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Show nr pww LiG F1 ! UU VOLUME III. 5 ORGANIZATION IS NOW COMPLETED The organization of the Dixie College municipality is now completed. All officers have been appointed, and the various organizations provided for in the Constitution are now operative. The Board of Representatives has already begun its plans and the Executive Council is prepared to enforce the school regulations. The recently elected student officers met Tuesday, Oct. 7, and the appointive positions provided for in the Constitution. filled The following officers were chos- Margaret Savage, editor of the Dixie News; Gertrude McGregor, editor of the yearbook; Marion Snow, advertising manager; Caddie Andrus, commissioner of finance; Phil Smith, yell master; Howard Miller and Newel Frei, members of the Executive Council. The Faculty representation to the Board of Representatives consists of President E. M. Jenson and Karl N. Snow. Both of these members officiated in the same capacity last year and proved their power of cooperation with the student-interesof the school. The Faculty is represented in the Executive Council by B. Glen Smith and H. Val Hafen. Mr. Smith officiated as a representative to this council last year ; Mr. Hafen has had wide experience in the work of the council his work in other through schools. This roster of officers is the that the evident guarantee school year will be a success. They have all been selected because of special fitness for the work. Several of the appointed student officials have acted in en NUMBER 2. DIXIE COLLEGE, SAINT GEORGE, UTAH, OCTOBER 21, 1924 : ts 4 5 A REAL OPPORTUN- ITY FOR STUDENTS fr RARE BOOKS ARE The Most Essential Part Of an Education The American Chemical Society plans to conduct a prize essay contest during the years 1924-2The purpose of the contest is to instil interest and appreciation in chemistry and a realization of its importance. It will be in two divisions, high school and college. The prizes are $1000.00 for the six best college essays submitted in the nation, and six scholarships to Yale or Vassar College for the six best high school essays. The scholarships include tuition fees and $500.00 annually for. four years. In addition to the national prizes, the six best essays of each state will receive $20.00 in gold ; the six next highest of merit, certificates of honorable 5. The most essential part of the education of a person is to learn to do things for himself. The beginings of character consist in the disposition and the ability to wait on oneself. This is also the essence of democracy. It is also the gist of the religion of Jesus. The first symptom of the downfall of the soul is the feeling of a necessity of being waited upon. For the original sin is the desire to rule and the original virtue is the wish to serve. People do not understand the real inwardness When the of the temptation in the wilderness. devil took Jesus up into a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, he was appealing to the wickedest thing in human nature, that which has caused most of its unhappiness, the lust for ruling. No man ever had that wish gratified except in proportion as he fell down and worshipped the devil. The Savior of the world came to serve, not to rule it. And so does every good man. Selected. mention. According to regulations a special knowledge of chemistry not a requirement for entrance. All students who are bona fide members of a recognized school are eligible. The ' : : 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. essays for the college are not to exceed 5000 words and for the A PUBLIC SERVICE BUREAU GOVERNOR MABEY VISITS high school not more than 2,500. SOUTHERN UTAH ORGANIZED This contest closes March 1, 1925. The subjects to be written on are: 1 The Relation of Chemistry to Health and Disease. 2 The Relation of Chemistry to the Enrichment of Life. 3 The Relation of Chemistry to Agriculture or Forestry. 4 The Relation of Chemistry to National Defense. The Relation of Chemistry to the Home. 6 The Relation of Chemistry to the Development of an Industry or a Resource of the two-fol- The annual interclass basketthe most distinctive is ball series began Monday, Oct. features of the College library on 13. Each class and the faculty books choice of collection the Western history. It is already entered a team, making a total probably as complete as any of seven. The contest has been other in the state. Many of the spirited and has brought much volumes are no longer in print, new material into prominence. but are valuable source records The race has been close ; Friday of western explorations and there were three undefeated settlement. They were secured teams in the field, the faculty, from a private library that had sophs and third years. The been collected for value. The competition closes this week. The score to date includes: College aims to add to this library both local and general Monday Freshmen vs. Second Third Years vs. Years 24-Western historical records. 