Show Brighten Aug Jockey Jocker Madden Maddest was Will attacked and tee severely ety hurt by b an enraged horse bon here her today Jutt Just prior to the In th the rare race for tor forthe forthe the Worthing plate plain today Maringold Martn old IV lv ridden by b Drady Ur rearM reared rod up u and knocked k Madden who 00 was on rent centre re out oat of ot the th Middle The horse hone then I slipped flipped to Its knees kirns sot rot ot hold h d of ot Iad Mad dons don throat threat and shook hoOk him like a rat I despite the efforts of ot Drady who nho be bt belabored belabored labored the animal ov OY over r the hc hud head i I eventually Evertt It ws wall beaten n off Maddens Madden I throat threat was badly dl I lacerated c rated and h he WM was u Ne Weeding freely T hen je re leased ld |