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Show ...WEBER COUNTY TIMES... BRAVE EXPRESS MESSENGER STANDS OFF TRAIN ROBBERS. GENERAL PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Bandit Hold up a Sontlieru Pacific Ei- pres Train, lint the Messenger Refuses to Turn Over Ills Safes. The northbound Southern. Pacific overland express was held up by rob- He Was Glv4n OGDEN .. UTAH UTAH STATE NEWS. A Salt Lake barber, arrested for having1 customers on Sunday, was fined $15. ' August Lange, ordnance sergeant at Fort Douglas for the past fifteen years suicided Sunday by hanging. Two stores in Mona were robbed Friday night, a small amount of money and several articles of clothing being taken. The wall of an adobe building on Main street. Salt Lake, collapsed on Thursday of last week, but fortunately no one was hurt. Nelden of Salt Lake was made fourth of' the National W. A. vice-preside- nt Wholesale Druggistsassociation at the recent session held at Old Point Comfort, Va. George J. Gould, during his recent visit to Salt Lake City, declared he was in favor of a union depot for Salt Lake, and expressed the opinion that it would bn built. The Saltair management has decided 'to try some experiments iu dredging in the vicinity of the bathing houses, the water having become too shallow for bathing purposes. As a sequence to the quarantining of Utah sheep last spring by Idaho inspectors, suits for damages to the amount of $34,475 were last week filed against the Idaho inspectors. ..Lizzie Carlson, a young domestic employed in Salt Lake, suicided nesday evening while the family was at the theatre, shooting herself in the temple. Ill health was the cause. LOST ONE HUNDRED MEN. Pearl Padgett, the girl soldier who enlisted with the volunteers and went Colombian Insurgents Defeated by Govto Manila attired as a man, is serving a ernment Forces. sentence of thirty days in the Salt The Colombian government formally Lake City jail on a charge of stealing a announces that General Pompilio skirt. defeated on October 5, near President Andrews of the National Ambalema (on the Magdalena river Asphalt company, who of late has been west of Bogota) insurgent forces from examining into Utahs deposits, says the departments of Tolima and that eventually this state will be found united under General Marii to be one of the largest depositories of and General Duran, after a desperate v the hydrocarbon in the world. engagement lasting three hours. According to the official announce Figures taken from the annual rement, the insurgents retreated s r "r after cn ea iVi'c e'nte Lombano, and several 73,053, the average daily attendance captured, together with a large supply of ammunition. The government loss being 50,595, at a cost to the 'state of Con-dinamar- ,THIEVES MAKE RAID Opportunity to ResIgn. Declined. after the luncheon given in his honor by the King's Royal Rifles, dealing with 'his famous dispatch to Gai eral White at Ladysmith. He has been placed on half pay and General Fr: icli has been appointed to succeed hin The appointment is to take effect when his services are no longer req rea in South Africa." It is undQi tood the government endeavored tc .break Bullers fall by giving himjt e option of resigning,but that the gel cral declined to give way. The Londc a papers express sympathy for the unfc irtunate ending of a brilliant careernbut they are unanimous that no othescourse was open after his speech, and they express the greatest approval of the selection of General French to succeed him. - FATAL WRECK ON SHORT LINE. Engine Went Usinrsii Embankment and Engineer am FlreAmn Met Death. The OregonlShort Line west bound fast mail, Ncl, was wrecked four miles east of McCammon, Tuesday afternoon, and. Engineer Edward Pur-te-ll and Fireman Paul Spidell, both of Pocatello, were instantly killed. The engine climbed the rail on a curve that had been filled iu with dirt by the track forces, and went down the embankment twenty feet, taking the mail, baggage and buffet cars with it. It is believed that Purtell and his fireman jumped and were buried under the wreckage. Two mail "cT&rtflB and the express messenger were slightly bruised, but were able to take part in the work of transferring. No passengers were injured, as the remainder of the equipment stayed on tbe track. IN8URRECTTON IN SAMAR. 