Show STORMY STORMI 2110 storm hod bad been bean anil loring for alno days broke forth with bitter i about ten tell last night aril continued till late this lina inor morning nin ridout interruption ter tor anil oil fouw kimt fit nicil niril irid tok ook t ok their burng li irn ord abell the firce dorco of ocono one was sport t ilia oilier lither would set in with violence tile wa duk ns as erebus and iboa re to licar ironi clib tail roal anil ana board of mc meeting mcewing eting come in in condict N willi ith more inora post trees and fica than you can count on your fingers finger ana annl more lhnn ono one or 0 ilo o looked ns its ir they had leon drain through rough ti a vital mill bath will ehor 0 ol 01 the abated this chii ii nor orning ning owl tile hie sun pierced through like scattering clouds aith all ther therrial nial effulgence but bt at noon ilia da clrk k looking in the ha vest tt clot crept over the cerulean thy find gave us in limuli of hall and inott in blinding blin Jing clin sion 6 ion caine caina don for about two hours and ca guelf into nice nice slit king mini lint iut ilia clouds ire arc lite bi enking aking narty and boex we c to meet inert hiir beautiful url unil linie ogin again on tu lu morrow |