Show 4 X aaa DR PRIC ta aea powder AM made alade from cream of tartar derived solely from grapes the most delicious and healthful ul of a all 11 fruit acids L I 1 opera house ONE NIGHT ONLY SATURDAY MISS IA I A VAUNT SUPPORTED BY THE walters stock co presenting the thrilling co comedy medy drama r fortunes fortune of a W waif acif prices 25 2535 35 and 50 seats seals on sale at drug S store I 1 osair if for 1 ahat lilt to nellit alov ls r nry AA men alry V will ua de aroythe seum of inell imell and completely ternage tern the whole us stir nr cea ce such article articles should never bo be used 1 ox acet t n poin reputable ph phyl phy l chops athe da nue thy th y will wal no to ten F ibid 1 15 vi ti thu wu od you can abtil Y derive fam t heu 1 11 II r tue tu e ti r 1 i 4 ya toledo ull t 11 is taken inter my imy i achime directly the blood an dumus a ird resor tho the halls flails 0 curo urto act et lne it it 1 takegi internally and fa i made malls in ohio b bi i 1 J cheety ft 0 co re le tim free ro soil sol 1 to by price ariee 0 o per bottle itie atlle izmirly arnley pills are ro tuo tue boat best CATARRH A R R DESTROYED fati X A a ayed MY M ya APPETITE A F P ep 1 1 T E a P rr 1 I falls to re ra the J 1 I appetite upon begin ning the UBO uso of Il Iorii eruna iia pati pazienta enta td begin to eat and ulf icet thin id the testimony coining from all parte parts of tho the civilized world catarrh ie in a berv cause of loss of appetite and digest digestion lon tho the beneficial influence of peruna on catarrh completely restores reat orca tho the app appa tito tite in euch such cases to prod tho the digestive organs with medicines that arc aro merely stimulants Is 1 a poor way to remedy euch such cased cases fam now cured and cheer ful jul tit sit spirits stirs ts all through the arcenty of paruna which has cured me actually and restored d m tiffi appetite elste aly only tr grits that I 1 did td not use peruna sooner and I 1 1 would have avoided all my fre fire re suf suffering ferme and vis misery sery mr joseph if f removed catarrh restored appe mr fr joseph 11 II conlan conlin ath avo brooklyn N Y writes 1 I suffered eat fored from catarrh which completely destroyed my appetite ap potito and weakened 11 1 1 I 1 am ain now cured and cheerful in spirits all through the agency of peru ask which liaa has cured nie me effectually and nd restored rea my appetite I 1 my only regret Is that I 1 did not use sooner and I 1 would havo all my previous suffering and misery liver sto stomach mach trouble mr james 0 2 madleon madison st topeka kae kati condee tor santo fe railway and nd mom member ber order of railway con doctors duc tors writes 1 I buffered suffered with A s torpid liver and trouble which made my com 11 Ion very allow sallow and I 1 lel felt miserable and tired nil the time an aunt nt wrote me ine that she was taking peruna with much such rood good results that the ho advised me to try it and I 1 finally bought n bottle although I 1 disliked diell ked to bake patent medicines however I 1 found Pern navery agreeable to take and eff etive as 1 I felt better in a h week I 1 took only five bottles in all and I 1 fourd found that was all I 1 needed 11 2 am moia grateful gratt ful to 3 ou on for what your medicine no hn ha 4 dune done for uie ane 11 dysentery entirely relieved mr W X casey ill writes in two weeke after begin beginnings your treatment I 1 wu tell lu 1 nine bot tier of my aly cao case was bowel trouble or dysentery 1 I aleo also tried peruna for a tough f cording to directions and it any congh cough syrup I 1 over ever umed 1 I wish every one afflicted boni div q perunia a tria 10 j 4 peruna pe ru na as lc capt r D smith greensboro ga 0 writes after using several bat buo of pern na nv I 1 can recommend it as one of the bet best catarrh on the market As tonic it liaa has no equal peruna la Is all that ie to claimed for it catarrh of stomach mr henry neely first lieutenant co IF balth regiment 0 V I 1 box Trent trenton cn mo write writes 1 I for years with catarrh of the seeing an of Pe roars it I 1 li i t t bought a bottle and every dome made me feel better seven bottled bottles cu t cued 1 me s WHERE TO LIVE 1 11 millard county etab the ideal place for you carey act alt irrigated landa lands an are atre teh ear payment plan perpetual water light tight largest lat grest reservoir in the state choice lands charming climate lithia for domestic re r e best of markets for far n products excursion every and friday from salt lake city trip tripe call for booklet where to li vo W IQ V I 1 i mcdonald middleton price it I 1 |