1L Cruiser NeW York, With 800 Naval Soldier on Board, Sails for Catbalogan. . ez DON'T LIKE CONSTITUTION. caj -- Ba-ngi- co-oper- The most daring and ingenious robbery of a public institution ever per petrated in Chicago was successfully accomplished at some time between Saturday night and Sunday morning, when postage stamps to the value of $74,610 were, abstracted from the stamp vault of the Chicago postoffice by oper tors who bored a passage through steel floor in order to reach their plun-- . der. If they had calculated their distance six feet to the west from the point where they worked they undoubtedly would have carried off nearly $40,000 in cash and $800,000 in stamps. flie burglars' plan of operations was almost identical with that followed by the robbery of the vault of the Selby Smelting company near San Frauciscd several months ago. The burglars secured entrance under the building, and by digging trenches and tunneling through cross walls gained a point immediately un der the vault. The steel sheets forming the floor of the iron room were bored, a hole of sufficient size to admit tbe body of a man was made, and through this one of the robbers passed the plunder to one or more accomplices below. The plunder was carried nearly 300 feet through the 'trench under $he building and then ioaded into a wagon that was waiting. in' an alley behind the building. DOWAGER EMPRESS ga ; Church fcoapends Member For Becoming a Citizen of the United States. Janies Jackson of Cambridge, Mass., who was suspended from membership in the Second Reformed Presbyterian church because in becoming an American citizen he took the oath to uphold the constitution of the United States, proposes to fight the ruling. The ca.se is probably one of' the strangest of its kind ever called to tbe attention of the people of Massachusetts. Dr. Jackson is a Scotchman by birth, but now, after ten years here, he lias taken out naturalization papers. Rev. J. M. Foster, pastor of the church from which Jackson was suspended, is quoted as making the following statement is regard to the 1 case the constitution of as the United States an immoral document and an insult to the Almighty, In that it makes no mention whatever of God, and claims for the people that sovereign power which belongs to. God. alone. We refuse to accept the thus defective and cannot swear allegiance to it." We look upon - con-tituti- - .CHOOSES NEW HEIR. Booldos That Pu Chan Shall Never Reign and Selects One Said to be Intel-lectually Weak. A new heir to the throne will he ap- DEWET REPORTED DEAD. Latter From a Prominent Boer States That Boer General Succumbed to a Wound. General Dewet's recent inactivity has produced the impression among military men that he is either dead or incapacitated through illness or wounds. According to a letter from Pretoria, a prominent Boer recently wrote a friend there relating the terrible hardships suffered by the Boers in the field, especially from a lack of surgeons. Dewet, for example," wrote the Boer, suffered the most terrible agony before he died. lie was wounded in the shoulder by a splinter from a shell, pointed when the dowager empress meets Prince Cliing and several of the viceroys at Rai Feng, capital of the; province of Ilo Nan, where there will be a general discussion of the affairs of the empire. This news is believed; to be authentic, as it was received from and the wound gangrened in conse-- ; quence of it being dressed with dirty rags." Five Boers captured at different places recently said Dewet was dead, but gave a different version of his death. Against these reports is a statement of Piet De Villiers, the field cornet recently taken prisoner iu the northeastern phrt of the Orange River Colony, who said that on the morning of his capture he took breakfast with,. , , PLOT TO OVERPOWER if it the empress wishes to carry it out. Prince GARRISON IS FOILED. atart aboufc November ! from Pekin to act as Flzllanca of a Lieutenant rest, that the powers opjjbse RIGHTS OF BICYCLISTS. Saves Soldiers in Members of the bar of Salt Lake ap- grand marshal of the court on its. From from Philippines Massacre. journey Kai pear to be dissatisfied with the nomi- - Important Decision Rendered by a Owing to the vigilauce of Lieutenant made by the two political gan Court. Fierce Duel In Which Tiro Men Dli Thomas M. Baines, Jr., of the Ninth parties for the city judgeships, and A decision As the the result of a fierce duel fought United States infantry, another masconcerning rights of declare they will place an independent bicyclists on sidewalks I one has of been op the busiest thoroughfares sacre of American troops handed , A ticket in the field for the peoples eon- - down in the of Pr"lnt McKinley Keque.ts it by the insupreme court of Waco, Mini,! Texas, Monday, two prominent surgents has been averted. It seems Slderation. Spiritual Consolation. ffan affirming citizens of that place are dead. secured by judgment n t? The that Lieutenant Baines discovered a the assssin of John W. Young, builder of the Utah Lee, a licensed rider, against the pr,f-in principals the tragedy a cell at Carbiga,-Wex- - Prisoner aent who is awaiting Sheriff V. Central, now a branch of the Western, clty Port Huron, for injuries in a X. Harris and hU Island of Samar, where several were . Harris, connecting Park City with Salt Lake, faI1 caused by the defective condition N.!eroc.ution in thP Pson a Auburn, on one Jr., Y., during the week side, and Dr. J. confined, through a hole that had been and originator and part builder of the of a walk. By its decision the commencing and hiS court made in the wall. An z- - T. next Utah Northern, from Ogden to Butte recognized that the Rey- - , investigation fully