Show Ua an ntermobrItairt News 1 - 1 The his last public address 60 years ego shortly before his death Brigham City residents witnessed the dedication ThUrsday evening of a mon- eumerit to the church leader On thia spot of Rudger Clawson of the L D S church leader cOuncil of twelve apostles dedicated ground August 19 1877 he delivered Mcthe granite shaft and David 0 his last public address when he of the first presidency of the ganized Box Elder stake" adA daughter of Brigham Young church delivered the principal Mrs Mabel Young Sanboutne at- dress "Brigham Young always chose the tended the ceremonies and spoke Honored from briefly of her father right resisted temptation within and without and bore the guests also were 296' grandchildien heaviest burdens cheerfully in as were Ross Brady and Regge storm and menace and unfalter- - Cord members Of the family More than 100 of those who heard the Ingly" President McKay said The only other monument to address 60 years ago also had Brigham Young of which he knows places of honor was erected by a stranger who did not belong to the church Mr Mc- - Aalks on Leader Kay said He praised the erection A report on the monument and of the monument and urged the the life of Brigham Young was gathering to remember the accom- - given by James Jensen and Hervin Bunderson Box Elder L D S stake plishments of Brighani Young Erected on the Foreststreet site president spoke briefly and acted Musical where Brigham Young spoke before as master of ceremonies a gathering of church members un- - numbers were furnished by the Box der a typical pioneer days' bower Elder high school band and the at the organization of Box Elder Mantua quartet L D S stake the granite shaft lion- - Miss Gene Phillips the colonizer with the following daughter of the pioneer leader unveiled the monument a inicription: granite shaft bearing a bronze Honors Service plaque of Brigham Young and the g "In commemoration of the Out- - inscription in his memory service rendered the in- - ing fountains on either side and a termountain west as a patriot pm- - large reflection pool add to the statesman and beauty of the memorial neer colonizer Jerome Boy's Death Held AccidentalBy Coroner's Jury - or-K- ay 'Special to The Tribune JEROME Idaho — John Brown son ' of Mr and Mrs INI A BrOwn otJeioMe came:to—Us death Wednesday night as the re' sult of an unavoidable accident a coroner's juiy p determined here Thursday evening '3 The inquest was held to fik the responsibility for the death of the who was killed almost in you stantly when he stepped in front of a state highway truck near the Perrino aiding 12 miles east of here The truck was driven by Curtis Lee Sams The verdict said in part: 'We 11 find that Mr Sams was not at fault but the deceased was directly reI sponsible for the accident !Sy running in front of the car" Testimony showed that the boy Was walking with his brother Law-'Ire13 down the highway to get milk from a neighbor when the accident occurred The boy was hit from the rear and died of fractures and internal 'injuries before he could be taken to the office of Dr R C Matsen county physician by passing motorists Severe head or chest injuries or a broken neck caused the death Dr Matzen testified The truck driver was accompanied by Emmett Proek and was trailing an air compressor en route to highway bureau headquarters at Special to The Tribune Shoshone Sams testified the youth was hit as he jumped into the road ROCK SPRINGS Wyo Aug 19 just after another car had passed —James Riley 81 was instantly their equipment Lawrence Brown brother of the youth substantiated killed Thursday afternoon when he the testimony stepped in front of Union Pacific I passenger train NO 14 