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HERALD-JOURNA- LOGAN, UTAH, L, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER SUFFER THE LITLH CHILDREN TO CO.ME UNTO MU The "TCGlVifwciVy n RICHMOND The Kle club were entertamei1 n Ft dav evening at the home if Mrs Melna Hill After lunch eon. brdge furnished the even n g s diveision The score prize I was won by Mrs Elthura Mem and the all cut prze went to Mrs Lovimi Dobson Special guests Mrs Clendon Bair, Mrs Elthura Merrill, Mrs A C Peterson, 5ui Clara Johnson and Mi s Amarda Hemze Nasturtiums ard ; etunias arranged on the tables uded n bright touch to tne parly P K Hayes, district com nandf of the American Legion vent to Bngham City on Thursday in install officers of thi ir I ost He will go to Tremontcr, i ext Thursday to install offsets there Alma Carson underwent an operation for appendicitis at a Logan hospital last Sunday and has mee developed other complira-Pon- s His daughter, Mrs Milli" Machin of Hollywood, Calif , is nere on a visit Mr end Mrs. S R Christensen nterta.ned at a family dinner arty on Sunday for their daughter, Barbara, on her eighth birth Lv anniversary A birthday cake bearing eight candles formed the at the table where centerpieie w Iirious chicken dinner was erved to the following guests Mr and Mrs Alma Erickson, Mr and Mrs George Nelson of Oneida, Yugust S Sehow, Mr and Mrs I ay Bell and family, Miss Colleen I'hrisVnscn and members of tbe R Christensen Mr and Mrs VVfamily D Johnson of Benson ward were visitors one oay last week at the home of tneir mother, Mrs Martha h CHANGING CLOTHING HABITS time, the people who clothe the Amencan male FIR tome ken a b't app.t'kof, to put it Liigltly, oer the tendency of their customers to weir any old thing. And v.oise: Over the tendenev toe case wealing an old thing. had a bitUr fight One of the gaiter nunulactuitiwith the nudist who, he said, were trjing to wiek his business by spreading their tnnhle doctrine. The trade lamented the fad tiiat a pi eft manv men wear hats for years and eais ,.nd some of them dont weai hats at all. Added to these things was the fctatement of a government figurer, snowing th. t each American bought only one third of a suit m 19 5.1. how this was done, we dont know, but its a and vou piohahly get statistic, goernnint your Bue Eagle taken awav fo doubting it. Of course, you could buy one-thir- d of a thiee-piec- e suit, hut how you would do it with a two-piecis more than we know. It seems that, for some ceais, the Americano has slowlv been divesting himself of what the man wore in 1870. In thote days, it took a man one hour and 22 minutes to doll up, including the polishing of his heaver hat on his eoalsleeve, and getting his spats stiaight. Nowadays, anv man can dress in eight seconds. Even male hair is fixed by running the fingers through it a Couple of times. But, on the other hand, men change clothes more frequently tUm they did. In the old days, the black broadcloth went on at 7 a. m. and stayed on until 10 p. m. when it was exchanged for a long, stiff, white nightie. Nowadays, what with sport and things, a good many men change twice throe times a day. Instead of trying to get men to wear more clothes, the manufacturers might try to sell the variety idea not so much all at once, hut a good deal more in the course of a day. And that garter manufacturer ought not to he downhearted. Whv doesnt he sell the nudists the idea Ins garters make swell slingshots? . . . And what better place for c. slingshots than in a nudist colony? - ctn Jut er well-dress- THOSE KITTY-CORNERE- Nothing is the same any more, it seems. Even the old bathtub is changing its shape. For years, its been a sort of a trough, five teet long, two feet wide and two feet deep, curved at one end and flat at the other. We never could quite make up our mind whetner to sit at the curved end or tiie flat end ; probably it didnt matter, anyway. d But theyve gone and invented a tub, now. Its a squat e, and the tub itself luns or obliquely, as the savants have it from noreast and This leaves two little triangular flat places in souea-dthe noreast and snuwest cornels. On these you can spread L books, towels, ciparctts, a light lunch, notepaper and en l, socks for velowes, a radio, cosmetics. The f darning, a telephone and a pair of scissors for cutting out paper dolls if you get bored while bathing. In fact, there is now no reason why a girl cant spend I thus becoming an old soak without all day in the bath-tueven touching th vile hkker. Of course, she might have to j run down to the front door