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Show THE DIXIE NEWS LOCAL COLUMN u The basket-ba- ll every evening. get more for your etc? team practices D The Freshman class intends to hold a party every month. $$$ at K handWhy the crowing, the of ribbons, shaking, the wearing D The G. H. C. club is in action. Members are being initiated. I. &E. TOGGERY D Finley Judd spent the week end at his home in La Verkin. Mr. St. George Drug Co. 1 Jv?i R? D Drugs, Dry Goods School Supplies Kodaks & Supplies Mr. Lamond the week end Hurricane. Fountain Pens D 0. Bentley has been Snows classes for Miss teaching two the past days. Mr. W. Quality Goods. Prices Right tSUMsSsi D HH!lHS!Ms;'SlwK!!KiIS)!3SllSls:Ss!ls!SiSISllS'g Miss Alice Pendleton entertained the Rota Beta girls at her Arrowhead Barber Shop home Monday, October 20. W. N, GRAY, PROP. D Barber Line. Hair Bobbing, Special in practical use I1 Put to of thrift studies your 0 and economy and buy where you can buy to the best advantage. 0 Nelson Merc. Co. g M. Higgins, Prop. Methods E H i E. D. Seegmiller Fast. A costume party was held at the home of Miss Ida Wallis, Thursday, October 30. Cake and fruit was served for refreshments and everyone enjoyed a good time. Deliver Orders. We We will Appreciate Your Business 0 l00S!SllS'SJ00iS!llil000illSlSSS00!itSllllllilS00000!gg5:gjggs. 0 0000t0!00gl01JlS10l0Iil!ligEEa0aiSS0S0ES00aSEg!gisS5 0 0 0 TOE PRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE NOTIONS line of The most GENTS HATS, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, TIES, SHOES, SWEATERS, OVERCOATS In every line for men we are up to the minute. Ready-to-weline, we carry all you wish to wear, both in Silk and Lisle, Woo, Cotton, or Mixed Call and See Our Line Before Buying In the Ladies Gas and Oil Racine Tires ( Tourists Guides 1 Whiteheads Judds General Merchandise g a & Cafe W. H. PRINCE. PROP'J Ice Cream, Soft Drinks Meals & Light Lunches We aim to please and appreciate your patronage jgj a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 jgj y 0 0 fa 0, 00 IX jgj w a I0 EE.HE g KlE K X a a a aia'a,afafala.jTa! r- - aaa a'1? k, 0 E a a'xun a in? ' if Everything. J Our First la Consideration, Service fa la a' a a a' a' a a" aaaa a1 a. i i I a a a, a. a aja. a a f aj a" s0 ;; a, j? ' g D. C. WATSON, PROP. School Supplies High Class line of Toilet Articles, Kodaks and Films .ajSgg'ggga.KS 00000ES00las Pickett Lumber Co. i Dealers in Lumber, Shingles, Flooring, Roofing, Moulding, Windows, Doors, Screens, Paint, Oil, etc. D 00 00000 f lKgggg;g!gggggg;ggggggggggi:K;;:3 0000igggg;gi:ggJg(gjgg(gP(giggSgigg;gggg1!gg:gggg E. B. Snow Furniture Co. Everything to Furnish the House from Stoves to Carpets .0H00i!II;g!ggjg;gjlglgiggjggjg,gjg.g(gg,-g,gg,gg-ig&aaK.as'3l- aEg!g!igjggggg!5gg!gjgii:gg.g!g(1g.!gjg,gig,!gg.gggAE)SJaaggg 0 1 SOUTHERN UTAH TELEPHONE GO. Connects with Mountain States Telephone Co. & Western Union Telegraph Company I I 5 j I ct l0030aaaggi!ggiggig1awg-s,Si-gi5.?515,),gigigta-g,;g1?g-g-gai:sj- s 0 1 Dixie Auto Company Our Workmen Are Efficient and our Rebair Work Stands the Test. Bring your car to us when needs attention. K Electricity For l i 000gggggKir Dixie Drug Company Supplies and parts ct r t g g I 0 1 Also Gents Clothing Kj.iX M S Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. D gja! 0 0 Albert Herman S I K I K 0 k 1 Bills Service I Station a a a a gla!taaa, g S ig The Bank of the People Open an Account and Begin to Save exercising her Leap 000000 Year privilege, she determined 00 to make one more effort. John, 0000S033ggai;a! 00000000030000300000000000 058 3 Bank of St. George Before Mr. James S. Gregerson, a forMinature World Court 1 mer graduate of this school will I I graduate from the U. of U. next History students might be inspring from Business Law and is terested in knowing that recentm taking with his law course the ly in Evanston, 111., a minature world court held. teaching of this subject. 00000 An English bulldog, owned by D gg I A masquerade party was giv- a Swede, attacked a Chinese en Thursday evening, October chow owned by a German. A 30, at the home of Bessie Atkin. A police officer (originally from The party showed the results of Luxemberg) made the arrest, some very careful planning and and an Irish attorney prosecuted everyone seemed to have a jolly the case before an Austrian-bor- n Where you get the justice of the peace. The good time. D was fined five Ameridefendant 0 Right Kind of Service 1& 0 can dollars introThe when it was estabwas Club Dramatic 0H 0 duced to the Student Body in lished that the bulldog was not Devotional in four one-aplays. muzzled. A Pennsylvania Dutch 00000' four They represented nursery reporter chronicled proceedings. S 1 had a little Mary rhymes: How much easier our work lamb Little Jackie Horner; Prince & Miles Little Miss Muffet; and Sing would be if we put forth as a Song of Sixpense. Their tal- much effort trying to improve 1 Barber Shop ent wras well displayed. the quality of it as most of us do D trying to find excuses for not Where Your i! Last Newel Sunday evening properly attending to it. Purse is Resoected. I Frei, Bessie Atkin, Grace Starr, Si 0 Annie Linder, and V era SeegmilS S jf 00 g g 000 