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Show • Fine Program To Feature Union Fod Days Festival •• "A Friendly Newspaper" Vol ume XVII- Number 25 Published Every Friday at Midvale, Utah Who Gets This Beauty? Friday, June 23, 1950 West Jordan Celebration To Honor Pioneer Settlers ~! ._. - I 1 , :: !( t / ... ~?.X... •'' .,. • .. -( • " ' U+a h GirI State 0 pen sUnday , At Logan C am pUS • The major problem of the railroads is grade crossing accidents. according to a pamphlet just issued by the Union Pacific. Titled ··\rhistle Talk," the booklet gives the low-down on the tooting business that goes on in the railroad realm, explaining some of the most commonly-used signals. Cop-ies may be. obtained by writing to the Union Pacific Passenger Traffic Dept., 1416 Dodge st., Omaha, :K•b. With all the railroad whistling that goes on in ~lidvale, local citizens now have an opportunity to learn what the various toots mean. • We believe that it is deplorable that our government is making no apparent effort to reduce the cost of living, especially on the neces· "l.ll·es of lt"fe. Food prt·ces are out " of sight and it is rumored that they Will go higher. In reading the daily papers we find no mention of any attempt on the part of the . . . admtntstralton or congress to halt the upward trend of commodtltes or to pass any legislation that will lower food costs. All one reads about is legislation to increase or plans to spend more pub· tax·es, .G t ., f f l lC money. overnmen or and by the people 11 is a mere fig- °' ure of speech nowadays. • Wednesday marked the first day of summer, according to the calen· dar, but it wasn't too summery hereabo uts. Hot, dry winds, and sultry atmosphere were more indicat ive of August than· the presmonth of J une. It has been a unusual spring this year, not only here, but throughout the en· tire nation. • The Harvest Days parade this year will be held at 10 a m on Thursday, July 13, instead of in the eveni ng. This is an innova· tion, and .it will remain to be seen whether or not this new time will bring as many people to Midvale as the evenin g hour. The commitin charge of the parade, together with local merch ants, have decided th at the morni ng parade will be better !or everyone, and cite the fo ll owing reasons: ( 1) the weather will be cooler, and therefore more pleasant; (2) there will be less interruption by trains on the Rio Grande crossing; (3) it wiU give the people an opportunIty to visit the local stores and do their shopping, and (4) it will make less congestion downtown the rodeo and carnival arc assembling. The idea is worth a try, anyway. • Work is in progress in tearing down the old Midvale grammar .school building on East Center St. This ancient structure now covers IHa rvest Days ;Aids Named For Big Fete • • • ° Thirteen committees to conduct the various phases of the 13th annual Harvest Days celebration, to be staged by the Midvale Kiwanis club July 13, 14 and 15. have been announced by Chairman Cas· per A Nelson as follows: Arnold Seating Com mittee Troester, chah·man; Elmer Jensen and Lawrence Jensen. Pa r king Committee - Marcell Graham, chairman; Art Eskelsen, Arnold Javaine. Harvest Days Dress Committee- I C E Matthews. Decorations & Lighting Committee-Coral Jex, chairman; II S Wright, Milton Bills. ! Rodeo Grounds Committee - L Webster ,chairman; J Seal, Dunn Tay lor, Y Harrod. Carn"oval & Concesso" ons Commo"ttee-Ray Ertrnann, chairman; l\lcl Carlson, Erv.·n Franz. Car Committee- Ha!"vcy Cundick, chairman; Paul Hopkinson, Pa ul Orin Be r rett Prior to his departure [or the . . • Western . State. s m.Isswn, a fare· ll t t 1 1 11 b h d we es :monta wt 1 e _el Sunday evenmg at 7 0 clock 111 honor f Eld p 1 0 . B tt er au nn crre ' son of Mrs Nell"e 1 B B tt r ld 0 f R IVu cr ~e ' erton. The program will be held in the Riverton First ward chapel Marx Blackett. . f 11 ' Parade Comm•ttee--Rced Gar[f, as Pro I odws: . '! L D chairman; Dr. Alley, Arvil Nelson e u c. music, nary ou t~ns- Dave Warner. ' 1ey· openmg song congrega 1on·1 . ' t·wn H e ber 'J Burgon· sac' Queen Com mittee-Harold Ashmvoca ' . ' · h · L Brown, Dr. Coon, ramen t song, c h otr; remar ks, J esse pman, c airman; casper,. VIO· r10. sdobo, 1 ern D ete Woolley, Joe Warner, Gene M1 ?0 Bends-. Millerberg. y axme ra . . . . 