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Show Page .Pour DITIE PAUL IIEILSON RETURNS TO New students are: past two weeks THE in the Art room.. 'A 'report was given by lane .Pace on the life. and works of Gilbert Stewart,, after which the Guild. .membersbegan layouts for posters for the Elmer.. Pickett, St, George; Thoodean Heap, Parowan; Emerson Hall, Hurricane; Gayneld Hack el prang, Kanab ; MacDonald Armstrong, Cedar City; Wilden Fine Art's Festival. Tweedie, Hurricane. Paul" Nei Ison, Washington, commissioner of amusements, has jufet returned from Bryce Canyon, where he had employment his registration This to 1B. - i ?'iaWes : ! I r- - T " .DP ' r Science building,. presented, "to' the' librarian 'spcittl-otgi'i7iIiAcearic.;- . m ", y;, .ffpoo iwUl,lL T 'oLLhe vitalf probieiris 'ihWthe five's' of all' students at this time. Several of the future Wednesday assemblies-will be devoted, to the discussion of specific phases of. vocational choice. for Mr. Raid, ' A ' " ' ; of as a ' THE the College Registrars association,-afleeting held in Ogden last Saturday. has been in November " reAporVedV in-19bl- Y Y STATE,. P. T. A. OFFICERS LAST KEEK ' elected Mr ,'t Hunt smart ' ..as wobk'T Mr. Hunts'- -' of 'the 'abb' and VERY fill it. WOODWARD y - D. .1. , HIGH SCHOOL CONSIDERED A in the old by having and then holding social way of the first and second the third and fourth years, years, dance separately. This was tried a tine or found unsatisfactory. two, but was .D. SHOW YOUR . PEP .IT THE GAME TODAY. ASSEMBLIES IN THEIR WEDNESDAY SUCCESSFUL . BEEN ATTEMPT AT HAVE ' , , FEI-ISS;,- YRAIJlNGv YROGRAII sors ; v;ere ', ' appointed COMMITTEE, ,school guidance, ., and keeping up our school pep. They, 'are , the backbone of our 'school. A.S. .'. N.fD.'i 'special;., meetings. of the national de- - state director have' him' - next spring, OUR ' ' . poster is very ..well ..qualified for,..,t)iis .very, delighted' .to office,' ..and we ,"arp. ' light .D. : it,' , .D- COMIEWCEMXH? program : convention has 'been rotating for and will be held' here at St. George some time TEE FACULTY WO- by the senior class," will meet Wednesday with Mr. Reid, who i.s supervising them, and will discuss plans for the commencement-- of a t ' AFTERNOON Welker and Mrs. Ashby, after which refreshments were served.' ' ELECTED CHAIRMAN YESTERDAY ' ' . WAS .D. ' hold its. second meeting ..of the year: in the. Science building,'' The-program was' in charge- .of. Mrs. and so for this achievement we congratulate Mr. Ashby. BENTLEY ' MEN'S CLUB the Central committee of the This coEducation association. mmittee is one of the really important-groups within the. large organisation, hour, - .. one Utah TIE Y- " IIBXT 'WEDNESDAY' S A33Y.3IY .fROGRA; 1 Aimc fda- v&ovl PLijolqG a Aj.mcx.fbIT fig , CHANGE 1 ., - THREE INSTRUCTORS HONORED MR. A3N3Y MIS RECENTLY ELECTED '"'TI-IE.".- .. NN-- "7. students wish to .ex- and his kind contribution. years j T ew1 b'&olcb fir press their appreciation to; This ' oclock.. - m. : MR. met j 1 11 it' Qpcjial Lio Id v; As yet, the books have not bn",xrat?!: aloged and are not ready for distribution, but they mil be in' the .near future. member . yesterday, gnoo.n fo. The discuss future', plans' for 'the club. . next meeting is 'Wednesday night Tat seven jpfencfer5, braty lgr The officers The : books in the field, of library ' . ; t: y . F. T. A. CLUB, under the guidance of' Evelyn- Hawki ns,. is holding monthly meetings, in the dining- room of the Y tot library Tip"1 lie id'hah' J pp.-,- - gii - ' r .D. A ' ' . .. THE biMifgs Nrhey'tcrtfjl eirrollment up y- reid' ''. is just completing He ART GUILD MET MONDAY NIGHT BEAU ! Washington; during the summer. BRIEFS & N EWS within the Keith Iverson, registered . last." week-e- Woodbury ; received. Watson, 'or'body room. nd , .D. at t hg ; . . S, A,-- y still 0lt being to D.C. Jack Rancher in the student Pay - is rU your money now .D. P3I dramatic fraternity, held a regular club meeting last week. At the conclusion of the meeting refreshments were served. DELTA OMEGA, .. and John, ji-- r attend ed ; by. PICTURE money YEARBOOK Inst ruct orsi . |