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Show rAbti - ' I BEAR RIVER T ALLEY LEADER Entered at the Postoffice at Utah, aa Second Class H BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1932 - 1 of laft week. Payne for aeveral days Mr. ana mrs. JU,mV "and Mrs. J. were dinner guests of Tre-tnooto- n. Mr. and visiting with her parents, Mrs. T. V Summers. Mr and Mrs. Leland Anderson left ctKom Utah where several days with Mrs visit will Publisher and they James Walton. Editor Anderson's parents. Mrs. John Wilson and son, Wood-roand Mrs. Burnham and son, LyPublished at Tremonton, Utah, on man, of Logan, were guests of Dr. Fharsday of each week. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins, Friday evening Wondwor Wilson remained dur ing the week end visiting. Subscription Rates Mrs. Louis Anderson gave a birth..$2.00 One Year, in advanoe for her son, DeVerl, who day $1.06 ...aa party old.. Mondav. There Pis Months, in advance civ vpsrs J raree months, in advance were twenty small guests present and they had a very enjoyable time. Mrs Allen anl Allan Mattson re turned from a visit in Ogden. They were accompanied bacK Dy Mr. ana Mrs. S. W. Klock and Miss Adell of that city. They were entertained at a dinner by Mrs. Harry Drew, Mon as well as to your Country day evening. Dr. and Mrs. Grant Evans of Span and ish Fork, visited with Bishop Mrs Marhlp. last week. PATRONIZE YOUR Mr. and Mrs. John Nelsen of Ogden, and Mrs J. J. .Newman called UDon LOCAL MERCHANTS Mrs. Ezra Harris, Friday evening. Donald curnhope went to &ait LaKe Wednesday. He will remain there for fnr about two weeks. Mr. Rasmus Anderson and son, lieed motored to Dgden, Saturday. i)r anri Mrs. h;ii nawKins ana iam- Tbe only plce in K U. S. where ctalog. and ilv visited friends and relatives in Lo or product en brained Fr.e ui Wttiwit gan, Sunday. Induttrai Mat- - Pioneer w To Your Town Free to Public Matter you are Write lor interacted in; tame will be promptly forw aided. AMERICA! INDUSTRIAL LIBRARY ...WANT COLUMN.. Kineriu. Uelldiui. Cklo,Illloi BOTHWELL By Miss July the 24th we commemorate to the memory of our be- loved pioneers, their and steadfastness, the noble virtue of thriftiness, which was the paramount issue in gaining their important goal of reaching this valley of the Rockies and building an empire, which we are justly proud. Let us keep this valley a beautiful place to reside, by being thrifty. One of the ways that we can accomplish this is by buying at O. P. Skagg System, help yourself and save. Closed Library. it the Amritcmii Obli(tion BuaineM AJvettiin ! Ilia Perry Mrs. Milton D. Marble and daughter, Maurine, returned home Saturday after visiting for a week in Brigham with relatives. The G. B. Club met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Henry Newman. Mrs. Elizabeth Sandall visited at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Kennett H. Malan LAWYER also small modern upright, made by well known manufacturer, FULLY. GUARANTEED, will be sold for small balance due on lease. Small Premonthly payments acceptable. tem-', fer to sell but might consider porary storage with responsible in party who would be interested return to than rather buying later, to finance company office. WK11E Hudson Webb. Credit ninrnf S. Wain St., Salt Lake 74 Manager, r.RANn PIANO, small size: mod- FOR RENT Three apartments, ern. One furnished. See Mrs. Nephi Nessen, Tremonton. OFFICES Over Bank, Tremonton 1208 1st Nat'l Bank, Ogden PHONE 133 - - TREMONTON tl. 7-- CITY. tf. CASH PAID For Dead and Useless Reverse call Cows and horses. tf41 493J2 Brigham Good building lime FOR SALE Sugar $12.00 per ton. Utah-Idah- o 18tfd Co., Garland, Utah EMb' IPtairiKMicy PHONE 134 TREMONTON UTAH Drugs and Fountain SPECIAL Black Leaf "40" $1.25 a pound j Day j Two Days It will be neces- sary for our customers to shop extra, as we will be closjed two days. We have provided for an extra amount of help. There will be no waiting or delays for you while shop- ping at our store. We have a splendid assortment for the person who desires to go on a picnic, or the person who desires to remain at Salad DressMayonnaise, ing, Pork and Beans, Potato Flakes, Cante-loupeWatermelon, home. s, Pickles or Jam. These are a few of the items that we will offer you at bar gain prices. Visit our store and see the many saving values that are at your command Meat Our meat department has for Saturday buyers an unusu ally fine display of luncheon assorted meats at 19c per lb. Also as an extra number, we will of- fer Boiled Ham at 29c per pound. Also PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT RIGHT PRICES Veal Roasts at the very unusual price ''of 10c per lb. We would suggest also that we have Pork Shoulder Roasts at 10c per pound. Let us be your headquarters for the ex- tra two day buy of meats. o RaA.IL QRSK&GGSi wo VI I hi PLYMOUTH ! By Mrs. Don R. Lamb I ! Stanza "A SURETY OF PURITY" :x: The hail storm that passed through our settlement on Wednesday leaving destruction in its path was one of the worst storms that the residents here have ever witnessed and it has left a feeling of gloom in our community that has never happened before, but we feel that it is very miraculous that no lives were lost nor anyone caused to sutler while the storm was raging in its fury. Many of the buildings tnai, were damaged are being repaired and the farmers are getting their land in shape for the fall planting. Some are going into their fields witn hay rakes to gather what is left fur feed while some, where the storm did not do so much damage, are cutting it witn mowers and putting it in stacks. Some of the best gardens the people here have ever been able to grow were totally destroyed by the hail stones that were 1J to 2 inches in circumfer ence and some of them were as clear-a' glass, breaking many windows and trees until the off leaves the cutting they are