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Show .it- - Accepts Teaching Duty At Stanford (David Leonard Wight, son of Mrs. Wesley Wight, of Brigham City, now studying for his doctorate degree in music, has re- cently taken on the duties of teaching a class in music at Stanford University. David, who is a graduate of Box Elder high school, and a former student of Weber col' lege and Brigham Ytfuhg Unimaswon his versity, recently ters degrees from Oregon State University, at Eugene, Oregon. 'He and his wife are now living in San Jose, California. During the war David led the 204th artillery band and served as band leader most of his army career. his David expects to obtain doctors degree In the spring of 1951, from Stanford university. , . - IN EIGHTH WARD . sacrament services in rZ New SeCOlO C OUnselOr ward last BISHOPRIC REORGANIZED 0 New First Counselor Back again and more comfortable than ever; DAL COAT by Timely Clothes Howard B. Kelley Joseph H. Hansen Succumbs Friday Joseph H. Hansen, 73, 729 south Second west, Brigham City, died Friday morning, November 3, at 9 oclock, at his home. He was born November 10, 1876, at Brigham City, the son of Niels and Anne Marie Hansen, natives of DenByr-gese- n mark. ' Mr. Hansen received his' early education in Brigham City. He During Sunday, the Eighth Howard B. Kelly was sustained first counselor and L. Max Bott, second counselor, in reorganization of the ward bishopric. The reorganization was conducted by Vernal Willie, presP dent of the North stake. Also present were Elbert Beecher and Delos Thompson of, the stake i . presidency. Released from the first counselor post of the Eighth ward, is in which Ernest E. Hansen bishop, was Wiillam J. Kotter who has served for the past three years. Prior to that he was second counselor of the old 'Fourth ward. L. Max Bott is the son of Mayor and Mrs. Lorenzo Bott and is married to the former Ruth Christensen. They have two children. He served in World two and is now part owner of the J. H. Bott monument establishment. Kelly, now first counselor, formerly served as second counselor, and is employed at Sheffields grocery store. Morris Glover was retained as ward clerk and Herman B. Kotter as assistant ward clerk. - ar Slates Boy Scout Elections In Leadership Meet Brigham Wednesday. Novll Brigham Schools The Paid Up, Anyhow ORAND ISLAND ma Grand Island police'X ing theij; heads who walked into the L, a parking meter If the majority of the He paid a fine and wlii and sixth grade students of November 9. LinBrigham Citys Central and As a result of this meeting and The only catch was ,? coln schools had their say as succeeding ones under direction was for a violation to who should represent them of Field Scout Executive Kent in Central City, thau Neb., ! as U. S. senator, they would Payne of Brigham City, Superin- away. BenF. Wallace to nod the give tendent George A. Boyce hopes nett. to lay the groundwork of a high- even larger number may Students of both schools gave ly successful Scouting Program convenient to come and him the slim margin of 15 in the school. in this pate community votes. A record number of men were The school takes this ballots, on meetsample Yesterday, further extending an at the first general the top two grades of the present it is hoped that an to interested men. and ing elecschools held a "dry-ru, tion of their own. Lincoln school voted 61 for Bennett and 44 for Thomas, while Central school gave Thomas a slight edge by voting 64 L. Max Bott for Thomas and 62 for Bennett The total voting for the other candidates for both schools follows: in Congress: Representative Walter K. Granger 102, Preston L. Jones 127. Justice of the supreme court: J. Allen Crockett 90, and Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Jean Devy, both E. Nelson,. 140. of whom are blind and accomdistrict State representative, Post Office Will y plished musicians, presented 1: LeRoy D .White 02; J. A. the program at the regular Close Windows On 140. Four-yea- r weekly luncheon meeting of the commissioner: Geo. Armistice Day Brigham City Rotary club Fri- H. Davis 81, John Hadfield 151- noon. Two-yea- r .commissioner: HowIn observance of Armistice day The Robert J. Potter was Glenn 127, ard program presented Day. next Saturday, November by the clubs youth service com- 105. 