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Show ? M j. Good Hearted ? S S ? ? ? I -- T X VTWtttt SUICIDE or in other words, men with good sound hearts, are not very numerous. t y Jail Carrying CiBtrafti. ; Th3 contracts for bids on the star route mail service distributed from the now posted and Ogden postoffice are will be received up open for bids, which to December 3, 1900. Following are the F HlSEf CMSUU. routes: Route 69,120 from Laen, by Huntsville, to Ogden, seventeen miles and The increasing Heart. back, six times a week number of sudden deaths from Leave Eden daily, except Sunday, at Harry Crossman committed suicide 7:30 neart disease. a. m Arrive at Ogden at 12 noon. his at Broom hotel room, building, chronLeave daily daily, except Sunday, some time Saturday by shooting him :i at 1 p. Ogden Arrive at Lten by 6:30 m. icled by the self through the heart. His lifeless p. m. press, is proof Bond required with bid, $1,590; presbody was discovered about 9:30 Sunday of the alarm pay, Light, creamy, evening, the pistol still clutched iu his ent contract ing prevalpay, $300. hand. savory ence of this Route 69,121 From Ogden by North This was the third attempt to take Plain bread his own life, the other two being made .OgdeD, Harrisville,Weber and dangerous Wilson, Slaterville, City, by swallowing morphine. is complaint, The young man was a son of VY. W. to Ogden, equal to 17.05 miles and back, and as no one week. times a , the Crossman, but was not living at home, sixLeave j' can foretell at eacept daily, Sunday, Ogden being employed as a janitor about the kind Broom hotel building. For several 8 a. in., arrive at Ogdeu by 4 p. m. just when a with Bond required bjd', $1,660. Presyears he has been addicted to the exfatal collapse J. A. Kreamer. $370.0; contract ent made from our pay, use of cessive morphine, a habit first will occur, the of formed by taking the drug to relieve danger flour! treatment is certainly a pain following severe sickness. .He lie sure and put an X opposite th name be a steady made many attempts to break the of James A. Ilowell. Republican candidate very nsky matter. If you 'are youll when cast .you for habit and had taken several cures, but your short of breath, have municipal Jadge, customer if you once in pain ballot. and the always relapsed lately drug left side, smothering spells, use it. was very seriously affecting his mind. WALED Lf Ffiei QGDEJ. unable to. lie on side, Saturday morning he stated to a friend that he had secured no sleep the especially the left, you should fagw b Satnrday night before and that he wanted to be Two Yonng Hen Win begin taking Co. relieved of his duties to go to his room Walk. Xidt and takea good sleep; Permission was R. C. Tyler, a clerk of F. J. Keisel of given him to do so, the young tnau Miiea reiterating several times that he did Ogden, and Otto .Meikel, an employee J ameref Arkansas City. Kans- not want to be disturbed. As his in the Utah National bank of Ogden, sa'sf, My hfart was so bad it was imhabits had been quite erratic his, propossible forme to lie down, and I could walked this to city Saturday night on longed absence was not noticed until ranid'anS6? realized TMy decline was man, whose name Sunday night, when an investigation a wager. An Ogden must get helD was advised to try Dr. was started, and a Mr. Downs in look- the pedestrians declined to divulge, 59on Miles POLLIM PLACES. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Heart Cure, which I did, and ing over the transom saw the young wagered, they claimed,inthat they could candidly believe it saved my life. eleven hours. The following are the polling places, man stretched on a cot dead. not walk to Salt Lake Grand the of Vadiu, and him So took started from .