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Show By Lucille Roberts ' F. II. A. GIRLS ATTEND STATE CONFERENCE Five delegates from the Cedar Chapter of thei Future Homemak-ers Homemak-ers of Amrlca will attend a state conference at Salt Lake Cky on Saturday. April 13th. at which time stati officers will De elected a::d a state F. H. A. constitution will be adopted. , Gcraldlne Webster, the president of the Cedar Chapter and the president pre-sident of th" state F. H. A., will preside at the meetings. Audrey Williams, next year's president of the local chapter, Virginia Thorloy, LaRae Bradshaw, and Beverly Knll will also, attend. They will be accompanied by Miss Hazel Bins-ham, Bins-ham, the associate state adviser and home economics Instructor at ths Cedar City high school. STUDENTS TO ATTEND MUSIC FESTIVAL AT DELTA Tw,nty-slx Cedar High School vocal and Instrumental students will participate In the Region Six Music Festival In Delta FriJay, April 12th. The following students wiil play lndrunvntal solos: Trombone, Bruce Riddle; Cornet, Paul Robem; Sousaphone, Gordon Bethers; Baritone, Bar-itone, Edward Southwlck; Violin, Madelon Jones; Olio, Marlin Bradshaw; Viola, Donna South-wick; South-wick; Clarinet, Naldene Cowley. Flute, Mary Taylor; Druim Jacqueline Jac-queline Lflgh; Piano. Eleanor Sargent; Sar-gent; Accompanists, Evelyn Kanz, Marilyn Mathls, Mary Taylor, and Mrs. Stanley Bradshaw. The vocal numbers will constat of Contralto solos, Dolores Fife and Emma Lou Warren; double trio, LaRae Halght, Donna Bird, Emma Lou Warren, Colleen Cowan, Audrey Aud-rey Dotson, Luree Sargent; single trio, Emma Lou Warren. Peggy Bulloch, anl Colleen Adams. Contestants from Cfcdar City, Del' a. Hurricane, Millard, Parowan, Beaver, St. Geqrge, and Hinckley high schools will be Judgpd and .rated by experienced musicians. J' jtt -t '( CEDAR F. F. A. RECEIVES GOLD BEEHIVE CERTIFICATE The Cedar City F. F. A. Chapfr was one of six in the state to receive re-ceive th Gold Beehive Certificate, the highest award issued, at the j Eighteenth Annual State F. F. A. J Convention which was held April 4, 3. 6, at the U. S. A. C. in Logan. Twenty-six of the Cedar Chapter members attended the conference. They were paired into Judging teams and participated in the Judging of livestock, dairy cattle, poultry, crops, and farm mechanics. Approximately fifty chapters were represented in this contest with three boys in each of the abov teams. Dick Mlon, member of .h local lo-cal chapter was awarded "the. State Farmers Degree and was elected state F. FT A reporter. |