Show -- i u-Sw SDeath Closes Career of Utah Railroad Man X With the increase of gold shipments from Montana Mr Sprunt wss employed as shotgun guard on the express cars on the Utah Northern from Terminus to Montana He was said to be the first railroad man -- to locate in Pocatello and was the first conductor on the Ore- An active and constructive career tended here Friday with the death —of Jamea Peacock Sprunt founder £Tof Ogden city’s street railway sys-- Z tim pioneer sugar factory operator railroad man and real estate ter Mr' Sprunt died of Illness to age Friday at 8:45 a m at 7 Xlls home 101 First avsnue V He was bom at Perth Bootland 'January 31 lMf to William Dow and Elizabeth Peacock Sprunt He "arrived with his family In Balt Lake Tcity with Captain Rawlins' train TTof 66 wagons in September 1864 Mr Sprunt moved to Ogden where In 1888 he was a cook on Later —the Union Pacific ralroad o' he carried messages for Which he “received 110 a day Coon after the railroad reached Ogden he was employed as engine '"wiper by the Central Pacific rall- — roda He braked for' the Union Pacific and later was fireman be “tween Green River and Rawlins James Peacock Sprunt closes active career nt -- SATURDAY MORNING THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE 11 w ry k - Death ZWyo of Virgin river sent out engineers and had 284000 acre sndtr control when the panic of 190T wiped out hopes for his Irrigation plans Mr Sprunt then engaged In the beet" sugar industry establishing factories at GunnLson and Rigby Idaho During the World war he built the 'largest potato flour mill in the United States at Burley gon Short Line railroad In 1883 he and Joseph A Stahr formed the firm of Sprunt and Stahr at Ogden They lost the undertaking In the panic of 1887 Mr Bprunt later secured option on the Ogden street car holding oompany Under his direction the mule track was converted to standard gauge It was due to his efforts that Ogden had rapid transit before Salt Lake City BOYS Entering the real estate business Mr Sprunt developed the hot GIRLS' springs north of Ogden now known at UtahT hot springe West Ogden and other parts of the city In the early ’90s be went to Mexico where ho was emigration agent of the Mexican national railways He held this position until a revolution overthrew the government He returned to Utah and was the first in Utah and Nevada to file for water under 'the Carey act He claimed 411 unappropriated water JUNE 1938 11 With ths end of the war the demand for potato flour ceased end ths business closed After a trip to Australia where he visited relatives in 1911 he retired from business Surviving are three sons T R Sprunt of Salt Lake City D R Sprunt of Denvsr Colo and J P two Sprunt of San Francisco daughters Mrs Elizabeth P Cat-tro-n and Mrs Charles Alt both of Salt Lake City six grandchildren and two FreeBalloons LARGE SNAKE BALLOON WITH EACH CONE Large MICKEY MOUSE BALLOON with eaeh PINT QUART aAHVQFQAA (jarden (jate SPECIAL TODAY Fresh Orange Marshmallow — qt 50c BAIT ITH SOUTH MOSIH MAIN -(J)— HU SOUTH 15TH EAST (4— S3S SOUTH 1STH EAST DismncriD cleanllneiofboby (U-- ese (1)--4U ' COHlEa fresh-smelli- - FR Eg ft&LOONk TODAY on 1 things" is vital for health protection Clorox used In the regular laundering process makes white cottons and linens snowy-whit- e especially important for diaperw bed protectors sanitary use Clorox K has mony rubber sheets panties Play safe personal and other uses Simply follow directions on label bDDD P P CQ L Q — in ni : iJT— hv‘ itjiYiTm FHIEST f FRESHEST r D daf every week throuihout the year you’U find the Finest Store Compare et Fruit and Veietabl In 0 F Freaheet and tocke— compare v aria tiee—compare price and then make 0 P I Stored bout pleasurable place to Food Shop I very Wherever Q - SOUTH TEMPLE FINE FLA VOR COFFEE-- Flavor that’s completely satisfy thing about lb v MARSIIMALLOVS ing—a clean crisp taste— zesty tang— mellow smoothness! That’s beer—and that’s why Fisher Beer Is