31-Years First this In harmony with policy, vs. Fourth the following books have just Tuesday Sophs vs. Years Faculty been purchased. First Years Heroes of Discovery in AmerWednesday Third Years vs. ica Charles Moris. Second Freshmen Pathfinders of the West A. Years vs. Fourth Years C. Laut. The Great Salt Lake Trail Thursday Sophs vs. Freshmen One of 7. 0. 24-1- - n. e. tena-tivel- 5. accom-painme- ex-ji- 1 nt 3. 52-2- 3. 23-1- 9. 21-1- Inman. The Overland Stage to California Root and Connell. Pioneer Days of Oregon History (2 vol.) Clarke. Rocky Mountain Adventures Edwin Bryant. Rocky Mountain Life Rufus B. Sage. The River of the West Vic- 21-1- 0. 2. Mr. Whitehead claims that from the type of playing displayed in the series, it is inevitable that Dixie will take the Southern Division and will make a splendid showing at the state, if not win first place. BOOKS OFFERED tor. Three books are offered as awards to the students who R. C. Thwaites. Romance of the Colorado write the best essays in the con-teto be held under the direcRiver Dellenbaugh. of the Washington County tion Astoria Irving. C. Abbott. Library. The contest will be Kit Carson J. S. conducted in three divisions Mountains Massacres of the one among the students of the J. P. Dunn, Jr. seventh and eighth grades, one Ocean from The Pathbreakers to Ocean Hebard. among the high school students, Pioneers of the Rocky Moun- and one among the college students. The closing date is Nov. tains and the West C. A. Rocky Mountain Explorations st : talent throughout the country. Programs of music, readings, one-aplays, and speeches are being prepared. They will be placed at the services of the The Last American Frontier civic and ward organizations in Frederic Paxman. This the various communities. United States. Territorial Acquisition of the bureau is to be The reference books which United States Bicknell. of and exists for the purpose their present positions before Tour Beyond An may be used for preparation are Exploring giving service. The Board of Representative in our library. They are : Bicknell. Mountains the Rocky the organAt the present time Slos-sois the legislative body of the Creative Chemistry Lewis of The BoostExplorations Dixie ization includes the school. Upon it and the officers and Clarke (2 Vol.) Thwaite. representing the public Vallery-Rado- t. ers, Life of Pastuer appointed to the special positions Journal of Lewis and Clarke ; the D. C. speaking department devolves the leadership of the Expedition (1 Vol.) Gass. C. Music club and the Dramatic his coming. Lafe-buri out lead must Rhine school. of the Riddle AudiChief Episodes in the History They At 8:00 in the College Art club. Ways and methods all its activities. held. of was Utah Young. of financing the bureau are now torium a political rally The Executive Committee is books form a valuable a These delivered Discovery, The Spirit and Governor Mabey being planned. the law enforcing body. It is Service of Science Gregory. of references on the source address. The first meetings will be held splendid and the great safeguard of public in Future Independence Western history for the study of week in nearby communiterests and the school standards. Progress of American Medicine this of this section the development THREE PILLS IN A BOTTLE ties. It is the friend of the weak stu- in the Age of Chemistry By a The collection of the country. Any organization wishing the COMING dent and the representative of Committee of American Sciennot on the be could purchased services of this bureau should Colthe strong. Its success depends tists. and the market today open write to President E. M. Jenson, The first one act play of the forconsideres itself upon a united public support. The Dixie College is planning very lege stating the nature of the pro- series to be given by the Drama- tunate in to it. able secure being a system whereby students may this year gram, the occasion, and the probaid for this con- able date for the entertainment. tic Art Department receive special ALUMNI PLAN LOCAL was presented Monday morning test. Further details will be will be presented Monday mornThe elementary school teachORGANIZATION printed later. OPERA SELECTED the in following ers of the county have united to Chapel, by ing : officcast furnish entertainment to all It is the purpose of the will be Two Vagabonds The Graff Arvilla Alumni Little teachers of the county. The Boy ers of the Dixie College TEACHERS TO ATTEND Music Old the winter this by Church Roma staged Dixie a first entertainment was in EnterLady association to establish CONVENTION direction Old Man the under Atkin Bessie department, where club in every community prise last week end in the form