(no He had drawn the covers partly Stsry up Christianity, that will be used during the coming they r Mllea Hecnediea are sold v m. 6 arat about his p. 11 Ogden and fired Saturday. ' They body into "V this Evening. directly HIlsls on guarantee. his heart' with a Municipal Election, Tuesday, Novemrived in this city at 4:30 a. m. Sunday, revolver Dr. Miles Medical Co., which comes to the ber 5, ltyOl: From appearances there had been no thirty minutes ahead of time, taking it Quo Vadis, Elkhart, Ind. FIRST WAKI. of the distance. Grand tonigbtj.aturday), and matinee struggle, and the bed clothing had easy the latter part 249 First street. Meikes District, and muffled the sound of the shot 60 that registered at the this afternoon, is replete Tyler with 127 Second t Thirty-HisDistiict. street. and Cullen immediately went to bed,, 71 years, it was not heard by any one in the where . Brainard, and new aged 2734 GrMnt good Third avenue. 3 acting District, superb they remainejLuntil oclock in scenic ' effects., died Tuesday, afternoon at her home building. The clothing and body just Mr.The pedestrians reafternoon. Carpenter Fourth District, 2511 Lincoln avenue. the above were heart the burned the in Lake View addition. She was the by is Jamas A, Filth District, City Ilall. on featuring Young last nights Rio turned to Ogden wife of B. F. Brainard and mother of powder. this end has surrounded season, SECOND WARD. No. sure 3, feeling Justice Arthur Hall summoned a jury Grande they would L Brainard. The funeral occurred which a includes which Sixth da.iall cast, be street. District, S55 Twenty-thirheld an inquest Monday mornpaid the $150. Salt Lake- Tribune, Mr. C. R. Thursday afternoon and the remains 279 Seventh Morton, Fornham, Harry' street. District, ing, and the boys father had the body 21su have been sent to Cedar Rapids, la. Wm. Lloyel. Edward Scribner, Fred street. Eighth District, 155 removed to Richeys undertaking esR. Clarke, Wm. Melroy, Bertie Clarke, Stricken With Paralysis. Vot? for Jlin E, Knjclrjr for city at- tablishment. Ninth District, 2201 Reeves avenue. No letter or writing of R. Coniface Cal C. .. THIRD WARD. and Jones, torney. Ho l an capable lawyer Clay, of any kind was left in explanation of the Henderson Grimett, of this place, Misses Lillian wide experience. Elsie Tenth Lancaster, District, 1557 Washington avenue. act. The young man was about 28 was stricken with partial paralysis and Marie Mrs. Ada Eleventh Head, LaBrahy, Distiict, 968 Washington avenne. D. H. Peery returned Monday from years of age. of use lost Morton. one the arm and Twelfth completely Harry District, 100 Washington avenue. The coroners jury after investigaCalifornia, where he went to place his side. Thirteenth District, 1266 Washi After being treated by an emiavenue. brother in the university at Berkeley, tion rendered a verdict of suicide, comA FOURTH WARD Hvmtgpun Heart, Tuesday Evening, mitted while mentally deranged. and went down to Salt Lake Oity. nent physician for quite a while with? Fourteenth District, 2024 Adam. venue. out relief, my - wife recommended er 29. Fifteenth District, 541 Twenty cottd street. Cfarii. Flygareii not in tie City Connril to exPain Chamberlains and after Balm, Sixteenth The attraction at the Grand Tuesday, District, County Courthouse. ploit hi oratory. He in a worker. The good of it he is amost en- October 29, is from the Seventeenth District, 740 Twenty - Fourth two bottles using of Reid Hal pen ritizens of ffae Fourth ward and of the entire city st) eel. Geo. R. McDonald, who has a cured. tirely for will be benefited by Hr. FJygareo faculty putting together Eighteenth District, 871 street. Man, Logan county, W. Va. Several stage scenes that impress with singular Nineteenth 2210 Quincy avenue. other very remarkable cures of partial effectiveness, primitive and homely Twentieth Dhtriut, 1460 ChIiooii avenue. County CttBmsNiuners. FIFTH WARD, paralysis have been effected