eastbound as it pulled into the Rock Springs station The fatality occurred at the "C' -- ne great-grando- Drink-standin- Park Ilighwa Plans lade '':::- ' t '- :::::::::i1:::V ::: cao :::::t :1i ? rs :: r ir?Lt I t t knn t' can'tresist 'p 3 '' : '' - ' -- "---- I ' - -- or ) '' t rE7111 PIEN ' ' ts propeeed 11 - - I rtvkgmt6t3n3kzvvtNztw 1 9151r ArkTRIVE 011711 1 T'jit! 7Awor-ii ) m CMV‘k41 III mkusms M ( GOAL I" and-yo- u ' -- ' - s HMOS FEE) ' '' - ' ' - - ik " - r - II ' ' -- r'"' 'II 1 t 4 ' i'' " r- 1- -- - - Pwow 4o04944 1 k: 44 iA f641ki r '' 4 - 111 417' Fr - - 0 1 :! '"1' ' C4 0- ' zL5ra if -i 1 7"1 ii -- :- '''re" iiss rt I ii-- - rr 11 the Down-1- Uilt1 to of VANITY A reta beautiful fine with All yours Now see tive 1 fire i0t:'!utstinfiutiesc equipment for-ju- st Pay Only laws ' s 4it vot "WIT CE4rs7 $a Down—S9 : I ' a Month of furni- ' ' Sop T It on display "Fashion Master 1-- and ' p'31woomil iii k t 4 smit'or Molawk It o I ' ww N11 - Sa I ' vi 3 4 - Cr-SA-VE In ‘'' of k 4' square : Down-- - gill4 Pal Ts g M :v711 traPtaisea:taigrooy$6:: Irolluse1191patidieutratilantieuY - '4- - I l1 - 4or Easiest Terms E l'ine s BASE' s ya-d- r I 5 S29b a 5°ed " 0i trt tot ' lailnt - - 7 — v - - - otra - 4 Ile ' and ' J' r Otani int 1°11 s''o'"kr""m"F"'"77 JeZ' i(1A'zi4 :i1PstLii: -- -- L411 ''''''''''''''' - '' ' V1 4fr ' tz -- ti 7 ''"'" '"Nt --- - — )1 ' v - - - -- t I t - - 4 ' vemoww - I ' Lineal Sarno only )' -' 1::' INLAIn no dSiktLINOLgual a running and wa tal tot you - J t'elr''641"1 9136 1 ! ' FELT :'24 ti - r: til11(11:t4' elliot°bNellow9EFitaOralus(jitillIllsokGS Wail patterns lect Stour) : 1 0 : - r12u4t- - psolitsolullamtidoS4rde :1 s new Pat" litsE' obrvieatnroo :415: knywherei— DRIVE OUT '''si - :- do' We Deliver Almost' I - l'' ' 12's e 'll ( ' V $371150 to---- :' 5 p i ugs-9t- l'oll r:0"toir 1 - 11oatti Axsemsinsmittesrsth Ortencht700-- rugc: 4 a n—s250 tio iolsaedt""14 DrIcwoum-sea- with a fine tern§ te ' 4 - pADS-- - ! k h4 plitAbaC3V3ASiE 9x12 RUGS ' yr I ' Ak : ' Cil SI'1417 silt Ofonth 1 tr 1 ! mom : 41 1 L 4::: '1 gsVN'tqu'A'33skt'("NWThnVq 'l 1 EttS11k----Ns"4- rp '47 I ' ' ult tvevo t II di l' 4 1 BED ROOMY CHEST OF DRAWERS DUPLEX BED SPRINGS blATTItESS SPRING-FILLE- D VA PR OF VANITY LAMPS NEW INDIRECT BED LAMPS A PR OF BED PILLOWS EVEN THE CREST ALIMROR have seen it advertised You mormikwowoTtoctwaltwAtomumasstAmtk 'ISUGAR g f t f -- k r °1t2: AND BENCH "FASHION! FLOW" Nationally for Advertised And This Suite Complete - SUITES 0 ir p'°:z- 1 -- I Our Is the best wag to de It! ' Dining Room Suites "Remember the Place—Memorize the Name" tenturrsatrakzeiti ' ‘4 Hera are several fine mote compact suites yet very spacious Moderns buffets extension tables for six guests arm and Mx richly up- holstered chairs Lamps scarfs mirror bangers All for only Pay Only S5 Down—SH iiiintith ce sales special! Odds and ends Values p to $98 And complete They tiou atsultes $A8T5 the one price Your choice Pay Only $5 Down1$5 a Month ad '''' 4 " 15-Pie- ce Complete Outfit 'A Even the is the finest the market affords are Interiors are genuine walnut And the fronts n the finest matchings of wood' con4 known to the art Lifetime $len-c'Unction Al) complete bites for only Pay On'? SIO Down—Slo a manta An the S 4‘ VI A- ec - t444t 40 Pay Only 88 Down—Se Here - 750 - te ' 4s0 I '''''P4- Modeme Dining Room Groups The kind Moderns but not extreme Very similar as shown ture you want at prices you can afford and terms you can extras for the only suite with easily meet This fine "NATIONAL" QUALITY SUITES —And They Are Complete for Only— a Month Here is a series of suites we have every reason be proud of and you will be proud to own one them Fine bir pieces with wonderful S0 equipinent