, 15c, regulur ....... $25) 4 packuges Vitos tuh Full Cream, 15c, regulur........ 13 packages Cream of Wheat Funey Brick, 2 pounds .......-.-.-++« 5) wig Prune Cereal Coffee, pa ickage Best Limberger, 4c brick, regular... | Rerular Ze. Imperted Swiss, We pound, oo , "40 Half-pound jars Sliced Bucom .... Creamery Butter, pound # | One-pound jars Sliced Bacen . CANNED VEGETABLE SPEC IAL Lurge size Veal' Loaf ..... : Curtice Blue Label Corn, 2 for Q IRESH VEGETABLES. 12 Me Girl hanism mac have| from Switch) whl h neither mec alarm Where The Appointed. fomerly TES Hurst department hose: were lwill between Shaver, for the | brick from brought to to be desired entire of Commission, fire the rods | trolling | ting them out ee = eration for the place are some holding similar positions with large East- | ern railroad companies who have @| longing to return to Western flelds | that would mntiee be Ore) ore pou: tion such as that in view or c eDenver & Rio Grande system one greatly | BhanEe envio enced: the appointment o the} Francisco Mining Stocks no quoti itions wire trouble Sun were received from | francisco yesterday m "The A |4nd_a will CS SPOILS Rods of and nor pared brought reached € for The inventors of the Hurst automatic switch who have been working on one of the devices on the Oregon Short Line tracks in Third West street for Several w reeks expect to have it read} Yesdays, few a In test official an for terday, there was a special test made on the device which was not on the appointment will be made pear SSN omaeks id f It's Right v60e:| | road. General officers of the system | P#/rs have several expert mechanics under consideration for the position, and al-| though raflroads ENGINE Controlling Out power "duties. his) Utah d-pound af from FIRE Puts supervision the include business ofprobably the car also repairing for the as yet, the ae nor the changes | Program who brite $ appointment | Ventor motive the and. system, ‘the of the mechanic of all of avoulde sion | Grande recently, Important be master charge have all 9° been executive tethecahow t th report liabilities of $5,00 0 Liabilities of commercial at lures reported for September are $6,255,|555, compared with $8,03,H7 4 year ago. z Boston Scene over me- | have thin gether one of the finest exhibitions of sheep eve scen in this part of the } country | A special committec will be appointed to arrange for excursion rates exten- and which Barton§ n Sain start- of operating one Be the business of the road in the last two vears has almost outgrown the) car service, motive power and gener- |; al equipment of the line, and despite | the efforts of the road in procuring | as they as fast engines cars and new can be made, radical changes have become necessary that Exhibit New York, Oct. 5-Dun's review the week's trade tomorrow will say: "No unfavorable developments shave appeared except the damage by storm was almo st enti at the South, which ly local in effect. The iB the country as «a whole was ine ated by the light mercantile mortality i orine the third quarter 196, when | failures were oniy 2,300 in number, with total Mabilitles of $21,906.16. This is the best exhibit of recent years yith th ngle exception of 18%, and, making |allowance for the greatly increased } number of firms in business and amount of capital Involved, even the good record of seven years ago is surpassed | "Autumn rer is now in full swings pecial activ belng reported in dry» | nod. millinery and footwear. Manu| facturing plants are enguged far in | advance in ull the leading Industries, the metal de partments making the most striking exhibits, and the activity of ra is shown by rallway earnlurger September, being year's figures. Crop returns expectations, uside from some loss in cotton, which caused a violent | vise In prices | by ; Western for by Man. One ficers of the Denver & Rio system who was in Salt Lake state Reed all di- I had no idea any such story would of pure Dem- | yestersaid Mr. Clark up," cooked Jef-| be Thorgas have "ar else the méetingywould pape of ashamed Df the ation : = ss > re had company Fa: ie Clark-Eldridge pan called ane as both Reed Smoot oO . PARTY. | and < this senator * seen ee DEoe alt Jemocrats to win eee in Salt . ade mene +]some $ contemplated WIL of Few. departments Haymond Smoot