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Show t';n:.' BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, .JULY 21; 1932, SPECIAL DEWEYVILLE E. TREMONTON ! B I Mrs. P, E. Ault By Mrs. .Thomas :x: Miss Alta Stratum of Loguii, is v- iting this week with her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Peterson and family. Robert HaOtield of Salt Lake City, ' was a guest the lore part of the week, of Emerson Abbott. George Abbott and children, Kath-erine and J. T., spent several days ;this week at Monte Cristo. Airs. H. L. Childs of Salt Lake City, jvisited her mother, Mrs. Jane Abbott (on Friday. Mrs. Joseph Crowther, who had been visiting here the past two weeks, and Mrs. Abbott returned with Mrs. Childa Mrs. P. E. Ault and Miss Rae Ab- -' bote attended the County leader's ! PURE SLK HOSE j 4-- H j 3 pr. - $1.00 training class at Brigham City, This was the last class to be held in South Box Elder this year. The C. C. Club held their regu lar meeting at the home of Kathenne Abbott Thursday forenoon. The girls spent the time canning carrots, beans, curranes and raspberries. Mrs. Wm. Kay and sons, Lester and Meivin, of Mona, visited relatives in this vicinity this week. Mrs. W. K. Burnham and son, Lyman, and Mrs. John Wilson, of Logan, visited their cousin, Mrs. O. A. Seager Saturday evening. Miss Dona Brough was hostess to the Bee Hive Girls Tuesday evening. Swimming and games were enjoyed after which a delicious lunch was Mon-jda- y. 4-- H Pure Thread Silk Hose Jacquard Lace Patterns. Silk to top Regular $1.00 Value ALL STORES IN TREMONTON WiU Be Closed MONDAY JULY 25th served. K. H. Fridal and family returned from their trip to Yellowstone Park, Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johns of Ogden, were guests of their brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Johns, on Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mariner Checketts, Mr. Lawrence Checketts and two sons and Mrs. Charles Checketts of Salt Lake City, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Charles Peterson and family. " Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson and children spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. Charles Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. George Beal attended the outing at Lagoon, Tuesday. -; and Mrs. Henry Cutler of Corinne. 4th CLUB NEWS year leaders, served ice cream to the group, while Mrs. Nebeker of Willard. :x: frave to each leader present, i sample Wm. . 1. . . J v - uie i anu aessert meat acers oi the South Box JUIder vegeiauies, School Club association and the County for a home dinner, chairmen held a meeting at the Box! 32 leaders were present from William Reutenbeck, returned to high school, Monday, at 12:30 ham, Willard, Honeyville, Corinne and Tremonton Wednesday evening after p. m. The meeting was conducted by Bear River City. Vice President, Miss Iva Sorenson of completing a course in radio engineerWillard. Following this meeting the Thursday, July 14, the Kitchen ing in Chicago during the past two Club officers and leaders! Queens Club met at the home of Doris local met with Pres. Mrs. Barbar Wright of Woodward. Meeting was called to or- years. Bill looks as fit as a fiddle and says Corinne, conducting. Songs were led der by the President, Mildred Theurer by Mrs. Ralph Jensen of Bear River Old and new business was explained he is glad to be home and will be City. A demonstration on posture by Club leader, Ruby Harris, after happy to apply some of the knowledge was given by Misses Fay Wood and which carrots, beets, cherries and he has gained for some of that mater Emma Jeppson of Corinne. raspberries were bottled. Each girl ial inmg caiiea money. His many Miss Myrtle Davidson, Assistant bottled one quart. friends are glad to see him on the Club leader, State Boys and Girls streets again. gave timely suggestions on club work The Kitchen Queens of the Elwood and discussed exhibits for State Fair Club met at the home of Miss to be held October 1 to 8. Ada Hansen, Wednesday, July 13th. ADDITIONAL BOTHWELL NEWS Miss Izola Jensen, District Exten- The leader, Mrs. Mr. Wendell Hunsaker, of Bothwell, Heber sion Agent, discussed judging of local gave the jarls instructions Mortensen, ana Miss Bernice Sheffield, of Brig-haconcerning exhibits. Demonstration of health their foods record books, after which City, were united in marriage at contests. the girls practiced for a program to the Logan Temple, Tuesday of this The group then adjourned to the be later. Games were played week. The young will make Kitchen and serving room for depart- andgiven couple hos-esrefreshments served by the mental work. The next meeting will be held their home in Brigham City. Mrs. Ulala Cornwall of Tremonton, at the home of Miss Carrie Hansen. EIPIHIA PHONE 33 - TREMONTON 4-- H I J Reutenbeck Re I t Ault I THIS WEEK Non-Ru- n ! 