Au complete for just lj Pay Only $A Dowik—S8 a Month Buy Now tt Save :'' "15 Pieces n rn beauty and All for 17 a Month A as fine '' — MODERNE "DELUXE" SUITES Beail: - Cheapest Best Made suite of character You could pay any price and not get a suite much finer R's the top See it In style construction and finish $9950 and the fine outfit Dirt 'cheap at ' S' r- '--- t ' is : BEDROOM 'SUITE - the to A bedroom E ') 44144110 4 - e"4 e V FULL-PANELE- D "GENERAL" Diamond Matched Suite —And It's All Complete for— 12-PIEC- i0- That's That's Pay Only SR Down—gle ti foolk" 4 ' - - - iffieh ' Every I Good - - '' 4or 4 Nt — I ce - - --r SPECIAL - ! - From i t ' ' '''7' 1 ' $ce5o - i just $T ' z decorations wood the extras 4 -- ' I ' OF BOOK ENDS - I ' 7441 - Here is a special if there ever was one! Genuine Curly Mohair in rich brown luster with contrastlog fawn welts and high-lighte- d so 875 is4''' ' ! ' f t for Living Room feel that these are the greatest values that Complete Values to gilssn of suites You Just must see these suites to appreciate this sale Your choice of these suites for only— Pay Only $8 Down—S8 a Month—No Extra Charge :2 IS Suite Curly Mohair Streamlined Outfit A VAST AVORTMENT l''' VII Nrpa PI' 's'':' 4 t i 4 1 el rn 9111wWil "Deluxe" MODERNE SUITES - I t - A ' 0i lb 01 10 SCARF SMOKER OR NOVELTY We and $6 950 - -t - oo''' we FURNITURE have ever had the pleasure of offering suites CITY Grand Rapids Market specials with everything Included for only Pay only SO Down—S9 a Month Good Ones—As Low As real fine suite of dependable conqtruction A choice durable velvet coverings of popular colors The suite and all the extras above for only $5 Down—SS a Month—No More to Pag - - C! Eastern Quality Style Comfort Ensembles A - 4 141:X414eN To the Best Suites That Are Made LIVING ROOMS e" PAIR - - i s' l 0 -- Cords AND SHADE TABLE-LAM- P A I4 ‘ From the Cheapest That's Good "12-Piec- 0 ''I' 411 - -- s RACK TABLE i A I f 4 ''''''''' 1 1 ' i t most beau- ever built you this s Pair of LAMP AND SHADE VELVET TABLE 32 savings the quickest most for Your Table Arm Chair 5 Side Chairs -i i' 0 ' fuel — ' s MAGAZINE 105 - e"NOWT" Buffet Mirror with I FLOOR o'445' 4 r"R': 4 4 t L' 'Sic 112- Both "M'111 get COHPLETE DINING :- 44t you at price which for this Lifetime now - DAVENPORT AND CHAIR -!i -- 1- r ' 1 ' 'I t f We Sell ' '''' ED de- - are don't li Liberal 'Allowance ' 4 i Down- - until out 1 t Outfit teN llr"" 0- 7 ::::4: ropli 0 IL Irmo il a Complete It e Month prices has Monarch 41 ig mommoll111111 Lamps Scarfs - 1 III Every Suite vi404101 4 4" 44 -- 441 Ir-- c - - 11 Et ' " 4 e- - co au- A it ' $9950 - l oi--- RANGE "Deluxe Model" I "-- i ' V ' I 41044 11N Buy Now at the lowest prices and pay as you enjoy the comforts of a home The greatest thing in life after all is the home—and what is a home without the right kind of furnishings May we help you? on railroad trackage prices on fine furniture You here 4 BARGAINS for BETTER LIVING will recognize when you make comparisons Do so today because time and stocks are limited Prices are going up! BUY NOW and SAVE while we can protect you on the low basis of price 0ellif 7- 4- 4 s Here i' 1 residents 01r I " : - -- I stIAS ' tratt4 ' — Newton i ' world-famo- ul Thursday agreed to reroute school Equipment Damaged buses from Clarkston through NewCEDAR CITY — Damago-silmat- ed ton to North Cache high school at at between 000 and $1000 td a special meeting called to protest forest service road equipment redependence on Clarkston buses to sulted when fire partially destroyed carry the overload of Newton stu- s truck and air compressor on the dents to the school Navajo lake road early Thursday This Shows What Our Buying Power Can Really Do 1 ' 'LOGAN a spe' Johan bunnar Andersson prOfessor of East Asiatic archeology at the U01- versity of Stockholm the '300th niversary of the founding of a t'llew Sweden' on the Delaware river will be celebrated at the University of Idaho South next spring Fial address by Bus Plan Okehed rents Our lower reduce the can see It It more so : 7 495: I 11:1?