were will In System Too Traimmaster steer eerie ahinmerikearns0 watt 1¢ senator oO would 5 As throws || en that. : +! strictly ocrapy + ferson, +) disregister in their respective trictsjon Tue@day, Oct. 9, Wedq Oct, Tuesday, 10, Oct. nesday, what changes chanical Another day was CANARD. Reed Romney 56 the T-yeate ce E. Cla ah me‘ © ‘ in the coming race Arimetrong B Senator George Romney, | committee- George Oct Butlerville,Utah, +| I have been a | Smoot and James H. Moyle, Sditor Republican: +) : and believe} TeCctors. life. ye Democrat. all ‘my county entitled to vote at the election on Noy. 6 who have not heretofore registered, may 16 "6 : age, and perwere of mankind Butler. E. Alva pene e Because Bishop ot S ex RUN GEHTIeAt Weber county. whim political +} Lake Salt on sive all to the a Grande Rilo trict on can- on tho state for clai | : In running ec: Rolapp ail ihe CELE bela +| +! in persons All |+ a i Dace ae sentiments their Boy YELLOWGRAM wasn't bench ticket..will) | fom queer TS Ht +479 of the I: : T eae. originality : ymination pace the ager for the { peas s ay Bl per- idates- for ‘ freedom os Weber from senator state for convention county the before didate county Mar- Rolapp Democratic » fect tee ee H, the | the matters state MAY , say } #WillAte tes are | they Republicans It is the | i ade come, : ‘ fc 1e mimeeting after ean of Mr. with campaign TAS ors 1h retained, | @minated state two SLA SHAST in Satie On . constitutec the The ns kearns. ‘ be selection left committee. > e on dresst id f of Re a livestock pope to be he la | Salt Lake during the cor re aee of } ool growers next month So far as lcaminiet ted, the committee has planned | | to hold the livestock show in which | [the entire inter-mountain country will] asked to participate, In some of} ° e vacant lots near the Commercial ain building Several local firms have | extent of offer| been interested to the prizes to the s ing cups and othe) cessful exhibitors Members of committee vesterday expressed MECHANIC Jurisdiction Engines Ss Ae iter aU} i eau ‘aleo ie Power Under the in is left than ranks and| Bevublicas Sone ss. ee ee ae mpeanD oseph J] ck or 1¢© «Supreme emocre oie) stommit- il | the1 with| met Mormon bench-have leadersie of the for :the As ay have politics In interfering campaign) church the of work the and tee, daria eare-\ talefonty-ningia In been as| candidates Both out mapped Was "ese 2 a ee gg en MASTER Motive - is chairman county Democratic The commit-| state they that workers. party his (es ling aaa ternoon the Amerifrom to fear nothing have inte of Ae Fe oe man : I ae ae and and ; cusse | ___ Ameri-|# brought cS eZ odie > peretr ee tae ae ig VSVSVSSASAASASAS EO : Ns . hone will Republican oa yesterday G.|# _ + is |+ last company. salt certain condemn N es 7G aN RE head- a south es Thomas 3B) (a , si ‘ The Th nMilard county the Re-|# Stet ville. publicans will have no trouble in land- | + The|}+ ing everything on the ticket. whole we A onve Republi-|+ the according this tall, column a yes-.|t taining carry a mesthe Republican ¢ aes Aon oe l pap eee se be | Clark, w | aamittee. Pe, aul. Perkins ¥ the O M. cuarantee 5 SY aR aD AGE ARRAS, the from at Judge rear « fan deta oe convention BE. F, ‘ \\ P saan party about delegates a caucus a ea cratic De p ee ent e new The aawenion , ae a jr., | S¢OPtE". ; Beatty Hanson, B. as °°" lee Groesbeck, A." r-John ea a Jon aS eaenrer Attorney-Willard eleg: } Seereoet i ‘of Han- | A. edge = NEW ition P Bitt-| t ar ae AYE = fy rile ee oO ec is a ailt ~ - Se: at the Salt Palace Monday morna Freee GEE First ss sgl s irst preae is ae ae ' eae ;cane S expecte > pres all} delegates Republican The ~ | Re ;ea teat ie C.