Show miscellaneous TUE THE AMOK AIRION P 1 I A la Is tho the purest in tone clio most powerful the most inott finished tho the roost most dura LI uc C and will stand in tune longer than any other all 7 I 1 mr write writa il circa at fa arpp GEU 4 aai 1 all y Q ahil ha low priced try so 0 let lter IScra ly 09 00 theca ia dealt with e cy AU ali wa ruly fully warranted wilio X listey oot cn ale tz 0 3 to S 1000 Is tile the be lait made buy no other calland call and 1 hear them at IT FIFTH STREET ST LOUIS SIO circulars milled on application VIRE 12 MILLS jarile ly i corinna branchi or TILE aba EL FIRE ax OF CHICAGO S S n sir elector E r P ja jeason jea SOV It attorney torney IV IF if CS LU ID faavi lv 4 and sill sia L I 1 adill sory board I 1 A branchi of this sound and ancl reliable C GO a 01 PA flaring batu izea in III our city 0 a are now for OF aud iville pat agal ronan ills billat an are ahille w wl 14 bo be car ea at a it rate fill tl XV IV IT 11 ELK CORRAL COREAL aart 1111 Y lipory e x rITON lt L HAY AY OATS AND DAIL IS APLEy rY AT shOIL Galo sold retail lv ry for tea in abern ana tue tile public generally thollef alo best of beadie horses constantly c band for h alro it u xi iti aaion rY 1 seelim cai ii proprietor EORGE L HOLT G ala II 11 books stationery veite and wall packet Vict cutlery lery lk is unions ui ions about for or wheeler A Wl loos still maiLi ur rl post kudding Kud diny j spa roii it CORIX YE miscellaneous 1 TO ANID MONTANA 0 C C ANT wollin efflin aco co Tan tanners nero and Who lasalo leather Leathes 1 dealt dealers ars bravo opened a branch house la in spar SALT lo ca CIT W V ith a full ful and complete stock or of HARDWARE 0 i HARNESS AND SHE LEATHERS AND FINDINGS rR DINGS our stoc Is largo and comp iota orn bracing everything in our line lina celebrated nuj Kooi unliT tools tool s ali st JUST ISSUED expose or of Poly polygamy gainy in 11 etab I 1 by sin mrs T H B 11 of salt lake city by stephens Stop limi this intensely interesting book Is I 1 the only til hull of THE nwe IS JR LIFE OF THE r MORMONS 4 1 I dj S EY ever iligo pages piper paper sl 1 00 clothbound tl fo vw for vale by all 11 bool a 1111 CAN CO X Y agents for else rade 1071 f depto 0 Us atlon asia street corlene Cor lune dealer in jilt fRO 4 it CEmES grain clovi allour r PRODUCE AND vegetables the cheapest in Gorin orinne uc battor aelic I 1 Es eess E a s ando a j sr j ty oi cl 13 1 ilic carlo car ial t 3 secona band goods of bl all linda houglin and old god noa jm im g aa asa MEA MEAT nl T MARKET T X N E I 1 cor montana kivi street IETI RS fresh meats heats and poultry kept capt constantly on hand j bif 1113 1 1 I K ier u sir ETC at ab if letlo and itchy tho the best meats at the lowest price Z ta vt marlett open at every day Stin ages nier of rill nil zinda anale front abo oio best diets jai in store filore No attana ahti att ctt near slats Six li ayi dm cache balkey stage 0 line lin r rh ufer stated ii 51 il UL 1 IL n 0 abc A go wave corjuo A adries liy lays l 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first firm elwa elam houson bius fitted up 11 iab RII nil iha mod are 1 ani to I 1 N HOTEL I 1 city montana CAW 3 J 1 DAVIS guilz A TO iris HIS a arto fr cl II 11 na nl the ly ilist he hr has taken chairge liri of it mill ilia all pit knura baua ami il long ne lo in the baseda all akl a rit at lendon to tillo ilio wanti it f all J bilm to la me people pop flirt class th will bo be supplied with everything the tb t off al 0 ondres gr id er 0 adl liy y thieo comlat to chec the Cip lal alt gi li la ity w will 11 A fernl n if it to their lut lutc rott crost to atop at t the in irrational b hotel deop tl ili bourl by the ilia day sa per weak sio 10 foud coard and lodging per 11 jac sin HOTEL no fo no 33 main street SAM SCHWAB proprietor HELENA this his notel hotel Is located in n tho the cantor cantar of tho city and Is 13 tho the cheapest choa pest ond nd best bousa in montana inac n miscellaneous jr A OZO OEO B S 1372 J fi A greighton GREiGH TOH pa GO co 11 1 11 70 1 1 M el R CHI will ivill give their prompt personal attention to csc biving and freights TO ra 0 ra TAN A ID lio freig freight lit forwar dail promptly tt at lowest goins going rates rales na klark a r consignments Consign ments ca caro r 0 J A C to co Cori corinee nue AL a 27 X C U G reynol Iley nol 3 I 1 aslen a 31 1 T stackpole Stack polo ruller uller 17 deer lodde S D B ilia virsinia NW rinia city W W V copeland Copel aAd Ooin lin neb I 1 PAL offices SELENA HELENA 11 T U T ra if MY W HULL bricklayer aej plasterer cr 1 aro l b tiarle miscellaneous UTAH AND california L U M B E R C 0 M P A N Y A N l j july IT 17 1311 1111 Bin nOS a 3 rt TA 4 Trae aurer if fi i t A Z i A 1 11 A 7 1 ac 4 r CS 1 i ciril 19 t 0 CIC fa 4 5 0 G 0 i 1 i in all kinds of 0 katenas Ea tenaS lumber door 3 windows venetian blinds all kinds Moul dings ss chico sugar pine coiling Coi lins adin florrin california R U NT I 1 C S 11 ING FLOORING doers sash gash winds blinds and me r 0 U I 1 d 1 n G ardors for fir r timbers promptly y filled all ali briefness flono aerie through the hie pre of tt Com patry loudd at t sill salt we lalio ully city 11 3 G BOORE ap sua 2 aint ni at corinno 01 HARNESS AND foil go co to UA V A HOn DOAN Mo utara fc tt lit ulah tu to the harness line manufactured to braer and tle work guaranteed ly by l y wall will sill recoil pr mt nim attention coill jul L E affa fal 7 OK and dealer in ili t fals C ens 0 gootis goods clotha Cl otiis and Vc stings of tho finest quality kept 1 constantly on hand corinno corinne utah 21 tf |