Show i immigration CRATION elder john taylor writes from newyork New York Tork june 18 that upwards of saints had bad been shipped from liverpool thib this season and the last vessel with through passengers beners was then soon expected at boston elder taylor has appointed bishop cunningham to make a settlement near wood river nebraska and to preside over ir it cef welder elder eider J IV coward writes from st SL louis june 24 that the last company of this seasons immigration would leave that city during the current week and that capt company would probably ably leave mormon grove about the loth of july ichon J al bernhisel delegate froni front utah will wll please accept eur tur thanks and those of many constituents constituent for vol 1 of the U S exploration for a railroad route to the hie pacific dress aress message ae aud and documents parts 1 2 and 3 fur 1855 1655 6 report on oil the finances 1854 5 commerce and navigation 1855 and numerous packages of patent office seeds |