Show J THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE JUNfi SATURDAY MORNINO 11 25 ltU'y "Stock Prices Ease Downward as Market Lacks Buying Stimulus 1 1- - Y Stock Shares Loaf JS Through Most of Day Stock Prices - - " 8TOCK8 lslil High I Low j Closed Slag M S L Stock Bonds Firm Rails Recede Quotations Market Quotations KEW YORK Tin 10 ru 60-5- 5 M LL R C Of R K O 4 Vis ft ii Htm Rand u Ko Mot O 4t Maiwo at 2 U do fid 21 11 - ll'1 h '4 IS II 44 aa II 104tf 1644 141 A Hay Tob B 4i 87 l4 St Jo Load Bchenlev D i Bo 2H 13 Cal EdM Swiftlntarl nucy-ari- 40 V TR 11 m Oen 441s 68 Inland Stl SH 61 36 48 Loew — 69 Ti x 2 liaiir 90 if ?o U 03 30 09 48 00H f per cent wage cut there £ V bfftU l'''? - IflhlnIT Conner ' K ninim Kr ntv was a virtual abandonment of hope "W o 65HlBi llnn 14 lor nu a at iBEpsru bs vvto eo 8LSi Si'" ? ? Krk King gionjiiaand Kd so cal Konold loans psrK Italian Polish Belgian ilAlrfcra neiaon t e soii'X led an upturn in the European sec- SO 11 O L 5a 58 I inr lor i vua it iuni" "Tmnui I Wash -t 4a 66 A' wis vT"ipinrna Hnatoi Plumbll Minis issues were utauy t itoCK lalei Friday 62000 lhares: Total lutui totaiea J3i4ar 99 H Transactions nonn snies rinoe uon Total sBarei 209170 year ago e against 14310500 Thurs Friday 81iuuuuu ysar ago aiMauvu Ico Argentina rwaton coalition 100 day iinv kiii i nu 15 Ttl mL Si :ir I 13 OI do sen 4e T5 Mont P 66 3ti Nat D 3 81 WW nreei ss bs rai NYC 4 Ve 2013 A lOfiH 2I10SH 106Tt 111 45 4444 104 1 T nlu 05V4 11 ¥MW in ft "r i srctilr I vnm "36 Sliver King West Silver Shield Silver Standard fiiiM ntSnna 11 I directors of the Walker Bank and Trust company Friday declared a dividend of $3 a share it was an-li- o nounced by E O Howard president g of the company The dividend is ! nm payable July 1 to stockholders of nX record June 28 -- 1 82 litt Walker Bank Board Declares Dividend Ufl JIM at Utah Power and Light issues were softer the (7 preferred declining to 3325 off 75 cents and the IS preferred to 131 of! 25 Cents 4 40 Qutncy BSSB idated 01 M 01 ' Sioux Mines 80 Iron Blossom Produce Markets 11 awn Juna in rUSDAl 1— 4rK BUTTSR 07 fnT iimludaa aah a6Snuth itandaro 6lU Ptrst grade lb I 38 to 'or'i'lf 'melve No Am Co 5a Al too It No for n 210 Second crads lh 25Vs 01 Vl 00 A Ed 5a 89 0 Chicago 10l8 Wfs ?" 10 overcomi OlVt (Parctunattt Wrapped H leu) mu NO rIC 6 2047 "— wneai Tlntlo Tas Tos7 nirkln t prices 51' csniraj 8585 owl ?5 ' 01 aooui oeni 7 0 41 87 IT To Tintlo laowntuma ieao koos do 1 nfri 4 ' 35 0 The transieni oeciuies were mikiimb n market! few Tlntlc Standard 25 0214 Larga white new laid extras dot 0 S Smelt: I with widely 41 61 inoorrect expeotanoa by raMHeJ&alTVhSfSt 10 04 U 94 cmei 24 01 2 Medium white new laid extra 1 dog U 8 Steel Ctah Con P United Statei goverament thi that trader! k sw laid standards dos 24 ' 05 Lug do Dfd a com Wou d closs ladl TI110S due the Pc t after 11041 va'aliri: 8ug ' Urop j report Ji'STaVoi rood lios lw --— — ' Utll PftLtAl 85 v CUIUS An urn Tl? a Qomnarativaiv large nroaucuon oti'"'--Pa RR 4M db 70 p OU Cod no an o 'VI wlrrt cream ! 5 lo Bi°h0'BRMB WMt "'l ui no salei triplets — 1314 51 80 do 34l 70 si Walareen I 80 Full Cream longhorns lh l"J Al m mailer 01 jaoi vne uvvruuicnv ivicior jnn 'ai nn c Walworth DKNVER JHn 10 iflmkl-Qm- -Port O E4m 60 181 69 Walker Mining 68 tt 59 forecast of 760623000 buiheli of 1938 cured lb nniA Triplets western landwleh-loaOOU Warn Bro domeatie winter Wheat narveu was neany Keceipta ou caivse Toledo oi J'JJ'a'SJ'y t lb 3 Ful' cream ft'i Waa 0 ft f ysi wait CUtteri R Rand 4Ui 86 6425w525 wilhaft 93 U 03 M U innnnonn hnhala leaa than tha avaraaS loowa 1350AT00 cureo iff wesiem 01 longnorna West U Tel 21 Vi Ren Stele 5V 54 and was vealen weak 8750OlUuu omer classes vtnka( Con 105 u of June 1 private eitlmates 1?6 Ml 105 ft$U I Daisies western cured lb ' West Air B I KUVVllW Hi do 4W--I 56 a — 4 S3 lllOMir 83tt (construed 81 stunning bullish surprise TI eayvvunau Ipraj HH am a a a i a v im active TOO: falrl Weat KftM a m Unofficial advices from traveling experts Wblte Motr Shell Un SUs 51 - KRIDXT SALM winiaii 28in2Mi 1(2H 102 pviriav hefora the aovernment reDOrt was itrong to 50 n gnen 1011 10 NEW YORK Juna 10 (AP)— Hjtga— - I l Skeuv 50 1866 to 270 10: 4! wooiwortn 4S