Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE - The Columnists Have This to Say Balancéd Budget Declared Essential To Proièct Government's Credit Planes Speed News- of the World Serum to a To Divorce Manville the RENO Cllo lera Area Edwards haa Given Laugh's on Him Meet r1:12Yi ' k '4:::'':::nl::::q:t':h 4: ! Traits Yield Insight Into Humans 1 a Bore I I BuRNIFIAms mar fZ I THe Is our highly vaunted civilization breeding more cruelty and viciousness among human beings? Is our modern world with the intensity of living it generates taking us in a cycle and bringing us back to the age of savagery? We like to think of ourselves as civilized and leaders of the world's culture but what is the difference in the spirit of these atrocities and the spirit of witch doctors or the cannibals to whom we send missionaries to convert to our "culture?" II M aid- - &111:1em7 For Fall A Is - 0n I - :N:ggi7:"'''' :c::::::::: Cherishes Old You'll ::-:- i:c ::' "::0:'':i: '::1 :::: ::::: :4 ::i:::::: 't 1::1!11111:: :::: '':!:::::::':' :!M : ':'': Salt Lake's Smartest 'Collection at 4 :1 iAii:''mfi':::::::w:: ' ' $ 10t i?:::::4Ze ' iiirililliiiiiilj:4-'131:''''- - ::: d 4i''''o" r: - i' 1 S5 1 i '4:i r4:::4! f Darby Casual :i: :?:::'''' :''a:-':-- -- - A - :::::::: A young t o T: t high - ji:::::-4:::A'ii- :4::E:0"": fii:i''?:'i- ''s::': - - - :nticf 7::!:-::::::- — -- -- ::::::5::::-::::::1 :::::::::1:::::-I:::::-- ' Deanna Durbtn 0 '''''''"i::1-::si-::::--::::::?- $198 to 55 DE4ENDAbLE PtENcIANI)11e-ONLY s:- thesis of crime 1 V:i:::::i::: - - ' - him - : - y endocrino-criminolog- an :::::i - sponsored to Scotland Yard by United 0State3 Amateur Detective AnthieU He claims that by study of glands criminals can be spotted at sight Veteran detective Inspectors of Scotland Yard were not impressed They trotted out as proof a copy of London's Police Chronicle which recorded that a test was recently held in which crime students were asked to pick out typical criminal types from among a number of photographs About 90 per cent chose a picture which happened to be that of J of the Edgar Hoover boss United States department of justice Considering J Edgar Is not unaware that a goodly portion of Arn9r1ca's youth believes he has all the features of the typical detective story book man hunter thisi ts—one time when Copyrightp1937 - inde- - 4 Or7 ilb Tor tha girls of n'een Age' Youthful hats correctly styled and sited are almihologists tection called 'I "FOREWORD" upward and draped turban - Londdn triguedby the new - heard out in the street" said the police four hours later "He's yelling for 'British fair play'" soaring Black trot ngal' $5 with shiny satin ribbon folded round and round Flowing veil Black only $5 0 "He's yelling so hard he can be ca- forward $298 it $3'98 hurt He couldn't beat out a rhythm The longing for a mule a plow and Dixie grew very strong So Dock put up his old violin for sale It was a Stradivarius which had been in his family since 1820 when his Tennessee slave grandfather received It as a gift from his master In good condition it would nave brought 00000 In its present condition it's worth $2500 just enough for a mule and a farm in pixie Here's an old negro with no culture no training end schooling in the finer things who treasured his old violin so that only old age and the desire for home and shelter could force him to part from it Doesn't this hold an example for those people who have so much tri life but who value nothing? In a strike in Peterborough Ontario aCIO organizer was asked by pollee to break the picket lines to permit the police to pass through He refused and so the Canadian coppers hauled him before the local magistrate He was held for obstructing and then locked up Stand Inconsistent 3romm ' :i': $5 "DARING DARLING" '?":::::A ::- port green :::ii:iiiniii -- 1 brown awnde' ru'Trott'tenu'r ::iii:::: :::: - ‘ci77:::ii H ats Fine fur felts Exciting new with us Exclusive colors Painlessly