1ey, accompame shaw; remarks, Harold Derrett, orTtckets _com mltte:.NOI:val ~mgan solo, Betty Hamilton; remarks, cent, chaJ~·man; Willis Goodnch, Bishop Reynold Bills· response Leonard Newbold. missionary; closing s~ng 1 choir; Finance .. Com.mittee-Ed Reibenediction, Grant Page; postlude mann, .chauman, M S Peterson, music Mary Lou Densley. Dr. Wnght. ' Advertisi ng Committee - Dale Waters, chairman; Leon Rasmus· sen, Lewis Dahl. The general committee will as.sist and advise the various committees .in their duties as follows: Mr Nelson, carnival and street As the July 4th holiday is rapid- events; Howard Barrows, car and ly approaching. youngsters (and advertising; Ben G Bagley, decoroldsters, too) were warned today ations and seating; P M Mickelsen, by Marcell Graham, Midvale po-i tickets and finance; Dr J 0 Jones, lice chief, that the wse of fire-' rodeo grounds and parking; Dr crackers, or other explosives is H E Nelson, Hftrvcst Days dress. absolutely forbidden within Midvale city limits. H 0 N 0 R R0 LL Any fireworks of an explosive nature is taboo not only in this New Su bscribers: city, but throughout the state of John Oldham, Sandy. Utah, according to law, Chief Gra· Soren Dahl, East Midvale. ham said. Non-explosive fireworks, C. C. Pingree, Granite. F. M. Bagley, Sandy. such as sparklers, cap guns, ''fauntains," and "1crystals" arc valid, Renewa ls: he said. J. H. Bailey, Midvale. Parents are asked by the police John S. Brown, A-tidvale. departme-nt to cooperate by seeing Jack D. Canning, Midvale. that their children do not possess 0. D. Ballard, Draper. or pun·hast~ explo~ive fireworks. Mrs. Ernest J. Davis, Herriman. Mrs. Specner Miller, Herriman. Even the possession of firecracker:;, etc., is a violation of the LeGrande Poor, Herriman. la\\', il was p:;intC"rl out. K. M. Bastian, Union. Bonner Y. Lambson, Murray. up about one·hall of the front of the new modern building, which The family of Samuel Henry wlll stand forth in all its splendor Bcc:k.stead and Mary Ann Howard just as soon as the old building Beckstead held a reunion at South lis razed. Jordan \Vednesday evening. I° Today West Jordan stands as one of many towns in. the south· ern half of Salt Lake valley. But once it included everything from !21st South to the Point of the Bruce R McConkie of the First Mountain, with the exception of Council of Seventy of the LDS what is now Draper. church and Elder William Lawr· 1 The settlers built the first rock I ence o£ the ch~~ch welfare will meeting house in the va1ley close represent authontles at Mt Jordan J to the Jordan river. It still stands stake . 33rd quarterly conference , today as a monument to their in· Saturday and Sunday June 24 an~ dustry. A grist mill, saw mill, tan· 25, Stanley A Rasmussen, prest· ncry, store and rock meeting house dent, repo.rted Thursday. , went to make up the economic, soA mectmg ~or stak~ and ward f cia I and religious center, and the ~ welfare committees wtll be held community stood close to where Saturday at 6:30 P m at Draper the West Jordan Flour mill is toUN ION FORT PIONEE R MONUMENT MARKS HISTORIC SITE Second ward, followed by a priest- day. Plans have been practicaly corn· . t 8 h oo d mee t tng a p m. T t "b t t h t 1 The general conference sessions o pay TI u e ? t ese set ers S pleted for the annual Union Fort will be held Sunday at 10 a m in the West Jordan _First and Sec~nd Days celebration, sponsored by the the Sandy recreational hall and I wards are planmng a celebration 5 civic and church groups of Union. . I for July 4th and have approprito be held Saturday night, July 1, agam at 2 p m at the same place. 