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Show THE age Five - ~IIDV .\.LE r-----.., SENTINEL . I Friday. June 2'3, 1950 MISS WRIGHT'S PlANO PUPILS 1 GOOD TRUCKS - Lowest Prices TO PRESENT RECITAL I '46 Chev. $500; '41 Chev. $395; Miss I! a Wright wiU present her '39 Ford $185; '40 Ford Stakes piano students in a recital Thurs- $195, $295 nnd $345: '42 Ford day, June 29 at 7 p m, at Sandy Stake $385. Nash Auto Co., 2600 J30 First ward. Those who will par- S. Main. Ph.: 8-1506. residents of Midvale, and were em· ployecs of the Earl L Smith stores here at one time. ticipate include. Shyrma and DeAnna and Sharron Hendrickson, 1\!r & Mrs J Carl Ostler, Mrs Erma Anderson and Mrs Arvilla Mower of Gooding, Idaho, were SUMMER PTANS' Ralph Edwards and wife to Europe to gatlu.·r rna· terial for his CBS' broadc:l<.,ls in fall. Marie Wilson in summer play., and then hurrying lo Europe for shooting of 2nd "~ly fril'nd Irma" man, daughter of Mr & Mrs Suel Him ba~cd on CBS air !'oohoh·. Horace Heidt doing hi-. CBS talMrs. Gayle Holt and sons, Lynn Bushman of Lehi, and Robert Lyle ent program ncar his San F\•rnando and Douglas Deane, returned to Webster, son of Mr & Mrs Lyle D Valley home and preparing ftH f\ew their home at MonticeHo, follow- \Vebster of Midvale, will be sol- York TV debut in Scptt•mber. ing a six weeks visit with Mrs emnized Friday (today) in the Salt Charle• Correll, Andy of CBS' parents, Mr & Mrs Royce Lake temple. A wedding reception Am()s ·n· Andr. enjoying hot ·ilb·ert. and relatives in South will be held this evening at Lehi weather wilit his Jordan. Fifth ward chapel. The newlyfive kids at his weds will reside in Sandy. The home Hollywood The Noble Grand club met groom is associated with his fath· swimming J)()OL Tuesday night at the home of Mrs er in the Webster Coal & Lumber Johnny and Agnes Nelson on South Main St. Co., of Midvale. Penny 0 Is en Table games and refreshments 1---busy wjth ap· were enjoyed by 12 members. J\lrs llr & Mrs Melvin Lind are vapearances at .:! .: fairs, parke;, etc., Bernice Bishop was co-hostess. cationing in southern Utah and ~, ~ and their 5-timesArizona this week. The regular meeting of the Mid- dinner guests of 1\!r & Mrs E M vale Rebekah lodge will be held Olson, Friday, at their home in Monday at 8 p m, in the Midvale West Jordan. Firemen's ball, lodge officials reported Thursday. The marriage of Miss Beth Bush- Dr. J S Alley will leave Sunday by rail to attend the annual convention of the American Medical Society. Mr & Mrs George Barton and son, DeVon, l\1r & Mrs Joe Barfus and Mrs Rose Robbins left this week for Detroit, Mich., where the will take delivery of a Hudson car. Enroute home - Cows may be harmed by eating moldy sweet clover hay. FOR YOUR LUZIER CosmeticsCall Mae Farmer. Mid. 436-W. FOR SALE-Two Only HELLO - FOLKS! 12111" L Black Daylight General Electric TV Sets. Latest consolette models, floor demonstrators, used very little. Gayle Ostler, Dixie Greenwood, Sharon Eldredge, Norene Evans, Karen Leonard, Terry Kirby, Charee Landures and Carma Ekins. I Reg. $289.50 - our price only $250.00. See them now . . Call Ed or Floyd Mid. 500 or Mid. 24 Electric Co. I 78 W.Shipp Center Midvale, Utah LIMITED Cj)UANTITY JUST ARRIVED MOST COLORS - co. SHIPP ELECTRIC ABC 78 West Center St. Colorado Springs, and other places Special Services where he proof interest. duced directed and participated in many war loan drives. After his Ramon Dickson, DeVon Barton, discharge he studied at Juilliard ~comp,anied on the piano by Ann Summer school and increased his Aylett, played two cornet .selec- repertoire to more than 1000 tions Saturday evening at the M songs. I A banquet at the Lions House, He recently appeared in Salt in Salt Lake City. More than 10C Lake City as Turiddu in "Cavall\1 Men and Gleaner Glrl leaders leria Rusticana." His performance were in attendance. was widely hailed by music and dramatic critics. Mr & Mrs Sherman Johnson, Mr Crain will join Norman Midvale To Learn 7571 So. State Fur~.aces Sheet Metal Work Barqains! WE ARE EXPERTS In all types of car waxing, glaxing and polishing TED'S MOBIL SERVICE 675 E. Center St. Phone Mid. 286 11 !l ii -,i =.1 d mon ay, u I;~:-;~;:.=~=;~:::;:::.:=;::::~ home. Coops for 2000. Plenty of Small orchard, lawn and yard. water. One share irrigation water. $3000. 