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Show r" tub Northern General fair Saturday night and Bandar: Uttle change to t emperatnre. Idaho and Nevada fair Saturday night and Sun-da- rs aoodeiate temperatn rea. rtSiPEKA'I LHEa Roof of Beaton Bldg. Kiosk : ( Man. Friday (47j Min. Friday .43 Min. Saturday 44 41 47 &f of Boaton Bldg. KiOsk. a m. Sat- - ...4 am bat. 7 .4J ...64... ... Noon Sat. ( PRICE FIVE CENTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER UTAH LAKE CITY SALT 20 YEAR NINTH SEVENTY 1928 Gassed as Doubt- ful State . With Present Leaning Favoring Smith. By David Lawrence . PROVIDENCE. R I . Oct 20. fCPA Another doubtful etata It Khoda Island and by doubtful is meant that the Republicans them-els- e would be surprised if they got mora than 5,000 majont The A Demo- crats are unusu- confident ally They know the B e p u h Ucan management tootn forking to nail and ewirg the state back to the Republican column tor the - earU cans asses show- a ed decided toward So this I in state la a n m hich last min a ing Smith. i organtxa- rUvi0UEMC(1tUe ' " tions will count for a great deal. The Republican are counting on the factional the dispute that baa arisen among Catholics the French Canadians Cathbeing ranged against the Irish sii aen-at- (Column Sixty on. 1 Mile Gale Hits England South-we- st 20 LONDON. Oct (AP) A furious gale with the wind velocity between 40 and (9 miles an hour end gusts reaching 100 miles an hour roared over southern and western England and Ireland dur ing the night. Considerable damage was done . in scattered localities. A Digest loday) NO (By Associated Press) renewal of Sinclair nil 'ntract. charged Borah with Inconsistency In supporting Hoover; assailed Republican administration 't and farm - de-ting oil esaioa. WASHINGTON Georgs Aker-- , denied n. Hoover assistant to Governor Bll-- h i largo attributedthat Hoover dancMississippi, ed with negro woman, denounced sii h an utterance. Bilbo at Jack-- s o. denied made statement aa his w n. saving he quoted it as having I ten made at public rally. ork for ii as TRENTON N J Curtis Republican record, said that with few expirtv declares ceptions Us act of government have ben to the great benefit of the nation." as CASPER Vtyo Robinson declared Smith especially fitted." by career in New lork to assume said Hoover "long ptesidenej. tareer as business man has not Whitt for him qualified specially House. Borah charged LOrgVJIXE Smith with having accepted protective tariff sjstem for political expediency," WASHINGTON Bishop James Cannon, Methodist Church South In statement Democratic said not charges of religious Intolerance made In good faith but voiced to raise same Intolerance In behalf of as ess see Smith. NEW YORK John W. Davis. uad Smiths election will make government once mors an Instrument of human justice . ENID. Oklahomg, Senator Republican. Oregon, said high protective tariff pledged by Republicans necessa- - to stake Me-Na- ry. MEMPHIS. Trnn . Oct. SO rhulr,-ma- n Walker 1 Wrllford. of the nonpartisan Hoover dub hero today, wired John J Rnskob. Democratic national chairman, asking lion in tho- spirit of fairness," lie I Ik- repudiate "disgraceful Hiargest made by Governor Then G. Jlllbo of Mlxsissippi, that tlie Republican nominee had danced with a negro woman at Mound Bajou, Miss. BY RILLIAM K. HUTCHINSON (Special Leased Wire Servie The Deseret News ) WASHINGTON. Oct. 20 (INS) Determined to make bis Now York address the outstanding utterance of hs campaign, Herbert Hoover will sum up ths Republican Issues on which he seeks the presidency, d incurs the relationship of government to business and reply directly to Democratic assaults up on the financial record of the Cool idee administration. This way learned at Republican headquarters here today aa Hoover completed a final draft of tha speech. Tt probably wll be withheld from newspapers until tomorrow, when he leaves early in the afternoon for New York City aboard special train. Hoover will rest at a down town hotel over night, spend Monday conVrrtng withN'ew York Jeade-- x o clock IE. 6. T) and speak at In Mad'son Square Garden before 30,000 loyal followers Cites Pledges. Ths program Hoover will offer lo American interests undoubtedly