Show Plans Plans' Completed To Decorate Union in Time For Prom STUDENT GROUPS UNITE TO MAKE WORK POSSIBLE t l Sc School Receives Backing g Fr From orn State y City A Agencies I Project Provides Er Employment r c. c F For r Nee Needy Plans for finishing the decoration decora decora- ti tion m of the Union building in time for the annual Junior Promenade were announced yesterday by Douglas 0 O. Woodruff manager of the building following the announcement an- an the Senior class made last week that it would participate participate participate pate in a cooperative program which would make possible the immediate painting and decorating of the ball room halls and offices i ces Work iV it ito to commence at once and will include the installation installation I lation of various items which will improve the facilities of the as a campus home The dec decorating rating program was made possible through the cooperation cooperation coop coop- of the school administration COOP I tion the Class of 33 tl the e Class of 29 the Junior Prom Committee Commit- Commit tee lee and the th A ASU U S-U-U U in iri incon corP con with Ashton and Evans architects the Chamber of Commerce Commerce Com Corn merce and the Work Make committees committees committees com com- of the city and state Seniors Give Money Moncy Following a series of meetings of the Senior class Dick Parry president of the group announced ed that the Class Glass of 33 would participate in the plan by making available the money which would otherwise be used for the traditional traditional traditional class gift for which some feature of the Union Building will be memorialized to the class This decision was reached at a meeting in which the recommendations recommendations recommendations of a special gift committee commit commit- tee were adopted The Class of 29 met Saturday January 14 and voted of its class gift ft fund to the project for which it will also be duly memorialized in the building The Junior Prom Committee budgeted a large portion of its decoration expenditures for permanent decorations decorations decorations dec dec- orations and the A. A S. S U. U U. U Executive Executive Executive Ex Ex- Council voted to participate participate participate pate by making an apportionment for or the plan Cooperation Aids These campus interests cO Pera Per a ing with the city and state committees committees committees com com- in connection with the federal R. R F F. F C. C activities have I made it possible for the University University University sity to realize another ambition The work to be done which f amounts to some will be equivalent to that done by more than thirty men working over overtime overtime overtime time for one month and is of importance from the work make-work standpoint |