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Show TIIE II E It A L 1) - J 0 U It Pub Valley Lcgan, Lu. Price N M (About Town ! IlTfRIAN XHVI'.l ll vice of worship and in-- 1 h.w A cents a $2.50 a year; outsit carrier, 40 cents a 5 The .j. 'pthiUallmembS'an ruc KT'.r'iL'i'j';;; JTL?A? T.day editor, phone hal1 friend night program and Member United. orhevrongregution will be pres- - ounce will be given. Proclaim Features and The A marriage Entered as seen . license was issued german Hy to. Morris 1)ru'e. 24, and President O. H. meeting n'i, The Lib-- at Logan, Utah, un and Mrs Budge Christensen, 24, of Salt Lake Budge will be the speakers at the erty Bid!. 1879. " regular German meeting, Sunday City. " at :3 P- Special musical num- Ur. and Mrs. H'. U. ve Ros, have leturned home from Salt Lake bT!lnKeJII City where Dr. Ross consulted his SIXTH MAKI) doctors will resume his pracWl DrLinford wui be the tice. He and the time, smile, poop'e will soon be able to talk FOR been a bit fipna'.led, tf!?f!' ,warfl Sunday with the aid of an artificial Lnr-nyfixth ; hpecial musical numbers tendency of their customers W being arranged, ' worse; Over the tendency to cei Nw Tai in Town - Cull J. VV -- Honored Logan Couple SlKSlp CILlNGING CLOTH Miss 50, ' -- Ruth Hammond and LaMar At The Barrus were married Friday, Sept. 28th in the Logan temple. A wedding breakfast was served following the ceremony at the home of Mrs. J. H. Merrill for members of the immediate family. Special guests were Dr. and Mrs Willard Gardner. Kindergarten Fete Well Attended By Women Observe Anniversary - Married In Temple Mrs. Katherine Basset eminent dramatic reader of Pardoe, Provo Euest ist at the anuai entertainment sponsored by the Kindergarten association of at the home of Mrs. Ellen Eccles Mr. Purdue gave u varied program of humor and tragedy. She aC8shAhe K,rUp of numbers with "Robert Burns." - ce a J'lay' were dings "White Shad- , u"J. Weaver and The Meti- Iculous b; Gentleman." All were taken from a book of td her ProSram plays with the beautiful ..Mo jtracy, yet play, Butterfly. n hundred and seventy-fiv- e guests were in attendance. Mrs. Dutch, president of the association was general chairman Mrs. Joseph McMurrin was chairman of the ticket committee. The arrangements were completed by Mrs. E L. Romney. The program committee consisted of Mrs L Jones ami Miss Edith BowenC in Bridge Luncheon At Lundberg Home Mrs. Wilford W. Lundberg was hostess at a prettily arranged bridge luncheon at her home this afternoon. The luncheon table was centered with a silver basket of bright autumn flowers. Place cards were marked for mrSuW, H- Peterson, Mrs. Clark Haskins, Mrs. L. W. Mrs. Fred Lundberg, Mrs. Hovev, A. B. Oisen, Mrs. George Wilkinson, Mrs. 8. O. Jorgensen, Mrs. A. V. Holman, Mrs. Henry Nelson, Mrs. L. Mentor Jensen, Mrs. Paul M Dunn and Mi3s Celia Nelson. Bridge followed luncheon at the close of the games, twoand score prizes were awarded. One of the garter rnanufaetuV a. eKll with the nudists who, he said, it thV Ninth ward conjointme business by ,relin8 their lamented the fact that a o"en wTuph.; iiam Budge Memorial hospital recently. years and years, and some ot th violin selections. Added to these things was tV Mr. and .Mrs. E. L. Lee and ment figurer, showing that each 4niogi; will be held son, Jackie, are leaving Sunday third of a suit in 19 !:!. Just hM Tenth ward Sunday night morning for their home in Los after a three weeks visit know, but its a government statu c- Romney 0f the l.ds Angeles, in Logan. your Blue Eagle taken away for dC mTss Laura ltl- princ,pl Making their first appearance together n Wl11 could buy Mim Drvola u short talk. of a Street. IRENE DUNNE and JOHN J Rwing, formerly of I' do it with a Radio's production of Edith Whartf is more th Luther Smith will furnish a KlrNtmn.Hen'.s Beauty Shop is now "at'd w,lh Miss Katie Merrill mJ ,he Seventies, "THE AGE It seems that, for some years, Jwm m utTb:r bl at the Modern. Phone 1232. 