Show THE LATEST dispatches uy BY THE vaios CO I 1 of the conff conference grellos gr elloe the nab ciali democracy la ii coz co ii icil DECIDED 1 l TO ADM ISSI aril A president of flit blitch NOT MURK mm I 1 TBS R V I 1 ACKES k C I 1 L ess ETC etca ETC ET ETC C SALT CITY SAIL si il lake lafo A april april 9 the Demo democrat crati hold held 1 largo abarge niec meeting ting lat night in n llo ilia city hill for ilia purpose of effecting eilY cling an organization speeches 1 po oches were in made abc by lion Ilon thomas 1 ia auri 11 cri general hornum Birri um major blair and others considerable enthusiasm prevailed prevailed farnest earnest anil and passionate expression was given to the party feeling in alig belief that through ft a division of tile republicans tile democrats can elect duct ilia alio next liei dit so no reference was iris ninda made to calice lila mormon blom or adra ii ision legion A territorial conti al committee of five WU was lip appointed pointed lop opposed posed to any coalie coalition on involving tho ilia abdication of distinctive tive organization tile party platform was adopted ili ii an unanimous vote vats v ns cot c reflecting re rc brigham liam young pre adent ur or tile the church Chur cli gcorge A first and an j daniel 11 ylli wells mccond borsoi alyda president of tho tha quorum of two ye apostles apostle miss Coul dock ilia actress ii 13 lying nt at the point of death jacob gates ono one of the iho seven presidents of tho the quorum of seventy has been publicly from office in ili the mormon church until the ilia investigation of certain matters ol of business it is alleged outside outi out iila sida of gat gales crime crivac thit lia lias has a aint to recover property unlawfully appropriated by the tha church during ins absence on i miti Mit ion salt lake 0 tho Mo monnon rivion conference Confer enco this afternoon afler noon to next sunday 0 IVaLin gion 0 in tho the Se senate nittel pomeroy from the committee on public lands bills to incorporate alo now new mexico and P company and the now mexico and gulf railroad company compana Com panr and grant them the iho right af aty T to dy having licen for business from the tha military committee wilson wilfon chairman of tile committee called up tip a number of belh passed including the following bill prohibiting the cabibi ment or minors without a written consent vf ut ilia die parents or guardians guardiani declaring the landa funds of the tha fort scot military rail ilary reservation colo cilo ralo ral to preemption pre emption reduce the limits of tile the military reservation us pitt foil stanton St unton new Mii bill to proven prevent t do dc bertion and elevate ilia iho condition of the nr my lilt bill to pay certain navada and califor ca ifor nii nia volunteers bill it ii system of de deposit 1 bieh provides that paymasters ro re ceiling tho Eames aal ball account for tile earn as ai if public ic money adjourned mis ilia grant held the iho first britt reception since lent this evening tito president nominated 0 W V legen d die ie minister Yi nister ie to the iho argentine argentina re he public jiu jai 11 II ingrahan surveyor of customs toms at new orleans and commodore jos 1 F green to pear admiral M miscellaneous I 1 S C S 3 F 0 U 5 baltimore 0 OA A terrible terri lilo murder wits committed at carroll maryland Mn ryland on frile Fri lq Abrah abraham atu lynn a 1 I miller was uund and robbed I rind and the body lickl in tile mill tink eink two men were arr arrested eted charged with willi tile ilia deed coed there is ia something plausible after all in ili uio the doctrine ol of ilia spiritualists thai ehte th real torment of the future beato ci mails not lit in a fire cro and brim tono liell bell lilt but in till still hAng iia nging irig around in spirit fru bruni iruni nitha iho sc cones buu giai left and seeing ikue thins thin s go un after ones onea death dath it must be tell lor for tile fitiris of a dead mining rip auktor to see fee go up tip without tile ilia lie idaer or of somebody tome body out of ofa a thousand anil it hall for foi ft a miser to see nil all lin hii saving squandered T for aira a husband W I 1 see eco his hia aiho h aitho loved linn so BO fondly flitt tit nl lit liia milli illk kuung smith vilio lio ho be kicked out of ilia hi lor a smart like spirit to too sea his lute bile baitner hilss chance after chanco of trial irs his hi idill pi u roe for n mining spirit to see ilia lellow fellow running a drill drift in the wrong well we shall know how have it is 13 oLa some day ava laor liu it is enid chrit no iio cl not even tile the Lh cholera thul olera cra hav ha within it aalf ii century boon as a gendral or fiest in t as aj tc minall l pox ox the ilia bills billion of pi an iv elage of than two hundred deall a ft a week dining the iho autumn and winter it lias has ra based ed during a period nearly ten timis tim is bt as long its a tit alio llio r hoburn arid and it lins haa not hytt why mirla carpenters really believe thero there is is no such thing ui as stone hl hr II 11 it ie it i 1 jthn dinv inv IN it I 1 |