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Show . i. ? ,553 Jfc k. I i BEcnow THE DESKEET NEWS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 3923 1 ) V.' v 4 ' Weddings and Engagements r v j ? In.the.realfflg K honor of the marriage of Mia for an afternoon social to b Among those who have reserved ho is assisting with the arrangement Zelia Gallagher, Mi liable 8teffensen daughter ef , B. tables are: Mr. L MeCornick, hM neat Saturday at o'clock at the Ho! Mrs. J. R. Walker. MrpT. B. BeatMr Edna 8teffenon, and Lowell given by the Republican Women's club marthe announced, Mr C. F. Reunion Mr is Richmond Wallace. ty, Dunwhichtook line McCkllan, whose engagement to Paul G. Moore of Worland, can Mac Vic hie, Mr H. W'edensday morning 4a tb place George n r Deni, Mr G. R. Both well, Mr E. Sait Lake temple, a large wedding place m the near future. nags to Hanna, Mr J. 8. Taylor, Mr reception was given in the evening A. R. Anderson, Mr McClure at the home of Mr. and Mr Clif437 Becond East Armstrong, Mr. A. A Ball, Mr ford Patten, George Barlow, Mr Herbert Bar- street. The living rooms mere atton Mr R, A. Broadburst, Mr tractive with basket of pink and K. L. Coppock, Mr The dahlia 8. A. Cobb, white asters and Mr R. A. Cordell. Mr W. H. Dav-tobridal party stood In front of the Mr David Eider, Mr H. M. mantel which was banked with Ferguson. Mia Winona Burnham, flower ferns and paliu A yellow RNERAL meeting ef the La- - Ron of Mr. and Mre. J. W. Cortle Mr L E. Hall, Mr Grant Hampand green color acheme was used in J dies literary club will be held wiU meet at 7 p.ra. Monday at clubton. Mr A. J. Ho&mer. Mr J. V. the dming room. The table held a house. Jarrett, Mr J. W. Johnson Mr lace cloth and waa centered with a Frida, at 2.30anoclock at the clubsection will The history-touridrama section of the Waa Auld Lang dyne meet Malcolm Keyser, Mr D. T. Lane. silver basket of marigolds and yel- house, with Tuesday at 10. 30 a.m Prof atch Literary club will meet Mrs R. E. McConaughy. Mr Glen low chrysanthemum Stiver can- - luncheon at I o clock. The honored B. Roland will talk on Tbe Lewis dleeticks held yeiow candle Miller, Mr S. W. Morrison, Mr guests wiU he memebra of thirty Haunts of Shakespeare In Mod?ru Tuesday at the home ef Mr - 65? F R. Payne. Mr R. C. Pendleton, The bride waa gownVl m whPe years standing. Mr A H 1ar-ao- London.' Douglas All club members are in- father atHusband,tfttl-laE- - C. 2 oclock.. Mre Mr trimmed lace and satin with Mr will be toastmtstrese Emen street, W. C. Preston, vited. will rad "When 'We Dad Urfien Her tulle veil was caught Primrose. Mr A. X5. Randall. Mr The program will consist of mu meet win section music The D. G. Rlchart. Mr Franklin Riter, with orange blossoms into a VeneMaafield of by Hennk Ibsen. leal interpretation Willard Awakes," Mr H. D. Hines. Mrs. Eugene tian late cap. Fhe carr.ed a show- Parish s picture, The Garden of Tuesday at 2.30 pm. Mrs. on The arts and crafts section w 9 rhe meet give a paper at the home of Mr and white Aliah, as follows Trio, Mr Ann Richards will or Friday Stacey, Mrs. F. C Ftsnnard. Mr I er bouquet of pink Evolution of Vio- Leon G Smith, 1140 Laird avenue Miss Frances Jambs maid Lenore Hams Mr H. 8tobr. Mr W. G. B Ferrell, ros Eveln Bird Development Miss Erma at 1 oclock. China lin Mr G. T. Wallace. Jr. Mr H. J. of honor, wore old rose georgette. W liiiaxnson Compositions. painting will le and Mia Bonnie ioUn seMia Del mar Mitten, bridesmaid, Daynes, dancer Mia continued. Mrs. Thomas E. Rowan Wallace. Mr It X. Toung. Mr Fish- Gropes will play three Ruth Corelli; was in La will talk On Mediums and Mr Follia,' by green georgette gowned Stephen Abbot, Mr W. A. heudder, and lections Mr A. W. Hahn Mr F. A. Sweet. Mia Ruth Butterwonh, another er. Miss Gwendolln Workman from Greiga G Major A H. Green will talk on Vo lor la Allegro Mia branves Zwickle, accompany Sonata, 'Bhronrosaran by the Home and Mra E. A. Greenwood. Mrs C-- D. bridesmaid wore dainty pock of isi, Mir Loraine Smith. The proLaw ?ect:n The parliamentary Krelsler. Norma Pedersen Beck Kipp, Mr J. M Bouwrell, Mr orchid georgette and Mjh Marion gram committee will be hostess will meet at the home of Mr W, Keich, bridesmaid, wore a gown of