will include pledges to us every if agency of - his administration elected to1 Promote financial siabllttv by economy in expenditui es wise taxation. and sound fiscal finance, including rap d reduction of the pub- c debt and additional tax reduction aa the federal Income permits 2 Promote business stability by steps to elim'nate periodical in trade, by government cooperation In eliminating industrial waste and by maintaining tbe tariff aa a bulwark against cheaper standards of living abroad 3 .Promote stabdllv of employment by the ssme steps and bj the V (Continued on Page Two) (Coia!R Mi. t TWO WYOMING FLIERS KILLED f AP) RAW UN'S. Wyo . Oct. 20 Victims of an airplane rah at Parco Wyo, Friday. Morrta Newell and H - Rosenberg, pilot, were dead her today. Rosenberg died three hour after tha accident and Newell died at noon today. The plane sideslipped, burying its nose0 in. the ground, from a height of I- feet-- Ga , Oct. 29. (AP) Here feeing awwmbled today to bgin a crusade AlcNary-Hauge- n bill effective, against all advertising signboards Governor on every highway in Fulton counNORWICH. Conn Ritchie. Maryland, declared Hoov- ty. er achieved nomination through The resolution does not affect political organization all his own. siens erected on property by their Ithaca. N Y Senator Copeland; ownejs. Democrat New York, charging Republican hvpoertsv." assailed AUNT HET dry opposition to Governor Smith. ATLANTA, dCrems-ot-Work- as as NEW YORK Babe Ruth, in ratermed dio campaign address Smith greatest friend of Amerilife can sport in public w today." s INDEPENDENCE. Kans Will White renewed stuck lam Allen on Smith and Tammany. s NEW YORK Frank P. Walsh chairman of the Progressive league tor Smith. announced formation of a national committee composed of two from each state, who. he said were Influent, si In amassing La- follstta t Th Deseret News) NEW YORK, Oct. 29 (INS) The- - Drat order for financial retrenchment in the Democratic presidential campaign went forward quietly from national headquarters here today official admitted Following, reports that tne committee had been compelled to borrow $509 000 from New York banks for financing the campaign, C hgirman John J. Kaskob and National Treasurer James XV. Gerard sanctioned orders for retrench- MI X ment- The $509 009 loan wag arranged through the County Trust company of New York, of which James 4 Riordan, one of the original 6raUh Lackers. U president. Raskob denied that campaign contributions had fallen far below From other headexpectations quarters officials, however it was learned that the original financial program contemplated no borrow- oc CXp SEA BLAST HELD iiaswjn f- - ror ing. CHICAGO. Oi 29. With 'the thee re of aiill p. ther muUtude of admirers rfngin, m 11s ears, Go Alfred E. Smith today began tha long trek back to Albany with a lour of Indiana. vast crowd collected at the Illinois Central etauen as the presidential raudidafg and hti par-t- v boarded the special train for InGov. Smith, with the dianapolis Fame wide, expansive smile that lias made him thousands of new friends during hig three-da- y stop here, waved to the milling thousands that had collected for a last glimpse of the Nw York chief executive. Gov Smith had a final conference with Democratic leaders of Illinois a ho expressed confidence he had annexed the electoral vote and the confidence of Illinois. A partv of Indiana Democratic leaders boarded the special train for Ha trip to Indianapols. one-da- y A LINDY TO HUNT MEXICO -- BEARS MEXICO CITY, Oct. :0-(- Al) Col Charies A. Lindbergh will come south of the Rio Grande mxt week to hunt bears la the border state of Coahuila. The trip has been planned aa a complete rest for the airman ard Col, -- Alexander J.. MacNab mtli-taattache at the United States embaesv, who organized the party, hopes that Lindbergh will be able to stay four or five weeks. If he does the party will go also to the Sierra Madre mountains In the state of Chihuahua to seek cliff dwellings. rr Utah Youth Shot M During Deer Hunt Brigham City Lad First Episcopal Resolution In- of Season ' dorses Kellogg Victim Post Mortem Discloses Doubt Atlantic Expert Opening Today. Peace Pact. Was Plane Blew Up; Light Slayers Brain Not Abnormal; Funeral Believed