1 1 d . "S ttl , D " s _ Music for the afternoon session ae y ca 11e ' 1 . e ers ays pe and all day July 4th. Collin Wood will be by Sandy Znd ward choir. c1al .care 1s ~emg taken t~ provide Utah Girls State Inc. will hold is general chairman of the event. In keeping with the instruction a~ mexpenstve, full c!ay s en~er· its fourth annual session at tbe and his committee includes repre.. . tamment for old and young alike. sentatives of all the groups in the from the fust prestdency, sacra· B . . "th th h . I Utah State Agricultural college ment will be held in all wards egmnmg wt e c oosmg 0 June 25 to July 2. This American- community. The coronation ball will open of Mt. Jordan stake Sunday eve· a queen and her atten~ants at a ism program is sponsored by the . g t 7 t h. h ti. the square dance the everung of the A . Le . . . the celebration Saturday night, mn a p m, a w lC me Th" ·ct 0f J 1 t 9 th giOn Awn1tary with _ mcr1can 1 1 restoration of the Melchizedek b ut. . u Yf at P m, ed ce e many school and civic organiza- Ju Y l, when the winnet' of the . . ra wn WI 11 ea ure a para e on . . queen contest and her satellites pnesthood wtll be commemorated. July 4 th at 10 a m followed by 8 hon~ actmg as co-sponsors, ac· will be officially crowned. Candt·' . cordmg to Mrs L N Howard of full schedule of entertamements j a· e t t h. . ' dates for the title of queen ·are d ts IV r on. s1a e c a1rman. S• L• County Recreatl'on an amusemen . Betty Jacobson, Elsie Glines, JaBaseball Association Special interest is being shown The purpose of this "mystic nene Walker, Nancy Olsen and Standings of the Teams in the horse pulling match to be state" is to bring to the girls of Donna Stoker. Competing for the Southern Division-First half held at 2 P m. Chairman E P Utah a knowledge of the funda- princess title are Arlene Darton, Union ........................8 1 .778 Bateman says lhat the finest ~e:~al prit"c:les hof lA~erican Claudia Scofield, Kay Christensen, Bluffdale ............... 6 2 .750 teams in the region will pull for t' v nmen roug ac u prac- and Emogene Leonard. For fairy Draper . ··-···--···········-6 2 .750 prize money of $150 in three tc~he ill b t f" t h d princess there are two entrants, Riverton ................. 1 4 .200 weight classes. Teams will weigh the Y b7 ~erve a rrs t an Joan Aldredge and Kacey Hensen. Midvale ................... ! 6 .143 in according to the Horse and .t pro elms 0 dgo~e~n~en o~a July 4th activities will starCoff South Jordan .......... 0 7 .000 Mule Assn. standards at Gardner cvtdye,d ~outn y, _tan s a e _eve 1· ·t· I- with a bang Tuesday morn.ing 10 0 um s represen 1mg Ct ICS when a sunrise salute will be fired Northern Division Coal Yard between 10 and 11 a 1 Garfield --······ ........... 6 1 .857 m, the day of the match. At this ~~;scee girls ':'till electt officdialst ftor at daybreak, followed by flag cere3 3 date an invitation is still open. to . I_ s 1 ~ ct Y. coun Y .an s a. e.. monies, De11is Forbush, publicity . Granger F rrst .500 D d d t0 t th 1 1!1 Granger Second .. 3 3 .500 any teams that would care to IVl e . m wo_ my tea po '_1• 1 chairman of the celebration, reHunter .................... 2 3 .400 enter. ~a! part•:•· t~~ gu·ls develop thetr ports. IUghlight of the morning Bingham ................. 1 5 .167 Athletic event$., rodeo, ball w~ll P:~e~t'~ a or~. d t will be the grand parade, which 1 The following are rcsult.s of Igames, band concert, variety show . ns ar. carne 011 a will take the following route; games played in both divisions: ! and everything else to make a full Gu·Is. State accordmg to the laws Starting at 9 a m at 6500 South, Union 3, Bluffdale 2; Bluffdale day of enjoyment will take place of Utah. . . . the cavalcade will proceed down 11, Midvale 5; Union 19, Riverton at the West Jordan junior high A public rece,ptton Will be held 9th East to Union Ave., then west 4; Draper 20, Midvale 6; Union 12 school grounds. June 30 • at 7 0 clock P m, 10 the • to the Union community park at South