06. l been divesting himself of what th The Iigan 1870. In those days, it took a mai council will hold a meeting Monday Capitol 'VAKn evening at to doll up, including the polishiAar-Ii!!lK- l 7 ncluek at the Club Members room of faculty a per MW. of "The Innocence," Age coatsleeve, and getting his spats of the meinirihT'oni the Junior high school in the east od when girls were supposed I Entertained entrance. in can dress Ten seconds, man minute eight junday evening. President and Mrs. Joseph R. blush at the mention of the wo rtf J b Kven. bY Parley p Mrs. Leonard .Marl were necessar;! running the fingers through it a dib who Shepherd RuNmiiHseii "limb," Wusdcn entertainchaperons and son, Oliver, tnd Henry Acbscher Mr Visitors Are Tuesday celeed the members of her club at a adjutants to roman and convert!!. brated their golden But, on the other hand, men & Henry Salisbury will give of Weal on, Idaho were Logan t wedding tea . bridge at tions with an iron hand, her ruled home shoppers Entertained today. Thursday anniversary quietly at their quently tli'in they did. In the old dauet and Hillman Johnson afternoon. Mrs. E. L. Lee of Los authentically pictured in KK(,c'. "A i home in went on at 7 a. m. and stayed on vt, plano . J: Angeles was a special guest. Mrs, J. I. Guliek and Miss Edith Radio's film version of Edith What Logan. ofMSait Jl fu B ?W and daughtcr L. Woodall of Idaho tons famous novel of that namcj Lunch was served was exchanged for a long, stiff, whitsxiAN science e Clty' and ber son, Falls, Idaho, the following uJnl me ' at the home of Mr Irene Dunne Banow of Denver were bridge games. The high score what with sport and things, a good m i the subject of the and visiting The family of President Mrs. J. F. Woodall. Mrs. GuJohn Boles for the first time was won by Mrs. visitors m Logan and 1918, when President on , prize Sylvan Thursday. tob". mulof y Shenherd or three times a day. lak is a sister and Miss Edith a Mrs. Joseph R. Shepherd Hoffler memorable "Back Street, a. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs j gather- was called to preside over the Robert Logan daughter of J. F. Woodall, pro- ed from many western 1. Instead of trying to get men to w"pt 3o"Hy Smith entertained at dinstory deals with a love tangk states Logan temple. of the ner m to Utah prietor honor the social circle tafe. 1 their President parents on their manufacturers might try to sell the Text is from Phiiip- has always i welve compliment to the visitors, ' New York in the seventies. Deth wedding anniversary. Al- been active Shepherd guests were' included. Students in church and Presented I much all at once, hut a good deal morthatsvyer things are huucnil wrvicc for Dorothy though the occasion was observed affairs. He was public Miss Dunne is seen as r things are hon- - EumcH, J in of men engaged Mr. and Mr. without celebration, the daughter At Musicale jqu. returns to her blueillooded renay. t things are just, Ezra Eiimcs thandising and banking in Idaho will be held ceived many callers and couple can relatives after Dinner messages years. And that garter manufacturer oughts are pure, what-- I 'it 2 p.m, in the Fourth Sunday I that During Party time he ward of Mrs. George Pauli felicitation from their wide also served as state senator Httbof t v, r chapel Friends may call at the circle of presented a marital venture in from At Bluebird hearted. Why dot'snt he sell the nudists ov ly h friends. X'"0i of students in a piano Bear Lake county, as worse tff ing s 4ig)t. residence 121 at family comNorth county the President Shepherd was born missioner, as mayor of Friday evening at the home the ters make swell slingshots? . . . And what ;jf hore lisj I'irst West from 3 p.m. Saturday Ida- Paris, Brand Mrs. O. S. Daines at her ties wKh hetFf. severanL March 18, 1865 at Brockenhurst, A' until time for the funeral sse things. '..slingshots than in a nudist colony? fices8nd iD many ther public of and Mr. andfr3Mrs. C.E' Anderson Preston. d,ssolute ftiu. 1 .. Sixty guests were in- band. W. Dunn Hampshire, England, the son of cluded. William Shepherd and Mary Ann at He succeeded his dinner at theBlue-prrLight refreshments were When Boles and as ('"trtalnd served Sho a at the close of the IJA ,Frday evening in honor of Tracy Shepherd. The family came president of the Bear Lake stake I) gether by mutual taste THOSE Vocal ISiTZXXPSi roiiKn meS three-minu- - - one-thi- three-piev- rd e I two-piec- er Z I I te - Jd At The jll 1 . i e -- Tues-da- y caste-boun- d p- ;j ' 1 al family-jjppose- - father-in-la- d w KITTY-COItNERE- : to America and settled in Paris Idaho, when President Shepherd was 12 years of age. While in England the Shepherd became closely associated family with William Budge, the father of Mrs Shepherd. Mrs. Shepherd was Rose Budge prior to her marriage. She was the daughter of President and Eliza Pritchard. She wasBudge born June 22, 1866 at Providence. President and Mrs. Shepherd were married at the Logan temple, September 25, 1884. They made their home In Paris, Idaho, until, and Mrs. and later as the president of the Quin-nePresident and Joseph Mrs. O H temple. He has served on two Snd MrS' John the L.DA church in E oTsson even-in- g. d numbers were given mon revolt coT agairpt by Kendrick Hawkes. 