(13? 0 p :HEELS i q POCATELLO Idaho—With Thursday Drive Out & Save II'S ::::: i44z4:ai:a4:i::"1::::::: - t Fete Speaker Chosen of a new LOGAN—Completion field house and tunnel at Utah State Agricultural college and the national guard armory here will be completed this fall J Alden Bowers in charge of the Logan W P A office said ‘ e ) Work Pushed corn-succe- rs i::::ii:::::::f:::: WPA one-ha- 1Canning there's nothing as swanky as Win Wage Increase I ar 4 - - i t 0 -- Plants Begin 'Tomato Crop - Special to The Tribune GREEN RIVER Wyo—A OGDEN—Mrs Anna May Collins Ogden city auditor indicated' wage increase sent 30 strikThursday she will submit her resignation to the city commission ini ing railroad tie workers back toa positions Thursday after the near future Friends of Mrs Collins whose husband died sev- their three-da- y protest walkout were bells" eral years ago reported that "wedding inthe air e --Her successor is slated to be Law Revision Sought Marcus L Crihchlow who has seen Frank Francis George Browning BOISE Idaho—A revised edition Pearl F Kirkendal and George E of Idaho's blue sky finance laws deputy auditor since April1 liZ7 Brown "I sincerely regret that Mrs Col- - He attended Ogden city schools will be presented for consideration next session of the state legline is leaving the service of the and the University of Utah where by the islature according to State Comcity" Mayor Harman W Peery said he studied law and business admin- missioner George Wedgewood "I always have had thegreatest eon- - istration He served in the World fidence in her ability She has given war and was 10 months overseas excellent conscientious service and He is a member of the American Will Stage Rodeo' is One of the finest women business HALL Idatio—Enown as Len executives I ever have seen" — theFORT "War Whoop Rodeo" a celebration which Indians say will be Elected in 1938 ' will an Mrs Collins virelee'tedin be held at the Fort Hall reservation and took office January 1 1934 She Labor day was reelected In 1935—this time for term and without op- a four-yeFair to Open position Previous to her office as PRESTON Idsho — Showplace city auditor she had been associated OGDEN—B J Finch district for the best produced In agriculture the offices of the county clerk the county assessor and the county gineer of the federal bureau of and industry of the area this city treasurer She is a native of Ogden roads returned to Ogden Thursday will welcome thousands of Franklin and attended Weber college from an Inspection tour of the county residents Friday to the anChief change in the cityauditor's planned 2ion-Bryc- e park approach nual county fair and night- rodeo office during Mrs Collins' adminis- - highway system on which was detration was adoption of the budget terMined final plans for the letting Dedication Planned control system whereby the auditor of construction contracts on four PROVO—T N Taylor president is the chief budget officer Under and lf miles of the 32 miles of the Utah L D S stake will dedithe old system expense Items were contemplated Fort Utah monument at not known and entered until bills He was accompanied on the tour cate the here August 30 The fort were paidi All purchases also must by B H Stephenson national parks services was established March 12 1849 clear through the purchasing agent service landscape architect It Ls