Jordan 6; Riverton 9, Bluff. LDS Institute in Logan. At this j6th East and 7200 South. dale 9; Draper 9 ,South Jordan 0. relcetptd•ont thte tgtrlsffthat halvlebbeen After the parade, most of the c ec e o s a e o ICC::~ Wl e In· day's events are scheduled at the Granger Second 9, Bingham 5; t d Garfield 12, Hunter 4; Granger Se· augura e · 1 park, where concessions of all From th. is select .group of high I kinds will be open throughout the cond 10, Grange. r. Firs. t 0; G.arfield Several hundred persons were scltool g tls t o •· II be 5 ele ted ' '. w "•. c afternoon and evening. At 2 p m 11, Granger Fust 5, Garfield 9, in attendance at the third annual to attend Gtrls Natwn to be held there will be men's baseball game, Bingham 0. Stt·alvbeJ·t·y Fiesta held Saturday · W h. gt DC· A t Th m as m on, m ugus · e followed by a women's softball On Monday, July 10 Bingham in Sandy. selection will be made by attend- contest. \~Ill play at G:.anger Second; Gar· Prize winners in the parade in- ing directors and counselors and The car drawing will attract ftcld at H~nteJ, Bluffda_le at South 1 eluded originality, first, "Hansel ttie citizens of Utah Girls State. Jordan; Rtverton at Midvale; Un- and Gretel," entered by Carol Set· thousands in the early evening, ·oon at Draper when a 1950 Chevrolet sedan and · terberg, and a float "Goldilocks" WEST JORDAN COUPLE TOURS other valuable prizes will be given and "The Three Bears" tied, spon- INTERESTING EASTERN POINTS away. Tht"s event will be foll-'-d M'd I Ma t ron Has I Va e sors unknown; second. "Peter Ra b · Mr & Mrs Donald Hogan, Sr., by a super vart"ety show, toun~be I,..,....,'"" • , T h e grand prize of the 1950 Harvest Day~ is this sedan, to be given away on the fina l night of the fete, Ju ly 15. Picture shows Gwynne Page (left), president of Riverton ~l otor Co., from whom the car was purchased, and Harvey Cundick, chairman of the Harvest Days car committee, when delivery of the 1950 beauty was made to the Kiwanis Club, <;ponsors. The car is now on display at the city hall grounds. -S•"ti11el Photo Missionary By Keith Hogan Mt. Jordan Stake 33rd QUa rferIY C On f ere nce L-.IS t e d • - • I Children Warned On Firecracker Violations Here I * * 1 Strawberry Fest"lval Declared SucceSS I I I 86 t h 81 •rt hday J une 19 , bit", entered by Edward Kunz Mrs Ellen Anderson celebrated family; thi-rd, tie, <;Mary and the her 86th birthday at her home in Lamb" entered by Vaughn AtkinMidvale June 19. Friends and ret- son family, and the float, 'Star atives called dW'ing the day to Dust'' entered by unknown sponwish her many happy returns. sor. Mrs Anderson came to this com· Comical division: first, ·'Gold munity 5'" years ago. She lives Dust Twins, (our-year-old twin alone, docs all of her own work daughters of Bishop and Mrs J E and often walks to Midvale-a dis- Rich, Elaine and Eileen Rich; setance of a mile. She is a mcm· cond, "Toy-Town Circus", entered ber o! Zion Lutheran Church, by Dale Adams; third, "Snow which she enjoys; also her small, White" entered by Eastside neighflower garden and beautiful house I borhood. plants. Bicycle division: Charles Alex· 1 He1· oldest son, Arvid, of Corn- der, first; tricycle division, Lee wall, Pa., was unable to ·attend, Fugal, first; Costume dlvision: but her other three sons and their Geraldine Martin, first. families, Harold of Tooele, Ru· Prizes were also awarded special dolph and Walter of Midvale, were floats. Judges were Grant Mar· present to help Mrs Anderson cel-l 1·meau oI Mid va 1e, '! u rs Cl ara a·lC h ebrate tbe occasion. ards of West Jordan; 1\Irs Clara Woodhouse of Prichett, Colo.; and East Midvale Couple Mrs Stella Beck of Sandy. Married Fifty Years The program of events contin'R,,!r & 'IJ· S D hl . . ued during the afternoon and eve~ .