every ten minutes or so to tell I or vacuum somebody she doesnt want any new cleaners today, but that could be got around by hitching a j Every time the door-bel- l speaking tube to the bath-tudown the tube and the No! could she holler; rang, just brush and clearer salesmen v oukl o away, muttering. y We wouldnt be surprised to see bathing become an automatic be a therell fad. dingus to Probably quite shower-head p and and a water a , keep the with hot, the bather could arrange vaiious kinds of weather to suit new-shape- kitty-cornere- d . i; b, sink-brush- b. all-da- sun-lam- V I i ' I i her mood. The only drawback to the whole thing, we suppose, is that some bather would start a bath-tu- b sitting contest. own their meals, mak- of the husbands, Think poor getting to sat wives while the record beat own them beds, their ing of eight days, nine hours hung up by a blond over on the other side of town ! mistaken things as they are yet they are at least mine own is the notion that our Bill or Rights meant what it said when hen it said The right of the citizen to bear arms shall not be impaired Today the militarists w.H- - tell you, Oh that means that you must be an officer of the law or a soldier, to bear anus. I doubt very much if my great great grand-dawho fit at Valley Forge, thought that was what Patrick was Henry arguing for on the floor of the V irginia Assembly, I doubt it quite considerable 1 resent deeply all this hooey of cops, backed by nervous Nellies, making it tuff for the citizen to own a firearm, I am, as a matter of principle against the restriction of universal posession of firearms, and if I had my way about it I would put target ranges in the basements of every high sc hool in the country Crime is not a matter of firearms, it is a matter of economic distress plus heredity If every man and woman in this country knew how to handle s there would not be more crime, there would be a heck of a lot less. This morning I read a local story about a citizen ho killed him a burglar he fired in the air to attract the police, he had a neighbor go to get out the firemen, m the interim the thief busted out of the store with an armful of loot and after firing another warning shot the grocer took him a bead with bis trusty rifle and later the yegg was discovered very dead m a doorway Thorough polo e investigation disclosed the sad fact that this had a criminal since he been youth was fourteen years old. he had been in half a dozen juvenile reformatories. he had been he had been getting tuffer and tuffer every month and had made montejs of judges and cops. The poor moron was Among many of WVSI41NGT0N U aAil my notions-po- or d, fire-arm- d, about ready to knock off a couple sap cit zens, but the grocer in his night shirt had his rifle handy and the story ends The James Boys in Missouri ceased their troubling at the hands of pioneer citizens fighting in the street, the law never bothered the James boys very much One fellow like Tommy of the hi. Is who can knock fealhcrs o'f a Posting buzzard with a rifle is worth ten dozen state police when it comes to stopping theft in my neck of the woods : I Howdy, folks! Vote for During the abseijre on vacation of Kodney DuUlier, the dully Washington column is being written by Willis Thornton. Os- wald T Coalscuttle! He has made 159,476 more promises to the voters thaa all his opKn-ent- s vatlve point of view by organization. George H. Houston of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, outspoken New Deal critic, is urging the Durable Goods Committee of manufacturers to make their plaints of the NRA more audible The National Association of Manufacturers has a committee on Future Relations of Government to Industry, which Is trying to get industrialists together to present their point of view to Congress this win- BY WILLIS T1IOIINTON NEt trnlrc Staff torreapondent TfASHLNGTON.- -If you got any idea from reading that story In This is going to be a cold the papers the other day that telewinter We can tell by the heavy vision radio programs are going to liuz on the and on come in on your home radio set our ola serge caterpillars suit. day after tomorrow, just settle ter. The Crusaders, the American back in your chair and cool off. Television is right around the Liberty League, and America First, SCHOOLS 4 COLLEGES corner, thats true, Bay experts of Inc, are all angling for support the Federal Communications from the more conservative eleBut its the same ment. The Union League Clubs Miss Squids exclusive finishing Commission. corner it's been right around for and