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Show PAGE THRFff U Sunflower Camp Invites Mary Vfalker And W. Interested, Eligible Lynn Pinegar Will Wed Ladies To Join . NEWS ELDER riahnn City. Utah 1950 iaNovembflr8. The Sunflower camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers will meet Thursday evening. NovemIn Brigham City ber 9 at the home of Mrs. Vera Fors-"- d Mrs. Richard A Earl who resides at 177 south son Earl or Rock Second west. yfAJorsgrens Ji( Wyoming, are visiting Jes and friends in Brigham Is t Forsgren christensen, ,nd Mrs. L. F. son rd is the p. Forsgren. will return : Officers of the organization extend an Invitation to any the former lady interested in Joining the daughter of camp, to attend this meeting. Christensen, Any person of Mormon ancesof Mr. and try arriving in Utah before the railroads came in 1869, Is elihome Wed- - gible for membership in the D. U. P they stated. cm YOUR Easy To Put On B. F. Goodrich Tire Chains 6.00-- 16 sssr Non-turnin- At a no host party Enamon club at the g Electro plated to avoid rust. CaBe hardened for extra strength and toughness. Carry a pair throughout the winter to avoid skids and dangerous smashups. -- 45' TIM CHAIN ADJUSTERS Your Anti-Free- Now! ze MOST POPULAR BRANDS PRESTONE Permanent Type ANTI-FREEZ- -- PEAK Non Rust cafe recently Mrs. Ken S. Jensen was elected president for the coming term and Mrs. Har ry Smith was named secretary. They replace Mrs. Roland H. Ridd, president and Mrs. J. Y. Ferry, secretary. Following dinner at the cafe the group met at the home of Mrs. Roland Ridd where they spent the evening playing bridge. Members of the club attending were Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. Victor Bott, Mrs. Vosco P. Call, Mrs. Roland Ridd, Mrs. J. Y. Ferry, Mrs. Mary Pearse Owens, Mrs. Ken S. Jensen and Mrs. Nello Christofferson. TODAY! Dont Say Recap I Specify B. F. Goodrich nuttoa swoon of the Howard E BUY mm Miss Mary Walker and marriage W. Lynn Pinegar. Miss Walker is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. W. C. Walker of this city and Mr. Pinegar is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pinegar of Spanish Fork, Utah. (Following the temple ceremony the young couple will be honored at a reception to be held at the new Fourth ward Relief society rooms. Miss Walker is a graduate of Box Elder high school with the class of 49 where she served as an officer in the BEtte honor club and was also an officer in the Girls league organization. Last year she attended the Brigham Young University and was affiliated .with Alpha Lambda Delta. She is now employed at Glens Modern Drug. The prospective bridegroom Is a graduate of Spanish Fork high school and is now a sophomore student at the Brigham Young University where he is a member of Delta Phi. He served an L. D. S. mission in Brazil and also served with the armed forces for two years. The young couple plan to make a home in Provo. Enamon Club Elects New Officers At Meet $8.90 rn. Longer wearing JJW Nuptial rites, to be performed November 17, in the Logan L. D. S. temple, will unite in tk ladles of Approximately the Civic Improvement club enjoyed the dramatic reading given by Mrs. Leona Greene Merrell at the Literary Tea held Saturday afternoon at the club $ GET charge. The organ prelude was by Renie H. Littlewood. President J. Edwin Baird was a visitor. The congregation sang, "Zion Stands With Hills Surrounded," and Jessie W. Owens gave the opening prayer, followed by the congregation singing "God Our Father Hear Us Pray. William A. Fife and Lewis Knudson were in charge of the sacrament with 11 deacons assisting. Jay Meservy having complet ed his work as a teacher is 6us tained as worthy to be ordain ed to the office of a priest Two babies were blessed and two children confirmed members of the church. Carol Ann Larsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Richard S. Laisen was blessed by her father and given the name Carol Ann. A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Jensen was blessed by her uncle Don Jensen, and given the name Barbara Joyce. A daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Lynda Sydney Bruce Petersen, Petersen was confirmed a member by John T. Bate. James Craig Valentine, son of Mr. and Mrs James Valentine, was confirmed by J. A, Meservy. The time was given over to , Jabber pmat ins recapped ob-i- this way 6. F. Goodrich Tractor Tire ZEN i brudf fromtteS t the a iU2fi L'W' VT I ram i.fiw'V YOU PAY lon-br- iS recon die wi change ,tles I 45rw matter y and y dete Victf Extra traction. Maximum cleaning. Smoother ride. IiMec wear NO MORE FOR BFG TRACTOR CALL fAST ibanonh Smith. 