1 acre lot, ideal for Bingham work· ~'3 down. Terms. Phone Midvale for Beginner Classes on p. Free pick-up and delivery on all service work. Fully insured division. assessments pd. FOR SALE - Small Modern home 17 1 Z acres. 7 room modern brick in Granite. 816: acres ground.. -REGISTER- 26, 8:30 J 1 10 8 30 UY ' : Ph: Mid. 770 IN MIDVALE Duplex lot close to town. $550.00. Large Corner lot in New Sud- Square Dance Monday, June er. m. 0481-J2. 6-3() Crawford Realty Co. Do You Need Money? - Do you 111 Brooks Arcade, Salt Lake City, Ut have a Rawleigb Dealer who supl l Phone 9-1836; Mid. 218-W or 747-J. plies you regularly with housell hold necessities? If not why don't p. m. HENRY ROBERTS, Instructor - ~-~ Six Acres, ~~o~mS!~~- Eas:-:ide ~~~d st~~t ~~e yo~:w~~~;b n~!~~eo:; $9800.00. Good profits to Hustler in Southeast Salt Lake county. Buy on 4-ro.om gas heat. Midvale. $6500.00. credit. (Personal interview in your -J home, ii desired) Write Rawleigh's 13 Acres. 4 room home. 20 shares Dept. UTF. 84- 258, Denver, Colo. water. East side. $4500 .. $1000 down. $40 per month. FOR SALE-Building lot on 7Uo 1 Ave., Midvale. Phone. Mid. 36. Lot near State St. Gas in st:eet.l M.rs II C Aylett. J~U Our floor is specially prepared for Square Dancing s K 0 LLER Remember-Dancing will continue all summer at I Bowling - operators of the Utah Bit & Steel Scott and Dorothy Sarnoff in the USED CAR PRICES ARE Service Co., Midvale, left Wednes- familiar story of the man who sold LESS THAN LAST YEAR 2 Portable Equipment Bob "Busiest Guy on This adays with the high prices, summer hotel;; are changing the Amos signs which read 'Have you left anylhing?' to ·Ha'c you anything ldt?'" Freeman Gosden (Amos ar.ri Kingfish of Amos "n' Andy). ;.pending summer looking for a Negrc. actor to play Kingfish in TV <'~~~ lovely Jan Miner, (Ann on CB· Crime Photographer) will wc1.•kend at l1er New Hampshire farm. !- Iron Pipe (new)-$13.75 per C. Planet" Hope doing a mo\'ie and then flying across USA for another ~cdes o( pcr::;o naL appearances. starred with the Municipal Opera Mr & Mrs Wilburn Larson and of St. Louis and on many radio Walter KierMr & Mrs Walter Jenkins returned shows. He is a native of St Louis. nan,"' ho humor· Friday from a motor trip through A veteran of 42 months in the izes the news on Colorado. They visited DeJJ.\'er, army, Mr Crain was assigned to ABC, says "Now- K Ornamental Iron Work and Rorch Posts .•• Hand Railing General Blacksmithing, Welding Special Sale on Yz·inch Galv. Allen Font, of CBS-TV's Candid Camera looking for funny hot weath· er ideas-like time he hid mike and loud speaker in mailbox and then Salt Lake City-John Crain, con· filmed and recorded as~onishmcnts o£ the leuer mailers. cert, radio and operatic star, will No real vacation fnr ca<:.t of CBS' sing the title role in the Univers- Junior Mi~s. They"H go right on en· ity of Utah Summer Festival pro- tertaining S3turday a.m. uudknccsduction of Gounod's "Faust'' July as they huve for 3 straight years. lhe group expects to visit Mis.s 14, 15, 17 and 18, Dr. A Ray Olpin, Colleen Dickson at Minneapolis, president of the University, anMinn. Miss Dickson, daughter of nounced today. Mr & :Mrs LaVern Dickson, is One of the most promising tensE.rving an LDS mission there. ors in America, Mr Crain has 0 0 charge, 50 cP.nts per insertion. 2 bedroom brick almost n~ full basement, lot 60x300. This home MIDVALE is worth looking at. $1200 down. SHEET METAL Terms. Delightiul Cottage - 2 bedroom frame, nice living room and kit· 114 North Main chen. The lot is landscaped and the house is empty so you can move in this week. All you need Clyde Buxton Frank Wln&et is $750 down and a moving van. Please call Les Cerrigan - 136--J or Roy McMullin, Mid. 50 FOR SALE-Philco table model. comb. and record table $40. RollMcMULLIN REALTY CO. Midvale, Utah away bed and matt., $20. Chrome 92 Lincoln St. :;~~;;:::;;:::~~;;:::;;:::::::::::::::; kitchen set, red leatherette, $30.. • ' Call Mid. 4582 after 6 p m. Mrs McRae. J23 STOKER WELDING SERVICE SPRED SATIN is back "Ladies De Scat· ed" program. Andy Summer Festival Signs Tenor For Faust Opera weekly Roy Stuart, Elaine Stuart, Lael and JoAn Kunz, Raymond Ostler, Rate: 10 cents per line. Minimum '' Billiard - Skating - Cooled by Refrigeration $645. Will accept auto m li ad e. Septic Tanks, Cesspools and Dra~ns Dancing Snack Bar ' 1 Cleaned or Suburban Real Estate installed. Service ;;~~::?::01~~§.~ '~~~~~==~~':~ ,. .: :'_a7_s_:_~_'h_H_!