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Show 1 4 Contest Of North Box Elder Stake Relief Society Uncovers Poets js&sss . My Mother The couldn't sing a song Or dramatize a speech, But she could hang the whitest wash Never heard of bleach. She She , , - First Prize Amateur Third Place all. She never was a club member, ore. She was president of Relief Society For twenty years or more. With easel, paints and brush, But she could tell a story That would make us children hush. . For we could see the picture In the story she would tell Of a baby in a manger Who came on earth to dwell. - she was an artist The best kind in our lands, Who taught her boys and girls to love And obey all Gods commands. CITY - WILL These are the days when we wouldnt do anything about the weather if we could. This will Very be a fall to remember. few beets are left in the ground and many farmers are doing their fall plowing here in Co rinne. Also, strange as it may seem, there are tomatoes still being picked and marketed, saw a load go by this morning, the 6th of November, and Mrs. Charlotte Ferry tells me that she has a rose bush that is thinking of blooming. But ap here in Corinne, pendicitis knows no season. The eighth BE OPEN SATURDAY Armistice Day Darning, Sewing on buttons, Patching shirts. . . Congrat- go 4-- . but still taking it easy . . . Speaking of hospitals, Mrs., Ella Stallings ris' at home again ap ter her operation. . . . Little Jane Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hansen is going around these days with her arm in a sling. She was playing and did a tumble and broke her right arm just above the wrist. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wallace helped move Mr. and after Primary. . . . Monday, TuesMrs. Ray B. Lykins from Kalis day and Wednesday, 13, 14 and pell, Montana to Corinne last 15, are the scheduled days for week. Mrs. Lykins is the daugh- the parents of the grade school ter of Mrs. Beta Redelings. The youngsters to visit school and Lykins plan to make their win check on the progress each child ter home with Mrs. Redelings. is making. Mr .and Mrs. We wish these newcomers to Grover Harper, Mrs. Neal Harthe community a hearty wel per and Gregory and Mr. and come. . . The long fingers of Mrs. John Adams visited in war are reaching info our own Layton, Sunday, with Mr. and small community. Sometimes Mrs. Jay Yates. The occasion I wonder at the Make the was the blessing of the new World Safe for Democracy, and Yates baby. Remember Pearl Harbor, and Adams did the blessing. . . Mrs. now preparation. Sometimes LaFayette Nelson had a rather I wonder what wed do without unusual experience not too long slogans, but more than that I ago. She attended a wedding wonder what wed do without anniversary of her old school the young men to make those teacher, Mr. Joseph J. Larsen at slogans a living vital thing. Newton in Cache Valley. It Many boys from our commun- just thrilled me, she said. For ity have ' gone into the service he taught me' when I was in of Uncle Sam and I know at the fourth grade at Mantua. least two who will be leaving Mr. Joseph J. Larsen and his in a few short weeks. I am wife were celebrating their golthinking of Bob Cutler, son of den wedding anniversary . . . Mr. and Mjs,' Joseph Cutler and The M. I. A. Special Interest Mr. .Devon Gilbert, son of Mr. class invite all the married folk and Mrs. Claude Gilbert Bob to participate in a has already served time in the lunch along with an evening of navy; Devon is his dads right square dancing and novelty hand man on the farm, but mixers Wednesday at 8 p. m. at there isnt any complaining the Corinne recreation hall. from them-- , or any of the others who had to go. It makes one Phone your news to 1000 Just Looked The Part t , Mass. (UP) Andrew J. Waite, who died here at the age of 98, was the model for the GAR veteran in murals in the Worcester auditoriums memorial chamber. Yet Waite was not a Civil War veteran. WORCESTER, e Red-eling- s A MATTRESS ONLY AS GOOD as the COMPANY that IS made it . . . ... Great-gTandfath- STORES AMD PLACES OIF BUSINESS AILL WILL BE pot-luc- Thats why we suggest you KNOW the company who makes your mattress. We invite you to come in and select your materials from our wide selection of ONLY THE BEST. Our name speaks for Quality and Unexcelled workmanship. EVERTON k CO. MATTRESS E. 1st So. 24 Phone 27 Gift For Anyone - BLISSFUL AUTOMATIC. SLEEPING COMFORT G. E. Automatic Blan- OBSERVANCE ket will be warmly appreciated all winter long. Its downy- light, but warm as three blankets. Bedside control keeps sleeping temperature just right automano matter tically how the weather changes during the OF ARMISTICE AY Get (E CD CD DDE AOS TIRE TRACTICOZOnG Here's what It Is: Goodyears amazing new machine the "Traction-izer- " perforates the entire surface of tire treads with thousands of tiny, sharp-edge- s that resist skids In every direction! Tractionizing is done right on your car and one treatment lasts the average driver an entire season . . . when it wears off you have your original tough tread rubber for hot weather driving. Heres what it does : Perfect IN Sewing on buttons. Patching shirts. Talented students will an assembly November 16, through exhibiting dance, Mention speech and song that talent is Honorable being developed among students By Mary Jeppson at Box Elder. Everyone who desires to take To A Missionary Son part on the program must hand in his name and what he plans Missionary son of mine to do to any of the student body Tho youre far away from me as soon as Hust or Mr. officers In thoughts I travel with you there. possible. And in my mind I see Numbers will then be arrangThe life you spend, so like His own. ed for presentation to the student body. Spreading truth to another nation. Members of the traveling asIn heart we share in your great work, sembly are chosen from the Tis you parents compensation. group participating on this pre-sen- this week to Hazel Holmes on her birthday, Monday; to Elaine Davis, Olive Fillmore and to Ned Marble on their birthdays, Tuesday. . . . Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. at the Brigham City tabernacle will be achievement day fdr all the girls in Corinne who have com pleted their work. The Misses Elaine Davis, Edna Smoot and Elane Stoll are scheduled for a vocal number. . , . Amanda Fredricksen is another Corinne-itwho enjoyed a birthday this week. ' She entertained about fifteen members and guests of the' Birthday club. Progressive games were played and prizes outwere given for the best landish costume. . . . Monday, the 13th, the Corinne Primary will be hejd at 12:30 and teacher training is tentatively set for ulations Darning, By Varlene Cook wonder where its all going to end. . . . Pleasant news is that the Halloween Carnival was more of a success this year than last in keeping the youngsters occupied and off the streets. The windows took some soaping and other small pranks occurred, but as a whole the town was quiet. . . Mrs. Edna Jeppson entertained her bridge club last week and special guests was Marion Fredricksen. plumber came into my life, He wooed me, won me for his wife. We have six sons, and strange to say, I do not mind that every day. Im being kept busy A Talent To Be Shown At Assembly November 16 Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 8. 1950 lf Marijane Morris.. Id run away some day And marry wealth, and then Id play Until I had my fill of fun. Id show them all that I was done With being kept busy I vowed BOX ELDER NEWS person to be entered at the Cooley hospital in the past two months was Quinand one-haton Holley. He is home now, By Patching shirts. Amateur Tage Five ; i STORES Darning, bloom. ! CORINNE six brothers, various sizes, (Among the lot there were no prizes.) They romped and tore around the place Until their clothes resembled lace, They kept me busy Trees thrusting bare black branches into the winter gloom; Trees radiant with pastels, displaying springtime , C E E$ Y I had A splash of gay color, against an autumn scene A tree, a living breathing thing Crowned at Natures Queen. He comes, a stranger, a wide-eye- d young stranger. Just as the prophets fortold; A proud earnest youth in search of the truth, And a promise made of old, To learn at last of his noble past, Of a future where he has a place. And his skin shall fade with his penance paid To a white and delightsome race. This sacrdet trust that is given to us, Brings joy for a task well done, And it may be too, theres a chance to do A penance of our own. So reach forth your hand to a fellow man ; Let your lamp of friendship glow, Tis the purest strain that flows in the vein .. Of this dusky Navajo. I guess Patching shirts. Nature's Queen - couldnt paint a picture Sewing on buttons, By Maggie Lee - when her child was injured By an accident or fall She could Kiss it better Darning, Sewing on buttons, He comes, a stranger, a small dusky stranger, From a barren desert home, , To a people strange, and a land that is- stranger, But a land which was once his own. In the ages ago this Navajo Was one of a chosen band, But for wicked deed God cursed his seed, As a red man he roamed this land. Revenge was a part of his savage heart, And he fought by the code he knew, But wrong or right, he lost the fight, As a civilized nation grew. Dogged and driven A wasteland given ; Oh surely justice frowns! Hated and hounded by a victor bounded ; He who had known no bounds. ' i And ta When I was young and passing fair, I longed to have a stage career, But mother dear had much to say About the path Id tread some day. She kept me busy Its rotts are strong, and it will thrive, If you but keep its heart alive. May each new scion prove to be A limb of loftier dignity ; And may each family branch aspire To spread its 'span broader and higher, Until its roots and twigs are driven As deep as earth, as high as heaven. This Dusky Navajo never was a trained nurse In uniform of white, But went wherever needed, Storm3 or sunshine, day or night. AIL BRIGHAM The Point Of View Behold, my children, here you see The strong bole of our family tree ; Each bough, each twig, both large and small, The more perfects the perfect all. ' By Muriel W. Nicholas She She Family Tree Note: Recently ladies of the North Box Elder Stake , Relief Society held a poetry contest under the direc- - ' tion of Mrs. George Bott, and Mrs. Lucille Wight, Stake Relief Society president. The poems, which were judged by Mrs. ltenie Littlewood of the South Stake, follow: When the boys were all at home, Thoifgh the house seemed in a clutter, She could bake the grandest bread And churn the sweetest butter. Never won Poets Corner ( But she could bake an apple pie No one could surpass. it didnt hurt at By Eleanor W, Sc how By The Wriaers Realm wasnt a musician, Didnt teach a class, Till Second Place Amateur By Anne S. Jensen First Prize Professional . night $44.95 up I Gives you extra traction foe starts and stops on wot. icy, slippery roads! 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