almost stripped. Mr. Alvin Smith was returning home from Riverside where he, with a number of young boys ana girls had been working picking peas, ihere car run out of gas as they were about half way up the dugway on the Malad river when the storm came upon them, ine older ones were beaten up quite badly as they tried to protect the smaiier ones from the storm. Miss Jwadine Smith, daughter of Mr. Alvin Smith, suffered most when she took her wraps off to protect the smaller children. The hail beat upon her quite badly causing great welts to raise on her body. Air. Frank Archibald who was with them was also beaten up very badly and he said that if the storm had lasted much longer it would have been more serious as they had stood it about as long as they could. We hope the country does not experience such storms again. It is reported that Mr. Wayne Ma son, son of W. S. Mason of Mound Springs was quietly married in Salt Lake Temple some time last week and are taking possession of the Mason home on the ranch at Mound Springs, where Mr. Mason has a large farm with buildings and a good water system that Mr. Mason has de veloped in the last two years since fulfilling an honorable mission in Hie Eastern States. He had a large number of young turkeys on this ranch which suffered quite a loss during the hail storm, however his crops were not damaged very much. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Leslie and son, of Kigby, Idaho, were calling on rela tives here during the week. Miss Alta Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rose, who has been working in Brigham City for the last three months, is visiting with her par ents. Miss Aley Jensen, daughter of N. Parley Jensen of Spanish Fork, who was formerly a resident of this place, is visiting here with relatives and friends during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert of Ogden, and Mrs. Earl Shuman, of Tremonton, were calling on relatives and friends here Friday of last week. te Man Lost 26 Pounds Looks 100 Better Feels Stronger Than Ever Just to prove to any doubtful man or woman that Kruschen Salts is the SAFE way to reduce let us take the letter of Mr. F. J. Fritz of Cincinnati, Ohio, recently received. He writes: "I've tried extreme dieting, setting up exercises, with very little results but the results from Kruschen are almost incredible. In 3 months I reduced from 205 to 179 pounds and feel stronger than ever no more wheezing or gasping for breath friends say I look 100 better." Bear in mind, you fat man, that there is danger in too much fat try the safe way to reduce of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water every morning cut down on fatty meats and sweets one bottle that lasts 4 weeks costs but a trifle get it at any drugstore in the world. one-ha- lf ul most of your va Make EXAMPLES OF cation by traveling by train. LOW ROUND-TRI- P Reach your destination hours SEASON TARES or days sooner without fa From throe over the smoothest ..J roadbed on earth . . . Union TREMONTON Pacific! to Liberal stopover privileges. Denver $ 38.80 Delightful side trips. Choice Omaha 64.95 of return routes. Final return 64.95 Kansas City limit, .October Slit. 75.45 ...... Chicago 122.17 New York Consult local a pent 1 85.30 New Orleans about lower fares 39.30 Los Angeles ' ""' who sooner return Portland limit. Boston Brigham City W. B. Jensen and Sons enlarging meat and grocery establishment on South Main Street. Parawan City may improve water QMKDN PACOFOC "The Overland Rout" We urge our rjeaders to read the advertisements in these umns as well as the larger display ads throughout the paper. Each week some of them will have a special to offer you. For Clean and Quick : Children's SERVICE SUMMER DRESSES : At Reduced Prices Try : Vm : Ford Garage WASHERS Ranging in Prices $59.00 and up Moler Electric REFRIGERATORS The Best In Optometric Service In Northern Utah . See Them Now Year Guarantee 3 Unlimited Money to Service and Parts on all Makes of Washers MAYTAG SHOP J. A. Pack Representative Tremonton Utah LOAN On Irrigated Land. Vz Per Cent. No Commissions. JOHN J. SHUMWAY Phones: B. R. V., 69.a-2- ; DRY CLEANING Is A Bell, 129 HYGENIC NECESSITY Not A LUXURY Utah Oil Station NO. 267 GOOD NEWS After July 1st we can reline your brakes with United Sanitary Cleaners PHONE 37 Raybestos Brake Lining The Best That Money Can Buy Diderickson & Goldsberry When You Think HARDWARE THINK WILSON Rocky Mountain "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 Packing Corporation OU1 Packers of Twin Peak Peas A w5W tyjaiaVi MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Utah Oil Station Phone 21 Tremonton, Utah NO. 268 Winchester Service Ed WINCHESTER, Prop. Tremonton Steam BAKERY Our Your products are better made from makes your's products ours the best. Boost your own products by boosting ours Use MIDLAND CAFE Home-Mad- e Products You'll like them better SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LEADER We have a carfoad of Grain Bags and plenty of Twine for sewing them TOHM this store. Your Dollar Has Purchasing Power HERE! Farmers' Cash Union "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" " Tremonton, Utah Phone 35 . USED WASHERS Electric and Gas Motors Dinner at f First Home North of SEE US FIRST You can suply your every need Ji FRED'S CAFE May Taylor Sunday Chicken Farmers Housewives Laborers col- MAKE THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS PAPER YOUR SHOPPING GUIDE Bring Your Family And Try Our 40.90 128.85 115.60 Washington D. C . Tw farther laformailoa, law fa ret rarreaaendiacly See Loral Agtmt free aaa tm etaer poiate. D. f. SPENCER, Geaeral raeeeacer A seat. Salt Lake City And Directory (Adv.) are way Unusual Travel Bargains the Tremonton Business Guide s system. DOWN - COAL co-phon- e 9 FLOUR "PRIDE OF UTAH" "UTAH FAVORITE" All Poultry Mashes TREMONTON-GARLAN- D MILLING CO. |