priced 'navy f taRai :::":::Ail:':' : ''k:ikk 0 black 1 : ':7 ''- - Fashion heights In :'!:'::'iV!!!!:"!:1 ':: i i::: Exclusive at Thi ParilL pack to School Classics 'reach new 1::Aillixil P: t:- It's the Dobbs Berets in a v a rfety of drapes that i ?'::::::::::3 1: 0 "TOP FASHION" 4 - N - ''''''':' di d 7:)) '- i'As!1'-:::-' a 3 75 0 to ': ::::3t:a:Y1:::'-'ii:'':::i- - — :::: Violin Dock Magness 78 white-haire- d black skinned of St Louis wanted nothing more in his old age than a farm and a mule For years he had earned a living playing his violin Passersby tossed silver coins into his hat and Dock was thankful But by and by his feet began to - ::::::::-::- go confidently college bound in on of these giddy outrageous bats Be artfully de out and out flippant mum or brace for such emergencies as sudden meetings with the foot ball captain but do it in a hat from The Paris that will stand the gall and come up smiling! - Hongkong Combats- Menace to for The Tribune - new baby is boy All the others are girls eldest 12 Aug 19 (UP)—Mrs Marcella enManville 'Wind-U-p' Time gaged a Reno attorney and was exWASHINGTON Aug 19- (A'—The pected toarrive here Friday or earlySaturday by air to begin divorce securities commission gave Michael residence preparatory to filing a J Meehan recently found guilty of idivorce suit against Tommy Manmonths puradamyantiowlaitniodn twupho ville Asbestos milliont heir it was affairs disclosed Thursday before being expelled frolothe New York Stock and Curb exchanges and the Chicago Board of Trade Drowns in Rain Barrel Nev 'refuse to release them except with Reserves Required the approval of the bureau of the budget And he can be counted on to 'Termed Real To Next frown upon further emergency ex' :: reason His a is attitude penditures Nation Era to optimism and it is further supDeflationary ported by the fact that gold deliveries to this country appear to out of balance wIthout catasBy Dorothy Thompson ':r:::i'::"'':''''::!'::es be decreasing and that long term kept i4:9 The firmness of intention in the bond issues and income from soda' trophe When private production 1:4::74k national and have to income begun president's desire to balance the security funds are beginning to rb- approximate normal the governshort-terhank loans ment budget must be contracted budget need be doubted by no one plate the and reserves must be laid up against If anything he hai been more cau- Deficit Above Estimate ''1:':a:::'' tious in his promises than in his Just the same the current deficit the next deflationary period This Is ''::!'::: of the an elastic and logic budget Ls not seriously con- is more than half what the deficit purposes He '!:Q:':'1-"the been have not educated people cerned with the present size of the for the whole next to the theory On Me contrary legyear–rending national debt despite the fact that July I—was estimeted to be Spring Islatures are Inclined to think that It is expected this week to pass tax collections may take a powerful if income is expanding the govern337000000000 and reach the highest leap but will certainly have to ment ought to be able to expand its they peak in American history He be- if we are to come out anywhere near expenditures too If we could aflieves that a nation the size of even ford billions when the nation was Ours with its national income can is It unfortunate that adminis- poor why not even more when the easily carry such a debt and what- tration leaders have uot devoted nation is rich? This was however ever American economists may more of their talent for the logic of private capital in 1929 think It is significant that most to educating the public to publicity the real —the logic of Mr Mellon that there foreign economists who watch and implications of the elastic budget was no top to the boom Experistudy the American situation ag In contradiction to the theory ence educated the American public with him the budget of a nation is like to the fallacy of