All will accompany Miss Grove Philip Schonert, Mrs W. H be mdae must by reservations e meet J. Loomis, 542 Hollywood avenu will apricot. All of the a Mrs E. F Root, Mr A. section readers The Oct. 24 tendants carried sweet pea In J. Homer, Mrs. George MeOon-agl4 pm. at the club- - Thursday at 3 o'clock. Tha The dramatic section of the club Wednesday shades. Burdette Hshace Mr A. I. gprsaue Mr A, ef Macbeth will son for the day will bn Subsidiary The study 2 30 Dr. will meet Monday at pm.. H. Davidson. Mrs R W. Boughtn vis best man. club member Motion" conducted b Mrs H E. be continued Any rewill the D in Thomas bridal Elbert the give party and Mis Pearl Savage. Av.tng be wel- Giers Steffenaon Mr last of the scries of lectures on who desires to attend will ceiving were Mr e e e will be ery-e- d comed. Mr Thomas Wallace and Mr and Tea Dram" Oriental The "Women under rlubt and Mr Fatten Assisting tn servL. Republican Clab to claa, Motherg The production play B. Lockhart with Mrs George will entertain at tea Saturday, j of Mrs. Grace Nixon Rmhton, Mirt and Mr Roval Payne pouring. the direction October 37 at 3 o'clock at the Ho-- 1 ing were Mis Ora Child Trail $ meet Study morning BenFriday Mi Vaudy All club members are urged to at- Stewart, will lei Utah. Table will be arranged Mary Wallace, OcU 24, tn the clubhouse at 11:30 Marv Paxton. Mias Mar tend. The Salt Lke Mothers club for games on the mezzanine floor nion, Mia Jacobs M Meita Orme, The club chorus under the dlvwe- - a m. will hold an open meeGng Hedoea f and in the ballroom. Tickets may garet ard M Mildred Bawden A n ii be obtained from Mr J. T day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the r, p cad was program presented bv M sr C. W. Phi W. C. A clubhouse on east Broad- Delphians and Mr Chari ilorr.s The Section Sigma League Mm Margaret Thornberg. which wav, The topic for the aftrnn! I entertalnmentcommUtee. Druke Drake Meet Norma and Will Thursday Ms followHold To the the will be Child Fhychology an) I affair, has Monthly Meeting planning t ileox Studio. snlos were given bv Wilcox Studio. will be given by Dr. Dorothy N- - ? S. ing personnel: Mrs j. T. Marstella, Burton and WDiam of the Two Wal.ace meeting The current event regular The literary and of the University of Utah, f chairman; Mrs. James A Hogie, called section of the Delphian wander D- X. Stmup, Mr W. Mont hundred and fi?fv gve?s Mr A of the Catholic Womans ma Phi chapter program m:ii be present T the evening will be held Thursday at ed musical society 3 meet at wi Monday Ernest Bamberger, durirg under Ferry, Mr. the direction of Mr league Mis a Utah. Mr Mr. mHalface left for Hotel 1 and 30 the at p o clock at the Mia Zelt Gallagher, Mrs. F. C. of Columbus givq a resume of honeymoon trip and on th'r clubhouse on Knights e e e Loofbourrow. Mrs. C. H. Hansen, short east South Temple O. T. Curtis will In Sit prjfVjou lesson. The subject of Mr Charles Morrl Mr Harry L. return will make their home tije be to RalewUrter Lake. J wiBbe th day Daughters of 1812 Flnrh Mrs Jesse Cannon. Mr e e on Interior Decorating ' A dlscus-s.o- n led by Mrs. Aldon'J. Anderson. Reuben Clifford Patten, Mr J event by members of To Mr W as Mr ofcurrent Rushton J and be Choose Officers will presented Mrs. R. F. Collett. Clara Mr of of the organization will follow. Mrs. follows The Topography of PaleCarl Evan Mrs O. A. Pizon, Mrs. Hunter, announce the marriage a The regular meeting of Beof tbo 8iin Chi fra- Freder- George H. Watson will give vocal stine." Mrs, H B Whitman; to their Stella, daughter, GraE. Mr H. L. A. Cummings, Miss e 'lee1 ions accompanied ent.ruined ai an informal Daughters of 1 812, wili be held by of the Hebrew Nation ginnings Mr W. M. McCrea. Mrs. L ick Wach, Jr, son of Dr and Mr aoroniy n'rta.n,d ai I'fl'niy ham, j,rl4ay George Egan, Mrs C. E Herrick; The Hebrews Thurstffv afternoon at the home of Frederick Hach of 8at Lake The Ethel Hogan. Mr C Potter. Mrs. Ralph GuthrJ. Mr formal d.uner Ut.1nis.day ertnin ,henrml In In Egypt " Dr. Pearl Udall Nel- Mr C. D. Kipp. 433 Twelfth E ant lhlDter houaa on aai Mrnt annual dinner of the Esther Moffat. Mrs Charles R. marriage took place October IS chairman of the committee of me orSaai- - Suth txrm. Tho room