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Show THE DIXIE NEWS G. H. 'e Is activity be an evidence of growth, the G. H. Club is fulfill- 5 :ir.r:, ing its fondest dreams. ipp.: Vl tr. presented a program in Chapel. The program was different, and varied frorrra demonstration of Roberts Rules of Order to the burlesque in debate and piano-loguMiss Lottie Tobler added variety by singing a solo. All members of the club particip- is6:, N ice;; of t e. cf; nt r ' ThI ated in th: Tcev a:,;, the hir, 5U&',; : tr, on iv ge. m o; val'j. is a. ng n. ids tt ufi ' ent that the negative debaters were convinced to the affirmative side of the proposition. Miss Minnie Hafen rendered a modern version of Wearing of It was a piano-logu- e the Green. and not a solo. bui weri to tt; in o; forrj Last week the members partistunts that varied in from displaying artisticness green on various parts of the anatomy, to crowing in public. For cipated in "with- living cans- essh; to delau mach. itation omaJ sugar osition , the ibesij of, H" ill the li tr is t g and with a y dig;;-- two-hundr- body ime are fficien in nii'J-- ; A ant ot b- not the eing rs ' f more th-'- no' are Each e the or 1 to the j organized. m from coirtu hich it' of nh' Hunt- Oct. 22 Dixie College ulty left to attend the teachers convention. PHYSICS LABORATORY IMPROVED gram, presented. Oct. 27 jalifr3; eflect Oct. 28 faculty. develop Sh'v ki'O" to ore, iployee er-1- Oct. 29 at eleven seems Monday A ROYAL OUTING Monday morning the Amitia girls met for the second time Since last several hunthis year. The purpose of the dred dollars spring of valuable worth meeting was to discuss the equipment has been added Ideal Dixie Girl. Miss Bry-ne- to the The the matron of the school, new Physics laboratory. includes a equipment outlined the ideals of the past, set, galvanometer, and their merits of the present. volt meter, weston ammeter, Problems were discussed by erooks tube, resistseveral members of the club and rheostat, ance box, bookcase and r, metor-generat- or cupboard was unanimously concluded. space. To these improvements are to DIXIE DRAMATIC CLUB be added new work tables, which The Dixie Dramatic club added many new members to its ranks Wednesday morning in the Devotional exercises when it held its official initiation. The dramatic , ability of these members was tested in four one-aplays composed from nursery rhymes. The stunts afforded much amusement for the audience and show'ed that the club is alert and intends to keep things going this winter. Its pep was also demonstrated in its success in making and seln balls in the matinee ling dance given Thursday afternoon by the Bureau of Public Service. Dont stand off and watch the club, ye who like dramatics, but join and get in on the fun! ct pop-cor- FRESHMEN CLASS REPORT as The Freshmen and Sophomore classes are going to make the Junior Prom of this year the most successful one held in the history of the school. It has heretofore been given by the Third Years but since the Dixie Normal College has become the Dixie College it will henceforth be taken over by the college classes. Plans are already under way for the Prom, although it is not until April. A group of six composed of three from each class, the president, commissioner of amusements and one other class member, make up the com- mittee. The Freshmen are also preparing for Founders Day. They have selected the style of their caps, and are willing to stand by the faculty and class presidents on their decision of what will be done on that clay. When you get into a tight everything goes place and against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. Stowe. x'x x x x x x x .h The second faculty social of the season, announced the official of authority, will be a week-- ! end outing to Enterprise and be-- ! yond pine nut hunting with the west end of the countv assoc- lation in charge. The entire faculty of the County and the Dixie College are invited. Splendid, every member assented. We'll be there was the voice of general approval, and then a few days later, as always happens somebody began to wonder if such a trip would be desirable and pleasurable, etc., and decided not to go. Another said pine nut gathering would be will be made in the woodwork department of our school ; $200 in new electrical equipment, an independent switch board, the base of which will be a slab of hunting marble which was presented to all right but pine-nFacnot The for them. College the school by the Dixie Stock ulty were legitimately excused Growers Bank. withjustone representative since the class parties which they as NOTES FROM CHEMIS- parental overseers must attend were scheduled for the week TRY DEPARTMENT end ; the teachers in the eastern During the present year much part of the county couldnt get new equipment is being added to there; some of the teachers, even in St. George greeted an the Chemistry Department. weekTwenty nine college students opportunity to spend the so numbers end and at the home, are registered in Inorganic Qualitative and Organic Chemistry. dwindled, but they didnt know These Students are supplied what a splendid party they were with every needed apparatus going to miss. Four p. m. Friday two Fords and general laboratory equipment. and a Chevrolet