that theory applied It is obvious however that the that of him picture that a household which has to be to private investment and expan- J Edgar Hoover continuation of an unbalanced balanced the present ad- sion but it hasn't educated it yet termed one of criminal annually in the midst of mounting budget ministration has tone on the thesis to recognize the same fallacy in recovery represents a real menace it resembles rather the budget public investment expansion and It itas inflationary tendencies of a that a great industry which must spending serious sort There has never been of Furthermore certain ' Indexes in my belief any reason to fear al balance not annually but over the In times of depres- which are essential to our knowbusineu cycle ceris inflation there but currency sion private investment be- ledge of where we really stand tainly reason to fear a too extensive comes when cautious or nearly stops alto- have been knocked out by the relief credit inflation if we continue to have an unbalanced budget with gether ib is the business of govern- policy Normally the amount of unment to start the cycle upward employment is a fairlyrellable inproduction going full tilt again by spending its money and it dex to the general eaonomic situaThe president we are told is Ls justified in radically unbalanc- tion of the country But our unbringing energeitc pressure on the ing the budget if necessary in order employment figures are totally undepartment heads to keep below to By Bodice Carter are many econo- reliable because the policy of the the budget estimates He has locked mistsdo so There suffi- relief administration has been to believe who with Mrs' Helen Charlthat The Honorable of up $400000000 department budget funds in reserve accounts and will cient budgetary elasticity the peaks define unemployment as a certain ton has canceled all her vacation and valleys of depressions can be inadequacy in income so that unIroned out and such depressions as doubtedly tens of thousands are prans so that she may better conthe recent one prevented altogether counted as unemployed who never tinue her work in the west end Don't Be by automatic government action were employed and are social'cases of London each night feeding stray taken much more expeditiously than useless for measuring the extent of cats pate defoie gras minced salIf there ever was a nuisance was the last If for instance in- recovery Unemployment insurance mon It h the fellow who is always minced beef and milk "I dexes Is in operation will furnish has that once it show unemployment or from friends borrowing have inconwhich be a up donating money to a given automatic reliable and passed to notes may them indorse fairly point asking for him sidered as normal—transitional un- dex—but we have got to do some- charity" said the daughter of the It's the one quick to Snake yourself friendway employment of men passing from thing meanwhile late Baron less Your car will pay your one job to another—the government It might be a useful thing if the New YorkAbinger bills if you wish to borrow City detectives sought should immediately they think be- president would give a fireside chat on it little whom they suswoman old a whic works to nation he considers public on gin the starting why SEE have been planned carefully in ad- the balancing of the budget essen- pected of feeding poison pills to vance and kept on the program for tial Certainly It would come from pigeons in a city park The breasts just such emergencies Thus whole- no one else so gracefully or be re- of the birds swelled from the poison sale slumps can be prevented else with more ceived from anyone and for a six block radius round But no economist believes that a open minds So Was 10301 national budget can Indefinitely be Copyright 1937 for The Tribune the park dead and dying birds fell out of the sky In an Alabama town citizens locked up their pets and the police went on a hunt for a sadist who sawed off