In honor of er nr an extends son. Life in the Wilderness, Mis street A board meeing will b 1 charge ef aTangement Legion auxiliary In Mabey Mrs X. A. Dunyon. Mrs afion at the home of M.as Ber held at 1 30 o clock and will be fol ganged with baskets of garden honor of former Announcement 4s made of the invitation to all members to be Don C. Wood, The Canaanltes West on Eighth Eat street. The tluwera Mackey, Mra. Preston Richpreaidema and the AlonzoMra. A novelty skit waa presentMrs Dale L. Smith, The Twe've lowed by a program. E ectlon of of- - 4 Cram. Mrs Jes ergagement of Mies lola Barclay present. Harry fueaa were seated at one Urge ed 'by the pledge members of the officers of the past year, will be ards N. W. Mr Tribes" Beattr. The ficrs will be held and other im B 8harp. Mm Mildred Feterson, to John Edward Jenkins of Hagn&s tabie centered with a cornel banket Tho Rhythm Six Mrs W H Era of Judges portant business wul be transacted. November 1 at tho Hotel Miss Louise Calllsterj Moss Barclay enertamed at a party New Courses Scheduled of Uendar aster. The dvcratixe organization v 8pen-cerchretra furnished the music, Deborahs Song Mr K. Arrangements for he partic pa;on e e v In Utah. Mrs. O. F. MeSbane mouf followed a lavender arid purTuesday evenirg at her hrae on In the Armiotice day parade are be- Howells planned the affair. P. Janney, Ruth, Mrs J A. For Civic Center School Sutherland. In honor of Mia Mary Breaker west Thlrty-th.rSouth street at ple color scheme. Tne gucats were by Ed Flandro and Perry charge of the arrangement. The ing made. be will who Horace was with announcement and the which time ? Beesley, perfume presented e e evening will be spent in game. married, during On the walla of the Civic Cene the month. Mis made. e atomizers. Toasts were given by Drigg Mrs. D. T. Gan being in charge of of the i are Officers I property ter Elected. at e Mias Lola Anderaon M.ss Wanda d pieties, Beta Chapter. Kappa Siama fraternity this part of the entertainment. Mildred Gardiner will entertain Mr. and Mrs H. G. Fowler an Professor Eastmond of the Brig-a Ashley and Mies Evehn Neijon. a novelty ballot party Reservations for dinner may be a party this evening at her home at At who a recent gave tn Xormandy.Height meeting of the stale' Mias Weal was In charge of arThe Beta chapter of the Delph- ViCietv. nounces the engagement of their ham Young university, friday evening at the chaplet made from Mrs. N. U. Hall. the Civic Center, SaturDajghfere of the Mormon rangements assisted bv M ms tran- house on Thirteenth East street. daughter. Isabel Fowler of 8an lecture at his subject, How To See ian society will 7meet at the a. guests will be Mrs. L. R Battalion special home of at the Mrs 5 ce Pitt and Mis Helen Petersen, The affair took the form of night, day at hoiet po- j Edwards The Gamma XI Gamma sorority Francisco, formerly of bait Lake, piu. Mond. of Provo, department These The discussion will be lea L Norman Llojd, the officers of the of the Utah Agricultural college to Cecil F. Marebbanks of Saa Beauty in Art and Nature." lit i cal rally. Political posters and president Mrs. Margaret Taylor will were f sear Center at the will remain tcl by acn Mr iva Millward, the subject to past U. E. Francisco. The Larson, first vice president, and A. entertain at the annual marriage will take pictures The members of the Zeta Tau sor- picture were used as decorations cUmation They include Mrs Jane and all interested be The Era of the crusade in charge pt ar- Mr banquet this evening at Keeley place November 3 in Ban Fran- for a few days y The committee William T. Morton, wife of initiated P. Bowers, regent, Mrs. Etta B, Each them. to view Invited be are ority were pledged and wiU as luiiows street. Main on room tea south topics given Rose Irvine. the Legion commander. Members cisco where thry wil make their le f afternoon a Beta Zeta chap- rangements included vice regent, Mrs IsaSaturday evening there will ar-be Ktgume, by Mia Gerzy Channel, Cow Martin Hammar, are privileged to bring friends and Mr Earl W. Harmer is chairman home. ter of Delta Zeia, national aoroniy. George Bisby. on art. by prominent Mrs. L. Al. bel K. Thurman second vice re lectures The on First of committee the