~.v .., s oren a WI 11 ce 1e · 'th r k d' 1 t brate their golden wedding anni- nmg WI a Irewor -s ISP ay a 9 30 versary with an open house at : P m, followed by_ a square their home, 96 E 7500 South, East dance at Sandy recreation hall. I LOCa I R"fl R I e ange p p Midvale, Sunday, June 25. Friends are tnvtted to call between 3 and P m. 1 Both Mr and Mrs Dahl have been active in the LDS church and 1 Midvale p o 1 ice department's are now members of the East rifle range on South Main St. is Midvale First ward. proving to be a popular rendezThey were married in the Salt vous for law enforcement officers Lake temple June 27, 1900. of the county , as well as momMr Dahl was born in Midvale ,. hers of the Utah Pistol League, I ~larch 24, 1866, the son of Alex- Chief Marcell Graham reports. ander and Ellen Yorgensen Dahl. Eight 5-man teams of the league :\'Irs Dahl was born in Kamas, the competed at the range last week, daughter of Wm 0 and Elsie Er- and will hold regular weekly ickson Anderson. They have four shoots, alternating between Midchildren, Mrs Charles 5chmidt, vale and Salt Lake City. Conrad S Dahl and Ivan Dahl of Law eniorcement agencies have East Midvale and 1\:frs Persyl Rich· also been using the Midvale range ardson of Murray. extensively recently getting in Eighteen grandchildren and one some practice for the state conSreat grandchild are also descend~ vention at Vernal this week~end ants of 1\Ir & J\IJ·s Dahl. of the Utah Peace Officer Assn. jg rOVeS OpU ar of West Jordan, returned this staged at the park by the Clarweek from an extended auto trip ence Smith Productions. Many fine to Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska, acts have been secured for this and other states. They spent some time at the home of ~Ir Hogan's entertainment, Mr Forbush said The public is cordially invited sister, in Liberty, Mo., where Mr to attend any and all events of the Hogan celebrated his birthday. Uni<"'ll Fort Days celebration, pro-Among the LOS historical places ceeds of which are used annually they visited were Liberty jail, for community projects. monument llf the ''Three Witnesses11 , the burial ground of David Whitmer, the Lyman White home MRS. J. 5• ALLEY ELECTED and the site of the temple at In- TO NAT'L. GOLD STAR OFFICE dependence, Mo. Word has been received in Mr & Mrs Hogan also saw the Midvale that Mrs J S Alley, who Truman home and visited the) has been attending the American Flanagan home for boys, the mis- Gold star national convention in sian home in Topeka, Kans., and Detroit, Mich., has been elected the Council Bluffs Mormon Trail a member of the national execu-marker at Lincoln, Nebr., and the tive board. Mrs Alley will visit fe dera 1 penet entiary · · th e cas t b eI ore re-a t Le aven- 1rc 1at·tves m worth, Kans. . turning home. Record Swimming C lasse s Enrolled at Midvale Pool Bernarr Furse and Frank GrifIiths, swimming instructors at the pool, report one oi the largest classes is enrolled at the Midvale swimming pool Ior the past fey; years. The beginners , swimming class for children 8 to 12 years has an enrollment of nearly 250. This has made it necessary for the class to be divided into three groups. The enthusiasm Iot· the swim· ming classes is evidenced by the number of children from outlying communities who are brought here in carloads for the daily swim· rning classes. A special class bas been arranged for a part of this group. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 12 to 1, swimming lessons will be given for beginners - both boys and girls ages 6 to 12--Irom pther communities. The following revised schedule will go into effect today: 10 to 11-Girls beginner swim over 12. 11 to 12-0pen plunge, boys and girls. 12 to !-Special beginner group. 1 to 2-Intermediate boys. 2 to 3--Beginner girls, 6 to 12 years. 3 to 4-Beginner boys, 6 to 12 years. 4 to 5-Intermediate girls. 5 to 6-0pen plunge, boys and girls. 6 to 7-Li:Ce saving class, boys and girls. 1 7 to &-Open plunge. There wiJl be a local swimming meet at the Midvale pool at 4 p m today. This will be a trial meet in preparation for the county wide contests to be held .in Mur· ray some time next month. |