pound! ODtlmlim of and S900B9l5! a mixture oil i1 ini eoast iumbo and premiums 80 si 211 101U inrf weresummed Blrirhsm Metals 1006 at ISO! BOO at Pacific ou rao 4 Mi 61 Worth PM I 8T 7m 37 w "! "'jJXX 34c- - specials 29 Vi 0 30C J standard! " up in a message sent 21 Vk' al 600 at 12 Wc pessimism - 4 do 191 48 Wrliht Air! T4 at 4744 3iuu asjing iteady or 12Mo 48 Bheep— Recelpti II by H 0 Donovan 'at Enid Okla saying anove Bllver 1000Aat medlumi 2B®2fa Btlitol tj29c Jo: nee uu no 4Mi on rrj s c 500 44 U lor whl a tha aron situation waa bad In """ Kit iprmi 9o 1000 at at 2000 Tftcl 8Vo 731 11 Tallow 261103 Std Oil N I 31 61 1103 103 lnm HitHi ha had standing shorn iwie strougar it waa not m had li0 CHICAQO Juna 10 (AP)— Buttsr waa at 10'Ac: 10500 at AlcA i??9 7 281 — Youna BftT cvt 45 eew 56 56 U expcUd in view oi rectnt reiwrts Columblis-Rexs3000 at JViO guide JUM iu iar-unOODEN j steady oa top gradea and firmer on lower Radl Zenith 9 11" a I v mwir lUOi DUtoneis ovv aieiaia Receipts Comouieo rrean: s scon xbv Un Pac lit 4147 quaiiuea Friday 4I110U u fisx nilltf svnrui in t'nnirB a is au aJV zouu f1-vHComet coalition Rnn 25V4C 92 score 24V 24ie: 91 icore Zonlta Prodi 2 8RV4 ljomiou do S1! 70 FKuiavUsa buu4uuna at 17c miBn nuinn -- S"!" r"c" IBHUgf'VUDl 19 score 33c t 88 80 More 8344a 34o Utah 5s 44 21 83 83 U 100 at SM 3H CHICXOO June 10 AP— ash wheab— to 8840: midlum klndidownto le4 Friday I T°tl' Kore 408370 pravloua eeie: o eeeee 8HC imooth 1000 ia tt sows bulKd No 56ouweou sain rsported packingna eA nn 10I103U I103M i"3H Vt Rv HS 66 cern-J- fo Ulm lxed 68e: No t 1 721021 two yean ago 998260 January Cattle— Riceipts 75- very slow: little dottnUln View 1000 it 240 No 4 sec 1 to date 98623398 Vear ao 218486' West P Kt Be 48 LOS ANOBLTiS Juna 10 API— Prmtuea 31 1744 17S4 " sse59c §: 1630 Oats— No 1 mixed SBfcei No 1 whits done few dairy type medium Park c ty von ouu i (exchanaa receipts Weal tTn 5i 51 101 5Uj Sv neuers Prince Cop 100 at 300 i' sarai iewwmii u - 91 56 one: Butter 42000 Pounds Cheese do Bs 60 56 66 cutter araoes — no 4 yauow tiuo cows S435®525 Tt KucKwoeai uoaiinon do Iggs non 800 at 1100 com sam B6c: 3 yellow Bovbeans— No 1J65V4 55U 65H 4iy 50 nutter ana oneesa ana poultry unensnted tsw small lot! 14200: Oo 1 P SALES M) CURS (Aftlf ICksb 1—candled flleaii lam atandaitlB Tnun gT 4a 61 4 ple? 101 09 en( lmnSTBO800: laU Thurs35952c nominal ao 4rtv-lBarley — Peed I3V44 Grand depoall 1000 t 8Vs0 day thres doubles good to sholaa POR15IOri BONDS mailing marxei asoo Idaho ismns m BAfT FRANCISCO Jun l6 (saiif fiono) "u- -' '' —Butter 92 score 26c: 61 score 25c: 8(1 vTinflu't Australia 5s 55 4I105V4 105 Rece ots 170U ramer amw aieaur iu I icore 240 89 score 93c I 1 m 44HI CHiUAiiU juna for millers leekiuf "''F """5 i-T- -t !'i tu m Otah-Idah- o !h-Wy- " M lift HI face-valu- rpi lift a St'ioU 11 ed ot m -- m Int Paper 5s 47 In TftT ov V 39 an Air Line! Unit Alrcra Unit Biacult Unit Corp Unit rrug Unit Fruit U Qaa Im U a In A U B Leat A U 8 Re ft I U S Rubber 14 a 12 for a 104 1U4 U 4lG roff rown Point u ragon ! II aat Crown Point Coal Tlnlls NE"t V" Iru-ra- 13 III F Un Carbide! Un Oil Ca Un Pac fK T7 128 x — U- - T 14H eovt 24 -- ui TS IUi Cor Tw rf5i O M Ao 8s 46 do El Goodrich 4US R6 6s 57 Odyr Ot Nor 41 46 O iranaamar W Air Tr ev 10H T Aft T Pa L Tr Tbora Prod Tlda-A O Tlm-DAx Tim Roll B ldf 84 20 13 - — M Erie axaa Cor ea Oulf e Budd f irmness 3i stoaa ft WI Studa Corp Sunab liiig Huthar Papj Swift ft Co Whel and closing Quotations were around Budd Billiard CO: Bur Ad MchJ the bottoms of the day Steels were depressed fay the U S Byers Co Steel figures for May' disclosing the Calif Pack Calla smallest shipments for any month Cal ft Heo since December 1834 At that the Can D O A Can Pacific drop was hardly surprising in view Car a Otu J I Co of the lengthy decline in mill opera' Case Cater Tract Ce arK Com tions Corl Celote uer ! rat Rails Mark Time Cer-tProd a Obi Rails were not especially weak on Chel N W C the whole but they failed to make Chrysler headway when the president at his Colnate-- I F ft If press conference spiked rumors that Colo Col O ft El! he would send another message to Col PlO vtc Carhnn congress urging federal relief for Col Credit' the roads at this session On top Com om