estimated the highway which regardless of how minor will cross Cedar Breaks connecting Wed at Convention Native of Ogden NEW ORLEANS — With 4000 highways 89 and 91 will cost apMr Critchlow who is expected to proximately 21114000 when mailmen as witnesses an Idaho Mrs Collins as city audi- - pleted Several years will be couple Margaret May 21 and Veris a native of Ogden and was quired in the construction Mr non Torrey 24 both of Ktina were married Thursday deputy city treasurer under Mayors Finch pointed out Discussed Beath Train Wheels At Price Meet (Continued from Page One) fronted with a bulwark of lobbies one of the greatest evils we have and other distracting influences organizations are in a po- S ste to 'do much good We should first that a law or amendment is necessary second that it is properly prepared and is constitutional in all respects and third give our street crossing the city's only con- legislators these proposals in time nection over the railroad tracks and under circumstances with which he himself and beaide comemay familiarize between the north and cognizant of their merit" said of tha2ity Eye witnesses told Rowley Declaring that health is more deRiley who was incapacitated I sirable wealth Dr T J How11 Special to The Tribune by age and used a cane was walk- ells Saltthan Lake City health commisCLEARFIELD — With two fac- - ing slowly and stepped inside the sioner deplored the lack of cooperI tortes already operating and two crossing gates just as the train ation between city and state bealth more due to open in the next few whistled for the station departments A group of Girl Scouts taking "There Is insufficient cooperation ) lays canning of Davis county's 1937 photographs in the station park between oity and county boards of tomato crop was under way Thurs- saw Another to see health and there is far from suffithe tragedy day it was Robert Gillum director of cient cooperation between city Dr J H Good- boards of health" he said First pack of the season was made county welfare "Health" was defined by the Wednesday at the 'Smith Canning nough who was In the immediate it "30mpany of Clearfield Averring vicinity pronounced the man dead speaker as "that quality of life which enables one to learn most and production will be normal this year immediately up reaching him Mr A T Smith owner of the firm Riley was dragged for some dis- live best" He said cities for the past said his plant will give employment tance along the station platform 40 years have been assuming more to 350 girls and 150 men when the before the train could be brought and more health obligations until canning period reaches its height to a stop by Engineer McGary who now citizens generally are greatly The concern has contracted 500 had taken over the train at Green dependent upon the departments acres as compared to 800 last year River Held Obligation The Woods Cross Canning com County Coroner J Warden Opie "Examination of school children not set an of for also commenced Clearfield a had time Inquest pany i is an undisputed municipal obliga'operations Thursday This factory Thursday evening under supervision of R Alvin Moss Riley had been a resident of Roc‘k tion Boards of education should be will later give jobs to 100 girls and Springs over 40 years coming here required to help pay for that service 60 men Contracted acreage is 400 from Boston where he was born which should include dental exam‘ Another factory owned by the July 4 1856 Before retirement he ination for every child under 6 If Cross company is scheduled was employed in the local coal the family is unable to simply such service the city should" added Dr operations at Layton on mines IWoods 1 Mr Moss said This was the third