Show alvi 5 or OF TIIE THE united ti fcc PASSE AT THE Sc islon or trie tile 21 Cong antl NA TUlIE NO 30 01 A act to amend section 35 of an net act entitled in an net act to loduco internal taxes will aid for other oilier ci ei ll li it enacted by the senate and house of 1 ii an of lie united states slates of it congress s it that tile I 1 illges of nn let act entitled an nit to reduce internal taxes axe and for other purposes seft approved july 11 1870 be anro hereby extended to 10 the poll or of rills burg in its hie state slate of pennsylvania nith M tile ranio earel t rif it had been 1 l in the thil ihnaty ty fifth net act approved irich IS 16 1972 GENERAL katche no 20 31 A N oct act authorizing authoring the survey and marking rf cf ilio boundary y between the life territory or of the hie Unitt lit states and the of birt ii rt Britt brittan ln front I 1 rom tile or of I 1 diio boods icila 9 tt the lia summit of tile llie luijt mountains be it enacted by the senate and homo of ol of tile llie aill I 1 ld staw of anderic t in congles a that th alio 3 arr ident ideal of th C united states slates by find with wilh tin lit advice and consent of tho senate bo be nirl aud lie 1 I is hereby to operate cooperate co etith tile government of great britain in ill tile of it joint com cammi diun in ill ftc ac anith the plin plait and of lir br vi fier ral A A hunish rev chief ur of ko i iii ncr 23 1870 flo il i l alic line if hi stute states and tile llie be bc tri the lit alc of the woods and the aly colky provided hou lever that engineers in ill tahe I 1 ie regular service I 1 lilb I adall be ba employed exclusively at r engineer in the pel pei furni ance of the du tic contemplated by this act without any additional Eil sal salary ry kry and the Secret secretory try of war i 1 to lo make the ricce Abary do tall tail of cn gini is i s hr fr I 1 hat purpose see ac a c 2 litty fifty thou ind and or so tich li in he bp afta tn ills same lia nien is ert iak I 1 ii out of an money in the tha treasury not bulher otherwise apar pria pnat til ted to coroy into the llie ol eject of odail said 0 jant approved march 10 1872 convention STALLS or OF AND TILE UIN OF WL dixi U signed april 19 1871 ratified Do december cember 15 exchanged february 8 1872 Procla imel 1 I 8 1872 ky he dUlt of tile united states of Arric america rica A I whereas n convention bi tween the united states of america Aini inca mul and tho united states I 1 of iiii conclude ind signed by their 30 o plot bial lep tit it tile city dillof of mexico on the ilia nineteenth day of adill fai lit tho the year of our lord one thousand thuu eight hundred and seventy oric one fur for extending tile the time limo limited by thu convention between the two no countries ot of tile ath of july 1868 for the lie of tile proceedings proe of tile joint ian flur 1 ur by tile llie latter instrument convention being in ili tho tha english and spanish langu languages aZes is ia vord urd lor for void as fullon bollotta fol lotta whereas ali rea it convention was concluded on fin tale day of july between tile aliu ulli united blatus of ami ica and tile llie united states stales for alic f of out banding cle clairl irris that have originated origin ild aiice thu signing of tile treaty of goad cupo ligo on the ad ol of february by a commis tion sion to endure fur two iwo years had fix eix in adf iti florin tile dily day of tile llie first meeting of aliu th 3 and ft i cereas 1 doubts liac ha diac 0 I 1 alisca it ii to ID tl I 1 ot ol llie life bukness bu iness of the bald loll 1011 being baing within llie life a izard tho the Prow lent or of tile llie united stites stiles of america nn an I 1 tho ilia Pr eulit nt of thu the united baates of mexico nie du sirons the lie little limo originally fixed fur for life dura lioi of tho the said eald commission should bo be find to this ond and havo bavo named to tl ndrec upon the best modo of I 1 tr this object that la is to tay say the ol 01 the aiu J slates ot of ant am tea ica 11 II kelion ncy credited ai euvoy envoy extraordinary un 1 immia ter plenipotentiary of the united s of america to fit alio llio mexican 1 lit and id the are ident of ti alio I 1 0 united states of mexico 1 apiro aciro chief k art arid I 1 in fit lit irge of tile M af foreign I 1 relations elution or of tile united baates t of I 1 mexico ll exico alio ho after having leaving presented their respective power and fand ing them and in due forill have agreed upon tile the following articles ARTILE ARTICLE 1 I V tile ili hiigli gh contracting p artles agree that the tern term as assigned ignec in the convention of tile ath of J july uly ibos above re referred ferrel to for tho the duration 5 of said commission shall bo boex extended fur for a tinie linic nut not cice exceeding cling ono one year from tile day lion the functions funt ions or of fluid commission would according to tho the referred to or for a time if it should be 60 by the life or tho the umpire in ia case of their lil it I 1 i aral that nothing contained in this 1 arsiclo ahall in any alter or extend the iho timo time originally fixed it in tile said tit fir the preen tati alvn of claims to the yn mixed i zed arckie IT II tito convention shall bo ii retailed reliC cd I 1 old I 1 arid life rati flen 1 as shall lia be lit A 1 washington abbington ns As boon loon n possible in witness whereof tho above bave signed like same and their respect ivil seals pone lonc in lie vity city of mexico tho lolli d ly april ij id tile tho year one thousand eight hundred an nna 1 seventy ono one AL OllAS IT if NELSON BAI anil and li hns has dmn july uly on oil bolli i and the respect io ratifications vt or thu hasip have been ex ca changed ching cd no mo therefore lie he it w i tint 1 I ulysses S grant grant Prod dent til of ill ll 11 V I 1 cited or of ali earled have cn cairl irl ow lr alid convention to be b 1 1 mide public I 1 to ahr I 1 if I 1 ml ild that tile tho same and 1 cl ause akad III tille the may bo be Ob nn nna if in godri titio ly by the united state fill binl the alie vi thure thereof of la in testimony morly havo hereunto tO VA sit my hi nd and caused tho the ifal of the united to to allix ed doday done nt alic city if aliis ath of uary v lit ilia year of our bordona lord ono thuu eight liun hun liA IJ ored find i lwi anti of tile ul of III alln united states tho ninety U B S GRANT ey by the president secretary ante |