Show O. O News Notes II a CI to Lip in Utah MYTON The MYTON-The The week beginning April 9 II Is 11 the date set let for the opening of the Antelope sheep shearing plant which i fa located eight miles west of My Myton ton U It Is 11 expected that head of sheep will be handled this season leason Ed Christenson Chris Chris- tenson of will supervise the work which Involves about fifty men and several trucks to handle the wool to Price The shearing season covers about six weeks BRIGHAM CITY The CITY The new armory and community center building was formally forma opened and dedicated here by an elaborate and fitting program pro pro- gram Iram which prominent state and tary officials with local officials and I citizens participated I LOGAN Survey LOGAN Survey of the snow cover la in Spring Hollow and on Mt Logan made by the Utah experiment station on March 31 results of which were announced shows a normal during March of about 10 Inches of water This however did not overcome over come the deficiency of snow on March 1 and as a result the snow cover on April 1 Is considerably below that of ofa ofa a year ago On April 1 I 1927 there was about 41 Inches of water at feet elevation This year ear there Is only Inches Salt Lake Lake Clearing Clearing skies and rising temperatures were following on one more real taste of snow which rode rooe into Salt Lake with a brisk gale The snowfall of from three to five Inches which had dampened cleanup campaign ardor for a brief spell was rapidly melting and before nightfall It was practically gone on the lower levels SPRINGVILLE Opening of the seventh sev annual national art exhibit was formally observed here In the Spring high school auditorium Dr Franklin S. S Harris president of the Young university was the principal speaker at the exercises Hundreds passed through tha halls during the afternoons afternoon's presentation of nationally known artists artists' works and favorable comment was heard LOGAN LOGAN According According to C. C 7 Z Harris Richmond dairyman plans are rapidly progressing for the annual black and white day at Richmond which has been set for May 4 4 Considerable Interest In fn terest Is developing among the dairymen dairy men of the county that are Intending to have their herds represented In the big event MANTI MANTI-A MANTI A car of dairy cattle from Cache county was unloaded In Sanpete recently There were two forty head of animals In the consignment which were purchased for In the shipment ship ment there were twelve grade calves at total cost of a registered calf 75 twenty grade heifers springing heifers springing bred and yearlings 1717 two registered registered regis regis- heifers five young cows COWl and two young bulls OGDEN Utah Utah canneries packed 2 2 cases of tomatoes pe peas s and products In 1927 making the second largest pack in the history of Utah canning the Utah Canners Canners' association association as as- announced The pack of 1923 1925 of over three and one half million lon 1927 total In 19 G the canners packed cases was the only one to surpass the cases of tomatoes and cases of peas Forty canneries were la In operation PRICE That PRICE That the basin is IB Interested in the proposed highway from Price to Vernal via Nine Mile was the word brought to Price by H. H D. D Ford general manager of the Raven Raven Ra Ra- ven corporation who In company company com com- pany with Superintendent P. P H. H Stephenson Ste Ste- and Mine Foreman E. E G O. O Gurr of the company was In Price on com com- business A. A T. T Burton Durton a good good- roads advocate from Vernal was with the party and he said the suggestion would receive the undivided support of or county OGDEN Twenty one Twenty one members of the Weber County Fish and Game Protective Protective Pro Pro- association went to Spring creek In Ogden valley vaHey and built troughs to divert water waler Into the fish retaining ponds of the association The ponds are now capable of holding balding fish E. E L. L Ford ord president of the association said Ponds in Spring creek Itself also have been built with witha a capacity for trout GUNNISON In In the Gunnison district district dis dis- I this year farmers will Increase In every line with several everal hundred acres turned to cauliflower growing an Industry moving rapidly to overtake celery growing In the state VERNAL One One of the severest windstorms wind wind- storms In many years yeara Vernal and Ashley valley recently the tho gale galo reaching Its height JUt just after the schools had been dismissed for the tho noon hour recess Many pupils found It difficult to return for the afternoon classes as aR the high school Is located In the western end eOll of Vernal an and l the gale was as blowing from the west MANTI MANTI Last week saw the tho first eggs go ga through Sanpete's grading plant at Mantl Manager J K Jensen has the old box bax factory building in supplies A new 1 2 1 ton truck 1 Is shape for tor handling the eggs and f fond 1 now lOW on hand It Is la painted white with oM lettering signs on each side Ride Milk White Eggs A carload of of feeds has bas arrived and has been un un- loaded PROVO VHO O Industrial surveys show that many Utah towns and cities cilles havo havn completed plans for street Improvements with miles of sidewalk ind pavements for InS 1928 |