Show Monks Maligned Maligned That's Thais Thai's Not What They Want I W WASHINGTON YASU tf Monkeys have bave been teen ranch much maligned When they go co over each others other's fur tur In their cage occasionally nipping something between their front teeth leeth they rent arent hunting for what you IOU think they're hunting bunting for tor Bo So o Ja says Dr II U. G E. Ewing entomologist ento ento- of ot the United States SIal national na museum In a recent Issue e of ef f the Ibe Journal of ot an ant I he lie backs back up his hll opinion with the assent of several fellow Monkeys given the facilities necessary necea- necea cry sary to keep clean den are nt highly on- on likely to b be the tools gist t U ts declare Put lint If It that Isn't nt what they're aver after what are ar they hunting for tor fort Doctor Dottor Ewing E made some ome close observations ob oh serrations and a t few w and nd one one ne b by one eliminated things that have bl been bun suggested loose 1005 loo takes flakes of ot skin salt It crystals from perspiration etc In the end it ii settled fettled down to just hairs When J Jocko ko finds dada a loose or perhaps just JUIt justa a I loosening hair on os his hi mates mate's back ack be plucks pluck It out out end and nibbles nibble It op up |