first choice among thousands of people who li£e good beer Enjoy this delicious wholesome beverage— with meals— between meals Keep a supply on hand SATURDAY BARGAINS FOR THIS FRIDAY AND Is Appreciated the ft 2ND EAST— 1ST SOUTH ft SED EAST— 11TH SOUTH ft 5TH EAST ITH SOUTH ft TH EAST— Ml SO 1JTH EAST gg Q q 25' Green Peas p!g-1- 0' 1' 17' - Crisco-Snovdri- lt tin 49c 3-ib -- i" 20' PEANUT BUTTER Large Pkg 10c FRUIT CO CUTAIL-tal- Choose Beer— Be Temperate Q u ies coffee ib SUGAR 10 lbs E5s r RUTTER I! DTOILET TISSUE-- WAX PAPER ST 0 Rolio’s i lb 241c Creamery r"! LIBBY’S PEAS 10s 10s ' - - n HEIIJZ TOMATO JUICE S" 5 ORAIIGE JUICE ?46-o- --- doz‘27c D 25' § fOT 3 tins z 35c g D 'meats you will enjoy equality try a Roast or steak today— it’s delicious D lb 25s lb 22c LAMB CHOPS lb 12c GROUIID ROUND iT EKS lb IQe Q VEAL STEAK Ih lie PRIME RIB ROLL RST n q VEAL ROAST lb 19s LETQmBROAST'S BACON -- nu for 25s IODIZEDSALT pkg 5c 15c OXYDOL large pkg 19c D 3 op Decker’s SAEG0S’ SPRINGERS POT ROAST D 7ZZU 4 lor 25s TUIIAFLAKESrJ UILKiift 15 Ib box SODA CRACKERS 0 15c pound package lb 25c Lbri)i t Quality Cl Bepreeented or Your Money Back HARD ROLLS nr RAISIN-DAT- E Bread in Cinnamon Clusters COMPLETE DELICATESSEN COTTAGE CHEESE u LIVER RINGS CHEESE r! J Bluhllt CHEESE ea Ss LUNCH LOAVES 2 pkgs 17c I “"'T': lb 7e 12 lbs 25s '3 'I fit IT MORE long tedious boiling! With Certo you boil NOyour fruit juice only minute for jelly— one minute i i i " I if 8 tTA4 WihprK kt ft fl VMW 1 for jam I Think of the laving in time and work in less than IS minutes after your fruit Is prepared you can Clalcet pour and paraffin a whole batch of jam or jelly! BAU 'AGAIN MORS CLASSES! Due to that short bod no fruit juice goes off in steam as it does by the old tong-bo- d method i So you average 11 glasses of jam or jedy instead of 71 You get better taatinj jam and jedy with Certo too because with that short minute bod none of the flavor bods away! jj feet results from any fruit— even strawberries and No costly jam and jedy failures! pine-sppl- ei Q lb 3c WATERMELONS UTAH BERRIES CANTALOUPES 2 cups 15s ORANGES 2 doz 19c LEMONS r ‘r ealOc doz 15s UTAH GREEK CHERRIES CUCUMBERS - -- & pM I Rolio’s EggsE--r 25' Each 1' Fresh Limes Texas Tomatoes Sn00th lb bottle 10s lb-- 9' OXYDOL Large PacIcage JQc 13c GERBER’S BABY FOOD 4 cans25c &0FTASILK 2Sc Gold Medal Flour 5-- lb Pkg 10c bag 25c 2 £or 15c 3 or 25c CL£ g n jj 25c SoupS GRAPE JUICE pint bottle 15c D SPRING FRIERS D 3for Campbell’s LEMOH JUICE Kin Key 12c !!' Quality Meat Bargains DOILEDIIAM LOAF CHEESE “230 b American Picnic Hamburger Jr"tlnv4MS6iert 2290 HENS lb 19c SLICED BACON JZSK VEAL ROASTS 3 lb 35c FRANKFURTERS Q Ib3s n JQc g U S ’inspected lb23c lb 15c lb 18c lb 25c MldvMd Bonntiful Murray 1668 So ISth Enet S3 So Main South Main 1438 So Su( State St & 2nd So 3259 South State 9th East A 13th 801 758 East 4th So 4th East A 3rd So South and 11 tb Ea&t Sug&rhouse Market Square-S- lut DOR PS QS Stores D 3 r asrii4-l- ib 23c 19c 2 for Oc D c 25c : doz- - ARMOUR’S CHEESE 2TI032' a d ad a a da da Oranges VIiippihg Cream bS lb IDs LJ ITALIAN SQUASH HEW CABBAGE 0 CERTO- The Perfect Fruit Pectin 0 CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP ParityCoohies Cantaloupes PILGRIM Ot BUTTER— Box b '1-l- VHEATIES PEAS2 lbs 9 S 41' 24' 15' 10' Mayonnaise gg S00: Schilling’s Coiiee k:£ puitEx CARDEN FRESH FRUITS O VEGETABLES your fruit is prepared! 2 tor 35' Libby’s PearsMf: n lb 23s lb I&s Veal Oxford FRANKS— Fresh Fresh CncambersSJ0!'3 5' Libby’s Corned Beet 16' Voods Cross Tomatoes ea 13s dozl8c Indiv Shortcakes — 14 daz IEs 23s BREAD STSSEJ 2 for 17c ea33c CAKE DATE-HU- T Local LettuceLryswr head 5 Oranges s°aii juicy 3 doz25' iTASTYFRESM BAKED GOODS n lb5' 2 !or 15' Ij 25s U lb 1526' SSS Strawberries Pfrg-1jj SURD WHEAT n Libby’s Corned Beet- - 'an Welch’s Grape Jiiice---Fin- t 25' ’R MIRACLE WHIP lie quart 39c WHEATIES Quartered and Cartonned Fancy Fresh Creamery OPS Butter JU Surety 0 PurityT " " ! |