realizing that his nAlVela?r other. stePson' has become death Monday, bicycle Bad feeling had 8ho"ed a to fill is the now a with bolo- has returned to Salt Lake after eleven a of few jail question dispensable to many laboring men has days, toca mm the asked for spiritual consolation, timever guard, ivhich would! and citizens, and that its' ior ne. b years passed in London. to trouble. necessary the door open, and had ALaffa,rs get I receiTed a visit The attorneys for Abe Majors have f!mea llren.'d"mpract7cabirunle8s I then attack the garrison. It also defldden on the sidewalks un- Szartffnski, a Polish priest not yet given up hope, and within a few der that the veloped proper restrictions. instigators were & Lovelace days will present a motion for a new and presidente, both of whom priest trial in his case. Majors has already j Doesnt Pay to be too Popular, I ""'T bJ!en arrested toS'et,ler with been convicted twice upon the lace'lminedately to a According I recent dispatch from charge therprmlneDtperson- of murdering Police Captain Brown of Pekin tbere is strong rather of th J,WUUK Hfr,Wal singer Passes Away opposition amonfi Lovelace in Chicago. hw revolver on the elder Harris' wf.o Highest Award on Coro and Chocolata Ogden about two years ago. 7 conservative Chinese officers to Wu Buffalo, N. Y.. Oct. 10, 1901. The likewise was. killed. A number of Setb Abbott, father of Emma mg Fang, Chinese minister at Wash- Lovelace and judges lt prominent physicians of at the were both uninjured Lake are working on a plan to J?.?1011 retainlnF a foreign mission. bott the famous singer, died in Chicago Reynolds tion, Buffalo, have awarded threeexposigold establish a medical school in Utah, the J. 8e who take this view consider that Tuesday night at the age of 84 years, to WaIter Baker & Co. (LimitElectric Lights Used tor Tefepliones. idea being to have the school made a bls P0Pulaty abroad is a proof that Mr Abbtt was a musician, and until biaSrcocSa8U.Pnd kuo 1UUS I .11 ow imperial technical V department of the State University, if h 18 Joyal to the inter- - a few years ago, when his health cocoa their and chocolate prepschool, accordpossible, and to secure an appropriation CSA8 ? Pbna- - It is probable that he faied. he gave most of his time to the ing to a dispatch from St. arations and the excellence of their Petersburg, will be recalled and given a to assist in maintaining it. exhibit. of This is the 37th highest teacbng music. When Emma Abrecently discovered that a microphone award received position died by them from the in Salt Lake City in 1891 attached to an electric arc A daring sneak-thibB.rd of toiffn affairs, btt ; seized an over- great iu Europe and e expositions lamp 18 by U18tc and ber father an annuity of $400 wire will transmit sound coat from a dummy on one of the Drin- - I attain- - 8 e America. the utlIlzed under the eye of a onth. medium of another electricthrough cipal streets of Salt Lake, in broad thT Way arc lamp. government. Repeated experiments were made daylight, last week, and speeded, in HURT in ON GRIDIRON. lD th .tOWD f lbeX' six miIes west Doctor Claims to Have Cure For which the two lamps were making his escape, though hotly purLeprosy. separated Lcadville C010 Sunday afternoon, Dr. George J. sued by the owner. The police were Iowa Hoy Probably by a tVick wall The inventor read in Augur, a Honolulu Rlchard Gormaa, an a low, voice a lecture on his Fatally Injured. notified and he was captured later. of the physician recently applied to the board discoverv Richard who and makea a his of health for permission to words, spoken into the microl Camp' Tripp, aged 19, is not expractice to beat Willie Car and Lawrence Martin, privately pected to live, I hi" V!ife twIc treat were a month, was some as phone, room" a audible result of injuries two Salt Lake boys about 13 in tbe next reularIy cases, claming to years of have a cure, leprosy a beatin aUht aad was taken by tbaH contest between but he was refused. The Himself Upon HI. wife. age, are under arrest and have cone olfaxand Prairie Advice. the to a law trestle where he was people fessed to stealing a purse requires that all cases shall be ro- - B City high schools The failure of ! Bodn Credlt containing ax tied a and bank stalwart miner to Iwa. the board at once, and the ported iie was struck in the at Ondenh $40 from a lady in a store. led H"Df?ary They Wm toa to th. back and delivered irid8 ben tackled and was snatched the purse from a table and sufferers deported at once, to the B!i1rC lost themselves in the crowd before settlement at Molokai., He be field unconscious. His ZhoL !naffer SoWaderer. fifty lashes with a cowhide. Ha ,,r.m had made extensile con defalcations could be whoso, tion has grown pursuit canned given. Nearly all the a protest on the ground that such e failure, made a constantly worse. a money was recovered. confession to his policy prevents ligitimate experiments. 