Solv om ASoui of this last week's freight loadings as forecast were off more than sea- congoieum lou Aire Con til lion sonally do nx Coppers did well for a time as the Con Oil Textile price for scrap metal and the ex- Con Con Bale A port rate were lifted They dipped Con Can later Oon Oil D - The principal alrcrafts fell not Corn Prod irana Co a announcement of withstanding Cr of Wh British order for 400 airplanes to CifAm Bug! wuruM-w- r Lockand American Aviation North do A heed North American closed unafter being up the changed at 9 greater part of the day Lockheed on the curb was down slightly The theory here was that recent strength in the aviations may have discount ed actual and expected foreign pur East R Mill' Eastman K chases Eaton Mtz Kl Auto Lt — Kl P ft Lt' Gold Bar Prices EuP8$6 pt On the side of the inflation think wnw ers was a boost in the London gold rca Firestone Fllntkatabar price and a run-u- p in the prln Freeoort a cipal foreign currencies in terms of the dollar There were reports of private buying of gold in the London mart from America and the continent was said to have in- creased demand for the metal for oen Ry Big! R ui hoarding purposes Although the gen 'in idea was scouted by Washington uen T ft R aa observers some financial quarters Oil B Rai Good B F still had the idea of dollar-poun- d pfd O T ft R devaluation in mind Pe Prominent share losers included Graham Gt N Ry pf TJ Ot W 8ug S Steel at 42 Bethlehem 44 Corp U S Rubber 36K Qrey Chrysler 41 — II — Hacker Pr Montgomery Ward 814 J I Case Hero Pow 77 Douglas Aircraft 45 Boeing Her Choo du Pont Hoi Furn 23 Westinghouse 75 Holly Sua 97 tt and Santa Fe 26 Home m 7J4 eufc 41 61 U 2 uu AIM oi uunues wasasoei wonliHlu 1H 182 J 12 Vt Imrwirtant lui City Cnnner lawiul Huh i riw i rinaal atuA with rannrta anm — I V it n Itmnlra Mlnei 1 Nat Tun to were take tMu Bullion 1 planning mpanies tunki an 51 aw irt ffurelia Alieananr ?a Li Con 03yi i ID 7V dn 5a 80 at Ti market Nia Hud row the 6 of capital r k worn advantage A ft F P Si 2030 taUlM BIMHWI 7 A T ft T 5 Mil 43 113H revival for debt refunding which KSwmi X HH0-108 It lalWI 2o!i Uiuger Mtg a Pepollt r3'1"! I Technicolor would cut Interest harges' Anaaonda 4UI 80 321104 t 104 Waatara Arm Del 4i 65 aat United Oaa norn suvar volsmall in were offered Bails A T ft S F 4s 93 Unit tt A P A iuuiaua tiuean Bald Lo Si 40 at umebut support was poor and the Kanuanef IK Associated Press average dipped 'ftf arg yt D ft O OS 20UO L) Kautuckv-UtaBeth Steel 41 60 BONDS D0ME8TI0 iua do Sata 68 low to a new fit March eelde Monaroh'!! (Sales tn SlOOO) the llHIthrough Bklyu MT 4Vtl 66 67 Lehl Tiatio 41106 106 106 minimum sinoe June 3 1932 The Alum Lid Ss 48 Leonora 106 108 S7I Can Nat 4 Ma aaita 2025 4 79 78V 108 drop was attributed to discourag-U79 Can fu 4Vii 60 01 Vi Magnolia Lead ao 41 perp 78- - ling word from Washington on the cm d e 4Hs to T8 Mammoth Cen Pao 1st 41 49 Miller Hill to 6H status of proposed legislation CM8PAP 51 75 Miliars Gold a wt do adl s 2000 nowr vt uonarcn r lenoina Missouri enlarge 10s inns ins Clav F Ill 69 lOSVt Rim conzres-Tn Hrht MWUW the 4he of 1 AW All WUW CI U T 4 Via 77 O i77 Mt city lcopper n remainder Colum O Si 61 3 87U sional program for the Mountain Viiw I 10 TO Coral Cred 34 51 Nalldrlver of the session and opposition of or- - J' b nun g bo I J1 70 BOVt BOH 50 Oon Edla 104 '41 4 euie urua Si g 93 92 a-92di 5 6 aw Park 10 unanciai um rau laoor I03uieanizea siinosi 100 100 Con ew Premier I 51 lOOtf if hv h ffftwarnmaat ao lonir as New "CORPORATION BONDS (Bales in S1000) W ataw-War- n Mrs1 Oil rrJta I a do S4 fltd Oil Btd Oil laH Std Oil N J en Humble 10 ci brdt h South Paclf boutri Ry Sparry Corp uraunai aq Sid O ft £ Bras I Mm L92 Sucony-V- JH04 131104 111104 13 44-4- 2 1 11 30 HI SOH1 12V 101 Hlmmoue CO SKeuy oil 41 49-3- I sew Bar Rob aervel Inc Shell Vn Oil ao old will 1S 4 64-4- 4 Bridge Briggs Led by Bristol Silver which ad vanced sharply on heavy buying 02 Issues provided mining 0041 Pioche ':SJ group leadership Friday en the Salt v- 13 7 r2ix uaaa'Skuca CAVuaualv aiuiigj wcka and most active :iavsjth' this week with prices gen-05 — Urollif hltrSS i " 02 ( 40 cents ip" ft half Opening at' 32 02 to 12 advanced Bristol cent Silver 02 13 on a