accident at Howell 175 persons includ- - the crossing in the past two years Referring to a recent Salt Lake I ing 115 girls and 60 men will get but the others were not fatal one Tribune editorial on the subject at the Kaysville Canning com- demolishing a sedan and the other Dr Howell said typhoid fever once is jobs pany at Syracuse according to Her crushing a heavy truck Both In- a dread diase is fast becoming a "medical cuilosity" and related how bert J Barnes manager volved passenger trains medical school instructors at the University of Utah have searched for two years to find a typhoid case that students might observe Tells of Clinics "Twenty years ago six baby clinics were operated in Salt Lake City Today we have difficulty finding i:::'::6::::::'':::':'::::10'::t::::T::::4:i'h::: enough sick babies to operate one 1::::F::::::::::1:::::::::::::$ '44" 01 ti But we operate one good clinia 1?::::::J:::fif::0:7::1!'::':'s:°::::::'4!:e::::::::::':'''''::: 4:::::?::::::14:lif::: P: call it the Well t 'ill:':::if::ti:::: and nevertheless ' ' ::''''7 :i:: 7:::::::: i:::4::4 :::::::::::1:64?Ij said Dr Howell exBabies' Clinic" ':'' :: t :'''':7::-:::'Z::6: '4:::':: ::?:':::x:::::1 i r both instances were related 1:4 plaining 1: i::::::z to indicate advancement in publié ::s 1 :::::: AIS 1:::K:§ t E health work :is'::': 2:::::::::: ::' :::':i::2:Nis ssi?:::i :::: "The United States public health r::: i A: :Ali service says $2 per capita should be k:2ii1 ::::::: it':::r W expended on public health work by 11Ii:lili! every municipal government While Salt Lake City spends but 67 cents Pa makes an :4 per capita Reading i:::: outlay of $2 Duluth Minn $205 Syracuse N Y $167 and the averfor spectator t sports! t 40 age expenditure for municipalities throughout the country is $1 '' ' Saw Necessity "The federal government's social security act recognized necessity ipp:?:-::'''''''''''44( : for such expenditures when $8000- 000 was provided for the health I': ' ' 'j work purposes and arranged for the t vt money to be used by municipalities applying through state boards of :' health So far as I know Salt Lake ' irr''' zs' A ' ''' N'- 'City has not received a dime of the "!'!" money and the few applications I have heard of being made to the state board of health have received They give You ator'no' answer" concluded the doc' ' such-sturdy taili ' ' A'': on the legis- : ored feeling and As '''''''' latioactivities Geraldleague's Salt Iryine i4 when the styles are Lake City chairman of the legisla' Ns ' as crisp afthese tive committeersaid the two major 4 — objectives of the 1937 program had i you ' ' : been Attained These were the beer r : t theta!' 'Both of control law which granted to cities these' Connies are lilied counties regulationoiland ' '' ' of SUEDE with censing of retail beer sales and 0"the measure which originallY sought dr:7 alligator ortalf ' 'iAki ''' a division of gasoline tax money in Charcoal t0 --' but finally passed so that cities and ''' Cafe Brown!' counties will receive a share of the motor vehicle registration fees 0 The report delivered orally told MAIL ofiDERISiILLED : ! :: 1 how the committee met legislators in a frame of mind indicating' all municipalitleashouldbe2'spanked -- 4 4 and gradually broke down that barrier until the lawmakers displayed z pleasure at receiving suggestions on News Briefs of Intermoun !atn- Area' - Dies City Problems 81 Man Woman: City Auditor to Samit Her "ilesiffnation til f- Driver Fkted- Monument to - BriorhamYounat of B1im6 in Dedicated by Chtwchmen I Tribune Special to dTrückfatallty BRIGHAM CITY—Gathering where Brigham Young delivered - Ii 20 193? - tk 1 ' - - - -- - THE SALTILAICETRIEUNE:TRIDAY MORNING!AUGUST ' - N - 1 11' |