the Union Clubs are beginning school for girls to stir in their and the will open for the the past three or four years. fall term next Radio Corporation of America New York club even Issued a rousweek. Elephant has been at work nearly a year on ing Republican statement the other day. And when a Union Club memtraining, clam its New York otk-e- r and digging line. These new waves ber deserts that comfortable chair cultural subfor transmission of facsimiles are by the window to sign & resolution, jects taught Afpartly visible. and dont transmit that is a mighty stirring. ter a course in farther than the horizon limits of higher calcu'us, eye visibility. Thats why theyre 'T'HE Federal Housing AdminisStudents are even tration repair and modernizasent from a height, and received able to understand the streetthe same way. Even at that, re- tion program is finally getting car looping syspeating stations have to be built under way. There was considerable tem in Ogden, at New Brunswick and Trenton on criticism a week or so ago, hut now courses in bean it is believed that loans are being line. are now being offered. thisWhen you figure on building a made at the rate of a million dolWrite for circular. Miss Helphiu receiving and re transmitting sta- lars a day, and that heips. The um Dish pan, principal. tion every 25 or 30 miles along program is really just getting Faculty head at the USAC re- such a route (which is what's started, being 10 weeks old. . . . ports a decrease in the amount needed today) the cost mounts. While Dickerson N. Hoover, head of drinking among undergraduThats whats necessary in the of the government inspection servates. This is further evidence that present stage of facsimile trans- ice, has been in New York probing the colleges are not training the mission, at distances greater than the Morro Castle fire, a woman students to meet conditions thev those purely experimental. When runs this important department. will encounter in later life vou get such "facsimile transmis- Shes Mrs. A. E. Keyser, been with sion pictures fast enough, you get the steamboat inspection service .DEFINITION OF A CVMC the etlect of a movie thats tele- since 1917, and knows all about H . . . Its generally expected that A guy who disagrees with the vision. theory of evolution because he More than 130 experimental sta- General Douglas MacArthur will tiunka it insults the ape. tions are operating among these not be reappointed chief of staff when his four year term of duty high It so was frequency wave bands under Admiral Byrd declares expires November 20. This post license. broadkeroThe that experimental coldat Little America sene froze on the Fourth of July casting division of the Communica- usually rotates, and it would be This is 8lmost as cold as our tions Commission is keeping an unusual should MacArthur be renamed Army circles are watching collar when we start the furnacj eye on their work. for this appointment to their No. 1 at 6 a. m. ne ,n,e1re,t s THE past six weeks has been ABIGAIL ATPLESAICE SEZ: the eligible generals has notable for its succession of.,of VV ben a girl a definite Inside track. moves to crystallize tbe conser- - (Copyright 1931. NEA Service. Inc ) is under 2U, she combined ! .r Herald-Journ.i- I Ay.-vort- BATHTUBS D SCIENCE NEWS Keeping Up To Date , I arm-chair- y l'ost-grudua- te bag-tossi- celebrates her birthday by taking the day off; when 30, her she's over she celebrates j birthday by taking a year I A chemical research scientist Carnegie institute of Technology, Dr. E Berl, has lust disproves one of the oldest tb"ories known to science that coal and petrol-tuwere formed by decomposing animal matter that was collected when the anima's die in the marshes, were buried under tons of earth, and the ancient lakes evaporated under terrific heat Dr Berl recently made synthetic coa- l- but he m ide it from tocellulose and carbohydrates, gether with limestone and mag-nr- s te, two alkaline materials These he subjected to 500 degrees cf heat, Fahrenheit, and higher, in the presence of water On comthis experiment plete cracking produced & mixture of materials vedy much like natural oil Bituminous coals, giving excellent herd coke, were produced by this scientist by the coalifica-lion- " of cellulose and weakly alkaline water In contrast to this successful experiment lignin, whih with cellulose composes the two principal constituents of the woody Ls3ues of plants, would not combine with en alkaline water to form coal This finding disproved another theory-th- at lignin, and not reli- ulose of luminous