Flare Set Off w AH r voton" oet ro Is HeH at Cemetery, lArson, IS British Aviator. AP Den er today was form-aBy I ST JOHNS-Nb Belief y F Oct TO that distress flare lighted bv Commander H C MacDonald, Rritisn flier who dt&ap j eared Wednesda night, whil a trans Altai tn. flight may hae been m'Ftahen t a pa mg steamer for ar. epl"smn cf hisi plane mas expressed b air experts here toda. l track A Dutch teant?hip the sighted uhat its commndr belies ed to hae peen an expieion Wed nesday night. The sir experts baed their sup position rn ths fact that Commandof1 er MacDonald carried a tock j emergency flares and n'atrhes They pointed out that the 1ra lion of ihe supposed explosion ith tho poiti ts mould crrespond MacDonald should hae reached at Thev in hla flight that time that thft nera inclined to belle filer bad been forced don and bad lighted w aicnal flare rathe motor of hU ptanfc had exploded Tha freighter message did not indicate that the vessel had gone to lnetigae the cause of the lights , j -- Idaho Project Held Feasible chosen as the chv for the next general convention of th Episcopal church to be held beginning the first Sunda in tober 131 Tne action came when th houe of deputies rat fmd th thohe of the houae of binojs male veserdav Approval of the Kellogg Brl in I peace part vas rerorded-tho houe of deputies m Introduced pvs ng a. resolution Little of Sacrameno, Paul by California It reads Whrea the United F'aies through its secre-a- r goernment or gtae the Honorabe FWank B Kelloag has sivned wih 14 other nations the Kel Bnand peace pact of far logg reaching impor'ame and whicn portends toward the outlawry of war. Therefore be it resoled the house of bishop4 ton that the house of deput ej does Jherebv record Its sincere ipproal ot said peace pact Ine 4h blessed hope thaA Bod on kmgdom--ut earth, will be hastened and the Prince of Peace shall reign supreme com--th- Child of Seven Saves Baby Boy Who Catches Fire fQOTBALL iSp.-laUR- ed ii ( I tan SAN US) OcL 20. FRANCISCO, All that is mortal of Wil- liam Edward Hickman who paid with his life for the murder of Marion Paiker on the San Quentin pnon gallows iesterda, lies in a gra'e at the Hoi Croa ceTne- tery toda few hours after his death, an on his autopsy was performed body at the Limersiv of Cahfor-nia Medical rrhoo! The examination was surrounded at by the greatest se"re, and conclusion .t, examining ph'si-clans announced a fir us medical science could determine, Hickman. whs sane The examination also disclosed tha H fkmans neck waa not broken h th hangman noose he waa strangled to death by the rope Tne examination disclosed that Hickman a bcaiu lfiZU weighed grams, wh.ch is. about 200 grams than the weight t the Tigc mrle adult brain That, although hi" brain was larger than the-a- s e rage, i was not abnormal t r the autop Preparations were immeriiatol) launched when Hrkman' father gwe his written permison several dais ago. Just before he left bj n Francisco S m 1 Proposal to erect a ix atory mo pneed hetel building wuq a service ga'Mg in connection on the northeast corner of jtauli Temple and A eat Temple street by Zion s becurlue- - corporation, announced baturdny by Ashton and Evan architects, witb office in the Vermont building The building will contain ap proximatel 2oo rooms with bath. It will hrfve five floors of roctns ihe ground floor bing devoted to a afe. news stand barber shop and stores The structure la designed tn accommodate tne trave Ing pubhx Tho large storage garage, capobla of housing several hundred carg. will cover all the space which a not used by the hotel butldmg proper. Near bharoa Block. Tha bui'dlng will run west from the Miaron buiding and aouth 7 feel Contruciion eral hundred wilt be of brick, terra cotta and concrete, fire proof throughout The garage will aJso b a fire pi oof building. It la planned fey 'the eonpmy to start construction aa soon aa now can vacate oc'upj tha premises. Notice fo vacate was served dating the forepart of the week It ts understood that vacation notice of $0 d4a has been given. Oct. 20 (INS) hr.ght future for mail transportaand passenger a painted to- tion hy dirigibles manrter of the Graf Zeppelin In a short Speech following a luncheon at the National Press club