_;~a_:;_av_s_'a_7-_29_.1_s 1 ~~;l~:.;;;';~~:"~::;;~e~~ day morning by auto for Texas, his soul to the devil. where Mr Johnson has accepted a Also billed for the Summer Fes· managerial position with a large tival is "Promised Valley," the metallurgical company. 1947 show which inagurated the series and which has been brought computation made by the State Mr & 1\lrs Milton Bills and smaU back by popular demand. For Tax Commission shows. son, Randy, retmned Sunday both productions C Lowell Lees In a report of the commission a trip to Minnesota and the will serve as stage director, Mauron the motor vehicle sales and use Hills of South Dakota. They ice Abravanel as music director tax it was pointed out that when led with Mr & Mrs Dewey and Bill Christensen as chorcog· the sales tax was first collected Waller at Presho, S. D., enroute rapher. "Promised Valley" will on individual sales of motor vehome. The \Vallers are forme!' run July 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 24. hicles in May of 1949, the aver- Excellent care. References. Phone Murray !214M. 6-2J Standard develops peacetime use for atomic energy I FOR . SALE-Modern 5 % room home. Forced gas heat. Large lot and plenty shade. $7,000. North on 5th East Sandy. Ph Mid. 275W J23 age sales tax collected was $12.02, Spinet Piano - Slightly used; like new; Real Buy. J. E. Brown, or an average volue o! $601, while in May o£ this year the average collection was $8.88 or an aver- Draper. Phone 4903. Jf age value of $4.44. In the one year period from May -Announcement - 10, 1949, to May 10, 1950, 20,563 persons, who purchased motor vehicles from individuals, not deal- ers, paid a total of $210,065.83 in sales tax. (Dick & Dell) Webster Bros. Conoco Service 7643 So. State EXPERT WASHING end GREASING Salt Lake Pipe Line Company (a St"lndard Oil Company ofCalifornia r•1bsidiary) is completing a 566·mile pfpe line between Salt Lake City and Pasco, Washington. The line will serve many points with a vari· t:ty of peuoleum products. How could these products be kept separated ... products ranging from diesel fuel to high-octane gasoline ... as they foUoweacb other through chis common carrier lint'? This problem has been solved efficiently by using atomic energy. Each time a change to a nt.•w prod· uct is made, very minute amounts of radioactive tracer material are pm inro the Jine ... tracer material prepared especially for thjs use in the Government atomic pile at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. SANDY CLINIC Ph. Mid. 556-W 7980 S. State Hours 10 A. M. to S P. M. Wed. & Sat. to 9 P. M. Dr. R. T. Wilkerson Naturopathic Physician B~;~sements & Trenches Dug GRADING & HAULING Motor Tune-up - Generator & Starter repairs - Auto Accessories and Supplies Drop in for the Best Service. Your Patronage Appreciated .* . All kinds of Cat. 11nd Shovel work .* . .* . Expert Operators \ MARTINEAU BROS. Midvale, Utah Ph. 703-R Sandy City Bank Getting Good Receptio11 and Midvale Branch Bank On Your Radia? •.. and Utah and Idaho Using a Geiger Counter, operators at the destination communities. Twenty-five can tell exactly when the radioactive tracer arrives in the pipe ... and they can swi.tch the new stream of g;u,oline or oil into the proper tank. The radioactive tracer is so diluted in each batch of produces that only the recording made by a Geiger Counter can teJJ you Let Us Make ir's rhere. Irs radioactivity will be far Jess chan thac of a luminous watch dial. CERTAIN branches boost civic development and .. provide complete "at home" service "Utah's underground mines pour out enough water to irrigate several thousand acres of farm land. One mine alone pumps enough to keep 700 acres green and growing." UT Al-i' MIN IN , G A$ SOC 1.t\ T io"N ~ for members. ·•·. ··- .. IJTIIH PIJIJlTRY AND FARMERS CO-OP (j.:un<ll 1800 So~lh Wo-ot fernpl• • Culll<r>u•·nl OJiia~r ~ • Soh l.ot.. • - ijyundlr.< u'"" unci s,,..,,... , C"~ '" l.luhu • This is one of the first commercial uses of atomic energy in American industry. But it won't be the last. Our scienrists ... and those of other companies . .' . are fast learning how to make this great development work for peaceful purposes. You'll see the results of this knowledge soon ... not only in improved meth, ods of transportation but in new and useful products. GULL'S RADIO SERVICE 24 E. CENTER ST, Midvale, Utah Phone Midvale 909·W STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Plans oheatl to serve You 6etter • • |