W. McAllister. Old Mans Soul Mr. of Lamb Joseph Thora alumni of a camping trip. Outdoor more there are two or y of the faculty mem- Some of the cast have been Several Nelson Irma Grinder Scissors cooking, bonfires and hikes made The purpose of these organiza and work on the Scissors Grinders Soul will leave Wednesday to atselected bers Dixie the outing a very interesting the alive tions is to keep tend the Church Teachers Con- chorus numbers will begin soon. Harris Edith and students old enjoyable one. This is the her spirit among is a heavy, comic vention and U. E. A. in Salt This is drama of opera the in The theme of three parties to be held felt first that make and to spirit Lake City, October 23, 1924-2It has in it many that a childs touch brings sun- for the teachers in different secproduction. the community. These teachers will represent brilliant solos, duets, and chorus shine and happiness. It is de- tions of the county. The strength of any school i Dixie interests in the var- numbers. The music picted by the childs giving the determined somewhat by the the back aried. and and is ious brilliant bring departments three magic pills to the different altitude of its graduates. The convenwill of the Biggest Ball of the Season this for opera the talent The messages characters of the play, bringing best feel the can College October 31. comm&tions. include the male and the ladies health and happiness of all in- sirength through a compact effiAmong the teachers who will choruses, the general chorus, cient organization. But such a MBs and the private students. An peetecl that these concerts will! jeith Seegmiller is in town association may prove to be of attend the convention are members stimulate an interest in music visiting. eieat social value to their Phillips, Mr. Homer, Mr. Smith, orchestra of twenty and provide opportunities forthe Mr. McAllister, Mr. K. N. Snow, will play the accompaniment. members. is also development of students. And volved. The music department Mr. Reid and Pres. Jenson. The dramatic art work is beat the same time it will provide concert of a series Arrangements have already planning Lost during the week 52 to be given in St. opportunities for the communit-Georg- e ing conducted as a workshop. Fumtain Pens 23 pair of scis-- 1 been made for the conducting of numbersand the various other ies to discover what the College ei ch problem for study being sock with a the regular classes, so school sors and a right-foo- t prepared for production. doing. southern Utah towns. It is s garter attached (Oliver Graf). will continue as usual. ct SERIES IS HELD ADDED TO LIBRARY Charles R. Mabey, candidate for Governor and John Holden, candidate for State Auditor on the Republican ticket visited southern Utah on a political tour. The party was met at Echo Farm by H. T. Atkin, J. W. Prince and others. They escorted the Governor to Toquerville, where he delivered an address. At Virgin City lunch was served and the Governor and party visited the Virgin oil wells. They returned via Hurricane where a political meeting was held, and then they proceeded to Washington. Llere the party was met by a company from St. George. A short program was rendered and then the Governor and party was escorted to St. George where the band heralded Governor A public service bureau is beColing organized at The Dixie dethe lege. It is sponsored by partment of music, dramatics, This and speaking. public d a purpose : bureau has an to furnish opportunity for students and of the development to make available the College B.B. INTER-CLAS- S Mc-Murr- y. 17. The subjects are different for each of the three divisions of the contest. The topic for the grade students is : The value of the Library to Me ; for the high school students, The Library and the Community; for the college, The Value of the Reading Habit. The length of the theme may be between five hundred and a thousand words. The points of judgment will be the quality and originality of the thought contest, and general merits of the composition. The contest is intended to afford an opportunty for taking an inventory of the value of books, of the library, and of the reading habit. Contestants may begin their preparation any time. Among the students who are at the U are: Glenn E. Snow, Raymond Miles, Frank Crosby who is president of the U Hiking Club, Merrill Sandberg, Maurine Katherine Miles, Whipple, George Miles and George Miller, Senior judge of the U. are fast becoming a toothless generation. Young mothers, are you willing to pay the price of good teeth for your children? A course in nutrition We will tell you how to produce Adv. teeth that will not decay. The first chapel exercises at the B. A. C. was held October 1. Director J. H. Maughan spoke on the drift of the population to the cities. Do you wish to be well fed, Undents? Get your mother to join the nutrition class. |