that future Zeppelie pred,ct-lins would 7 e able to maintain a to 5 hour schedule, regular soutd have twice as man. motors vs ti Graf Zeppelin and would have a cruising speed of 85 miles an hour 3 trans-Allan-l- lc Bfley L Strsttsrt. ATHEIST STILL REFUSES FOOD i 4 aa Plan to Retire ;irrin- - pla-in- to-d- 1 I First U. S. Virtim Of War Is Honored 337,-309,- rst H t d Estelle Denies i As a result of thts auney. It ta confidently believed that when tha structure la completed. It will ba one of the most modern In appointment in the entire west Plans for the construction of tha building have been under way for sometime by the company officials, but It was not until notice bad been given the present tenants ta vacate that It became generally known that Salt Lake wag to have a new hotel Need for such a hostelrr has become more evident with the constant increase la travel It was announced bv comxany official. (AP) WASHINGTON. Oct 20 The Interior department anThe presence of mind and nounced today that ltt1e Jen Pexton 7, daugh- CooJldgt had approved the feasiin of Mr and Mrs Carl J Pex reservoir Deadwood bilitv of the $55 Jefferson street pnht of ton of tdwhw and Life of Jier .brother bly FIRST QUARTER . late hridav aftSecretary W eel Bobby pexton the c'n5 authorized littio bov's cloth-in- c Utah, 6; Colo. A. C., 0. Congreaaof the reero1r at its tat ernoon whenfirethewhile c he was caaght session, but under the rev. tarnation near the children other with tho for presilaw it was necessary Tale 32. Brown. 14 to determine Pexton home Final: Ohio State 13, Michigan, dent and the ecretar boy plamtie got hold of an the feasibility of the proj-- t which oldA broom T. touched a lighted maeh and power dam includes a diversion Final at Schenectady, Union, wa con- to it and began to plav torch light preioush plant which Vermont, S. H plajfullv Jabhed structed at a cost of $194 00 procession the Finer at Philadelphia:- - Pennsyl- The flaming Lrootn against ly to cost It 290 49, ths reservoir vania. 14 Penn ;8tate, 0. which $899,000 naa appropriat- Pexton bov and the latter 'NothFinal at Brunswick, Me ; Bow. of s sier, ed at the last' session of fongres ing caught fire Bobby doin, 6; Tafts, 12. The Deadwood dam will have a Jean aaw the danger and qut"kfv Final at It water Seattle acre feet of stream 9o a lom directed of Washington 10 is located on The Deadwood Fresh m Sfl -- T"r Idaho'Freahmen. O. capacity the garden here on The lad , 1. ts-Ida Half Dartmouth, of Boise, 21, Colum- sixty miles northeast Ing clothes extinguishing the fire bia 0. ho. It will be of arch design 400 but not before Bobby was burned Half Kansas Aggie, 0; K. U, 0 feet long and 10 feet In maximum about the hips The Injured hoy oa ruble Half N Y. U. 14: Rutgers. 0. was taken to the emergency hospihMght, containing 50 Half , Washtal and later to hla home His Inyards of concrete founded on . base. ington and Lea, 0. granite CALHOIN Kr urt (AD juries were not regarded as seriHalf Holy Cross, , Fordham. ous Jean Kent cky paused toda to honor congratulated for her JJ action. in and killed soldier tbe American ffrt to thlrklng quick Admiral Grayson Ha.T Tale. 2S; Brown, 7. action In France James Bethel Half Amherst. : Hamilton, 0 From the Gresham In whoae memory Navy Essay in Danger of Resign Half C. C. of New York, handsome new memorial brHre Drexel S. Prize Takes 20 Oct. spanning the Green river In Smoking (INS) WASHINGTON. First period Illinois, 9; Indiacounty mas ready for dediRear Admiral Cary T Gravson. na. 0. cation this afternoon. 2" OcL physiwas PHILADELPHIA. N who S. personal C. Chi; First period Minnesota, brn In Corporal Gresham cian to President Wilson wrill re- ..(AP) Cay less Smoking Is Ex- McLean cago, . county. Auk 3 1S93. HU pensive an1 essay bv Ralph First period Colgate, 18; Michi- sign from tho navy wtthln. a short to as Ore. company close of Portland time according to his gan Stats, 0. France and the Kentuckian T could of been captaiu of our which ha won a prize at the con- reach hla First period Nebraska. 7; S) re- friends today. snv life to hi country on the pirate crew, but I dn t Admiral Grayson declined to af- vention of the Inaemationa! Asso- pave fuse. . 