volumi of 16800 share De17 :li mand la based on Reports Of increas 02 ing mineralisation in a drift westleveL ward on the mine's 1700-fo02 01 Mountain City Copper recovered 10 to tt25 up 23 cents Combined 03 03" Metals to 12 up 2 Grand Deposit 18 36 to 8 up a quarter cent and Colum02 bus Rexall to 2Vt up a quarter cent' Bingham Metals opened at 1J cents SI un 1 but reacted to iu Comet Coalition opened at 16 cents unchanged and held firm at 02 mai price inrougn ine iraaing 01 11 Utah-Idah- o 2500 shares Sugar 10 common sold unchanged at $1 Eureka Lilly at 35 cents Eureka Bul01 lion at 17 and Park City Consol- Asked -- nn 47-4- 1 20 U I 3 oj " 53-5- 1 r o Ut New York curb axchanta: I I9 54-6- 1 21 (AP)-Pollo- lit a lilt of Friday'! Uanaactlooa en PiocIie'Mine Issue Leads S L Market fRlDAt QUOTATIONS --United NSW YORK Juns 10 STOCKS I Bid (BIm in Huudradi) ultiissues and States government TREASURY ISalaal Hurhl Low CIom Alta Tunnel (Furnished by J A Bo(l ft Co members Am Met Mia Co good part of the Njj— vtmw i put hock waiaai mm i Low t uat W lines held 31 76 75 l Beaver Quid Cos 'J'1 Mien uou iaw acnusf m oona ?L""Y?f a Blr Hill 11108 21081210812 puymg inieraei in 11608 11489 11447 off 127 3Vta 41 JU mausi yiiy rnoijj Hlncham Uat&la 17§ 28 Off 20 ralia 34a f 2053 S fSftJtelt 2UTo jiyoi SA Rails retreated luoS iiiois jmsj-ke- t Ul-- I 'P lHllt 1 uu 44 on i SWi 20 Utilities 191a 83 iBonanaa Mining 4 40 bond Is) SS's? oft' 02 S !r recent upturn cm vi 8iiaft-U 5 their slioe ioe ioiloe 5 so Extending 2ol Bnatol SUrer 6§H Commodities 4110 Off 06 2HJ 478 eamca HWI a eni bai 8 W Bullion 4 on- -a SS 10 00 1flAOOilOAnOUl i- - J 20 10 30 X se II 99 Cardiff i Rails -- Via 2vta Jndust It 61 bl Vk OiTICeiiaf Tal imau IHSomwft £wF 1838 hlrt 13435 82 33 21 bs 3a n AltEoughcomparatlvely ilioe 2 U iMntrat KlandH eiie'i4iioe low 19U' pg85 214a 1937 high i)i04ra lio:i 1104:2 active dwler reoorted some quiet S?°£TMi!K 19440 644 ilayton0Sllvir' 18 l4 lA 1937 low S89 21 50 :"!!ilS4 o Pfd w FEDERAL FARM MORTaAOE S- O- ou c olorads Con mhn tKAnrrit MM 1932 low 4122 1383 1 5J 501 63 are pfd 63 olumbueRxlll 14411 1929 high J8i at aawAa la omblued Metalt Mi1:ill?:lS8?:l4 l they saw In :the resulU of the June Jjft &Ta A Vti v i go a I C lommonwealth nnAnnTl Lead Pullman a I OWNERS LOAN ante roiuituius HOME Oulf Oil iviciitiauj reecent Aagie Purt utt ba-i- uoca-uoi- a : b 1 ifil awssssasssssaeasasB-- e I a 17 U 3i i l "4 ju " b - PI 1 '"El S"!5i":w8i jts Wool Markets Continue Dull 4U 4U 164" 1S3 12 12H 15 '4 so ahJJnfiri n v 4tts6s 5855 S Unlisted Industrials Cloie hlrher than Thursday's rataverage sowi Cage and chuee unchanged rrsiv ac butobei d wneav— over Bilglum 2 Mi 4nn lirlO: (aw cholor ?Mi Brssll 8s 41 8 74 74V4 T5H 8 July "do 6V4I 28-5I nounai soan i& aiuii'e Asked I Bid ?r5 iu Dec' ! choice --3il09?4 109 H 4a 60 890 to speoulator bulk good O'andcomparaBOSTON June 10 tm—The Com- - Canada Stock List 61 19 Chile 7s 42 uorn— 80 to 270 pounds S8708 f acatSoOGMo: to 300 pound! Ool 6s 81 Oct le 870 wnafPAxf "t Mil aw a nr— ft mercial Bulletin will say Saturday ConenhisuiiMiM - -a galwii 4 Maoli" r - Ri ruuwwiiia welyhts down to 6810 paid 52 Iwwuw eloelna nrtcaa af hlah low and for 428 poundi bulk good paoklni g gowi BiKPssEftpM: 3 95T4I 95 62 The wool market continues very Denmark stocks traded Friday oa the Bo4ton stock oatt— UUAB OS OU UCI 4 auv 30Vs 2' nn (exchange $? M J1" 26 56Vi ouu 26H 2Va July Oovt 7s 4t a 31 cattle— I si - 2' dull although there seems to be oer active Z tnAdaratelv mA neceipis 26 "J 26Va 26 26V4 km 4l T2M 724 Sipt 71 ISalesI High I Low Close 44 3CAPTap M alow Anws weak: 29 S7?t ATA Deo --2744 a somewhat broader movement of nniy IB iwoi 27V4 hifT aarrei Bitra 81 78M 78 r 1§V5 I 43 oy beans I 43 501 43 fTradln I L Block txehanga) North Butte nulls ana veaiers aoom eij -"-J'-J" S J T5 11 r" 1SU 54 evil at wool in the west Buying Is some- Japan Clsht 86 5 864 ay S3tpO 467 Utah Power pfd July ao ovss B5 01A 46 6114 8444 LlKht 67 pfd a at a 33251 84H 64H Powar Utah 41 63 8lc : 511084 10SS what heavier and consignments are Norway 80Vi 80Vi 794 10 two loftni iuot llpiiuum 31 1541 Orient D 8Ui 68 saw rada rIi 50 IB nnwi cnno f A 50: diui juiy — also more general as shearing Pen 51 A3 A St 41 lot 44Vt 43 odd neaa neavy Poland 81 60 9 45 V 45 4 a li widens out Most rthe business for Rio ds J 6VS 53 6W on I non ton vsalerl 1900: Odd ItJt c no Issued every morning by The Salt Laaa 54Va Rome 6 Mis 62 90 67flji H 66 inouna mourning company 8 5314 52 H mill aocount here is in wool from Tokyo C Si4s 61 6 27 nW conaljrt 8 32 hSh'eerRecelpts 8000 35 ? 