1 . i turns from i 4-- H Brig-Eld- er 4-- H 4--H 4-- H m Newell Johnson of this place, went with a group of scouts to Camp Kiesel. Ken Rawson of Kanesville, was a guest of Norman Perry. Eva Goodsell of Newton, is spending a few days here with her aunt, Mrs. William Johnson. Deweyville boys were victorious over Thatcher's nine. The score was 15 to 10. Mrs. Henry Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bowen of Beaver Dam, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver John son, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slater of Slaters-villwere visiting relatives here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ernest Dewey had as their guests Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. John Weible of West Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. Yense Weible of Petersboro. Deweyville ward won the prize for having the largest number present at the M. I A. outing in Ogden canyon Tuesday of last week. Mrs. J. A. Fryer and daughter, n were visiting relatives at Salt Lake City the week end. Mrs. James Jensen of Petersboro, visited her daughter, Mrs. Wilford Miller for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. James May of Honeyville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lish of this place, Thursday. Mrs. Horace Barnard and daughter, Carma, visited a few days with rela tives in Ogden. Sunday evening, July 10, a special program was given under the direction of the 153 quorum of Seventies. Mrs. Fred Harwooi and children, of bait Lake visited relatives here over PACBTHRE1 worlc'; Prizes will be given' for the best horse shoe player, the best broad jump and liigh jump. There will be races for all children from 4 to 14 A play house was furnished last years of age. An exhibit and a proweek and now handkerchief boxes are gram is also being planned. being made. A sewing class was also held last week. The girls made sofa Salt Yake City Telephone repeatpillows and curtains for the play houses. Several good stories were ers recently installed in office here, told. "The White Indian Boy" is just improved 'transmission in both Nephi about finished. Several Games were and Salt Lake City. played and a good time was had. Milford Two hundred young pheaA tournament is being planned for sants released in pumping district the last week of our nlaveround south of here. PLAYGROUND NEWS .'V sm use QJEuir e, La We offer for a short time only Dar-lee- Sunday. Hazel Johnson has returned to her home in Ogden after spending two weeks here with her grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Spackman. Mrs. Duett Loveland and son, Dar-rel- l, and daughter, Mildred Jean, were in Ogden Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Justinsen of Magna, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Justin-se- KERR MASON CAPS doz. KERR MASON LIDS-d- oz. A Real Opportunity .. ....... . 25 . .. 13c .. Stock Up Now Wilson Lumber Co. "Everything to Build Anything" PHONE 11 TREMONTON, UTAH n. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Parry and family of Malad, spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis. Elwood Penrose of Salt Lake City, and Orpha Larsen of Rupert, Idaho, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Justinsen. Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Justinsen visited relatives at Willard, Sunday. Perrry Spackman is the guest of his mother, Mrg. J. W. Spackman, of this place. Elmer Chidester and sons of Salt Lake City wre the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chidester. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish were in Ogden Friday. A number of our old folks enjoyed the outing at Lagoon, Tuesday. J. W. Ault of Logan, and T. R. Ault were in Ogden, Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Record had rela tives from Salt Lake City over the ; Center Traction Means Safety SES how Goodyear putt TRACTION in th center--bit husky block of rubber keen-edge- d deep-dotte- d to dig In, firip and hold. More (topi The Tread U a big reaton why million more people ride on Goodyear Tire. Come In we'll week end. ! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish entertained friends from Salt Lake City, Sun day. s. ELWQOD NOTICE H. G. Scott Drug Co. Tremonton, Utah Phone 47 Night Calls 47 PrescriptionSpecialistsI WHERE SAVINGS ARE GREATEST THE FINEST OF FOUNTAIN DRINKS AND LIGHT LUNCHES THIS IS YOUR bRUG STORE Come and Make Yourself at Home i An Ordinance Amending An Ordinance Ueiating to the City Cemetery Heretofore Passed April ft, 1931. Be it enacted by the Citv Council of Tremonton City, Utah, municipal cor poration: 1 That Section Seven of an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance Relating to the City Cemetery, Providing for the care and upkeep of the same, and specifying the duties of certain city olficers in that connection, and setting up a cemetery iniDrovement fund," be amended by the addition af ter the word "staked" at the end of the second sentence thereof, the fol lowing: Said certificate and cemetprv shall provide that the Durchaser of said Lot shall pay to the City Treas urer me sum ot six dollars ($6.00) upon the 15th day of May next succeeding the date of the lSRUarico nf the said certificate, and shall pay a like sum annually there after, for the care ana upKeep ot said lot as here inafter in Section Nine provided. Passed by the Mavor and Citv rm.n cil of Tremonton City, this 14th day vi. amy. tA ISRAEL HUNSAKER, JR. Mayor LEWIS BRENKMAN, City Recorder. ORDINANCE r FOR IGE Beverages & Goal -- SE& i BESSINGER BROS. ! TREMONTON, UTAH : 36: Relating to Special Policemen, Their Appointment, and Their Salary Be it ordained by the City of Tre monton, Utah: The City Marshall shall, whenever the interests of the city demand, by and with the consent of the Mayor, appoint such number of special policemen as may be required, who shall be paid a salary in such sum as the Mayor shall prescribe, and who shall perform such duties as are prescribed by law and by ordinance. Passed July 21, 1932. ISRAEL HUNSAKER, JR., Mavor. Attest: a I LEWIS BRENKMAN, City Recorder. By Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen --J :x: Miss Gladys Hunsaker just retumevl irom a weeK s visit with mends in Idaho Falls. Barbara Christensen returned Sat urday after a week's visit with tier sister, Dorotha, of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Wright and chil dren, of Ogden, were dinner guests oi Mr. and Mrs. R, P. Hansen, Sunday They also visited other relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman and son, Kenneth, spent the week end at Preston, Gentile Valley and Smith- field, visiting relatives. Mrs. Elias Anderson visited her sis ter, Mrs. Joe Summerrill at Ogden, Saturday and did some shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Andersen ahd children of North Garland, visited friends here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Petersen and Morgan Miller of Penrose, gave a lovely pro gram here last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman en tertained some relatives from Cali fornia, last Friday. The old folks enjoyed a stake out ing to Lagoon last Tuesday. Helen Thompson and Virginia Atkin son entertained the club girls at a slumber party at the home of June Miss Pearl Johnsen was Thompson. guest. Mrs. Amelia Petersen is spending a week visiting her son, Royal and fam ily at Perry. Ruth and Fern Wagstaff of Salt Lake City, is visiting with their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Petersen. GENUINE IMPROVED DUART For Only ?3.00 Newest and latest heaterless ultra thermique method of. permanent waving. One for $6.50, or Bring: a Friend; Get Two for $10.00 I ?1'T. -- 1. With everyone talking economywith many people wondering if they can get good tires at a low price it's a whale of a comfort to look at the facts about tires . . . Today you can get Goodyear Tires the finest quality In Goodyear history at the same prices you'd pay for second-choic- e tires! . . . Drive around and check up this fact. And remember: Goodyear Tires are so good they outsell any other tire here In town, throughout the state, all over America . . . They've been leading In sales for 17 successive yearst on They're with the first-choic- e public by more than 2 to 1. So why take a second-choic- e when first choice costs no more? Lowest Prices of Any Summer In 30 Years! EACH IN PAIRS 30x3K Rr. CI. TUBE 94c $3.76 EACH, Singly " Latest Lifetime Guaranteed Supertwist Cord Cash Prices Mounted Free Full OrenlM .j, Fair $. $J. 4.SX 4.ZI 4.50-2- 1 4:75-1- 9 0 rJ , Full Tube $1.0$ 1.00 4.30 4.XS 1.0$ .14 5.00 1.00 S.Z 5.00 1.00 1 4.50-2- 0 4.75-2- -- Each In Tuft Fair $f.X4 $1.1 533 1.31 .7a 553 1.33 o.io 599 1.11 0.04 4 1.33 5.00-1- 9. $.49 5.00-2- 0. 5.00-2- 1. 5.25-1- 8. 8.25-2- 1. Lr - Each Oreraix T A Complete Permanent for $2.00 LEA'S SERVICE WET FINGER WAVE AND SHAMPOO 50c THINK WILSON MILADY BEAUTY LEA DUNN, Prop. s f. Itr HAVE IT ALL YOUR OWN WAY! 4.40-2- HARDWARE "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 t. TODAY YOU TIRE BUYERS SPECIAL! When You Think UTAH -.-- " GOODYEAR SPEEDWAYS BATTERIES - - TIRES - - TUBES ASSOCIATED GASOLINE & OILS TREMONTON . We do not use inferior solutions. Special for Monday Tuesday: PARLORS PHONE 71 - Brigham City Fronk Chevrolet Phone 20 Co. Tremonton "J" |