Crusade," arrangement Jack e e and Stewart Frances to women membership. e.igible Tha piedg r.g too place at the tists In the drawing room at the Noltage, The Latin Kingdom of gent. Miss I.ucilie Aubrey, secret Mia Elm Miller will be Mr and Mr East tarv , M.ss Kate F. Burton, treasGeorge A. Mc- - Center. Ko admission will be Jerusalem Loicne aoroniy house on Thmeenth initiabpilsbury, ClePan announce Democratic club engageWomen the e The atreet and was followed by e e g Later Crusades,' Estellu. Crldd.e, urer. Mre Mary J Clawson, hisof charged the members Alpha tion at the home of Mrs. AUrl Tfh.Alujnnae entertained the active wiU entertain at an informal Rise if Free Cities, oclock Edna Mc- torian, Mr Abbie H Cowiev, chapThe Faculty Women of tne Uni- ment of their daughter. Angeline Friday morning at 1 sorority lain Musical selections were give party Tuesday evening, versity of Utah will entertain at a to Paul G. Moore of Worland Wyo there will be a free cooking dem- Carty, The Churcii in Later Ago ooisey on De boto avenue, Mrs a supper party Friday at chapter of Demowaa honor will in fhe of former The Mr Jt. the take in A. C. Carrington. president Woolsey marriage petober place Halloween party Friday evening Monxsuc by Mla Thelma Caff 1! onstration at the Center. Mia M at the eorority house on cratic AlbuDemocratat tha of in the Chapter of Delta Zeta sorority evening deUniOctober candidates, on latter Elizaoeth the new pan Growth," Science Uiawford. the H gley of the Domestic muaic Building were Perrv avenue. The guest Pleasant Giren. camp. Daughter! hall, 341 south Mam street. Mra versity campus. The following com- querque. New Mexfco, whre the partment of the Cottonseed Oil Memoera remaining .down town at the University of California at seated at small, tables centered ic installation will most president of the mittees are planning the evant: ourg couple wui make their company is in charge and will em- for dinner will meet at the round of the Utah Pioneer Berkeley. A formal In Ernest 8. Holme flowers of baskets with gar.den will be givNov 1. with Mrs Georee Assistchairman. club, and A. Mr table Thursday. Walter in Ln General general the home. reception banquet chairman, Newhyuse cafeteria, Game were phasize time saving methods D. Bortock at 2 oclo k at her home Ree 0 e 8. committees as Mr T en this evening at the Hotel Utah the sorority colors. at follows. art o'clock heron six eveInvitations. ing the Kerr, Mias preceding the evening. cookery. comer of h West Patronesses of the orKamza'ion who plad during Mrs Claire Toung announces ception. Mra George 1L V atson, Parmelee, Mrs L L. Daines and anl The new term at Civic Center ning program Phyllis Allen was In charge of ar- Mrs. inThirty-thirKen Thorns. Mra L. T. Ep- Mr J. J. South streets. Mr e e e decoration w.ll be in the receiving line Ga-the Height, Week In Noof her the will engagement first daughter, begin rangements. , M. Moesser be will clude Mrs. George Iern, Mrs. Lloyd the aaist Romney and Mr A. L. Beeley Mr W. , person, Mra W. 8. W. of Pasabe several Jvers vember and there will Joy, to James Tbe Gamma Phi Mothers club Mrs. E. . Lathv, Sookey, Mr James L. Barker and' fajette Hanefittt, the marriage to take new subjects added. Cooking which will meet Wednesday afternoon at Ing Jiotes -- -The Fr ara club entertained ai Mrs, B. D. 7vebekeF.decorat!ona Mrs. George E Babcock, Mra Ken Mrs. Charles E. Forsberg, refresh- dena. in aiif, 1 ' erwood and Mrs. U arren Benjamin. even 2 3u o ciock at tne Center at the not November. forma has ben Thursday banquet place given sorority house, The regular meeting of the W Mra Ef W. Pehrson, Mr Mrs. M. H. Ward, Mra ment Th committee In charge ol . -be 72 Holcott street Elk clubhouw on ea.t Thomas, wili some t.me offered for ,h ofagain Election of JIng ,t M L. F. No. 244, Auxlilarv t L. T. James L. Gibson, Mr rengememe includes Announcement is rade of the under a capable Instructor. Budg- ficers will be hold. Ail mothers satch South Temole street. Uushees o W. 8. Romney and Mrs. Mra the B. of P. T. ai.i be held Frl- R. Shackel. Mrs. E H Beckstrand, refreshment. Hadley, Mias Genevol utaon. Uhe organ.xatioa ere the comply Epperson, And homemaking courses will are urged to be