0JCLEAT5 on TIRES US ANY TIME BATTERY SERVICE As Near As Your Telephone Save time, inconvenience. Call us our well equipped service trucks and trained mechanics are ready to serve you on short notice. Service charge is reasonable. Prices Sky High Select Now. y Use Our Lay-Awa- mpmiT xfUfJG&S HAYDEN ! can-ca- FOR AWARDS! THOSE WILD AND Laurence WONDERFUL DAYS when you kissed, blushed and blundered through the teens! You'll laugh and love every minute n Personalize... YOUR ( Baby Girl Born To W. Jeppesens Oct. 24 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jeppe-se- n became the parents of a baby girl, Friday, October 24. The baby was born in the Valley hospital, Tremonton. Mrs. Jeppesen is the former Beverly Hardy of Fielding. of this dejightful :t '1 movie! GREETING CHRISTMAS with a PHOTO of you or your family. . We can make them from your snapshot or any photo we have on file for $3.50 per dozen. Or if you wish, well be glad to take a picture, in our studio or your home, for a small additional charge. photo 68'i South Main ART (ram OWEN JOHNSON'S Liwrenctvfllt Stories! Phone 945 SERVICE Ipfyhit to a more beautiful . EChNiG0 o ... Is the key OEANSTOCKmi t OlHICO-SMIXZi- i. home lEMA-KMO- r U Set sc Ftay Ry IMU WSRIfi IEUKJ Wrostsd kyllUIAll t F..dM.fkytUTHU:i A Product off Standard of California A How would you like a heating oil that burna without waste . ; . that gives more heat per gallon? Then youll like Standard Heating Oils! There are no RUPTURED? Experimenting with qiwHoaiblt troiiaa at tha eipitna at your health will prove See your Phytician t once for the costly proper diaguoelt and we will fill Ua prescription to hit entire satisfaction. If your condition has already been tennined and you are not securing the proper comfort or relief, pay ns e yiait at once end be convinced that under competent hands, truss fitting has been reduced te a science eliminating aU guess-wor- for furnace-typ- e burn- ers and get rid of bothersome smoke ' Distributed By REYNOLDS V. REEDER Phone 68 or 129-181 South 8th West Brighten-u- p with the magic of FULLER'.S Jewel Case ofColcr Unlock a whole new world of beauty with color. Use it to move, back to brighten walls ; . . to make drab interiors dramatically lovely n harsh features. Fuller's Jewel Case. .dull corners . .'. and of Color gives you scores of vibrant, fresh tones. See them today. ... . Wr feature the femeoo bne of NeattM Spot Pad Tmeses which bold the rupture with a fraction at the pressure required by other appliances. We also have complete assortment of Abdominal Sup portray FI tie 4 Hosiery, Shoulder Braces, etc. i. Mrs. Donna Bosley Ray Grant Trained Fitters i : ! RAY Jb DRUGGIST CmmJfZbimoBQ -- JjwIrJtwiAiti FULLCOAT If Fuller'l interior smooth, Iiimw walk. onsy Rich to car FUL-GLO- and for. FICTNg Second Feature The happiest 70 MINUTES your mm tone-dow- cleaner, more econom- ical heating oils on the market today! Get Standard Stove Oil for circulating heaters . . Standard Furnace Oil SS finish especially roe--o for woodwork. Stands repeated washings, keeps its dson Lowly ooomol nftf hUUUR WILSOH DECORET ENAMEL FULIC2WEAR A perfect finish for hath. kitchen wherever wear is KnrdssS. etc. Isstrss. ysnslnin lilts fioish. Ronows oM ... door, with tovgli nd wsar resistant surface. Fopie- In colors lino ,lnr goality, honey ., ; GMaTiiii, YWil2U; feotonThtlmai W r - of5 ACADEMY . Qn the program were MUCH LOUIS Hit Feature WINNER Phone your news to 1,000. ro. 146 South Main Phone 548 YHE . dancers, Reva Nelson, Marion Fpeijrlcksen and Lucille- Young; a trio,'; Leah Barker, Thelma Weir and Deone Lichtenstein; and a quartet, Lillian Felt, Erma Crompton, Nola Leggett and Jane Baron. Mrs. Elaine Ward was general prfsants M-Q--M Thiirs., Fri., Sat-- Pepper Dearth Sends chairman of the affair and Merle Craghead, rush captain. and soot for good! ;ham Tir e Shop VMESDAY STARRING , , Last Showing mU NEW YORK (UP) Black pepper, before processing, is selling As the third social activity in on the "spot" market today for their rush