32 54V fl4 IOK El Lt B! 03 I ?1V Asked I 8 57 loads 6 52 8 47 Bid salablt lUPPiy of the west on order 13 54 Us 54 Toko 6s 61 8 62 8 67 8 65 Including two in SSi Sao I 170 1$ 1 85 aprlngl Amali i ugar com i 45 6 61 sprlnas load Idahoi ona load TBJRM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION ' 852 "The price basis has hardly Total bond ssles Trldav 63014425 25 Belitoi Plrst qouunir vwk ewes fat lambs fully 25 " and Ismhi one montb 00 Dally end Sunday $ 105 previous dev 84810500: week arc ' io 10 k- -r noma too ins bins ataadvi native rire 1138 8 I apiiimiuiBn a Ann m ohanged for the week good fine n7Klnn Dally and Sunday one year la ad bucR lembi discounted kSl Utali 5U Jtaflnlnl 00 1 vance 86 Utah Southern Oir liuo and fine medium wools being gener ago jit oer cwtf common to choice ewes $150 50 thi above ratu apply In Utah Idaho 350480 aood and oooios iseama wmua nt basis landed in yean BONDS ally on a nsvada and wyomini ago 61669031000 MINNEAPOLIS June 10 (API—Wheat 325 13 6790 tHa United Statu! — ReoeipU Xlsswhere in Boston 45 oars trading basis uu-locally owned wools are 62 60 90 60 62 V Juna 10 CHICAGO Holly Sugar 4a 4T 1185 ±H0 Digner 100 00 I Dally and Sunday one month Uoud H A 98 00 coanged No 8000 Including ao ihorU" usually held higher Pullers report 1 heavy BBttc — Reoelpts active Cash— quotations la on aala In even imoor- 00 Tribune 106 welithts on Thi 22° do B 50 45 104 £°umal Utah Rota) SVil moderately a little better business at steady United the Howe Snd Itant Header in States down Itrong to 10c Blaher than 13 L a Ogden ol 00 eity sows utah-ldah- o IOSCOHud Mot 6 may ascertain agenia ui any city oy iaia- rates average other! and packing cholca Sugar So 160tb ood and SO! 87H6)8Hc: fanoy Hupp Mot phoning thli office 1 steady top 6916 No 1 or No hard dark are a 9901 to markets 91i©93Hc! "Foreign primary ©915 260 Thi Tribune li a number of tha Asso-hard Montana winter 8344 87 44a: hard nniindipounds a 60S6 00 800 to 350 pounds III Cent bit on the soft side and secondary Tha Aaioclated Press la ax- elated Preia l esUl! amber durum No 1 T5HV90H0 No 2 §860890: good 400 toB50-PojijM- I Inland SU entitled to tha um for reproduction No I 1 3 No 20 are less eluilvely 70HV86H0 markets active 73®89HC In a lows $785® 815 light welghtl Inap Cop S ot all newi dispatchei aredlted to tt or sTm sea Inter Iron "In the plecegoods markets there not otherwlsi credited tn thi! paper and Corn— No 3 yellow 62H954H4: trad- - "cattie-Reoe- lpti 600: cjlvei S00t UP lnt Bua M Special to The Tribune the local newi pubilehed herein Is also In goods only a moderate Interest n'sn"' ply fed iters yearling! Thuridav bank debits I 6201 7779 00 Int Harv June 10 d)-T- he WASHINGTQ 240766100 I 'ini i riouni u a onarter mamoer M ma odd lot Iteeri up to $950 but strictly Fame day last year near-b- y and PARK CITY June 1ft— Miners af Int H El A needs for being buying 3565o I Barlsy— cowa " agriculture department said today Audit Bureau of Circulation choice kind! aosent N Can Friday bank clearings 43 it 59c 2 54 in small volume fected by a 25 cents per day wage lnt same day lasi year most fat COWl 8578 Int T ft T June 1 conditions indicated a winter Rye— No Thi Tribune li a member of V ila No 1 61764 fflSlK 7fi0®775! choice cows "Mohair is barely steady on the wheat production of 760623000 Flax— cut announced effective June 16 unRecords Inc group Sweet clover seed— Unquoted vealra 525: bull" "d 8 68 Ml 68 John! M 68 mostly $42 basis of SO cents in Texas for adult bushels basea on an — K— oy the Park City Consolidated Reynold Jrlttgorald Ins national average yield Kansas WS Offleesi New York City 615 CaT Loadings 47 son Mines company will meet at the Itenn !op 29 tt 291411 hair" 15 bushels an acre City of avenue i Chicago S60 North Mtcht-Madison S 8 1 ITU 1TH Kreage folCITY KANSAS June 10 Wheat will (API— the union hall here Saturday to vote Krog Bulletin The publish f! Groo