cook BRIGHT MOMENTS In Great Lives And Ocean Voyagers Version: nay there be no saxophone moan mg on tbe bar when I put out tj TODAYS DEFINITION An optimiat these days is a festaurant owner who advertises s Business Mens Lunch! s A man spends most of his time watting for his wife to get ready, and a wife spends most of her ime waiting for her husband to get rich And so to the ctie. That Isn t True! Queen Caroline, the German-bor- n Queen of England, was lying on her death bed She had been given up by her physicirns, and her death was simply a matter of time However, she retained her memory, and when the Archbishop of York called upon her. she remembered that another minister Dr Butler, author of Analogy, had not been at the court for He had been made some time clerk of the closet, and was living m a remote section of Durham The queen asked the Archbishop: I have "Is Dr Butler dead? not seen him m a long time No, your majesty, the Archbishop rcpl.ed, but he is safely buried COP PAID PARKING TAG Conn. (TP WATERBURY, ITS A COMMON BELIEF Yv hen a cop gets a tag, that IS THAT nws' Patrolman Carl Hespelt A thing may be right in theoyr, cuud a parking ticket cn his but wrong in practice. He remembered the automobile . BIT mavors admonition that every The fact that if a thing is bodv must pay' and forked over wrong in practice is MUST be 41 to tne desk sergeant, and got wrong in theory; if it is right in a receipt. theory it MUST be right in practice RFD ON GRIDIRON If a thing does not work out John McCLEVELAND, (UP) in practice, it is because the Gill. 14, couldn't quite make the theory is faulty, or more usually Catnedral La in high school footincomplete . The theory, m other ball team this year. So he played words, does not ccmtam alj the erd on his own neighborhood factors iKicessry foi working oj One of tne first days afiel ! ! is it ft ankle was fractured. luz iisular problem Ill ie-i-- Hogs Receipts, 1145, 114 direct; tnrough shipments include 299 to Los Angeles market and 402 to Francisco San slow, packers; FOR SALE For each Insertion one cent per word; for one week, five cents per word; xor one month, 15 cents per word Minimum charge for first Insertion 15 cents All want ads must be paid In advance Call 5Q and a messenger will come and get and reyour advertisement mittance CABBAGE J L. Neiderhausern, Ol opposite Johnsons Grove JERSEY COW, also voung Jersey calf 188 W 3 N. Phone 753-FOUR WHEEL TRAILER, Ford ton truck or trade for Circulator heater 570 E 4 N S29 LARGE SIZE Estate HeatroIfL. 71 W 3rd N Phone 918 CHOICE CELERY fw 464 Canyon Road FOR QUICK SALE by ownOft home at 381 East Third South; Logan city, offered to highest bidder above $1500 00 Mail bids to R H Bitner, McIntyre Bldg , Salt Lake City, Utah 03 ELTO TURN outboard boat motor for $25 Call Everton Mattress S29. Cl Phone 175 RAMBOUILLET RAMS. Yearlings Phone 692-J- 2 04 BICYCLE 570 East 8th Nortl FOR superior milk and, phone 678-Golden, Dairy APPLES Delicious, Banana, Joir? athan, Rome Bea ty Buy now and save. Bring your contain375 ers North Mam. Phone 90-Ol SECOND HAND Sunshine wash-- q S29.A er 36 S 3rd E 8 ROOM house Modern. Partly 1 furnished Inquire 354 North 1 3rd East. S29 SILVER FLUTE like new, $60 00 454 East 4th North S29 LEGAL RATE fen cents per line per insertion. FOR RENT I 4 MI KNISHED partly modern Near Room house, Apply 23 West 2nd S29 FURNISHED AFARTMENT 337 N 1st W 02 THRFE ROOM home, corner 8th N 7th E Cardon Realty Co S29 WANTED ARE YOU LUCKY 1S22 Lin- coln head penny worth $2 Other coins up to $5000 Complete U S and Canadian Buying lists and COINS 32 monthly magazine ' 8 MOLE TRUK LOAD OF FIMI O I Miscellaneous d One brown horse 9 years gray mare, 5 years old Branded circle Phone old One 784-- 3 J Ol acco-din- Herald-Journa- FEMALE HELP EXPERIENCED saleslady for trusive ready to wear store. Answer stating age, experience, etc Wolfer s, Ogden, Utah 01. FURNITURE from Logan to Salt Lake, Salt Lake to Logan Call the reliable transfer men1 J. W. AULT & SON K. C. SCHAUB, Architect 04. Gordan Creek COAL HERALD-JOURNA- Remember that name ahd the City Coal Company and your heating problem will be solved economically this winter NOW while coal Is dry is the time to fill up the bin Not a Clinker In a Carload CITY COAL CO. PHONE 123 South Mam Logan, Utah 019 PAINTING, Phone 350. PHONE 448 INFORMATION DEPT L LEONARD OR PIANOS MOVED bids N Iji ex- MATHEW- SDECORATING, PAPER HANGING., (0-1- 5) RADIO SALES AND SERVICE Our radio service department is fully equipped to take care of repairs on all makes of machines. Dealers in Philco and