0 th period, fall in .,?ham (, The following program are faced witH an rfi!atl've Barcarole Gl?dard foundation-rock- i SCHei? m9f Miss Johnson he is engaged tefe marnfr' Sncv Liebestraum to beri I Lizst cousin. Ruth Mecham The drama Buona Notte tn Nevin height when tJdovpr 55a.b its Juba FORMER CACHE Nothing is the same any more, it seems. g9 one) be bathtub is changing its shape. For years, its n I a the grUP RESIDENT DIES President and Mrs. Shepherd are' mFd0ed7heKthemrneer trough, five feet long, two feet wide and twe1 the parents of 10 4 children, two of Vesij3 meet-- I 1 carved atone end and flat at the other, 5hb bav,e 'Led. Joseph Russell Jr' and Clarence Shep- - Couple Preside At quite make up our mind whether to sit at the;.etive theRelatives have received word o' herdh!rd' death in I or the flat end; probably it didnt matter, any Tetonia, Idaho of Miss Fay Preston"" Mrs. Marie Hansen, 60, a former Dinner be family are: Bridg-i?tbfr,IHembers But theyve gone and invented a fresident of Providence, Utah. Mrs. trhenetiSmrd "X1"" Alfred W. Shepherd ant" No-- ' g,UunnriaDn and Earl af' Hansen died Thursday following Hansen and Miss Shepherd, j now. Its a square, and the tub itself runs kitty-co- f Grainger Paris, Idaho; i7W0d David t.u operation in Miss Margaret Wilkinson an Idaho Fals Shepherd, Redwood City, Calif r.raa entertained at a j or obliquely, as the savants have it from noreadiy hospital Hungarian Dance No. 6. Brahams Spencer, Magna. Utah; Party at the innw ld flat two little This pla, leaves Funeral Miss Helen Taylor triangular soueast. services will be held in j Shepherd, Seattle. Washington-Lomsevening in honor of Colombine tetonia and the body will' be f the nor east and souwest corners. On these you can g Clark, Pocatello, and DeLayhave Miss Ann Idaho; Hawking of Los Miss Yvonne Merrill olf,u8ht to Logan for burial. Celia and Ruth Shepherd, Angeles books, towels, cigaretts, a light lunch, r.otepaper ana ,0rs; Hansen was born August 3, Rondo Logan. wiTh Caprieciso Mendelssohn ntered VtrVi,ng.table was ln. prVldence, the socks Richard Pauli j velancs, a radio, cosmetics, The daughter aulumn fruits and Old ,Fp hZ were Black Joe at the GimhfI Scissors SheU,s for of and a a urvved" bya threechi'dcutting pair orange tapers darning, telephone Ruth Langford Mk'I4uW!'8 marked for Mrs. Lee Minuet Leora, Daniel and William paper dolls if you get bored while bathing. lawkla3' Paderewski Eiva Larsen. tjjff a cant no reason now Margaret Wilkinson wing spent In fact, there is girl why fergth rt Brown' Miss Eva Bax- - Moonlight ttl AT Be Sonata BeetK Trh!I'SSi.c0ttle. Batkin, Miss lone Valse thus becoming an old soak withouVm pat,i and bmidHansen all day in the bath-tuAiLNDAY, 3', alda Muir. Miss Ed. to Thomas rrIr!Mll!S she have and Mrs. jusky T,tKSnAY5 Gien Ruth even touching th vile likker. Of course, might Mecham the and b(g '.an in off hostesses. Alt Wein and Mrs, Wpecial Mid nig run down to ths front door every ten minutes or so to tell jLtchell Tetonia of American Fork, Prelude v77mcDowc1 s vacuum or Miss Joh,. somebody she doesnt want any new Th retiring bishopric of the The annual Etude C Sharp tea given cleaners today, but that could be got around by hitching a Seventh ward were entertained at Hele"" Ntudeni by the sororities on the Utah State a dinner and dancing )' Every time the door-beparty at the speaking tube to the bath-tuable to ward amusement Agricultural hull college and the tube will No! the down campus Thursday could she stand the-just holler; rang, he held Sunday afternoon evening by ward members. from car looping 4 away, muttering. brush and cleaner salesmen would Preceeding dinner a spicy pro- 2 o'clock until 5 o'clock at the tern In Og g s?ial was become y to see was We wouldnt be surprised gram bathing given. Three hundred