| at Mi es ee districts wt H. | the country an it, ne ue at Scheel J. jr., Naylor, B. eae eaperni = a ane Carlson, B. er scarce tation leat wot Ru » 3 A nh me SeT- OE e ae A S Democrats brave tepublican The held precinct First . Brown, M.ee 8 nell Assessor-C. DAlChins eee . eR Sense o ) in the penpals 2: dec - Smith, S. A. D. Woot Je: Donel, Y. Sheriff-John Emery, C Sharp, Myton ay ao Chairman CteK the advice [themselves A; Hamlin, Glen R Bothwell, c H. Linck, Heber A. Smith, H. N. StanMcDavid Woodring, H. W. dish. of ye twenty ; ieie | quarters. CosD. Cc | > his ‘ W-. A. Riter, W. W. Rideout, § poe eer nstro E F. Dr B. Commissioners-J. Panter, rj Miller lips nay V < th and = ber | high Richards, D. McGuire, Mr. Smith, A. Straup County D. E. griff, ae Clegg, | WEre the a hee Scat e¢ tok ae E. E. Brigham 1a ok it mon, eitehlow, S0N8 R C Kenner, A. 2 oune, S. paisureesJensen, Nephi from rhe 2 a H. | A. fell |‘ pela Shh = Bowman, Porter, H. Robert Peabody, kins, Charles s eae Carbis, O. W. e |that E. a Dion © M. J. gebretsen, Danitel-:McRea, = L. Dunn, gernes ton, Qicis, A Cromer, quarters last night, and listened to the Stookey, 7 ~'|rapturous words of honeyed wisdom raon, D. » a sone Ene 4 Joseph, , "8 S. j ie a --- ek H. | Has Out- ah mt alt AV. r And Shurtliff, John James, W. | | | a meeting a 1ei¢ o ‘ > . > 5 A visit to our store, a selection from our large assortment of peerless Suits and Overcoats-and there you are, You are in style wherevei you g0, you are sure of good service in the earments, and you have paid somewhere from $15 to $35 for complete satisfaction, Try it. The Gardner repu- Road Power. VV VVV VV GV VVVAV GS NANA ANH NV VH HAV NAAA MNANANAAA o whose ects \ "ft ' the A cut no fig- may Clothes The ‘ of grown Equipment and 4% ‘ ure finally, but the first impres- 4 sion is always produced by the 4 way he is dressed, It is as easy to dress well and the Interest in Mon- day's convention Is growing REPUBLICAN ‘Chief Sheets has made it a bsolutethe on walk to syne o safe y . Men Whose Names Have Been Linked Dee cs night," Pecan oe offic jal Yet "abnormality." the for Ticket. | apologist With Nominations on County deals hard mighty are some there promcomprises list following The MATERTAL. Business 2 in Clothes his by first At li It's From MAKING CHANGES DISCOVERY DI RY Vong tas DrR.PIERCES GOLDE / 9 % | | 6, 1906. RIO GRANDE 1S 4 4 4 ; f 9 fy g i all a S OW appearing @re ticket county Dvery day, -__-_-_-_--. -__ , B 4 ‘ OCTOBER f . - a ~; [oe | | The candidates for places on the Re- sublican Ada C. H. by pre- | night was last ocednk sided over SSS: ° of crops raising been had interesting some gave Weir only not him showed that pools on law the of violator be to. him. ahOwen but unis ee con- | in sit to unqualified ibsolutely engaged busily oe h it is now ner that at aimed legislation sting Mr. Weir testified that Be nie evil agreed and plant his down shut Ee which not to ship for a consideration, One.) Page From (Continued He trial the during named not was _ rere epee salt another with into a pool entered s own by and company He has accomplished | producing work. campaign of matter a now is which timony, B of the Soctalist forces the organization in this state aor an active and vigor-!court record, was shown to be a viopools and trust laws lator of the Utah ous campailg SATURDAY, UTAH, CITY oso - the | which upon Garfield, near lands LAKE s company. Mr. salt, | teetimony BUY AMERIKEARNS SALT . NASSANSSSSSSASSSSNSAS , REPUBLICAN, THE - ‘\ sea ett - 2 2 for eee perm ami ahataraien ee ‘ Ol 'SordtJines s pounds Rolled Oats ............ aaas aGuewabekene SS te5| . : 2) Fresh Cauliflower, 3 pounds .......$ .25 Cabbage, pound oe Ce eee «20 : pounds Sweet Potatoes . : vo ah Potatoes, peck .10 25 ...--- 10} 10 n} 0 | eae | 10 | 1) iD .25 25 02 1 { cans Baked Beans pounds Navy Beans Bis pounds Rice ..0..c.ceiercepese 33 pOUNAS. SAGO i...--. es veneessecenes pounds Tapioca ~~ Hubbard Squash, 1c cand ............ 15 226 SOAP SPECIAL 36.) oe sn Sra JAE OP BCIAL. $5 5 Se7 Sable ees id a. : = 25) 10 Mickel oe oe 25 3 pounds Macaroni .3 pounds Lima Beans ....----screrees 3-Salt' Mackerel .......... 25 25 25 7 SEO oll Herrings: 2. ..ctsecee Keg Holland Herrings cocuby . quart Kraut, Sauer Ne " 5 lor .. Pickles, Dill New We 25) 2-pound 25| 3-pound. .10}5-pound 10° 10-pound Ind. Phone, 2509. cun save : reli Na ¢ha pap. scegscocanen sey -<o els APU Neco ceeds tansasedpnecetee - LARD SPECIAL. you Brick Lard eedecessw $ 425 pall Lard... -<ceeevenne eden 40 6D etvessgae, ........ patil Lard 1.25 ......-..... Lard. pail money. Bell Phone, 2. 74 WEST FIRST SOUTH STREET take an_ honest pride in our clothing, and you may be sure that we won't let you have anything that isn't just right. How about a Hat, Shirt, Collar, Tie, Underwear, Gloves, etc., etc. REMEMBER If it's from Bar- ton's, it's right. BARTON & CO. Clothiers to Men and Boys 45-47 MAIN ST. |