present. Mrs. B. I). Xebeker, Mra Mrs. Heber J Sears. Mr Frank S. marriage of M.se Aic liegstrom et. ng at 1 oclock at the afternoon day Laun Asher and Miss Leah Caider, euelti Joseph folding D. I O. O. F hail, 41 Postoffice pace . Iasac Armstrong, of Lund. Utah and S. B Kelly of be offered, and will no doubt Forman. Mr p Severn; campaign feature Smith of the University of Utah Mrs. will Hot Lava took which prove very English popular. Springs, C. Mr Mr Vernon Ida, Flake and M. V. The be folowed by will Harris publicity, Mrs. meeting AuxUixrjr ctmp, No Hit, Bo)U The was the principal speaker. place Monday evenirg In the Salt be offered in both day and night M.ignLior, the second of a ser.es of eoca s ot America, wi.l George H. Watson; tlcksta Mra Sidney W. Angleman; program, Lake ofwill courses be Gamma Sigma sorority pi embers guests were seated at small tablet J. Speedwriting Mr Leroy Mr Elbert D. Thom Temple Prxea will beisaMed. Mre. Rebec-ce- h 8. Cor lees formal centered with garden flower In e e fered if the demand is sufficient Tuudajr aAernooa al i in o tlocx entertained rushees at e E. Cowles Mrs A. C Carlrgton, These courses will be added In ad- at lb, &. B. A. hall, 3.2 2 south affairStanford is chairman of the anMrs Mr EfTe of party Wednesday evening at the the Friar color orange and white. G. and Mrs Thomas Giles E. Loyd Sacdy The annual banquet of the Sig- Evan U.me. will b, pujed organization were nounces .the engagement of her dition to the regular courses in Slat, atret.' sorority bouse on east Souh Tem Banne"on of the The auxiliary will hold a bazaar during the afternoon. Hand paintthe waits. The committee ma Theta Phi sorofity of the Utah hung Lanple street. The rooms were dreamaklng, millinery, art and lip ed Gilbert to Ardelie, daughter, be china will for prizea A and social Thursday evening at t will b. Includcollege Agricultural of given autumn in charge given arrangements so orated walk fasktjs of have which Mi a Lucille cf bride reading proved Howard, caster of West marThe t Jordan. oclock at the I. O O. F. hall, 41 hi evening In the bad room of the M rs ed "Vernon Derrick, Demolvre Fkid-mogeneral invitation Is extended. leaves end garden Tower Tor a riage wfl! take place October 31 popular this term. October, will be the Prizes will b Newhouse hotel. Mis wilt entertain Wednes- Pose office place. Wrnona number e and Alton Melville. e damp (The Lucille Bryant and Ms Edith Hill-btn be to In the Salt Lake Temple parties gven e e at 2 o clock at the awarded and refreshments will be day Cherry will be toast mistresa The th near effuture evening . . . tbs planned the alfalf. ef II, Camp Daughters The Saturday evening served bazaar la In charge of e Mias Members of the Delta Epsilon following will give toasts: Mrs. Lila Jensen will entertain Mre H D CIendenn. Mre Imare Leah Edward Svh Ti0"?.?: Monday at 2 oclock v.n- u- hndaterncon sorontv entertained representing the at supper psrtv st her home on Thursday J.3u oclock, members of the camp and Mr Margaret Campbell. The chapter, The Grand biam; Rushees of the Gamma Phi so-a evening for rushees. Dinner was acme at her hoi6 111 Thirteenth East will give Beverly street In honor of the Elizabeth a social at the home of committee for the social include Cannon, (the bride nerved at the Hotel Utah followed Miss rority wers honored guest st to who on are All members invited street. entertain will school teachersi, Spade Mies Mr Mary Gotcby, 344 Fifth East Mrs George McCletlan, Mra Thom6undy her party Thursday bv games at the home of Mis Lu- LaRue formal dinner a on at trousseau at homo attend. on houee Madsen, street. Reservations may be made as Carmody and Mre. Walter cille Miller on East Eleventh (sweethearts), the sorority evening at e e Mra Ruian White, Simpson avenue Monday eveningn with Mr Gotchy. Wolcott avenue. The guests were street. The rooms were attractive- - 'Diamonds-Mr Clar-o8. Mr George Spencer. (Theta wives), "Heart; Mrs. Wile e Association seated at one Urge tabie centered hr arranged with bowls of fall gar liam and Kindergarten Iono Mia The W B A. Weatwav club, No. E. Spencer Hunter 8pencr (Theta mothers), Mis Lois Oswwld was wuh miniature ships in black and den flower The aeekere sacUon of Mtzpah dl a kensington for will Halat entertain from One) Club Mlae Eiva (Continued n Page were black Annual in Has (TheBennion, of affair. tho charge Banquet go.d. Gold tapers of Eastern the Order Miss Howard chapter. Claron SpenStar, loween party Thursday gb ta queen evening at Honor, Vocal solot cer home In at the Club holders at the corners of the table. Mr meetthe Mrs MaRandall. 