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Show - 4. HOUSE CALENDAR Wednesday. Feb. ?. Thirty-first Day. BILLS INTROOUCtO. n, B 114, I'ougia.s lrovldlng for : pimiPhment of persons faUel. Imper--..M:itlnjt another. To Judicial n com- 1 mltrae, H. B. 115. Bosweit Amending acl ereatlne state necuritles commMSlon, To .-fitiH.ii",., on mines and smelting. I M. B. llfi. Swenson ItelatlnK to annuo! an-nuo! salaries ol count: officers. To : Judiciary omm,' i, ft. B 117, Thome -Relating to nale of infi-eied irultx. To committee on ! agriculture U. J. H. 3. HowellssProposIng con-, con-, stltutlonal amendment relating to taxation tax-ation oi rnet.illierouK mlnen To committee on revenue and taxation. ACTION ON BILLS. II -I It 1 Henderson In memorlam of late John than lei Henrle Kn- e... 1 1 .i ii-tn 1 1 1 , I to famllv S. I'. I rvt.-rs -l:,.R()i"irt lonment. Qlven flrn reading anil referred to null, lary committee ll. B. S7. A W. Iforrlson Relating 1 to who may rote nt lnnd elections, j Reported unfavorably, given txecond reading and placed on calendar. S. B IS. T-libs Relating in u-pen j sion and liquidation of banks. Motlor j for reconsideration leal and bill trans- . ! mined to senate a amended. I II. B. Mi. touglas Authorizing! ; county commissioners to lav out air- plane landing fields. Passed. Ayes 40, ali'rni T. II. B. s6. A W. Morrison Relating I i to amendment of gambling laws, t'n-. t'n-. favorable report adopted an-l bill kill- I ed It B. II, Win, pr Authorizing eonn- ty commissioners to provide for construction con-struction of walks and sewers. Unfavorable Un-favorable report adopted and bill kill ed. 1 it. B Qulnnfs -Relating u en j trance arid tuition feeK at Slate An- j , ricultural college. rased. ayd -12. rnays 3. absent " in it. ii. (julnney ReUttlng to I eourxeji of stud) at University ofl ! I 'tali. Passed, aves 40. absent ; H. B. 4.'! giifnney Relating to entrsnce ani (union foes at (Jnlversl- ty of t'tah. Passed; ayes 41, al-i al-i sent 6. H. B. 45, Qulnney Relating to; courses of ntudv at State Agricultural college. Pa.--e. h i s i absent 4. |