loaded with About $700. has recently been camp supplies and passengers spent for new material which in- $eft St. George, arriving at Encludes glassware, porcelain ware, terprise at 7 :00 p. m. just as the exbig bonfire on the Enterprise chemicals, a motor-drive- n haust and compression pump, school grounds blazed into light. automatic gas generator for Arriving from St. George were qualitative chemistry, westhal Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hafen, Emily Harmon, Eva Crosby, balance, haemacytometer, electric centri- Lena Nelson, Harold Snow, Tillie Winsor, Mishie Seegmiller, A. A. fuge, and rubber goods. Our chemical library has also Paxman, Iris Stowell, A. K. been strengthened by the .addi- Hafen, Georgiana Roberts and tion of several new and impor- Mabel Jarvis, representing the Woodward School, Dixie College, tant books. Bloomington School and County school office. At Enterprise BOOKS TO BE ADDED were Principal J. R. Fawcett, TO LIBRARY Mabel Terry, Annie Sullivan, Ruth Winsor, Vema Harmon, The new books to be added to Paul Thurston, W. C. Staheli, the library are as follows : and Board Member S. C. Jones These Eventful Years' Two and wife. Greetings were duly Volumes. exchanged, camp rolls and food Ahead boxes Education Moves unpacked, and supper was in soon Smith. progress. From the came the fragrance ovens Science dutch Keeping Up With and song of delicious beef steaks, Edwin E. Slosson. and from the depth of the fire The New Testament Today potatcame the perfectly-bake- d Shailer Matthews. d appetites Landmarks In the History of oes. generously attested the quality Early Christianity. We are very fortunate in hav- of that camp supper and the expertness of the cooks. ing these volumes. After supper a few minutes were devoted to plans for SaturLINEOLUM BOUGHT day then all adjourned to the of the Winsor Confectionary and CabNew inlaid linoleum in laid the aret where dancing was enjoyed best quality has been until 11 p. m. Four guests were room. Science Domestic ut Travel-whette- HK XX. x x X x. x xx. x x I xxx x x x 5 x x xt x "x d, regular sessions have held during the past been not two weeks. But the Club has been active in spite of conditions ; six members appeared in public last Sunday, all others, who are not interested in the scheduled debating and oratoricso rra The two games of the class series, which were to determine Boys and girls meet the champions of the class serafter chapel. ies, were played October Rulon sits with the The first game between the 3rd Years and Sophs was hard 5 The Dramatic Club fought and resulted in a 13-1- 4. noon we came back to camp, enjoyed a good warm dinner and returned at 2 p. m. to our project. Of all the party, only Mr. A. K. Hafen failed to return to lunch, though we could not get him to tell us whether this was because he had satisfied this need with pine nuts or whether the food was less fascinating than the joy of gathering nuts in October. He returned to camp late in the evening with a brimming bucket of nuts. Every member of the party came in with at least a few pounds of the splendid harvest. After appetizing camp supper a program of songs, stories, etc. was enjoyed, then all retired; the call of the pine bough mattresses being more than we could resist. And there we remained until the sun called us out Sunday morning, some having slept overtime, others having enjoyed the marvelous stories of guns, and hunting, both what had been and anticipations for the future, with which Mr. Paxman and Mr. Thurston entertained each other during the silent watches of the night. With almost military swiftness bedding rolls were packed, cars started and the return trip begun. We passed flock after flock of sheep whose shepherds were thrilled with an occasional cheery wave from some fair hand ; and stopped gladly xx x x x r, xxxx ladys to acknowledge the salute de bandana from one of the passengers. Only one shepherd declined to answer pleasantly. The vigorous shake of his head evidencing his objection to such un- due motive on the part of strangers. He has our sympa- 1 1 LZ2 k v rr LU A piping hot breakfast was served at Modena, a pile of well laid tiles serving as the breakfast table. While here one of the lady teachers had her first sight of a train, and was with, difficulty restrained from leaving for the south on the limited stu- BY FACULTY carpets under the trees, waiting for us to gather them in. At thy. contests, are busy preparing for participation in the programs of the Public Seiice Bureau. FINALS IN INTERCLASS state B. B. SERIES WON added to the party, Mr. Call and Mr. Bowler of Ogden, and Mr. Holt and Mr. Truman of Enterprise. the dance some Following sleep was enjoyed until 4:30 a. m. Saturday when the siren called us from dreams to the waiting cars and at 5:00 a. m., right to schedule, in spite of resistance on the part of one Ford, we were merrily meeting the morning breeze, speedily sailing toward the trees, the acres of trees on the borderline, the forests of cedar, spruce and pine. Soon the chauffeurs shouted Modena next, cars were replenished with gas and oil and on we went, caring little for threatening cloud, storm will not worry a jubilant crowd. A sandwich breakfast enroute was heartily enjoyed. Twenty-thre- e miles beyond