by the use truths of life coupled with remarkable The county board held an uuivnport of t this Twenty-firsis liniment. most widely j dramatic power. District, Fifth Ward Amusement ant session1 Monday.,' very little excepT oweverfTs'1 Secure- lor rtfljti Mr,. Reid is one of the few dramatic Hall. r. i routine business being done. matism. sprains and bruises.' Sold py authors that know kow to treat what Twenty-thirThe National Live Stock association all leading druggists. District, 2582 Was hi ngtou avemay be called sacred incidents without ; nue. or maudlin becoming asked the board to appoint a delegate suggesting or some kindred offence.! District, 437 T ,nty - eighth to the National Live Stock convention, If knowledge of the law .and rxier, blasphemy he has introduced in A Tha old reliable which meets in Chicago, December 3. ieuce In ilk practice entitlo one to For exampl.Heart a scene of family j Twenty fifth District, Sulliv avenue. Homespun Commissioners Wilson and Skeen were coukratlon( then John E. Ilagle), so and fc worship managed it as to arouse 0,,(leii. Milling candidate attor- in appointed to confer with the stockmen llie Republican city mind of the the spectator a feeling aiui report the name of a suitable per- ney. la I lie man to vole for. ole fiithrunj of a sense of personal and reverence, Elevator Companys son. Daniel G. McGinley and Thomas as nMr-d and deep sympathy with the city rouneilman. fjr two Commissioner Wilson reported that in merin a office. the There formerly partners participants FLOUR should be the abutments of the old bridge had cantile business in this years longer. city, were dis- are a number of strong character been removed t give place to the coniu bankruptcy by Judge Mar- studies in the play, notably the halfMarriage licenses were issued Monused by all people: crete foundations for the abutments of charged shall Tuesday. The bankruptcy pro- witted Markoe who holds the place of day to William M. F. Clark.29,and Miss the new steel bridge. ceedings were brought in February, hero, capitally played by Mr. 1age May Patterson, 22, both of Ogden;- also 1st Because it to Lawrence R. Stewart, 27, of Laud1890. at the instance of creditors. The Spencer. Chris. Fbgare t the rily mnril. He liabilities of the firm amounted to One of the most fetching characters ing, Ida., "and Miss Mae Gurley, 21, of ha no equals. and the assets to $1,798.25, with in the group is a baby girl, not yet old Pleasant View. j.s an honest i:ian and a ronsrientfou worker in exemption claimed for $581. enough to speak, but cuter than any- A good lawyer, a good in an and a u ex2nd Because it the people's interests. Jamea A. Ilowell, tha merely imagined figure that ever ap- emplary citizen S. W. Badecsn has purchased the candidate for inuniclx.il judge Republican makes the hest bread, .tore, stock and business of C. Vote for him; elect him. L. building on 3rd Because it is j .Peebles, including the Marriage licenses were issued TuesWashington avenue, for $19,008. Mr. day to John E. Larkins, 23, and Miss ! Peebles has been in the drug business a home industry. t: Sarah A. Stephens, 20, both of the day sounding the praises of that during in Ogden for twenty-eigh- t year. Bahy. his splendid railroad. to Thomas OaL was a Culley, 51, and Miss hi cmulidHln for city welcome visitor to this office. 