OCR Text |
Show 1 r.v ' " 'T I U ,,-,rk bang;.!; k : - ?'1ktn nil, -nr Sperry n"' P. (nun"- n I F ' I i r7. " "'" 1 ' l r ,:: 7T7T7. I ' ? i- t r " f I pckI - 'X a or L "T7 I , ,', " " c'.'ing '-. ? ft."'M0.n in : ' iT, en- rTil ai Sta. ; V.x-::- - fourth 1 yr-LT I.. ' i t r.ni nlocpl' I itt 3eeb funii hed suite oi I 6 Wild front room, references 1 i:i Madison. Phone 1827 T lor r ni ' . Sg RED room;! PrlvaTe I"""' 1 fartm clOK In, Irontn g ' I!.- :-''! '.'-I- ii " 1 1 1 '" L - ; - ur--h.il ! ''"'' Bttnt'! ;-. uc.v A-. i T Efcj pxrn modern I HT-tnty f..u.-t ' I W- V '-r ' - . T m Bu: si- BMpiKt. SS4C AdHms ftf.nuv ptiiXTS (or housekeeping. Heat wit-riK. Call after 4 p. bou5.-U"f'i'inc Jlu)inl.v :-M N nshlni-'fiiii 9 Jfci room (or gentlemen Kent P Ctrsjo accomun" fi pjJ!tTi-f Hi-arj lvii.it in-.- JP1ITtw.) th'.rtl m;. -. lL 2113 Monroe ' ' i V ' ' Wps'urDUhed hoasc. rB2-l " : FOR SALE Miscellaneous !CHlI,r'S bod mttrji. rorklnjr horxo nil new. Party i,vtn(r town r Twenty tl el Phoi im " t paired ':' .701 guaranteed by stn-r ' ' ' '' , i'. - t, ,iih KquJpfK-d. Hceortls and holdcrd. Bftrirulri H..N I. lff.... 1 1 1 n,.iit:i- rr rosfs. nhniha nnd virus, t Moor' Nur' H M- . 12C6 Washington avenur Ihon I ' 9 'RSE nd bum tor .- ili oi U .. : ... -, 1 I " "ir .err 1r.i1 .... m ,.) f,.r '"' In. lint; 1 1 ; ., ELVl . HI SK HOI -1 ' This morkot win know-n s Klvy's fnrkrt In the future. W, will rarr fU line of rhoirf. meat! cut in xn ur.to date nrnnntr r.nd sold nt n crr.at doal losr th m nil otli.r nuirki-ts. Vnu huv.- trl-i thr other, now try ua Round, loin, and T-bone T-bone tdcaks, 23c: thoiildr-r steaks 18o lb pot ronsts. )2'0.- 1,. 15 c. b.; plr.tc i,nd brisket rib lioillng lei f. Sr to 10o lb lean bolllnc beef . lftc nnd 12'wr ih ii other meat- r-ropartlonatcly low." Kit Twenty-fourth St. ',7 iSTOCK saddle f.r ..- . i,..., r, i'iion v r t 9798 1 TTNIVBRSAL. 1 ine and 1 heatlnc ft im-14r!D im-14r!D AV'nshinctori Ave Piionc lOf.O J. 079 s-" 1 I" ) Pboi,.- TJ-.J .1 I76( I icl ER1 - 3 R i Re i 5ia it M i norca-P Cnll mornlnKs. 3219 Lincoln 9751 NEw player pinno. White eewlng mn- .'i ii" nil kl'fl- hou.-. hul l KoodM. lt'T.l i Cent aTfUDbe. 0752 STKGKR A Sons piano, (rood condition 3ii0 caah 2611 Lincoln. Phone 2308 AV 9 7 6 1 pi REBRE i Jersey i o lt h In da i or two. Also pood J.TR-y cow, frc!h 1915 Grant n;o ONE 2-riorsc 3 phase West !nghnu.- nio- 'nr. Clearfield Auto Rep. Co. Cli:arfleld. : Phoni 15-KH n 7 1 o m: ow. ;m wi it Thlrtj third .-tr. .-i 9533 K i i 1 " i N i iblm I 3(H Twent -fifth tn t ?:n B CK Twig npplcs. Kirs'. Rr.olc I 57 llVfl PhOI .Ml 5 1 S3 Ul ' ;S, . li 0. i ..! ry center ta- , l.te yldclimrd. china closet dlnlner tnblo. i chair.", .sectional book cases, machine, gus stove, flrelcss cooker, kitchen tabic, wash- Int.' niT-liine. tubs, fruit Jars, pictures. 01 '. 1 4 '' i i ..ii kinds oi alfalfa haj phone 3354-n 3354-n v fai o i7;i CANABJEJS nuaraoteed ;-iiit:eri; also fen . foi 1 I - Lin, . in 9159 1 ( r7 1 fES rTTi Mil, , ji 76 delivc red! 10 tons of third crop hay delivered. Phono I r 1 9107 .r IN .lil V NN. W.i.. 1 OOGli WHEAT (2.85 delivered Phone 2iv: 9f'1S 1 poll tl.