the legs of stray animals just "to see them suffer" ' in Brief P Heavy Spending r AUGUST 20 1937 FRIDAY-MORNIN- -- Newest Peril To War Refugees tiONGKONGAug 19 Enough vaccine to innoculate 250- 000 persons was rushed here Thursday night by airplane and steamer to combat a cholera epidemic that has cauded almost 200 deaths along the south China coast The spreading plague created new peril for thousand of Asiatic British 'and other 'refugeei fleeing the war danger in northern dritna The liner Rajputana carrying the first British refugees from Shang-ha- : docked here Thursday in pouring rain to find the city already packed with south Chihli and Formosa refugees and in the grip of a cholera epidemid Refugees Inoculated Because of the epidemic inoculation of all new arrivals was enforced before landing Afterward they were taken to quarters provided by the government It threatened to shut the door of one of the best havens the crown colony destination-- - of many refugees already on the seas from Shang hal Outbreaks of the disease occurred here and on the mainland at Macao a Portuguese colony and at Canton China up the Pearl river Health officers said the number of cases was increasing at an alarming rate and broadcast frantic appeals for anticholera vaccine 101 Die In Two Weeks There have been 101 deaths in Hongkong in the last two weeks Eighty-tw- o of 136 reported victims died las4' week and 19 the week before The vaccine MILWAUKEE Wis - 1 School Funds Allow WASHINGTON Aug 19 (A—The senate passed Thursday and sent to the White House legislation author-Bit‘ izing a $30000 appropriation to aid Paid Dog In construction of a school building 19 at Conn HARTFORD Aug Burley Idaho The authorize(CTS)--When a man bites a dog tion was cut from $101000 the When the man be- - amount originally voted by the that's news comes indiggant because his teeth senate 19 Aug ache after biting the dog that's legal news An incident like that brought $146 to Bernard Corona Thursday Bernard claimed be in- Aired a tooth and lacerated his mouth when he bit into a "hot dog" wherein was imbedded a piece of metal — Two year old Thomas (C T Kopydlowski Son of Mr and Mrs Roman Kopydlowski town of Lake drowned Thursdayin a rain barrel He had been missing only 15 minutes when located The barrel was set in the yard flush with the grouna - - - '' ' - Ask Cancer War Funds - -- ' - 0 es -- - :' :: WASHINGTON Aug 19 (INS)-- As a step in the nation's war agains1 :::): cancer theipudget bureau Thursday asked cong?ess to appropriate $200- 000 for the purchase of radium for d use of the National Cancer institute :"' : NEW YORK Aug 19 (INS)— Forty square feet of concrete flooring on the top floor of a building being erected on the former Fifth avenue site of the famous old Union club caved in Thursday One workman Oswald Del Bianco was injured The structure is planned for store a ''::'::::-':i- t- '' Cs ::: 11':':-X :::::::::::-- k s :: SOFTII : ) :::: :! '' :' I ''' ' ' i ::: ' :i :' IN SUEDE ' Black ' i Tri-Sta- te !': BTOWN Mae Green 1 8rprmi" ' 14 rr'''''' 4 - csk' ' ql : 00 :' 00 '':r: OI Np- tAtt‘' : ' ' :: ::: - : - ::' — H:: 1 :' ' 1 0 1 I s' low s°' lott '''''"' $- 14 s 14 1 i a 1 7:: 1 ' ill : - ": 11301 i is 'I ' 4 t ' folk SUPERIOR Wis Aug 19 (CTS) —Bitten by a rattlesnake John J: 24 professional snake :::' 1 Boght : charmer playing at the :::fair here was rushed to a St Paul Minn hospital Thursday in a serious condition He was given first :e:!:::::: aid at a local hospital and then i:':?i::-:::- : taken to St Paul where serum was available The snake was one of several new additions to a show '::' 10 received this morning ‘' ''k i:: '"' Bitten by Rattler MUSKOGEE Okla Aug 19 (A')— Police Chief Ed Corbin said Thursday two youths who said they were from Fresno Cal were held for questioning in the theft of $175 in jewelry from a store window early - 6 I ! - i 11 1 1 1')1A111 : t was shipped from Singapore British Straits Settlement colony