Production was 68S1O2O0O bush — Receipts 32 cars 44s lower 10 xtac 01 14 WASHINGTON June 10 (t-T- hs old 134 13 ?1u ° '" nnVvanlv and aharolr whether to accept the cut ! ar lowing quotations: els last year and the aver Higher No 2 dark bard 88V10 No 3 iowerV"mo An- n o or mor Association Americaa and Kaiiroauji rMttlaLojLloyd Domestic: i'25 nam liieirsiToo t Officials of United Mine Mill and noo jnoi unite nominally 1927-3- 6 was 646396000 The No a 78 Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces— Delami age 2 red nominally 79o No Weakly' MagSmelter Workers union local No 26c half blood comblna 25c Unwashed c no a nominally yihw crop heretofore was 825396-00- 0 blood oaa: combing 99 explained the vote is not a strike 25®26: largest t were waoea - nus bushels vuoi In 1931 jut i ounng ifi) 28c blood siW: offfitUoa pnder25 B combine JT75 down: Friday' trade rreignc QMlgn bumut Quarter ot December 7344a vote but if the wage cut Is rejected ! and New York fleecii — DeMichigan The department said it was too ao wan unuiie-nKe10 tons weak to unevenly lower imuv ui 11— iwvoiyia jd - ftt Rturflay TfllS 1 inouna an no 1 Kue ncrioe a y tains 23025c: bait blood combiner 24 0 Uo lower: No 2 white nominally 6614 ts iambi nasi nsiniiiaii-- ii Fvv the miners will name a committee to forecast s wheat l18Wpu blood combine 25 0260 early 25c pro ono no spring °"' to choice ciippeo lamoa was a decrease 01 dh43t cars or nominally iirkyoogf no I to meet operators to arbitrate the blood oombina £5 6? 26c Quarter 10 duction accurately but that March KANSAS) CITY July ' Wisromin Missouri and average Indiana Boo- - oaives TRlBUNE-TELEGRA300 noH kiuinr reduction Cattle— per 'cent compareq witn me Recelpti 1 — 18 con' and New England Hair blood combing acreage intentions and Juns lftu The mine la the only major pro"down blood combine 230 dltlons Indicated a 29HI 221923c: three-elahtweek a decrease of 18 ias July 6514 c! Bentember ElUa between of preceding otVVMhiif" crop com: " PI Olf a 24c quarter oiooo comnina Oats— Nonl in! uncnansed to Ud lower rrom —ZQ -ducer now operating in the Park y1 mon and braid 23c black burry seedy 260000000 and 285000000 bushels no a wniie nominsu eaieri slow weak 363 or 27 per cent oompared witn oaaesxfa: no a cuturi $4"6o 560 wb district shlnnin? between 1400 aia C011S 1Y SJI1KC was aovsc Production 188891000 choica zow bushels to bum nominally good a year ago and a decrease of 857-£- 3 tt?°JR?i2Si 43 U Scoured baali: uo miiee— nominally and 1600 tons of ore weekly Apt ar giuuvaU4 S Texas— Flna 12 months selected 63ffl last year and the 0 or 416 per cent compared with average 90 Kafir— 094c Nominally 85o fine short 12 monUii 60062c fine 208518000 89 S proximately 125 men are reported 60 W 52c Rye— Nominally killinga nnclasses Sheep— Receipt! 1000 -alaht montha 55 ® 570 ran la3( 29 Barle — Nominally 93 St 58c lambs affected by the wage reduction natlva spring middle S3A65o California—'Northern Comblning the estimates for win' No 1 hard and dark hard wheat He stesdy: IStt want UUtHla aaMVIDH— All week-da- y 5 county 52W530! soutnem 6052o: fins ter and spring wheat the depart to 23c over July No 2 hard and dark ahorn iambi $675 — :'' 31 44 Mi scoured ojm oo: caroonuea una otejooc adi are pubiianeo in do in uia mornMd nam over 10 11440 no 1 red wheat USDA)— Cattle— Reoelpti 251 not enough ItlOlir — menc M a Fine F and Tribune wneat said and 636 total 21 of staple Oregon MS Pad pfd evening Telegram 1 crop ing avso to 00 over no A red aa to lM M ciotning caw 548 Ui test mantel sisers praoucany 64c fine and Sams day for ons day's scat Flour 51 TT MINNEAPOLIS from 1020623000 to 1035623000 over: No 9 whlta corn Is to 2V4a over to Monaant u i Joand cot- Tarpltnrv! ta No 3 yellow corn even to V4o under No for week genesally steady mediurnto good 97 32M LOCAL ai RAi lCff— From anywhsra hi Settlement piioei at' Utah imtltert ra-- Mont Wrd choice was Fine and ' similar— liable busneis Montana 85 85 indicated this famll"pateuU 11 UCiirtB' unchaiCTd year 81 Motor Whl 'r'aiwhnMS stats of Utah Idaho Nevada m miaeo corn vac to j vie onoer tha on the American Smeltlna and by 62 63c it A5t67o half blood oomblng 41 $500 bulls rorted company are: Lead 400a pound: Murray C S525545 was 873993000 last year