Show THE TILE IRON COUNTY RECORD ROLLO SONS PUBLISHERS Entered Entered as Second Class Mail Matter in Cedar City Utah December Do De- e cember 1893 under the Act of Congress March 3 1879 i SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dale nb year Strictly in Advance t-J t Months jt ti 1 00 Three fee Months 1095 DOOR 4 SEDAN P. P O. O H B. B DETROIT first I More horsepower per pound than any other car in its class gives bins the Victory an advantage which its rivals simply cannot hope to compete com com- pete with It leads off ofT first and holds bolds its lead lead lead-a. a en the hills reached all aU are attempts to h fo i e Victory abruptly end 1 I Rakish rugged roomy roomy and and the fastest as test car in its iu class Drive it and prove it iii Cedar Motors Co Cedar City Utah BY Bv DonsE- DonsE BROTHERS ALSO Tilt TILE STANDARD SIX 1875 7 10 O 0 AND ANnJ 1 Hf ill St SI SI SIX X 1570 TO 1770 L lEA Medical Bill 1 K KILLED ILL E D DIN IN CONGRESS i coul AT A MEETING of the State Chiropractors held recently it was eras announced that the called so-called Basic Science fill Bill introduced in Congress Congre s by Senator Cope Cope- janu lanu of 01 New York and opposed by the Chiropractors of the entire entire entire en en- tire country had died in com com- HE CHIROPRACTORS charged T THE that the Copeland Bill Dill which had the active support of the District of Columbia Medical Society and in which the medical profession in general was interested was designed design design- ed to kill the practice of Chiropractic in the District of Columbia and to obtain th the endorsement of the Congress Congress Con Con- gress gres of the United States to Basic Science legislation so as to enable the Medical Associations in the various van vari Gus ous states to pass similar laws The Chiropractors of the entire country and their following petitioned their Senators and Representatives requesting defeat of the measure COPELA COPELAND D ADMITS DEFEAT At a recent hearing before the Senate District Committee Senator Copeland pronounced the bill as dead and bitterly charged the Chiropractors tors with being responsible for its death eath The supporters of Chiropractic have become thoroughly aroused over o the desperate and extreme efforts being put forth by organized medicine to stamp out the practice of Chiropractic arid and other drugless methods JUDGE N N. N I aH H. H TANNER in Court procedure of Salt Lake Cit City h has S' S this to say in regard to the Science of Chiropractic Chiropractic is II a definite science for healing the sick recognized by the laws of Utah and its practitioners must be licen licensed to practice and in law it stands stands' on an equal footing with the medical science Dr Albert E. E Sargent Lic Licensed Chiropractor Office Phone Phone of or Cedar City Residence Residence Member State and American Chiropractic Associations Specializes in NERVOUS AILMENTS has been instrumental in restoring many seemingly hopeless cases to good h health alth and who stands for the basic truth ustice and desires to cooperate with an any science for the relief of suffering humanity is the man with a principle T RC il ENT AND INFLUENTIAL P I CITIZENS of Cedar City A and surrounding towns have investigated in investigated In in- for themselves and are well pleased with results obtained under his hands with this modern science WHY NOT OT YOU YOm i The best that can be had hall in Natures Nature s r m method cf STIMULATING and make mak- r ir ing YOUR BODY nODY feel a NEW v z THRILL of LIFE and ENERGY i is s sa knocking nt at your door Let this thi a SO SOMETHING enter YOUR being an and d thus experience joy and happiness Keeping Keepin physically fit ALL the time tim e should be the slogan of everyone e II HEADACHES EA BACKACHES ES GONE ALL I FEELING G Gare are symptoms and warnings of further furth er trouble Ate Ale you ou eating JUST th the e I proper food the body needs for Cor th the e I various chemical elements of which eh h it is composed Food for thought Dr Sargent is a citizen of Cedar City has a home and family a n tax payer paye r and intends intends making Cedar City his permanent place of abode also desires desire to give support for the advancement of good of the community in which he lives IT HAS BEEN SAID that IGNORANCE IGNORANCE ANCE and GOSSIP IDLE GO SIP keeps humanity humanity humanity hu hu- manity from progressing Just call calland calland calland and investigate m my my method method and know for yourself Chiropractic WILL do in YOUR particular r case REMEMBER THIS THIS Nature Nature demands TIME to restore the nervous tissue to a healthy condition just condition just a word to the conservative thinker Sick Friend Friend Im Im I'm talking to you 7 o Lead in Value mop f Hudson's Hudsons H d ont ini fin fini P I ci e HUDSON NEW V PRICES e HUDSON leadership of mode extends t to every detail and marks a new Hudson liS-I liS nc aa supremacy as definite its C Coupe through h the as mechanical dom dome 1265 1125 u Super Six principle and its Stat 30 tan companion invention which v h. h h Sedan IC set today's s stand 1325 ard and for tor Coach or motor I J 1250 E Every ry item of finish construction inch and equip equip- Standard Sedan 1450 chassis ment expresses value as tangibly a. a as its great Custom qualities Come and Victoria examine the 1650 new Custom Landau Sedan 1650 Super They will give you an entirely ly fresh view of Custom 7 Pass Sedan motor values All war I. I acie w b. b a oIt Ii 1950 Buyer can pay fur for fo ears cart 0 out of income at aC lowest available charge charr for interest Jf handling and insurance nce If HUDSON H ll U toS f N 1 Super Six SU er O M s t Sa Kopps Kopp's Garage GarageS SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW NO 10 oto 0 Seeding Time Now For wheat oats barley barly rye etc G your seed at I. I E. E RIDDLE CO Adv |