2 of an cuss Nov in words except Vniperntlv' 1517, sav that morning firm or- - deny the report but Indi- ciation ot Firea Chiefs Half Army. 15. Harvard 8 an whihkins an of claimed which many geo fire loss of 0'ahoma A. 4 M , cated he would Issue a statement such caused, Flrsf!qiriod his company In the country In 192. text week. 0, Marquette, 8, tr I with the latest in moderate hotel design and construction the company has had the architects m2a a coast-t- o coast survey for tha past three or four months. WASHINGTON. A rij i ten-c.n- ta Modern Ocean Air Service Business. , LITTLE ROCK. Ark Oct. 29 ( AP) Charles R. Smith, president of the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism, third day's hunter bepar Inhi the city Jail here today strike law In protest against the state prohibiting atheists from testifying in court. Smith went to )at! Wednesday, rather than par a fine of $25 and on conviction of violating tho costa Traced Hog MalAdy law in connection with hi acUvi- To America on a nat a referendum ties proposed law to prohibit teaching BeAP the theory of evolution tn state BERLIN. Oct. 20 cause of a maladv which affected supported schoota which ia to be barley voted on Nov 6. beg, ailtr they had eaten almost new mnh., iTtt from America, importel The condition of Elelle Tavlor, 20 000 tona of American barley a wife. or JaiK Dcmp7 who is m was causing congestion In the Canada's Population Is at her hotel her threatened with of Bremen nervous breakdown, ts not ser- harbor Th barlev is awa ling examina Growing, Figures Show ious It was said today and she is tion before it may he eoid. not contemplating retirement from Canada, (INS) OTT4BA j e the movies and the stage She Is, In fact. population has Increased by 378,888 contemplating WILLIS WILLIE over its last versus, according to taking a part In a talkie when' the latest stat'sucs of the Canada she has completelv recovered Her I government which reveal Ontar.oBy ROBERT QUILLEN phvslclan ha, advised her to take! I a rest of aeverai weeks at least. still leading th Dominion provlnce, with a total population of mong-tbe-Ji- "Ella I good fundamentalist moat thin, but ah. a raisin' her bottle." aat one on 0-- 'Zep Chief Sees n 2; n aa. of Biiyham City, t was accidentally near here thi morning while hnnttng deer. The accident occurred near the L)tto rnch at Mount Meadons. about 11 miles northwest of St Geor about Hi oilock this morning Information 6n the shooting sas meager and it could not be whe'her young determined Larsen shot himself or was acsome other cidentally shot hr hunter H died before medical aid could be obtained The parerta of the bov are dead and he ha been living With Thoma Cottan of Brigham City v.tr o' fk. s Ruth Bryan Owen Bry daughter of William Jennings an. pledged support to the Demo-- c ratio party-lfTAMI BY LAT REXCE SULLIVAN (Special Leaded B ire Service ''' NASH VJ LLE7 Te n n . Josephus Daniels declared negro delegates insured Hoover's nomination. vots in 1324. lie Hostelry Order Billboards Off of Highways RESULTS' 2 Si Fireproof Building Will House Garage, Cafe, Stores and Enter Pub Scotch Whisper Laid to Governor of Mississippi On Flood Aid Work. '' olic in controversy hi h had its climax last jear when tha editor of a French language newspaper excommenicated for hie criticisms of the hierarchy The French Catholic vote la a big factor in Rhode Island. The Republicans have recognised It by placing Felix Hebert on the tickete ae candidate for United Mates to oppose Senator Peter Gerry. Democrat. Mr. Hebert ie nota French Catholic but a Republic(Continued on Page Two) poration Heads Choosa and WesF Temple South Temple Site. 0. P. Leader G. Core Securities Zions Candidate Will Invade Smith Stronghold to Greet 30,000 Backers At Madison Gardens. Other figure, follow Prince Edward Island. 83 409 Nov, Scotia. 47 too. New Brunswick, 415,880: Quebec. I 347 OP1. Manitoba, 5,-0Saskatchewan. S'1,000, AW berta 431 00. Brtsh Columbia. Northwest Tenitor ee, 3,284. 00 Philadelphia Ousts ve PHILADELPHIA. Oct. Chief 28 . ait ir.er captain of detective who declared, by the spatial grand Jar investigating bootlegging and police corrupt on. to bo unfit to held anv public office, waa today dismissed from the police aervlc, 8 the civil service oommissloit. -r- - f |