RCA radios for home and office. Thatcher ' (D12) Music, 12 West Center. Phone 536. ALS BIKE and SPORTING GOODS CO Watch for announcement of Als Bike Shops big buck contest, $100.00 in prizes. ALS BIKE and SPORTING GOODS CO. 0-2- 9. Corduroy (i CHECK r THESE An extra heavy dressy corduroy pant. In all sizes. Ideal for the rough school wear $2.95 Shoes Oxfords in tan and black. All sizes and boys. Look these over for quality and price for men $1.95 Shirts Guaranteed fast color shirts. In a great VALUES llection of colors, fancy and plain. Some collars. Special . A Hats SAVE! pre-shru- nk co- 73 The famous Fur Felts by Fe retain their extra dressiness after a hard season of wear m !.V o aS.AT pages -- mailed for dime COINS, Ini , Milwaukee, Wis Used P, & O beet puller Call 80-- J Smithfield 05 Girl wants work for board and room 88 S 2 E Ol SMALL HOME Coop for 500 hens Priced $995 00 4AV. 5th N. S29. Used beet puller, T. E. Allsop, Smithfield Ol Student wants to rent piano 495 N 6th E 02 MALE ana FEMALE CANARIES Best prices offered MUSSOGS DIRT FREE for hauling North Sixth East BIRD STORE, 848 N 12th, PhilS29 TYPEWRITERS, Remington-Ranadelphia, Pa Sales and Service G C RobinI SED B4BY CRIB with mattress, son, Central hotel. Phone 1235. medium or large size 197 North S29 First East S29 LIVESTOCK WANTED HIGHEST PRICE paid for veal and hogs Phone 890-- J Highest price paid for useless 021 and freshly dead horses and cattle Call 11R-Hyrum Excbangs Paradise Fish Hatchery DL BOF TON (I Pi Therell be no LOST Truck tire between Beaver tuch thing as starvation in or Dam and Logan Return to r round Charlestown, g to l. Reward. Ol George Kirilin, a truck driver Kinlin reported to poire th it vhile he was eating in r restaurant somebody stole his truck-loa- d of beef and fish NOTH E TO CONTRACTORS STEERS THRESHED WHEAT Bids will be received October 5, 1934, by the City CommisCUMBERLAND CENTER. Me. sion for the Logan installation of the P Steer-powinstead of ma- plumbing and heating, also the chine power is m use on Vernon with the election refrigeration Lilsons farm Wilson said that work for the slaughter house he accomplishes as much work For all necessary information, with the animals as he dies with to K. C Schaub, architect, machines They threshed 65 bush-tl- s apply Annio Block, Logan, Utah of rye in one week. The commission reserves the right to accept or reject any or all caghtlv lower; no early sales on good butchers; sows around $4 O? 130-po- V' vK LOST & FOUND hardly enough done to make re l'abie test; underweights at $5 00 and light feeders at $3 00 look Cattle Receipts, 648; througi shipments include 92 to South San Francisco market, 230 to Los Augelct market, 92 to California airy man and 79 to Nevada feeders; late Thursday and today steady; good steers, $3 750 4 50, .ommon and medium steers anJ $2 50 fa 3 50, good heifers .titers, 44 00, medium and good cows, S504i3r'0, including load Wyom lew $2 50, freight benefit, lig cutter to common cows, $1 25 St 3 00, common and medium vealcr., 3 000 4 00: bulls, $2 25(12 75 Sheen Receipts, 8565; through shipments include 855 drouth t St Jo", 475 drouth to Mmnesoti aid 853 to Omaha; late Thursday steady to strong, three doubles 85 and 86 pound lambs, $6 40, twj oads 86 to 93 pound $6 35; heavier load lightly sorted, $5 35; lod 96 pound, $6 25, lightly sortep, S3 25. all Idahos with freight fat lambs $5) benefit; trueked-drive-i- n 7t 5 50, feeder" pla u Otalitv $4 000 4 30 load ijaho ewes, freight benefit, $2 local ewes, $1750 2 00. WANT AD RATES Mrs I G Hayes, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Haves of Downey, were viistors on Wednesday at the home of Mr and Mrs P K Haves Mr and Mrs S C Hajei of Sal Lake City were thu. guests on Sunday Mr Haves who brother to P K Hayes and ts G Hayes, is manager of the Mutual Creamery in City Mrs Alma Merrill entertaincJ at a quilting on Thursday for hit Mrs Anna ElLv orth of (aughter, Lubbock, Texas A hot dinner was erved and a soi ial time enjoyed LOST w i off at sea. e Classified Ads Herald-Journ-al HERALD-JOURNA- L Published every weekday afternoon by the Cache Valley Newspaper Co, at 75 West Center street, Lcgan, Utah Telephone 50 Price 5 cents a copy By mall, in Cache Valley, 42 50 a year; outside Cache Valley, $5 00 year By carrier, 40 cents a month, $3 50 a year Member United Press N E A Service, Western Proclaim Features and The Scripps League of Newspapers. matter at the postoffice Entered as second-clas- s ahTheMnd The Lib- - at Logan, Utah, under the act of congress, March 8, erty Bel!, 1879. 29, 1934. |