Bluebird All freshman w.arJ and were present and were seatdingus to are mfinment con guests new women students are girls quite a fade Probably therell be an automaticshower-heaed at one long dinner Re cordially circuflncinF Write for d and p a and with a with a wealth of autumn flow- invited to attend. Dean Caroline keep the water hot, itun Dishpan, pri j Professor C. E. McClellan M. Hendricks with members of . ld their ers. the bather could arrange various kinds of weather to suit he women's acted as toastmaster. The tAN IN LokoGN council guests her mood. Faculty head at"dnc,'f(ay of honor were , and Mrs. inrograu-oBishop Music w! a decrease ports we is whole the be to drawback suppose, H. J. thing, The only furnished by members of Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Caldrinking among vin Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum the various sororities. sitting- contest. This is further evAT85 E. that some bather would start a bath-tuj Hansen and Sororities Mr. and Mrs who act as the colleges are not traRX Think of the poor husbands, getting their own meals, mak-- f students at the affair are: Theta hostesses to meet conditiot James Stewart Upsilon. to beat the record will encounter sat The while wives their own beds, their officers life. in retiring of the later ing .Alpha Chi Omega, Phi were blond U; bishopric on the over a Omega and hours with presented Beta Delta. hung up by of eight days, nine rings a'nd 'their wives DEFINITION OF A CYlin,Jsome side of town re i tet - ! Herald-Journa- mafor I e lL7bX?r 1 Blue-bir- d Ha-o- Call l, r nc k - honored At b, All SororityTea To Sunday Afternoon J sink-brushe- ZXZ.XT1 i ll b. Ll .V.V.V . AGainjh all-da- te recrea-tossin- table-bank- sun-lam- CAPITOL J ed f ";nph-ate- b other ! Among many of my mistaken about ready to knock off a couple notions poor things as they are ap citizens, but the grocer in his his rifle handy yet they are at least mine own night shirt hadends. The James is the notion that our Bill or and the story what it said when Boys in Missouri ceased their Rights meant of pioneer the at hands when it Baid "The right, of the troubling citizen to bear arms shall not be citizens fighting in the street, the law never bothered the James impaired. very much. Todiy the militarists will tell boys One fellow like Tommy of the you. "Oh that means that you must be an officer of the law, or hills, who can knock feathers off a soldier, to bear arms.' I doubt a floating buzzard with a rifle ten dozen state police very much if' my great great is worth comes to stopping theft who fit at Valley Forge, when it grand-daof the woods. in neck . my thought that was what Patrick Henry was arguing for on the SCIENCE NEWS floor of the Virginia Assembly, I doubt it quite considerable. I resent deeply all this hooey of cops, backed by nervous Nellies, A chemical research scientist at making it tuff for the citizenmat-to Carnegie institute of Technology, own a firearm, I am, as a E. Berl, has just disproven ter of principle against the restric- Dr. oldest one of the theories known tion of universal posession of fire- to science that coal and petrolarms, and if I had my way about eum were formed by decomposing it I would put target ranges In the basements of every high school in animal matter that was collected die in animals the when the the country. Crime is not a matter of fire- marshes, were buried 'under tons the ancient lakes arms, it is a matter of economic of earth, and under terrific heat. distress plus heredity. Dr. Berl recent'y made If every man and woman in country knew how to handle j tic coal -- but he made it from tofire-arthere would not be more cellulose and carbohydrates, crime, there would be a heck of gether with limestone and maga lot less. This morning I read nesite, two alkaline materials. a local story about a citizen who These he subjected to 500 degrees killed him a burglar, he fired in of heat, Fahrenheit, and higher, the air to attract the police, he in the presence of water. On comhail a neighbdr go to get out the plete crncklng this experiment firemen, in the interim the thief produced fl mixture of materials busied out of the store with an vedy much like natural oil. armful of loot and after firing Bituminous coals,, excelanother warning shot the grocer lent hord coke, were giving produced by took