7 ha Mrs. postponed Acres. George regular oclock at the of home ot will Dudley. County the Utah be given by Mr Heber Meeks The annual banquet Pi Ep&ilon Phi sorority enterMiss irginia Chstleton and Mss H. E. Scheiber, Mr Ralph Heath, Kindergarten association was giv-- n ing from October 24 to October 31 bel I. Adams, 1003 Wilson Avenue, Mias Marian Hall were m Charge of ar- tained rushees at a formal party and Mr. Ralph Sanford. Coul-ato Ruth Mr n announc.m.nt by for members and their husbands. E. Ur:en, Miss The marriage of Mia Ruth Rock, Thursdav evening at the sorority Peggy Tolton. Mis Helen Single-to- n evening In th. ballrooom aordl"s rangement. - Knerr, chair- - Game a sill be p!aed during the Mr E.ixa Mar- of Friday and Raymond Reeve will take Mr M. A. ho ie. 1233 east Third South street. and Miss Marjorie Ball of the Hotel Luh. The guests man ofWUUamHMr the section. The meeting evening and Scott Mr John Salt in Baer, w.ll be given. the Friday TaH baskets of garden tin, the Miranda place cenmorning Matson of school were tables small flowers at seated ChiwiU be held at th home of Mrs. Reservations prises Mre. Margaret Beatty, Mrs Rushees of the Ajpha mav be made with wore with bowl of fall garden tered through the room dancing will give dance and musi- Lake temple Inwillthebe evening laa Jone 13s were 8ixth D. the complimented M 131arranged Halton. Isabelle H. F. Halton Eat the following members of the comMia J. Mrs. Spencer Heiner large reception Grace given Anderson waa in cal number flowers. Mrs. Ell F. Taylor was street. Winegar, Oscar mittee Mr O. B. Doyle, chairman, guests at a formal dinner party charge of arrangements. is chairman of the committee In honor of the young couple in the Mia Elva Faux. Mr The for program toastmlstrea Mr J. H. Korgett, Mrs E. Mrs Mabel I. Adams. Mrs. A L. Thursday evening at the sorordy chant of arrangements and Is. be- amusement had of the Thirty-firhistorical followed a the evening avenue. The Mrs D E. on Mra. Orguest house Mra R. Snell, Perry Couiams attendants T. Capener. Section C. Radiant Chapter, hardier, MreP. ing assisted bv Mrs Donald Daynes ward. Mia the traced and theme development Andcr-oMr were seated at small table cen'er-e- d Coming Events in II. J Cheshire, P. will meet will Include Mia Estrella Coulans, Roy Dobba, Mr der of the Eastern Star, nd M!m Jessie Brown. Ray Greenlg anj S. Bear- of the kindergarten In Utah from Miss with tnstui bowls cf red carMr Brown. Mra E H. 2 MCnrn'ck. J maid of oclock Alberta Ms afternoon at with honoro, Fnday f University Circles Invitations have been nations and" fern Red princess Mr Harry Warner, Mrs J. the beginning to the present time. Mr Alice Wilcox, 365 Hollywood Issued by Reev Miss Gayle Birrell and Mia ing, candies in crystal holders were Leo Capson; Mre. The following toasts were given avenue. Mrs. Florence Utter, Mr The Delta Epsilon sorority Harold H. Blau, Mr ill the management of the Belvedere Edna Coulam, bridesmaid B axing the Trail, Mrs. Donnette 11. F. helN, E Kaufman, Mr placed at the corners of the tabie emerta.n at a a large tea Saturday apartment hotel fop a Halloween Reeve will be best tman. AgZeida Zimmerman and Mr Mis Mane Thompson was toastler, Mr Jesse Sharp. Mrs. N. B. Smith Kesler; Along theB Trail," afternoon at the Rainbow Gardens, party to be given Tuesday evening, hoste Y. U. nes 8tewart will be assisting D. Miss Mr were A C. and A. Mr respon !d (ames will be Amy Bowman; The mistress Lewis. Mrs. J E. Brown will entertain Park ta- - October 30, st small at ess In oclock pUyed the M Mre. Ida Smoot Dusen-bertto bv M.as lon Spencer, A Puminton, Mr F. L. Schwartz, Builders, e e program haa beta drawing room of the Betvedere. the members of the Forget-me-nfhi.li AHm m i M . Mirtorv and The West Greets club Wednesday afternoon at 1 3k Mr P. F. Farrell. Mrs. W. R. Ah-bMr' MiR,0t0 Maxwell McKean will be enterMiss Mre X H. Jamiewtn Eavt." Mla Frances Barber 57 north oclock at her home, tained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. io of the . con.mit'ee enairman John Patty Hill of New York, who G D. McKee. Mr Mr Beck street. J. H. Walters at the home of Mrs charce of arranpment Mrs H R. Thomas, Mrs representing e e Teacher's Balkon MsteJj college, E Jones. 