Show r I JUST FOR FUN I i Se r lary tf Shaw recently rt told toN a 1 i ion rr I on oil Representative Smith of ot Io Iowa 1011 the latter was al ft f a WK attorney anxious to 0 make maki a reputation r for Cor limi i self A prisoner ner was I before th Ih the I Ibar bar In a criminal court in lows Iowa 10 but bul h 1 he i WM was not floe rl l by R a r I Where here I Ia a Tour your tax 5 inquired tl the i judge Judg who led ledI I I L have bave none r responded d tn the cr er Why ent you It any mon money t II P pay ala a law er erDo Do you u t n t owyer asked the th Judge Yet Yen your honor There U is Mr r Valt Walter r I I Smith John JohnBrown Brown George Georgi Oren Oreen Mid the Judge to a II lot hot of young attorneys who iho were about bout the court waiting for tor someThing 10 o turn up and Mr r Alex Alexander under ander Is out In lii the corridor budding f The prisoner eyed the Ih neya In the time courtroom r and anti after aCler n a cri crl critical survey uner stroked ed his chin and U Well ell I gue guess ue 1 I will 1111 tako take Mi Mr Ir Al x n derSt Paul by I ion Patient But nr art are you tu Ou sure jure 1 have up 7 Doctor DoctorI I am my mr other patient patients have all left Mt town for the tM w York Sun BrIdget t t boy hov to ye yet ez been this HII asks uk of ot Sure Iva Ive I bt been n playing Bridget a Color game gaie It Is Bridget hl IT t 7 An n how hoi do ye yea play 01 Pit nIt In the kitchen nb M t tand I and aDd ate ale pie pe an cake cak k an till chicken an when Bridget hears hars the ml com corn comIn comIn cornIn In she he h nays Ios Whist hist tI and Ol Oi hide In Inthe Inthe Inthe the limo tt V everybody works even father tather he bt doing Oh hes punching h holes let l In th the lawn tennis net to make material for Cor Mst rs new Indianapolis News L a Tragedy The Greater Half Heres a rod and at af affair fair a R young Oung man about to 10 lend lead his Wt lot lied to 10 tho tIm altar was nan run down downan an ent l killed hilled by b an un train The I Let er r Hall Ilahi Il Wh WhAt t a narrow Life n R Germany will further exclude Amer I Ican Ican can m mont Ati She Is II protecting her great h Industry U St Louis Post Tench hat l Is a hypocrite A boy ty what cornea I t school a 1 smile on Oft Is fa e London Tri Fri Tribune Tribune bune Walter Waller It U to is fully full a halt half hour since I J ordered that turtle soup wap Yes 61 tab fth h But Bul you know kAO turtles am mighty IIII ht stow slow ih Milwaukee Senti Sentinel nel itel I J found t Und a bargain bar ln In mens shoes hoo today MIll mid Me Meeker That more lair than I ev ever r found round re rejoined reo reJoined joined Mrs Irs Meeker in a tone redolent with significance News When Then did dill you OU first become ae ac acquainted with your OW The first time I 1 asked a ked him for tor money after we were n married Life First PInt Billiard a pretty I It bit t of at music the Ule orchestra just JuM played pled but what bat ml th thee piano and the violin start tart one OM on after Arter the other Ier Second B U M I T till the piano I II was as giving twenty points poin to the violin I I Do you ou believe the tile auto t I Mill e ause the linT hor horse 1 I to II b T t I You and an anI Mm ever I ti r g ln I Dally Daly DaB N s |