him a bead with his trusty this scientist by the coalifica-tion- " rifle and later the yegg was disof cellulose and weakly alcovered very dead in a doorway. kaline water. Thorough In contrast to this successful police investigation disclosed the sad fact that this experiment lignin, which with cellyouth had been a criminal since he ulose composes the two principal was fourteen years old, he had constituents of the woody tissues been in half a dozen juvenile re- of plants, would not combine with formatories, he had been paroled, an alkaline- water to form coal. he had been getting This finding disproved another tuffer and tuffer every month theory that lignin, and not celland hud miulu monkeys of judges ulose ini. u five b.'.- -, w U- and cops. Tho poor moron was luminous coal. d, A given lovely gifts. Other disagrees with trts present included the of evolution because hstake presidency and Presi ' toinks It insults the ape. Joseph Quinney. music was fur- Admiral Byrd declares it was so kjNiinner unier the exD?tn.orcheslra keroAmerica that cold.at Little lU M,'hrsene froze on the Fourth of July. castinfrs-remainder of the This is almost as cold as our tions Coent dancing collar when we start the furnace eye on the at 6 a m. X ABIGAIL ATPLESAUCE SE: rpHE past Ay notable fort. When a girl grt moves to crysfa! is under 20, she V, celebrates her birthday by talcing the day off; when shes over BRIGHT MO; 30, she celebrates her birthday by In Great LiGf a year taking A guy who , - I - . Family Dinner For Twenty-Eig- ht Mrs. P. H. Rasmussen of Clark-stoentertained at a family din-- i rv, pary at her home Sunday f her sons vctor M h0ir Arent Barson and !el Griffin, before their depn Logan where they wit ' college this winter. Autumn flowe n 1 iff. Queen Caroline, the Germa And Queen Ocean Voyager's Version; of England, was lyinj) nay there be no saxophone moan- her death bed. She had I ing on the bar when I put out t j given up by her physicians, sea. her death was simply a matter time. However, she retained hep TODAYS DEFINITION memory, and when the Archbishi optimist these days is a of York called upon her, restaurant owner who advertises op remembered that another minister a Business Mens Lunch! , Dr. Butler, author of Analogy", not been at the court for A man spends most of his time had some time. He had been made waiting for his wife to get ready, clerk of the closet, and was livand a wife spends most of her a remote section of Durtime waiting for her husband to ing in Tho ham. queen asked the Archrich. get bishop: I have Is Dr. Butler dead? And so to the citie. not seen him in a long time No, your majesty," the Archbut ho is safely bishop replied, buried, An r T1TI lilLiL; TaJovI lIurIA'i fencer Tracy . sheL,. I That Isn t True! COP PAID PARKING TAG J.R Conn. WATERBURY, ITS A COMMON BELIEF When a cop gets a tag, that IS . . , THAT t ews! Patrolman Carl Hespelt A thing may be right in theoyr, found a parking ticket on his but wrong in practice. He remembered the iaitomobile. , admonition that everybut mayor's The fact that if a thing is body must pay" and forked over wrong in practice is MUST be it to the desk sergeant, and got wrong in theory; if it is right in a receipt. theory it MUST be right in prac-iicINJURED ON GRIDIRON If a thing does not work out John McCLEVELAND, (U.PJ in practice, it is because the Gill, 14, couldnt quite make the thoory is faulty, or more usually Cathedral Latin high school footincomplete . The theory, in other ball learn this year. So he played words, docs not contain ay the end on his own neighborhood necessary for working out team. One of the first day? afield, Luk particular problem. Lia loft ankle was fractured. e. 4 in and , Aagele ORY uairyma ers; lak. . . . steady; g common a. boilers, $2.5 54.00; mediu,s $2.50 (a 3 oft, . in. ' ' . 171 Vr freight bt cutter to comhy 2.00; common an. l.ig yj.OOifitw; buP , Sheen Receipts, hipments include vi St. Joe, 475 drouth and 853 to Omaha; lath steady to strong; three dou and 86 pound lambs, $6 40; two oads 86 to 93 pound, $6.35; heavier load lightly sorted, $5.35; load $6.25; lightly sorted, with $3.25; ail Idahos freigat benefit; trucked-i- n fat lambs $5.f0 drive-in Si 5.50; feeders, pla quality. $4. 00 iff 4.30; load Idaho ewes, freight benefit, $2.2 local ewes, $1.75 fc' 2.00. 'tim? Taay take rs in tcher b(D12) ft |