103 Lucy avenue, at 2 ' Tr s Bromn-irarr i and M!$ lca- season wiil be Mrs by M.s D convenD. Benard. st Columbia Wesley the Mr H n unlvenrttv, in wi1! Couam this enr-talSimon H. .Ray will evening given oclock. Alt members and frfenus V. tion of the Utah Educational asso iss GUI Richard Mr Mr W. O. William the be! roam of the Hotel Utah in the host ease Higginbotham Wednesday evening for. are invited. 9 w w e e e hnor of the teams of the Univer- Ruth Coulam. whose marriage to 8 Taylor, Mrs R. W, Taylor, Mrs. elation and Mr Camilla C. Cobb e e C. Peterson, pioneer lender in the kindergarH. R Faraer. Mr of UU1 and the Colorado will take pUc Keppa Cht vror..v entei tamed Mr H. C, Carlisle min enter- Ravmond Reeve The ladies auxiliary to the BethH ten movement In Utah were speT. Carrington, Mr Mr R. at a formal dminr I h ura-- r uliural tolkge. A novelty her lat home on Second Fr.day, tain Wednesday afternoon between Baptist church will meet on Bane Mrs E. Barker, Mr Stan- cial guest Mia Hill gave abort el i j skit and decorations will be the hours everirg at the Manon-of 3 and $ oclock in avenue. Wednesday afternoon at 2 oclock features of the evening ley Feck, Mr John Robbins Mrs. talk. Musical selections were given at tea room on ea- Kis Mr George H. Den and honor of the home of Mr A. A. t s rrcherftr.i will furnish the c El Ka!ah tejnpie. Ane.en Arabic W aMo Lvjy.an. Mre Leonard Mrs. by the Beth Walton Nelson string 1119 Browning avenu.. Mrs. Alen, reel, fhe fer mu ifinn cf Mrs, William II. N L. at her Mm Levi Mortensen, ! in th The A. S U dert- nd orchid entertainment home In Holladav. King, Nobles Marv of the and Ellen frio M.siic Order, pe Mla Shr.nc Hyland Nelson wilt present a missionary Mra Mrs rative scheme. Dorohv pop corrni ttee is in charge o the af- Carlisle in receiving Assisting ill entertain at the second In a Dale bqriith. Mr Claude Freer, numvocal and Kent Cobb Mrs. gave will be program. Fd Schobbee. Mr P. M Bachl fair The comm.ttee is headed by Frink W. Penrose Mr D. W. serf of dancey Saturday f arr mgerm nta. in uiarr Bessie accompanied hyMi Paul Ryrson and includes Mi&s Moffat. Mrs E E. Howe, Mrs B. at the Masonic tempi Theevening Mrs. Harold Peck, Mr George T. Nickerson. moA Camp 14, Daughters of the Utah Mre. Cories Mrs Frank Burton. y eiterturl Ber. West. Miss Caro! Barclay and F. Quinn. Mra Anna T. (.hi Onjeg i will be exctcivev for T. Piercer, picture was shown depicting Pioneers, entertained Monday eveHoward Smith Mre. A. Hulbert. tion Friday r"ii a a inimn for Le ie Buroidpe. r Mn Shnners and the ladies will Marthi and kinderMra. he Frank of Purser, the local Oactivities ning at dinner at the home of the Mr T. E. Rowan, Mr George on rusnes n chub- GalUgan. All friends are invited, begin at oclock. Members ef the Connor. gartens The guests were received daptam. Mra Sarah Farr, in the Nu fratt-mitI OTFou'h Ft rt J y will enterpna entertainment committee are in Mr Trank Mann. Mr G B bv the following committee: Mrs. Constitution building, in honorWil-of oJor Of cnM.nri! anl raw w tain ji the annual "colleviate par-t- v An Interesting social event of the charge of the affair. former captain, Mrs. Mary in the decent v scheme Heal, Mr C. X. Nesbst, Jr. Mr Ell F. Taylor. Mra C D. Fox, Mla the ued Saturday evening at the e e week liam The camp presented the the will aPernoon to social by Mr H alter Hanson. Mary Williamson, Mls Amv Mis Kane. !ar Ka was In Frank on of east South First hojj Invitations for a dinner dance Mr Lee Holbert. Mr R. V. Mad-sbe gven Wednedav at Memorial " Mla Clay Allred Mr V T. honor guest with a book. Twelve s r G rard Meeks and Hanrrar gemers have been Lsued Lieutenant by camp were present, Mr grove. City Creek Mr Marie DeVrie Wallace, Mre G. F. Morse, Miss members f the ded Mavc are planning the affair house. Memory e e caryon by the s'ate officer and aad Mr C. F. Fletter and KilAnne Mirie Fox. Ms Edith BowMe Mr Members cf Hammer Lamina Th Mr and .U II of member for Ann's the St. circle will Meoer commitSewing Mr standing en and Verona Mr S Toronto Mia Alvin Robinson. Lambda enrta net at an e'n i le;a Theta fr&terhjty the Daughters of the Amer.