Wyoming toll chart will assist vou blood 85: steady) package 66u5 itluird paUnts comoinit uaives— Ksoeipis oivoxs Production S 7 1 Time 865o pound Count a aopper cathode 21 blood ana tn nrnind 49®60e tne k7i combing $750856 yealers an 01600 quarter TU average 732900000 Liverpool sun Words Pulled— Delaine 67070c: AA 6S067C nays una plain n r u pail 1 $20U 23 H citm activean steady TrtfrBDnAf d Tn in inaicatea NEW YORK June 10 (AP)— Bar illver Nat BIBQUIt 44 v $1 00 A BUners 60 (9 81 C: of rye flna 4 production aimera 1000 (t4A8c! Receipts Bheep— 164 Nat Caeh R ISd 69 800 15 L B supers (choice) 58®60c: B supers was 03138000 bushels and the lndi wtieai— no 1 aarjt winter is lid Kosafe on to Choice grades others ami: inreei I 42c: unchanged KOT1CB OF HEAKINQ t Cf no Ausiranau ns va ' 400 88 rtxCa rhnlna Tliwiind nnHh meat lambs (white) 54 0 55c: B supers I stamen) ouo cated yield 136 bushels an acre is Futures closed stsadv: July 92vs Oc LONDON' June 10 (AP1)— Bar rold— -' cent 4BW4BC at medium 53c O aupsrs (averaae) Commission Barvio 10 Publlo sorted $62S Rotor the per $775 HI o: uecemner 04 no V 1401 74 (Equivalent penny Mohair Last year1 crop was 49449000 bush loner ewes nominally $225 825 20 Joj UUkh Csie No 2105 In h mattir Excbange— 495 VI S34 79) Domeatlf— flood regional bag Te!i OTUaia STATES— A flat rats of Sa pat 50 lu-ye- ar ANGELES Junl 10 nf Wllaon McCarthy f tO annllrstlon tne els tha Bar'illvei" — 19c unchanged (Edulvalenl m 36454000 as Ar average Ten 32c kid 30 weea oav 48t50c spring ward tor aunaay any 12 '4 sona and New Mexican 27 028c Oregon 4240 Mn) oa and Henry Bwan Trustees ol the Dan 4s pel word for both papers Re-I Winnipeg 114 St 11 ! If "JSr-rta- K Railroad flref the only Rio Grand neat Western Krwwt steer? aftei lesues end day '$8257 WINNIPMIO June-1rates— Bhort bltla (APi— Dlecount per Lkimeatie arsnsa— s irsi comnina nun 3c mi word Thus 3 days Includ- 10 Low Wheat— Close $700 feeders $625®835: crass heifers company to close Its station agency at Hlrh cent ehort bilia per cent 52c i good carding S2i35c first kid 75 Ins Sunrisi v Coat 114 par word lft H onwn: cows 1 oan ouier mat lomoau: July snTo NoUce 10034 le Lenl liven ore ye l Kid uuh second i7c heresy bow T inoludlns 8 Sunday eoet 23e daye 79v 82 82'i 10 LONDON June NEW YORK (API— Conner— June 10 (API — Inveat gitoher Mali cash or oei word com Diets veal the foregoing application will be beard 78 14 '80i ' 0H Rtavndard apot 34 pound! 17a Sdi future Ohio Oil summer firsts 45 © 47c: Caje summer meut Bankers' Conference 1110 bid and to Iniure Commlaelon oredlt Service Publlo referenoea cFvss"8ho9 the before suitable PinTiigM 25 Cistt wheat— No 1 northern 11JVK en 33 poiinda la 3d: liectrolytic ipot bid 39 Oliver F E i u a o r ot a ii ivci kioi ann nrc Tiirney lair average Count "8 1 09U! No Immediate 311 No ood 2 3 publloatlon shorn office It State few ot a at lnOU 125 Utah Capitol 15 Receipts aakad 39 Sheep— oono pounda poundeT 040 - worde Tribune-Telegraprices in foi (foreign tha Kiev Otli x oull ewes a no no 42 wmte 44 Hi uais— I Bid Tin—Snot 173 poundi 151 future 174 Otis Steel iteady at $325 AikeJ' gait Lake City Utah on Monday June N timber Ada Anewera to Boa Boa $200 13 1938 commencing pounda 10a at 10 a m By ads era mailed without cost Affiliated Fund Ino 3 84 349 Bida: Lead— Spotf 11 pounds Hi 3d: Owena-- 1 0 order ol the Commlealon Dated at Bait Adit American Bus Uhn OMININU riMB— For 283 314 future 13 pounda 12s ea Pee a ft El Bullock Fund Lake Olty Utah this 23th day of May Will bs 6 o m Saturday May 7th 1150 Ziu— Spot" 13 poend St Sd: future eetocK 1250 In Mot Can Fund So Blsase 14 3 ' May LAttBUW and Saturday 340 75 1938 12 poundi 131 9d NEW TORK June 10 1API— Cotton (Deal) WENDELL D Para Pic Truet 1 98 NEW YORK Junl 10 (API— Covering Monday adi your ads early Its advance early Friday on further Corporate place do 1 Pf 1W unfavorable Secretary ao aa mod ia LM nnlll 0 I m Sunda du i and buying credited to Boston Interests ad 229 New Yon PC Inna 10 f API — Conner— T!Ja weatler reports but above do A 2 do Pt A acuvs NKW YORK Junl 10 (API— Following vanced wool top futures in delivered Connecticut Insure oomn eta rural ana counirv 229 tha 8 W cent level for October Increased trading Steady: electrolvtio