4tb Because Harriett- rhugg, 34, both of Ogden, and it Tim Rfjmi In the lnw, ml lm attorney U to P. Jvri.jrson Glafcke, 30, of CheyA Fiendish Attack. r of funds Tie cttKlahilwIiecI r will practitioner Ogden enne. Mitatiiii. and Miss Elizabeth Lois Hillard, City employs Ogden peo- Vote lor liim. be safe while handled by Robert An attack was lately made on P. -of j, Ogien. W. L. Maginaia. A. J. Weber, II. T. A. Moyes, the Republican candi- - Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly ple. Burdette and a number of other Oleni- date for City Treasurer. proved fatal. It came. through his kid5th Because it tes went up to Coalville Monday to be The Evanston iu attendance at the trial of Dan Hoyle of last neys. His back got so lame he could cash the follows: as week The well of not stoop without great pain, nor sit in highest pave reports against the Unicn Pacific. Oil the Consolidated company in the a chair except propped by cushions. No Fossil fields, is being.sunk at the rate priee for wheat raised Suits fur Alleged Irespass. of fifty eet a day. A small How of oil remedy helped him until he tried ElecIn the federal court at Salt Lake has already been stncck, but not that tric Bitters which effected such a wonby Weber County Monday the case of the United States from the fossil fault, for which the derful change that he writes he feels farmers. company is heading. (A depth of 500 like a new man. This marvelous medi. David Eecles and Hiram Spencer feet has sow been attained. preserves and pickles, spread cine cures backache and kidney trouble, a thin coating of These are ail facts, was Iffied on an agreed statement of Mr. whose was so Young Hartog blood the and builds eye up purifies faets, argued briefly and taken under your seriously injured Saturday by a flying PURE which should be advisement, 'lhe case ic for alleged 50c Jesse J. at Drivers Only of iron, will probably recover the bit on trespass government timber and damages amounting to aboutlands, 0 sight of that organ. Dr. Brick also re- drug store, 2363 Washington avenue. looked to. are asked for. IL H. Spencer. P portsoffavorable chances for the Felt Huntsville, whose eye was inThe Fourth ward Democrats were fortunate in L. Williams and J. D. Wood were ex- - 'wy Will keep them absolutely moisture and ured acid l'ii re ltetimxi lurulilrie is by a knife cut on the same day. amined for the defense and James tffielr Mlertion of Chris. Flvgare to represent them uberul j.i ii dozen other vruyn about ulsa the Houston and Spencer Harwood for the OGDEN MILLING & JamcM A. Unwell, III boutjff. I'ull direct form In ef&cli pacluhra, Republican and all the people ic the city ronnril. Hold everywhere. CHiMlidatu for iHtinlcliml Judge, J well plaintiff. CTANDARD OIL CO. equipped for tbe pnwitiun. Vote for biin. Mrs. E. A. Littlefield and daughter. ' Major L. B. Stephens of Ogden has Mra. Julian C. Houtz, who left here ELEVATOR COS. been granted an increase of pension of the first of September and visited WKtS ALL ELSE fULST Beit Cougb Ehmp. Tastes G25a Ute $12 a month. friends and relatives iu the Eastern In time. Sold by druretsts. I states, returned home Tuesday mornFor sale by all grocer. CONS U M RsT. ON ing. The Toon; Ian Sbooti Himself Throngh the sub-contra- $3-12- ; ' Farr-Wes- t, . neg-lect- mg , pal-pitat- mn Peery Brothers Milling Heart Cure. I , . . 1 38-calib- er Thirty-Thir- d - . . - . him-wit- d - . Twenty-Fourt- h Twenty-sef-en- d Mer-ten- s, n ? 5 Seasons Twenty-fourt- h DM-'ic- t, - rn..-i.,irqr.Q- Twenty-secon- d --t- i"- , d Twenty-fourt- h strt-ei- . 1 fr Mc-Ginle- y, simple-minde- - Ue-fk- ft $5.-108.- 3i, 1m i j 4 J,!arr-Wes- ! -- 1 News-Regist- er On Jellies he-dr- h PARAFFINE ( $13.-00- I Its Consoling to Spain that theres no need of a court of inquirv. We, on the contrary, invite the closest investigation; the more you investi-- Vi. the we surer and our are of your permanei t methods, goods gate We aim to do business on these lines: Treat 30 u courteouslr, give you the best to be found in the market for the money and not to worry the life out of you when you come in to the store with a lot of nonsensical talk. We give 'ou credit for patronage. knowing what you want. Itepectfully, P. S. Dont fail to look over our line of clothing and Cloak before yTou buy. , r I. L. Clark and Sons 2360 and 2302 Washington, OGDEN, UTAH. Go! |