-ea- n Saturday evening, Octpber 27. at gore. meet Tuesday and Thursday after'brsdn Willi Mrs Bert Donaldson. Tiactiv4 ar'mnced tna Thursday will enerM n at an informal danc- tees of the haU 2 Fort Reolution Reservation at noon at o'clock in the sewing post may Mr Douglas The Mr Lee J. H. Voss. rich, Mr Alice Carter Syndergard. vf.ernoon m honor of rishos at ing p.mv Fr.dav evening at the fra- be made from Mrs Stephen Abbot, affair will be a Haiowen costume Mr M. E.Scott. be eororit hotiecn Military tav ternity house on east Third South Giieon. Mr E. A Lu- Mrs H. G Binch. Mr Marjorie rooms of 8u e Anns orphanage, Drop a little Preezons on an ache e m Lilparry . Mr w th street. George Moore is in charge Mr Mr Stanford. T. J. fhe room we:e H. Mrs J Thurber, Korth, poid. corn, mnanly that corn aope e The hospital section of the ing Mr G. X. GHfrin. Mr Chi Omega ecronty will enterLeonard Chipman. Mra. autumn Jeavp of arrangement then shortly you lift t Ellis lian Glynn, A silver tea will be given H. H. Hoyali. Mre. "Nv. R Secrest. Crist on Mrs. George Eastman. Mrs Catholic Womans league will meet hurting, off with finger The tea table .d en TrTh lace right an tain Informal at party dancing r 24 October afternoon. Hen2 Friday at Mr Dan-efat oclock Sam enat the over Mrs. loth rangHoly Mrs. Elsie Hawxhurst, Thursday atn and was The Kappa Chi sorority will Hughes. Parley A. Your druggist sells a Friday evening at the chapter Mr Stanley Hooper, Mr Pearl Cross hospital. centered w'th a ha k bowi of f tertain the active, alumnae and houe on east First South street. the hofn of Mr Clarence Bam- rietta Atkiw tiny bottle of Freezone e on east South Temple vaJecl garden fowr T. J. Maroney Mr, Flor- K. Davis, Mr Mr for a few cent suffiTail pledge members at a Halloween Mis Margaret Thom a is planning berger Atlantic Christenstreet. The proceed wrttl be wed ence Cotton Mr John- - Ernat, Mr sen. The Holy Cross alumnae of St cient to remove - over' orange tapers wre in black hold- costume dance next Saturday eve- the affar. R, InaersolU Mr hard cor, softer to further the work among Muscal electior.f were R A. Cox. Mr L M. Meyer. Mrs R T SalK Mr R. R. Thom Mrs Mary's of the Wasatch will hold and ning at the Manor house on east the foot calblind tn the city. In charge of th O. E. Gohan, Mr Henry ockolt. W. B Roberts. Mr O. B. Doyl the annual reunion and homecomby members of the sorority Msa Firt South street. The committee without sorc-n-r louses. Juanita Orawft'rd wa !n charge In charge of arrangements Includes affair are Mrs. Owen Gray, Mrs Mrs Ralph Fullerton Mrs Walter Mr William Patl. Mre. W. J ing Saturday, Nov. 10. at the acadIrritation of arangmente Mvra Miss Mre Mis Loomfs Mrs. Me Mre Allen A. and C W, Collins. Mrs emy. Mrs- James H. Collins is Caroline Robh'n Msa Erma H. Eardlev, aasled by C. Adam Charleg J Retta line Ward. Miss Mildred Calllster Adotaie Smith andii friends O W. KeHy. Mrs. J M Forgett, Elizabeth Goodmar Mr Mary E. chairman of the committee Cameron. All Interested tn OtH Ur. 4 arsAnvited te be present. and Mia Imogen 8endalU Mr O. EL VoJJ. Mr C. J. CU- - Goodman," f chgrge of general arrangement ell t)0, Af f ii F Club Sections Auld Lang Syne Luncheon To Feature Club Session To Present Programs n. S: Form THI st ns m . k, two-ton- it e. Mar-Stel- la a V Events Forecast Rushing Party Adds Gaiety To College Social Life For the Near geubi pIy - Carl-Geee- - Future f. Sub-topi- .nm 7HB ru-h- er 1 Ran-lom- e, 1 d di-n- ty enter-ta.ne- wee see re-el- tri-da- rt see s. 1 Fiftv-sixt- d see see Wear-jmenl- ' ii I -- rs mfc-u- -- see Delishtful Social Given ; Wo-bie- k. ofSalt-LakWA- ll m - see Mor-tnso- st see y, ot y. Pn, 1 1 g. . ) , 1 Mor-tenc- n. mu-ai- u-- u lr ener-taznme- nt te t see twelve-minut- (Corns see How-ma- Pat them to Sleep n. Liej-tena- nt Instantly, then Lift them Off! -- see T e, or-n- giv-e- n Additional Society On Page tour I i' |