UCM Park Roubalx price! were Unchaneed a little earlv Friday 105 of thi gains Dividend Bhn 114 realltlna developed and most 900 export 880 coverage place your ad fiefnrs 5 a m lunar futures valley " NOTICE to 10 centime! lower Antwerp loit Md firmed up FridayIrreaularlty Fund Investors Inc 3930 for-r-t Patlno Mnc were loit on Increased coverlna and Tin— Firm awt and Dar-b- y one day preceding publication no nit Penney j and Fund Trust Burs A to Drtohee mactad the steadier tone 815 828 from trade by buying promoted X 0 1938 WK do B Leaa-Staa- ay: gladly help you June In nidafternooo wai lolling at 818 with ruturei nen cioieo uncnaniteo inot'New York 400 0 Penn of the ipot market and report! the Cuban 380 Pann R R id— If you will tell ui tha details hleher October 740 bid December 74 the Hat S to S poluti net hlahir sovernment had deterred shipment oi Maryland Fund 469 On end after thu date I will not Address P O Boa 667 or 143 a 63 uia oiu mareiii f d dio nn tons from the world exnort auota Nation Wide Seo 2ilne— Steady! East St Louis spot and Phelpl OS closed lower 2 73 Futures 4 conSmith Mam Salt Laks City Utah be reeponilbla for any dabta Spot standard topi 765 up 5 Close Low do vot JUlv No 3 eold Ud tn 183 and BaDtember I pninips v 121 forward 4uu ttign M Pitt Bteel 8 01) 8 09 Quarterly Ino Shri 8 25 to 186 or unchanged to 1 point net hisher I Pl Iron aluminum antlmonv qi 9 21 tracted by Tony Bole or anyone else July 501 27 'i do pfd 8 28 s 1 Stand Utll Ino 44 October 11 ver platinum and wolframite— Unch No 4 advanced to 99 and March to I 48 July Ml 3 18 Plvrn Oil ' -- ' 4 95 December 8 "2 8 1 80 14 or 2Vi points net bIKber 15 Huper ot Am Tr D 1! 2 Post TCtf1 15 U B B L 8 12 8 1 N15W YORK 12 12vs 12 62Vi Montreal Silver P Futures No 3 closed M hlaher: sales I June 10 (API-r-Le- ad January X W JONES 8 11 (Signed) Preal t C 8 t March 20 10 (API— Silver fu- 15500 tons: July 182 bid do B MONTREAL — Ju$t Atk fo( Want Adi eloted 495 hlaher no aalea ' 011 Junl Bentember 1 tures cloaid Unchanaed Uiv Tilno 25 62 bid January 189 bid March 192 do vot Bldi: 82a 90 futuree— Cloaca unctianRed: no Prnc Sft N0 186 Junl J Pub 8MB Spot steady middling Old aalea liea July 42au Beptemoer 4100 — - noca aamanga aacn tww ana me toiai saies jora BONDS-- ( U 8 GOVERNMENT a Dalian and (Bales la $1000) 45-4- 3 d ' Just 10 ( AP—Followln g oc oonaa on um new 54-4- 4 JS advance of 6 The list loafed throughout most of the proceedings There was a fair amount of activity on the up side ' at the opening but this soon gave shuffle and a way to a sleepy-tim- e generally lower drift of prices Few attempts at a comeback were made i s YORK Y Curb IV Utility I i Transfers totaled 406 $70 shares against 687220 the day before when the list finished with a belated run up The Associated Press average of 00 Issues was down 5 of a point at 891 compared with Thursday's ' Dow-Jone- NEW — o(TPQ in tiuuanati (8al Friday and the rallying leaden of the preceding session bogged down fractlont to a point or more The one heartening note la the proceedings was that as in the peat several weeks volume dwindled sub' tantially on the decline Inflation murmurs were still heard in Wall street but these seemed to have lost much of their stimulation marketwlse Washing' ton provided nothing especially inspiring tot speculative contingents nd business prospects at least over the near term continued to cloud -sentiment Average Props Bond Prices NEW YORlt Juna 13 AP)—Fallowing U a tabulation of Friday's stock tru actloaa oa Um Niw York stock smhange: NEW YORK June "10 tt—The stock market slipped 1U moorings U S Exchange Quotations I do 41 in 18I101U 1001a 101 U 21104 104 it ti Open Low High t M' M l9i Jia Ml """" M " m m m aS'iKES nriirr y - Bumper Wheat iield forecast gait $ak $iflnnie SJ? Mi Mbij Pl2ta"3 gibe L Curb I4Itu' Miners to Vote On Wage Cut 'Jl ill M Boston Jll$ Mil tom L Bank Gearings SW' f f 1!°°?? rr'wiiMy mr Decline ??f?nr?!J21Sbnnd " LW'W ur 4"$? f °'i' fsa:?"a r J' ntv updOTa ajac: M:M0°l - Metals and Money tds r f li ui f in im ii Classified Want Ads INFORMATION tonki: m" wbrani160 10:' la::::::::: m m "JTr''SV00?""!" w tt&T Investment Companies Cotton w i'c7vRipi?0i50'1dv?fw Wool Futures lw M Sugar Market easily 54' WASATCH 590 1 4 A n ' |