Show economic highlights happenings that affet th III dinner er palls DI add creeke mud d tn tax mill ot of biery individual 1 national and international arob lenis inseparable loie parable from local welfare when economists disagree the lay public Is in for or a puzzling time and economists who formerly saw eye to eye are disagreeing with a vengeance over tile the new money bill with I 1 its ts 2 cation fund international gold bullion standard and credit expansion features there Is no lack ot of well kit known own financial authorities to say it at Is vital to recovery others say it may be paving driving the way for tile the greatest collapse of all at any rate tho the administration Is now working on the problem of credit expansion for or delv private ate bustness business the problem Is especially imposing as duran during I 1 the next few months the government govern government mont will offer some great bond issues to finance continuance of the recovery program granland and these will absorb much of the money that Is available tor for lending credit Is to be expanded it if possible to a degree sufficient to offs et this every effort will be given to depreciating the dollar in foreign exchange and holding it at a lower aid more stable level in keeping with this tile the price of gold was recently fixed at 35 in the bellet belief that it would send the franc dollar exchange rate to ab about 0 ut cents and the pound to above the immediate result yas vas a disappointment the london gold price took a jump and the fiane frane dollar and pound lourid dollar exchange became still more unfavorable the next day however devaluation of the dollar in foreign markets started alie there e are two obvious ways to expand credit one Is to create more dollars and 2000 were automatically created when the dollar was fixed at the point the other la is to make a given number of dollars tro ik more work doth both ways are to be used the two billion new dollars are at the disposal of the treasury and are to be used tor for buying new gold foreign exchange or carrying on other business deemed advisable for pegging foreign exchange rates Wb enthey are pleat ppe at r ding ta tx icv the theory they go int trie the hands of persons with bills to pay in this country the bills are paid and the dollars find thir way into the banks inflating reserve balances which tire fare now nearly a billion dollars above the point required by law critics of the money bill say that the stabilization fund money will make possible credit expansion of from to with the result that short boom will be followed by a tremendous crash contrary to this view its friends are optimistic and express confidence that matters will work out to tho the benefit of the entire country take your cholbi chol ci tle the 1 country has been hearing talk ot of a business boom so long now nov that it is inclined to be skeptical as to wether or not such an animal exists according to the tha I 1 business and financial periodicals and th the e various reports ot of tact fact gathering organizations it does doea it a very big animal yet but it can be seen felt and heard all of the consumer industries are finding themselves alth with more orders than had tor for years Indu industries buell auch as steel which sell their products to other businesses and not directly to the consumer arent doing so well but moving upward I 1 I 1 detroit which saw sav the worst 0 of the depression Is seeing tile the best of recovery according to time this la Is the first period in five years in which car manufacturers cant till fill their orders in JR january nuary chrysler with the tha most unusual of all the new naw stock cars had more men at work than last year ford opened two additional assembly plants nash estimated that it would deliver more cars in the first quarter of this year than in all of last cadillac ro re ported deliveries 60 50 per der cent above last year general motors faced orders tor for let alone tire companies were jubilant with a goodyear expert prediction tire sales tor for 1934 1534 would reach the great total of 1 units I 1 A few weeks ago C IV A graft I 1 charges appeared in the headlines the president himself was getting hundreds of letters a day complaining pla ining of sharp practices job selling political preference falso false expense accounts padded payrolls 1 these were the bones of contention the government moved tast fast employed Emp loyes guilty of even lous actions were dismissed some boma were arrested the attorney general went to work investigating other cases administrator I lop hop sent out army engineers to check continued on back page ECONOMIC highlights continued from page one kin ins s worried and disconcerted up on 0 W A work when one was sent bent to cook county illinois which contains tho the city ot of chicago the entire illinois 0 W V A commission resigned at the same tittle time a nationwide nation wide in move 0 ve got under way to keep tho the 0 W A in ex istance it was due to afa away shortly mr hoode volt it however want it as a permanent part ot of ills his bation ballon announced that ho he would adopt a modified course instead of bringing its activities to an end at once it will be allowed to live until may 1 on february 15 a C W A workers in the south will be discharged at the rate ot at a and the dismissal movement will gradually go north at the weather grows gro warmer wanner |