- ticMt values In pianos nnd phono igTapha sec J. M. Pantone ; Son, Twenty-1 Twenty-1 nin'.h and Hudson. Terms without inter-1 inter-1 csL 7881 riSCAl .l U lor euils. lailor made; ouj I reduction. Hordou a. -ll-- Twenty-ft f:n m Phone hid. Hi7 f-UK KbNi iviisceiianeous BUIL11N! (if'Cllliled by 1 ill y r I lor rent nft r Mnr.-h 16 Good location. .. a.shinpton fhone 22m;. 9900 i ; i , 1 :. : p. r month 1 'lion Ml'u-l: y"i2 ii. g u-.li n land near Or-den Or-den river bridge, inquire Mrs. Shupe. : . 3 523 98fi I ni l-i i ; inn.. . 1 : , .- ii, ..n t o 'i'l. ;. M n g 8833 WANTED Miscellaneous . i , , i . , 1 1 1 i - . i . i . . i n ittci and pa highest cash prices tor diamonds R, Lavenberg 1.00 South Main, Salt Lake city. Phone W'nst. 0I21. 967 K LARUE '' n rugs to led ni Staodard Ej - 4371 EXPERT furniture packing, repairing? re finishing and other Job work. Pnone 'IT. I : '771 WAN 1 ED Female Help TWO Ii. . I .1 pp. :i run; . mil . 1 I . I twecn the ages of IS and 22 for a well known advcrtlalng proposition. $3 a week giiarantoed. Good chnnce to travel i:ill between and 7 p. in. at the Now Healy hotel. Room 2T' .Mrs (; K. Pctcr- son '.'f'"i HACK nui ' ol " eedlccrafl Mfl go 7.111. Write Box 73, care Stundard-P.xamlnor. 9867 -, 1 I N ' .. run lo: pi Inr In j po Phon 1 1: : I SMALL girl to cafe foi n 1 Wa h ng on 1 DRESSMAKING taught to any one willing will-ing to apply. Madam Caplau, WrlglU's i ; : , ; I (or t;. ii. i ul hoiiM v. ork 1 . y ' . i .. . , :,.r ni raJ housework Pv nl fo irj I' street ''' 1 HALL fir' ' 1 " ; ' '' '' Healj hotel. High Appl "i 1- on. 1 WAN FED Male Help 1 1 ,1 1346 Stevens Lvcnui m Phonj - W IV" NEAT appearing young man travel with manager. Salary $50 a week and xim ii.--:-. 1 '. rl nc- not necessary. Must have $3no to invest for supplies, o... address and phone number. Box 5, 1 Int ! j vl C 1 auto hool Los in Xo I- It- . - -rt rl-'i: 1 11 1: s poll for an ai ragt farnii r James Dahl. Battlo Mountain. Nevada TO i:t 1 j u ed phonograph record any make. The Record Exchange. 411 T 1 1 tl 1 ' - r " WANTED Situations . 1 -.1 -, 1 1 , . 1 v. nl v. ..1 : .lay rr PI . I 1 '.m.i dm 1 hi 1 glfl v, 1 rb foi . . .- i- ' ' . 1 ncAJ 11" 1 wlahes si 1 1 1 I I . n 6 i ii , . ..... - 1 and work bj hour PI .... 1" ' m,i. kinds of odd Jobs wanted, i't';1"" 1 -"w PR NING orntuni n1 il hnW BhSAi IT-.n- V- F3XPERIENCED man and wlft wish to take charge of hotel or rooming house. I References lnc,ulre 2252 Washington Ap:n I ... 11' LOS 1 8MAL1 blacl ebon: pin b Ith pearl In , u.i.l.H.,,1 In family. Reward Tinder communicate with Box (3, rate ' st.-.n.).i'-i Exam 1 111 HTSy ILLE bo) who took basketball ifrom deaf scliool floor lost Thursday 'nlKht had better return it quirk and save iub Phoni ' j BA1 1 ... al ' 't - "! ' '"' Pund. I Phone any Information to 2S2. W or no- 2 iiington ; 11 x'i 1. IN M blcyclt N B55916 In fronl of Eagles' hall. Return lo ?304 WaM7 PERSONAL , 1 .1 ." rlin T Sti i.e. f.rant Ave, make-, a specialty of irafl-Lng irafl-Lng genealogy. Those lntertsie-l "noMjfl ' SOU KJ ' ' 1 ' actcr and card reading. 44 2tllh btreel BUILDING HOME BUILDERS' ATTENTION Are you planning on building a homo. Our plan will furnish (he money nnd you cm pay it ba. k like rent Under auper. vision of stato banking department. Interviews Invited. Voti arc under no 00-IlKHtlou 00-IlKHtlou Call II Alnsworth. room im. Reed hotel '3- 1 i rag FOR SALE tos C. K TORGA80K, Used car dfalor. 