to supplement 600 pounds of the serum sent here on China National Airsvgys corporation planes just before the outbreak of Thursday the Shanghai fighting a week ago The serum from Singapore it was Caesarean Veteran believed would amount to more COUNCIL BLUFFS Iowa Aug than 300 quarts Some —of it was 19 (CTS)—Mrs Walter Lindsey 28 from there Dutch Bandoeng sped returned home from the hospital East Indies Wednesday with her fifth child born by Caesarean operation The li141 - t i :: i'"PL: E 14 Youths Held in Theft ) 5: J ' l' (SOFT rOES five-and-t- L : ::':' :::: :::::: ' : ! ' ) 1' ::: :::z:::s::: :: 111 - Concrete Floor Yields :::: - : ' newly-create- i: ' ' :: - :::: i ::: A :7 ::::: y:: MAIL ORDERS GLADLY— ADD 15c POSTAGE : ::li ::'''''''' '''C'PLEASE Auteo's Plunge Drowns Five - Car Leaves Highway In Dive Into Creek CHILLIWACK B C Aug 19 -- I ' I 17 -' - - f' ' in Effect for Limited Time Only ir:111 1 i t y: I p - ii LOS ANGELES Cal Aug 19 (IP) —Charles M Riley 72 for 50 years an official of the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul railroad in Chicago died here Thursday He ce k:t?1 III IALLOWANCE 4 111 til ' Estate lleatrola I 1 0yr INOTE FEATURES : 5 : 14 44 "ii isA I Intensi-Fir- ot atir y:vt( tS ov iv 1 ''': i ' I 1 ' ' - came here three year ago Air Duet Joint less Combustion Chamber Double Life Fire Pot I Estalloy Vapor Tank Big Enamel Ash Pan Floor Warming Louvres Feed Door Joint less Ash Box 212-Gall- I 101:4‘tt:Ps01 e I The biggest and most important of many exclusive features in Beatrola Blocks the heat turns waste into warmth—actually saves a large part of all the heat which In ordinary circulating heaters goes to waste up the chimney - tionsum ON YOUR OLD HEATER It Pays to Buy the One and Only Genuine —- - s Avk 44900 : I 1r 11(g ra' 441t ‘ flL Liberal TradeIn la JO 41 001' I Rail Official Dies 1 DOWN on Ped-a-Lev- er - $11 (1) Oave up to A FINE WOOL SUIT Exclusive Fabrics F PRICE at ONE-HAL- On a Genuine ESTATE HEATROLA RANGE Everybody knows the Heatrola Heater and everybody will soon know the splendid 1938 Heatrola Range for coal and wood It is a worthy companion for the Heatrola Heater Come in and see it You'll be delighted with its many convenience features with its smart modern design $15 Also This Week We Offer 200 NEW IN11101111n ALSO SEE OUR COMPLETE NEW DISPLAY SURITIL ESTATE GAS ELECTRIC GAS AND COAL and COAL AND ELECTRIC COMB RANGES Uncalled for Tailor - Made Suits are in all styles shades and sizes ReturnedfLom our large wholesale and- Mail order departments with original deposits forfeited and tor a !pedal advertising allow &nee we close them out at— ou can alwaydddhopio advantage al' 1' $2 - ntziJo is i N- SOUTH MAIN ST I : 1' lq - 9o uf : TTi t- " SALM t C BELL Tailors 252 UP via' TO —by Placing Your Order Now Will Hold for Future Delivery at No Extra Charge 4 A EXTRA PANTS II s) ' wnic PERRY Okla Aug 19 VP)--man wearing' smoked glasses carried out alone Oklahoma's first daylight bank robbery in two years Thursday fleeing with an estimated $5000 in cash seized at pistol point Y V Willett president of the bank who seized a rifle and made a vain effort to shoot at the fleeing robber said the man left the bank with around $10000 but that $5000 was recovered outside A manhunt wa4 organized immediately Price save : ' 1' A Reduced Prices 4 - Daylight Bank Robbery Nets Bandit $5000 lA'2 jio 1 sp0 (11') —Five persons drowned Thursday when their automobile plunged from the Transcanada highway into a creek near here The dead were tentatively identified from a list of those comprising a party which left interior Pioneer B C Wednesday as: Mr and Mrs Soder hind of Pioneer Mrs A Pindale Mrs Soderlund's mother who lived at Cloverdale British Columbia Mrs Ida Erickson about 50 Pioneer Miss Muriel Erickson 21 Pioneer Three women's bodies were recovered at noon Thursday SAVE SALE Animal- August DISCOUNT we Deliver 1 1 ) by Truck or Allow Freight Almost-Anywher- I 4 e |