Modena brought us to the Pine Groves where the big idea of the outing was to he realized. Supplied with small pails and sacks we left the cars in the canyon road and climbed the side of the mountains. Jack Frost had been there ahead of us ; the pine cones were yawning on the trees and the nuts lay scattered on the X al fac- Student body proThree Pills in a Bottle, Oct. 24 separately ent Tim-panog- dents will be invited to join the organization in the near future. CALANDER niahe almost 1 Lorenzo McGregor and LeRoy Condie who were chosen by the district council to attend the Older Scouts Conference at Provo, returned home last Sunday. The boys left Oct. 22, were met in Cedar City by executives Kilburn and Nelson. Thence to Provo. The scouts from various sections of Utah, Arizona, and Nevada were represented at the convention. Assembly was held in the college hall of the B. Y. U. Here the various councils of Utah, Arizona, and Nevada were introduced. Following this the council served the scouts at a Banquet. The prominent themes of the convention were Older Scouts in the School and Older Scouts in the Church. The convention was made very entertaining by parades, swimming, competitive stunts and banquets. All in all the convention was very successful. It is planned that several v s BOY SCOUTS ATTEND CONVENTION ed sustained. teachers The most capable have been chosen, they are trained for the work they are giving. The work is all the same and each student gets the equal chance except that St. George has a larger library and larger laboratories. This year is going to he the biggest success in the history, the athletic and debating clubs are already m A special meeting of male members of the Dixie student body and the faculty was held, Monday, October 27 after the Devotional exercises. The purpose of the meeting .was to consider the eradication of profanity and ungentlemanly conduct. President Jenson and Mr. Nicholes spoke of the effects of such habits and the students participated in a general discussion. The boys of the Dixie desire to conduct themselves as e. lea;' ens AMITIA GIRLS one-hundr- te bo::-- t m MEETING OF THE BOYS HELD the members attempted artfully inveigle people into shaking hands with them, others to buying water, one attempted to wear a black eye and nose, POLICE FORCE some tried to feed off the faculORGANIZED ty and to establish themselves with that said faculty. The police force of the Dixie If the past week be an index to College was organized October future activities, the students 23. Mr. Newel Frei was chosen had better prepare for anything. acting chairman, John McAllistWorthen, Ernest er, Lucile Sullivan and EdGrace Stucki, FACTS CONCERNING as Hunt ward policemen. The THE HIGH SCHOOL law's and regulations of the institution have been enforced within It has been reported that the the past and it is the hope of this Washington County Junior High officers that this . good schools have a large and promisi- years record may be improved. The ng enrollment for this year. present officials are well qualifiThe total enrollment is ed for their positions and will do and seventy, utmost to enforce the regtheir and seventy of which are at St. ulations of the school. They division. George, the largest ask for the support of the stuHurricane, trebling itself in the dents in maintaining the good last has sixty-threyear, standards. Toquerville come third in rank with twenty and Enterprise last with seventeen. The last one THE DIXIE BOOSTERS would not be maintained if it The Dixie Boosters are atwere not for the benefits which to arrange an hour the students derive. Many at- tempting when they may tend that would otherwise have during the day club work. to remain at home if it were not meet for regular to be Some of highly in the program. demonstration of the Rules of Order was in three divisions: The election of officers, temporary and permanent; the conducting of a formal meeting ; and the giving of a vote of appreciation to retiring officers. Joseph Musick presided during the demonstration. The number was highly educational. The question for debate was : Resolved that the student body should support the year book. The affirmative was defended Con-di- e by Mary Miller and LeRoy Ashworth ; the by negative, Thompson and Thelmer Stratton. The method and content was serious and burlesque, it being evidThe 'H 5 Last week each member was initiated and Monday the organization ' e CLUB BUSY S. P. L. A. S. L. Reluctantly we said adieus to i f J A School which teaches that The End of Education and of Industry is Not Profits But LifeA more abundant life. the Enterprise teachers at noon, promising them a pleasurable time when they came to St. InstiGeorge for the tute. We reached St. George at Mid-wint- er Sunday, and found no in trouble convincing those who failed to go that they alone had been the unfortunate ones. Lets make this an annual event. What do you say ? 5 p. m. 19-2- initiates. victory for the Third Years. the fast Oct. 30 Biggest event of The final game won by made was Ihe season Popcorn Ball at the faculty team, which the took Gym. up of old time stars, score. 3 Oct. 31 Third Year Day. long end of a 23-5- Heaven is not always angry when he strikes, But most chastises those whom most he likes. |