425 Twenty-third street. Phone 161-W. Ji08, 0" accessories, repairs. Iot me Sell your rnr 9'JI.,r, DODGE lourhiK S4"o. Tnns ,all22S2-P 1 POrd touring far Ford 1 ton true I: with canopy top rjaan 2 ton trur-k. good as now lievrnlet i-i,jn, pneumatic tires Nash 1-ton. pneumatic tires I Hupp to-irlng 1 ' 'hnlrn rs touring I Oakland touring Mix well touring It erlnnd roadster Uuick I-'our touring Nash demonstrator All In first class mechanical condition. I PACIFlt' NS!l MOTOR COMPANY ..''in nshinBton Ave. Ogdn 9S1 j 11 1 :ks m n s rkn i:vki i aptomob.i .ps dodge touring, cash. terms IF DBSIRBD. BUICK E IG SIX CYLINDER Tot KING, "M-i c sn TPl'.MS .vl "0. 1317 OVERIND ROADSTPR. ' I 'l '' OVERL VNI TOPPING. , p. is i.oim jr p.(, pst 1-1' 1918 DODGE TO 1 RING, WIRE WHEELS 1918 Bl ICK SMALL FOCR TOl'RING. 1S18 BUICK SEVEN PASSENGER YOU '"an CHOOBE YOUR CAB NOW ON OUR 12 PAYMENT PLAN AND WHEN YOl HAVE MADE FOirR PAY-ME PAY-ME NTS yen- ,-AN- take DELIVERY OF car NO STORAGE CHARGED DURING INITIAL PAYMENTS CHEESMAN AUTOMOBILE OO. Washington Avenue Phone 325 9r. DRESSMAKING 1 -1 - ordian pit atlngi hi m- Btltchlng, buttons mailt- to order. Mall ordfivi solicited Kid Tailored Corset Par lor, 10 E Broadway, Salt Lake Citv. DRESSMAKING, sewing children's elotli. .1 Mpedalty At 6.'0 Twent v-eKhlh gt 97X1 SEWWG MM'II'M.S IIEEAII'.1 .1 1 Havo your work done by a reliable firm. YOU fan always find a business hOUM. If done by Individual you have no comeback. We guarantee our work. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO 2277 Washington Ave Phone 28S4 Good used machines for sale. 9782 i'i:i'ss.M' r.c T. 1. phon.- nr.'-s - '.'7-1 I DESIGN, CUt and fit dresses Von can be your own seamstress Services unique and convenient. Stop In or telephony an-J lot me tell you nlout iL 2112 Adams lUC Phone 1386 W. JC9J I iRESSM KING, embroidering beading, crocheting knitting. Phono 2017 M. f)Q10 i IRBSSMA KIN' ; Gtiaranteed! 149 Twin ty-slxth B treat Phone l'J2.V J 9011 UenuUtC bing picot clpe. buttons, pinking pink-ing and pleating Second floor W. H. rlnht ft Son- Mrs H I aymm 116 MONEY TO LOAN WAT' 'MI'S, diamond- kodaks revolvers and gunn Uncle Sam. 27S 'Twenty-filth 1 - t 9013 MONEY to loan on Improved rc-a lestnte. Kelly A llerrUk 779 WHAT, national banks do for hlc busl ncs, we do for tho man or woman who w,.rk on a r.alary. Ell Dlx. 217 Hudson building 7929 Business Opportunities NEW r.ife on Alain street Big bualnejea, for ale cheap tor cash. Terms or least Wri'.- )' . :'. I "In kfoot Mali., -.nQi c.VEITAE to flnuii. n platinum and fold proposition. Wm It. Miller. 527 Twenty-second Twenty-second str ot. 9717 B ASl.MKNT ni Wly rhHshed! front en. I ' ice Washington av-nuc. Herber. E Smith Co.. Ppstalra Commercial rank BMk 9b POULTRY AND EGGS Tin iroi ItHuuku s. r. i r- .j . .,rh Orel nnd batching ggs from prize winning stock. Phone R52 J 9S20 WANTED To Rent WTANTED to rent a farm. Communicate through Box 45, care Standard Examiner. 9906 MODERN fOUl room house Address Box 40 ire B tandard -Exam iner 946ti SECOND-HAND GOODS HIGHEST prices paid for second nsnd goods Stowe, 1800 Washington. 