11. the Brigham City post ofCounty Sheriff: Warren W. fice will not havo window mittee, and was under the diof rection as K. E. pro154, Ursel M. Hunsaker Weight Hyde towas announced service, it chairman. Devy entered 78. day by C. Henry Nielsen, post- gram and was graduated from Provo County Clerk: Robert Nielsen master. ' Mail will be delivered a high school while Weight was 81, K. B. Olsen 144. f principal there. Mr. and Mrs. County Assessor: Fred L. Peusual, Nielsen stated. 117. E. now Hansen where in tersen live Ernest 113, Devy Ogden, An empty eoal bin may mean a freezing house he is a musician in the RambCounty Recorder: Mrs. J.' JoMNP V Succumbs Friday' ling Playboys, western orches- seph Law 106, Effie E. Adams To protect yourself against unexpected Winter. tra. 122. e Devy played the accordion and County Treasurer: Horace' S. weather, order coal NOW. And be sure of the bt piano, and both he and Mrs. Rose 64, Boyd M. Sheffield 165. Omer J. Devy sang a number of requests phone 8 for KNIGHTS SPRING CANYON COAUt County Attorney: from, the audience. He , also Call 106, O. Dee Lund 133. , harder, cleaner and gives more heat. demonstrated the performance County Surveyor: W. H. Grifand obedience of his seeing eye fiths 118, A. Carruthers 109. ' A poll of the teachers at the dog, Sally, who was with him at the meeting. two schools indicated that most Bob Kiesel of Ogden was a of them voted for ' Republican visiting Rotarian, and Croft candidates. They gave Bennett Bigham of Lubbock, Tex., was 20 votes to Thomas 11. They a guest. John Howard toasted favored Jones over Walter Walk A Block And Save" the club pianist, Mrs. Marilla Granger 21 to 10 and Joseph Dick Alston of the Nelson over Crockett 21 to 10. Spencer. ladies night committee announced that a ladies night party will be held next Friday ISSSfil VNM 9HHK 8M evening at the Bluebird cafe, Logan. Members unable to attend were asked to report at the hotel Friday noon to make attendance. up their Rotary Charles Whitworth announced that two weeks from Friday meetwould be a rural-urbaJoseph H. Hansen t ; who died at his home in ing, with all Rotarians to bring farmers as guests. Brigham City. nitt' men SIS' J ar; A n bav - Blind Couple v A) Give Program air: Me-serv- at be ter iS - FERRELLS, Nn c c ft PHILCO n two-wa- PCG51Gm BOX ELDER Intermountain Indian has scheduled a Boy School Training SesLeadership Scout the Adminisin held sion to be fifth tration Building at 7:30 p. m. on married Rosetta Mortensen, October 14, 1903 in the Logan L. D. S. temple. An active member of the L. D. S. church, he was a high priest at the time of his death. He was chairman of the genealo gical committee in the Fifth ward for four years and ' has been an active temple worker. He filled a mission to Den mark from 1907 to 1909 in the districts of Velle and Silkeborg. Principally a fruit farmer, Mr. Hansen served as a caretaker of the Provo duck club until it was utilized by the government for the Bear River Migratory bird refuge. Since that time he has spent More and more of each fall during duck season as our customers art trying on a labor patrolman for the Fish and Wildlife .service at the those and refuge. saying, "This Uhl" The 1950 Also, he was one of those who version of the Batmacaan of pioneered the development has even more sweep and underground water in this area. He is survived by his wife fullness than the pre-wmodel . five children: Mark J. Hanand y deeper armholes . , . and the practical collar that sen, Salt Lake City; Leora H. can bo buttoned up to the chin orjeft open. Balanced Tailarlnf Hunter, Midvale; Erwin N. Hansen, Brigham City; Dorothy H. by Timely Clothes assures you 6f lasting ' San Bernadino, Calif., and Ward, good looks, and our bolder, brighter patterns The western states now have Jay Martin Hansen Twin Falls, BEHS have