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Show Pago Eight' A VERITABLE FASHIOIT SHOW TOOK PLACE THATS room Thursday noon, when tho Smiths Mr. to discuss thoir Pop club girls mot tume for tho year. After YOU'RE in much it argument was decided skirts will and white that blue sweaters cos- be used. D.. Lakosido Ziphyr" Gently, ho pushed her quivering shoul- MOAPA ders back: against tho chair. She raised beseeching eyes in which faint hope and fear were struggling. From her parted lips the breath came in short , wrenching gasps. Reassuringly, he smiled at her. BCCCGCOCCCLCKX wont the dentists drill; - BiTTttf RFP.SHrCJTS fY Tttt Cost No .D. OS 07 931336AADNf9s rg, ' a Bov Who JoA04 x VJWO you may desire wm- - TO ! CANT V7 I : Foot OAa A Anv For OF TH6 :k; Cu'B.L. VsFI to THlN vUonI If CtT Yovi'QE A r tion, to October be observed from Monday, ,J A following are your rules of initia- The V5l3SIWSS MACHINES All Freshmen shall enter and leave, the Education building, at all times, through the rear entrance. classman 2. Upon meeting an. upper Who killed "Cock ' shall .make Robin? ' Sc HbOL Suppurs OfFiCC bow CQbtPnEr the statement, Me5- - 3. All Freshmen will be compelled 'to. learn Dixie, 0 .Dixie and sing it upon request of an upper classman. k. A green cap .'must ..be worn at all times. Rales 1, 2 and Tuesday only. . 3' ' Rule k applies the only Sophomores apply .to Monday .entire week, So-- ou W and PRoSic fhS are your upper class-me- n. able price at Penalties for violations of rules are! posted on the bulletin board. .D. the A.C. as- a kH , n , i ;H U.3.A.C. "Student Life Earl G. Hafen of St. George has istered ' BUSINESS SERV ICE COMPANY i can bo bought at Fi images after today. caps IT-F- 4 ., -- - Green ?! H(Wt A CotOFtCTE LMfc Ot y 1. Freshmen A" VJ E ft to Friday, October 25. (Sophomores), all from tho- waist, "3 V.U ALWACF5 TS A GAM..:-- ' IF you fouNT FUS .WM. r 5 ST iX:r FALL FRESHMEN TAKE NOTICE 21 T4 VOTE bNTIU 19 4 6 Malts, Sandwiches, Fountain. Drinks,. Milk Shakes, Banana Splits and anything else ' Alcl IS l&oTk fop. vwtLLKc - But gsjU for DIXIE'S rSADOJJhRTERS ScWUYU'A l3 FYUSlC BRIGHT ? SHOP AKIO scholarship student " reg- at f & IPHON E 222 ARR07JHEAD HOTEL : . HAJ... . xZ i u |