season, the Beta Sig- from $2.75 to $3 a pound. Before ma Phi sorority held a Gay World War II, it was worth from Nineties" party at the War Me- three to six cents a pound. morial home Monday evening. Manufacturers blame the high With the room gaily decorated prices on destruction of plantaaround the old-tim- e theme, all tions in the Netherlands Indies, of the sorority members wore which previously supplied the clothes to match. Winning priz- world with 75 percent of its es for the best uniforms were pepper. The plantations that Edna Jeppsen, first; Erma Jen- were not destroyed have not LichDeone sen," second; and been cared for properly since tenstein, third. the end of the war, manufacturThe program, with the script ers say. ; written by Evelyn Daines, proThe little pepper , being imgram chairman, also centered comes from India. tKe around Gay Nineties" ported today theme. ; INES. O' THE PICTURES PICK TbeGty Under TbeGty 6- - Beta Sigma Phi H olds "Gay Nineties" Party Last Monday Sacrament was administered by Arden Jens and Robert Tingey, assisted by the deacons. Linda Jepperson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jeppersop, was blessed and confirmed a member of the church by Homer Tingey. A baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Winters was blessed and given the name of Mary Ann by her greatgrandfather, Jessie H. Giles. ' The remainder of ' the time was turned over to testimony bearing with 11 participating. Closing sqng by the congregation was The Spirit of God Like a Fire Is . Burning. The closing prayer was by Borman recapping is getting harder to ll Be on the safe side, get your without delay! Come in and see the new r . theme. , used for the time In- - Beth Sigma Phi Gay Nineties Quartet (left to right) Jane Baron, Nola Leggett, Lillian Felt and Erma Crompton (sitting). They added color to the sororitys party Thursday night at the War Memorial Home. All members were dressed around the old time , . charge. The opening song was Do What Is Right," by the congregation. The opening prayer was by Lloyd Eastley followed by the sacrament song, "Oh , It Is Wonderful by the congregation. NOW! DONE Hodges. Pictures will be shown of Sacrament meeting was held in the Sixth ward chapel Immediately following Sunday school, Sunday, with Arthur Steffen in YOUR J the evening at the War Memorial home, it was announced today by Commander George n, to keep warm !' The Brigham City American Legion post, number 10 will hold a business meeting, Thursday, November 9, at 8 oclock in Sacrament Meeting In Sixth Ward Sunday recapping The Brigham City Civil Ait Patrol squadron yvlll conduct its weekly meeting at 8 oclock Wednesday evening at the Brigham City airport. All people interested are vited to attend. The class will center around meterology with A. M. Larsen instructing. American Legion Will Meet Tomorrow Eve Sacrament meeting was held in the Second ward last Sunday following Sunday school with Counselor Earl V. Hansen . in RECAPPING IV. s Sacrament Meeting In Second Ward Sunday PLUS and that plus is Dura-mithe exclusive B.F. Goodrich chemical compound that sair , rooms. Mrs. Green, whose review of was very effec"Brass Ankle, tive and well received, was introduced to the club members by Mrs. R. K. Daines, literary chairman. Mrs. Lloyd Davis presided at the lace covered serving table centered with a lovely arrangement of bronze and gold autumn by chrysanthemums, flanked three branch, crystal candelabra holding tapers. Assisting Mrs. Daipes on the committee were Mrs. Vosco Call, Mrs. Lloyd Davis, Mrs. Chet Hamilton and Mrs. D. M. Mason. Miss Mary Walker . . . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Walker and W. Lynn Pinegar, son of Mr. and Mrs, John F. Pinegar, will exchange nuptial vows in the Logan L.D.S. temple on Nov ember 17. testimony bearing and 20 reThe closing song; sponded. There Is an Hour of Peace and Rest, was by the congregation and Ernest Olsen gave the closing prayer. fights heat deterioration, toughens tread rubber, means more mileage safer driving greater savings. Meeting Wed. Evening 75 Durecap is more than ordinary Its Air Piotrpl Schedules Mrs. Merrell Well deceived In Review before Civic Club 99 Down On The Ole Mill ' 9 Made with Dura min 9 Top quality, Gradt"A"Rvbbar recapping. 99 ' BU RECAP - M Will Change Name Plus Short I .Sr i |