00 003 0 00 ler Fourteen, the one-arepresented the Public Serplay a a lx, .a alt a a a If lx ia'a Iflfa, a a' lx a vice Bureau at Santa Clara. Mr. recently presented by the Sophoa la al Karl Snow mores, was staged in Hurricane transported them. ii D Saturday as part of the Stake j Washington County Mr. Pickett took the following Mutual activities. students to Washington Sunday D Hospital J Verna Cox, Howard Miller, evening : Wayne Gardner, Mary Skilled Physicians g Graham, Lafayette Staheli, Edith Harris, Elvis Terry and and Surgeons, ; Gertrude Fawcett, and Melba Wendell Robinson were among 4 Gaod Nurses, Woodbury. They furnished the the Dixie group that participata Best of Attention. numbers in the conjoint Mutual ed in the meeting Sunday evening at St. George. K0000 07: 0007; a 0 a :: 00 0:; a a 7:0 07: 0 program. feisaasssisiiSBBiSSHiiiissssiiisaaa 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0P 0 j pop-cor- The place for Real Merchandise at reasonable prices a Goods are Good Prices are Right 0. K. Bakery ar CHARLES F. FOSTER, Prop. gg 13 KHLS For Cash: We carry the Best there is to buy at reasonable prices in (XL D she said, Why dont you propose? a aa D a Somehow somehow I cant a samsaasssssnsHBasssaMsi a of Several the Dramatic girls bring myself to it, Rachel, he giiaasaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Club met of home Miss at the blurted. lKi0!gaggagigilis;sgigjgigggggg 0 Helen Woodbury a 1 Wednesday Its only a short sentence, n to make to John. balls night 1 be sold at the matinee dance Yes, but its a sentence for Thos. Store (j life. Thursday afternoon. 1 SERVICE COUNTS w D Auto Accessory Shop Meats, Groceries, and Produce. Right Prices. U $55,000.00 i0g0000000S000E00000000a3!.SRliS Sanitory and Antiseptic a aas aa aa Capital and Surplus D eye-bro- DIXIE BARBER SHOP John SAINT GEORGE, UTAH 'ajlgggggggg00S6U0gggggl.Ksi5-- 5!Eggg0000 a DIXIE STOCK GROWERS RANK l0g0000SS0000000000000000000001gI5 Dealers in Meats Produce and Groceries 1 12100000000000 Bryner (in Dramatic What is meant by where Miss Hortense Batty spent the Art)blackbirds the sing the latest? week end at her home in HurriWhere the blackP. Jennie cane. tunes. latest the birds sing D D Several Enterprise students Where is Mr. spent the week end at their First Student, Nicholes? homes. D Hes out Second Student, Rex Frei, a former student of playing chemistry. the D. C., has recently registered D with us. When we get to Niagara, D lets try not to look as dear, Miss Nellie Palmer is attendthough weve just been marriing the Utah Business College in ed. Salt Lake City. Good idea, darling. You D the suitcase. carry Students are still wondering D what was the cause of Joseph Musicks crowing. A grocer says that some peoD ple who buy on time dont seem Miss Geneva Heaton, a former to know when time leaves off student of the Dixie, is attend- and eternity begins. ing the B. A. C. this year. D Miss D A sign in a restaurant, Dont The School Library seems to The teachers who attended be very popular this week, all the Institute in Salt Lake last ask for credit ; you knew yesterchairs are filled at all periods. day that youd have to eat toweek, returned Sunday. D D day. D The students all seem to be Mr. Gordon Blake, a former curious as to why Miss Phillips student of the Dixie College, is Reed Iverson was almost was sporting the green ribbon attending school at Kanab this speechless as he beheld the Wednesday morning. year. Grand Canyon. Isnt it won-D D derful, he cried. A birthday surprise party in Roman Andrus and Cloyd Ill say so, responded Edwin honor of Opal Earl was held at from returned Monday Berry Sandberg. her home Friday night. A very Kanarra where they had been Boy, that was some excavatgood time was reported. deer hunting. ing job. 0 D D D 0 0 Miss Nola Campbell spent the Some of our male students are First student: See that chap 1 week end with Miss Emma getting their features decidedly Woodbury at Hurricane. They twisted. You will find some coming out of the Lab., thats s Brown, our chemistry Professor. 0 attended the dance there Friday with an 0 under their He likes girls, but hes so bash0 night and enjoyed themselves nose. H ful he acts like litmus paper. very much. D How Second is student: .D 0 The Dixie Club at Provo held a 0 President Edward H. Snow party in the Education Building that? 0 First student: when Why, a of classes while number taught of the B. Y. U. There are many hes with a girl he turns pink, the teachers were attending the Dixie students that and when hes alone he gets attending U. E. A. Pres. Snow is a very institution. blue. efficient teacher and the stuij D D dents appreciate his Miss Marva Crosby, a former Advice student of the Dixie College, was To the thin married to Asael Palmer October Dont eat fast. 000000000000000S0000 in make will Junction. 14, fast. They 0 a h To the fat Dont eat. 0 their home in Delta. All work done in the feci Stratton spent at his home in SPARKLETS ' a1 a. a Laj aJ0 0 aj;a a ajg gg 000 0La a 0-- g-- j ix ifirxx k S SS!k (Ji 4x 4x TT t f $ j it j j Washington County Mews s YOUR HOME PAPER S X iK a $2.00 a Year, and Worth a a a, a .a. a a a. a a aaa a It. Subscribe aa a'a Now 'j I a'a0a0 aaa a a aS?s" |