're k Theatre Causes Stampede. handed h!m a Pistol and WlfeJ San Juan stockmen, among whom is fitrlko In France Averted by Government. ' him to kill himself, which riv'al hundred persons attempted Representative Ridd, claim that the he j It has transpired, says a special dis- - T r?8 ou fences alleged to be enclosing govern- tbe Temple theatre at did. His wife viiill be arrested as an U187 ment land, which the government asks patch from Paris, that the n renchgov- - I Ky., Tuesday afternoon be- - accessory to the act them to remove, merely closes the ernment warned each member of. the Cr No News of Miss Stone. re was rased when a f e ana miners committee which was seen about a polycanyn8 through (which The officials of the United cattle thieves run , cattle. This being Wednesday 11 St Etienneadiourned scope machine. ln the scramble many legation are still without newsStates the case, the suit will be dropped. without were machine, from5 nocked down and more than the missionaries who the making public result of its deliberare The class in commercial law in the to: wen y were Destructive Landslide In Harbadeea. ations) that in ordering a strike undr two or three make arrangements with theseeking badly hurt, abductors so e. ser Balneaa 8faint? Present ously that It condition, he would render Mail advices from Barbadoea give of Miss Ellen M. Stone and her com-BaHl7ariie no survve their is feared they will8 all peraona over 1 himself liable to a sentence j forincitinr panion, Mme. K. S. Tsilka. It is re-- I particulars of a landslide covering 500 injuries. The years of age that desire to take this civil war, and o the attaches of the theatre pre- gmrded as probable that the mission- acres of land in the district of Bosco-b- L work. Th. class is held from 1$ to wou!d necesLry slk11 prosecute If damage being done, but aries will use the nearest ThU Nearly 100 houses and the 1 iU the Lin Hob8 failed telegraph) t,on to believed, caused tho commit-nadi- r restore order until a only when the ternia of the ransom are. plantations were ruined. the supervision of R. W. Young, tee to number were temporize. injured. dlreotin8r where the eaeh shall! The district was devastated. The governor haa started a relief fund. Mlchl-natio- ns I on . The present heir has proved to be dissipated and uncontrollable. Moreover, his fathers status as a banished prince makes his succession contrary to Chinese traditions. The candidate of the empress is said to be Peitze, a nephew of. Prince and who is intellectually weak. Tuan, He participated in the Boxer aggressions, Personally .leading an. attack on the disapproves if the ate - Stamps. . al Reformed Presbyterian Drill Through Steel Floor of the Fault and Seeure 874,000 Worth of Postage Chinese officials. The navy department has received the following cablegram from Rodgers at Cavite: Active insurrection in Samar. New York has left for Catbalogan with 300 urines, to return to Basey and to with army. all naval force early concentrated oa rbVTtynyieeded and being tilized. Rodgers. i Naval officials construe the dispatch o mean that the New York will go first to Catbalogan and then to Basey and Balangiga, landing detachments of marines at each point. Rear-Admir- exceeded fifty. $1,445,306. RELIEVED. iller has been relieved of the First Army lence of the Bpeech he bers near Walker's station, fifteen miles south of Eugene, Ore. , at 3 oclock Wednesday morning and the express car badly damaged, but the booty of the robbers amounted to little. The train was cut in two by the robbers and the express car and the first coach run ahead. After going a short distance the train was stopped and the robbers proceded to the express car, taking with them the engineer. The express car was blown open with dynamite and Express Messenger C. Charles was ordered out, but refused, and with his shotgun commanded the situation inside the car. The robbers ordered him to come out or be blown up with the car, but he responded: Blow and be . The car was then riddled with rifle bullets, which did not injure the messenger, who kept up a continuous fire from the inside, which held the robbers at bay. A charge of dynamite was then thrown into the car with a burning fuse, but Charles grabbed it and threw it outside, where it exploded. Next the robbers compelled the engineer to crawl up to the opening inside of the car, hoping to use him as a protection from the messengers shots, but the messenger kept up a steady fire over the engineers head and still held the robbers at bay. The robbers then gave up the task of securing the express treasure, and went for the mail. They secured the registered mail, then cut the engine out from the rest of the train and ordered Engineer Lucus to pall ahead. They ran to Judkina Point iu the outskirts of Eugene, where they disembarked and ordered the to return and get his train. engineer Gui-terr- R ON CHICAGO POSTOFFICE. - 4 ; IfcUl-LE- I 7 I Mocy, Z, re-enteri- ng . I Pn j I from!!,"000 I Fou. I Ab-Sa- Pan-America- n -- Jot-8uflicientl- - y I I - - ef 1 1 4 . Nineteen-Year-O- ld old-tim- er br . - J I I U-- cool-nes- ad J1 is-be- at 4 |