6S66 take your old ing tin first payment on iny new ranse, or will buy your old tiwtc o-.itrlcht Home Furnltur Co 473 jr i' Infonnation Bureau J2O0 PEP LINE PER MONTH , ANYTHING A TO 7. Bought, sold or traded. Phone 333. AUTOMOBILE RE PA I Rl NO c. R. Knight. Phone 636-W. : BOOKS AND STATIONERY Bramwell Book and Stationery. :362 Washington avenue. Phone 3cn Nfil BANKING Utah Nationn! Bnnk. (Outhenst earner Twenty fourth and Washington. Phone 6i CONTRACTORS I Johnstone 41 McCormlrk. contractors and builder.", 3336 Adams avenue. If you ara going to build see us or phono 172.1 J. ' Estlmn:. v. i rfuUy given. 9664 CEMENT BLOCKS For cement blocks phone 1660 J. 9443 CARPENTER WORK For carpenter and cabinet work, repairs, re-pairs, store front, fixtures, call Tel. 1723 i Snop 3473 Uncoil '".enue. Cabinets or repair work. Phono 12R. 9311 CHIMNEY SWEEP Ogden Chimney Sweep. Phone 304 7 1063 CARPET CLEANING Ogden Carpet Cleaning Co.. for first class work I phol Jt ring, nnd mattress making Phone 376 j 3 IC Van Kampcn. Expert carpet cleaning, upholstering, mattresses made over, feathers renovated Call E. J. Hampton Co , 2 JSC- W, 4234 CITY JUNK HOUSE Phono 23. 22SS 60 Washington Ave 79J DENTISTS The N-v. M, (hod Dentists nro sperlal Iste in all branches of Dentistry. 2469 Wnchlngton ay enue. 2209 ENGRAVING Ogden Engraving Service, Co. Ilalcora of fine cuts In one or more colors. 416 Twenty fourth street Phone 463. FRUITS Get your fruit at N. Varela's FnMt Store. 324 Twenty-fourth street. Only t.ie best. 8M? JUNK AND HIOES Ogden Junk House, 2014 Washington Ave. Phone 21 f. 9780. Western Hide & Ji.nk Co. 2S23 Wash Ington avenue. Phone 'U LIFE INSURANCE J. P. Corry. Phone 2454. 129 Ecclcs Blrtg go 13 Geo D. Bennett, corpor.it inn and group Insurance a specialty. Phone 124 W, 1514 PLUMBING A. P. Sumrall, Plumbing. Heating Re .pairing. 1116 Washington avenue. Phone 2S19N-W. 9103 REAL ESTATE Wlllard Kay. real "?tate nnd loans 2474 Washington Ave Phono 409. 1874 SA APHONES Taught, sold, repaired. Phon- 1477 W. STOVE REPAIRING Stoves repaired, cleaned, set up Coun-try Coun-try orders solicited. Phono 3554-W. 9304 STEAMSHIP TICKETS Steamship Agency. 2370 Washington avenue Phone 1166 -jt47 M-SS2 6936 SCAVENGER I McCorty & Co, hauling rubblsli and ashes. Phone 3018 W 8633 SCAVENGER Garbage and rubbish hauled, cesspolls and toilets cleaned, John Chip-) &. Co.. Phono 82S. 234 Hu.ivn Avenue 9733 ' TYPEWRITING Professional typewriting, rhone 2704-M 90" 8 TRUNKS AND SAGS Trunk udJ bag repairing, around cor 1 ner from Standard. Uallachcr's. 227? Hud I son. 2111 IWALL PAPER CLEANING Cleaning, tint and wall papering. Phone 8896-M ,-,s'-1 WINDOWS CLEAN ED Expert window and wall paper clean lng. American Win-low ' leaning. Ph 5.3 I . mm I book of unusual interest V j to all who want to lave O J more nnd invest with Jj fi greater profit It tells how i a novel plan enabled Peter V J Perkins to become finan- V dally independent by invest- m. ing $25 per month. And It I J abowit how yuu can do the t f mme. It is a fact founded A book that ia more interesting f than fiction. Write for FREE rk J copy today. J KRIEBEL & CO. 8 f Investment Bankers V O 157 5o La Salle St-.ChicacJo O LIBERTY I BONDS VH V KSTMKXT 8 PURITIES j fi hoj61b a rq I ICtOEJ 84Wr ttfj MAlK itr 0O0SN SALT LAnjBj |