a pleasant warmth of their own, 21,120,000 acres under irrigaIdaho;- six grandchildren; three ! tion in federal and private ) great grandchildren and the folPoll lowing brothers and sisters: N. Leo Hansen. Henry Hansen, Laurena H,' Petersen, Annie H. Social science classes '.of the Rock and Mary H. Miller, all of school 10th, 11th Box Elder ' Brigham City, and Elnora H. and 12th high grades gave Wallace Petersen of Midvale. Bennett 162 votes to Elbert D. Thomas 137 for U. S. senator exYou'll be surprised at the in a school election yesterday. cellent r e s u 1 1 s Obviously not voting straight classified ads secure. , tickets, the future citizens gave Walter K. Granger a landslide vote of 193 votes to Preston L. Jones 102. For the supreme court they gave Republican J. E. Net son the nod over Crockett by 150 to 131. Results for county candl dates follow: State representative, district FILE UNDER 1: LeRoy D. White, 188; J. A. ; ' ' Meservy, 129. 'EFFICIENCY" Four-Yea- r County Commission Several of our friends are getting jitters about now wondering how er: H, John 138; Davis, Geqrge theyre going to pay their property taxes and keep out of debt. But Mary ' Hadfield, 155. and I learned our lesson a long time ago. We keep a Tax Savings Account r Commissioner: How Easy to file . . . and just at First Security Bank, and make regular monthly deposits through the ard Glenn, 168; Robert J. Potter, as easy to find, with this around. rolls time tax when were That always prepared way year. chill-chaso- rs Hold Dry Run Students. - Hold Straw At last . ; . the confusion of 3 different record speeds and 3 different sizes is ended! Even a child will find the new Philco to operate. Changer "easy as News-Journ- A-B-- C Up to 5 hours Nothing to worry about at tax time ... consistent SAVING did it of continuous music ... Come in.. .try this utterly simple new kind of record changer . phone us now for a free Two-Yea- 117. Sheriff: , Warren W. Hyde, 203; Ursel M. Hunsaker, 79. Clerk: Robert Nielsen, 133; K. Olsen, 156. Assessor: Fred L. Petersen, 147; Ernest E. Hansen, 116. Recorder: Mrs. F. Joseph Law, 127; Mrs. Effie E. Adams, 153. Treasurer: Horace S. Rose, 99; Boyd M. Sheffield, 194. Attorney: Omer J. Call, 128; O. Dee Lund, 155. Surveyor: W. H. Griffiths, 304; A. Carruthers, 39. B. What No Potatoes? PRESQUE ISLE, Me. (UP) At the annual luncheon of the Potato Council of Industry Maine, the chef run out of just one item potato salad. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Carp. m Save for taxes, Christmas, a new piano, er just family security . . . but save regularly in a SAVE WITH A PURPOSE account at First Security Bank. Each week er pay day add te your savings . . . the same ameunt each time. It works for others. It will work for you. Each account is insured te $10,000. . Member Federal Reserve System, v --- - " , mm easy, its fast, its gentle . . . specially designed for You operation. years of trouble-fre- e hear must see it to appreciate it . . it to realize what we mean when demonstration. All-ste- el the brim! we say Philco 1731. Has everything! Vier&s Philco Simplified 3 Speed Record Changer, Super-Ton- e Reproducer, radio. Exquisite Superb FM-AMahogany veneer cabinet. Challenges all compar- AC ison at only REMINDER OFFICE SUPPLY "People can live only where there are mines and farms and factories to give them jobs. My industry not only employs lots of men it makes a good many jobs for factory workers, too, by turning out raw material for factories to use." Its , -- Man A GOOD REASON TO mm full suspension file cabinet. for long use. Efficiency to . home yZuSlJi) MINIMUM DOWN PAYMENT WITH EASY MONTHLY TERMS! Look! Only $189.95 Philco 1730. Choose From The Largest Selection Of Home Furnishings In Box Elder County At , YOUR PHILCO New Phonograph AM radio. Mahogany veneer cabinet. LAYAWAY YOUR PHILCO NOW FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING supply of Philco radios will be very limited this year. Select yours BUY 4 the now! LAY A" FOB ON OUR CHBIsT1 EASY TERMS NOW! fhYDE It. STRATFORD, Manager b |