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Show I TABIONA UINTAH BASIN RECORD Thursday, March 15, 1956 weeks activities. Lets Control Alfalfa .o;:coxcorc!:oy' Weevil : Sports In The Open Space . Dean and Lyle Webb, who are Knowlton be F. acre. treatEither By George applied per A large sample of trout in thecaught amounting to less than one employed in Salt Lake City, visited ment controls alfalfa weevil lar- Provo River from Deer Creek with their families during the Extension Entomologist percent of the total take by the weekend. Utah State Agricultural College vae, lygus bugs, and reduces thrips Dam to the canyon mouth are anglers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark were this banquet the wonderful sucnow being seined, marked and populations. The survey further shows that M The alfalfa weevil costs the Utah recent Salt Lake City visitors. cess that it was, and ... Forage Crop Protection returned to the water, according most rainbow are caught prior to especially Gilbert and Wallace Chatwin farmers several hundreds of thoudo they want those who put in Where alfalfa raised for forage to the department of fish and the seasons end, with very few so many hours of hard work in were recent business visitors in sands of dollars each year. Many (not seed) has been stubble spray- game. trout other than the brown showA continuing creel census this ing up during last fall and present years the loss has exceeded $500,-00- ed, or where the application was preparation and serving, to know Salt Lake City. Such losses can be very large- poorly timed, an insecticide treat- year on this part of the river will that their efforts were appreciated surveys. ly prevented. ment may be necessary when for- further determine the goal of this More than a hundred guests at- more than words can tell. The value of the brown trout in is now a Alfalfa control weevil tended the Duchesne stake M Men age injury becomes obvious. Such and other fishery survey work the light of creel returns from Mrs. LaBerta Wadley is teachrelatively simple, profitable farm a crop may be treated with 1 constantly being geared to give this water will be further deterand Gleaner banquet held in the operation. The efficient farmeT ounce of heptachlor, 2 ounces of the highest creel return from all mined from the current phase of Crystal Wilcken Tabiona ward chapel Friday evev ing the kindergarten classes at watches his early growth. When aldrin, 1 to 2 ounces of lindane, Utahs waters by stocking the best work. Tabiona. it will be dening, according to Mrs. Jean the alfalfa shoots reach a height or 4 ounces of parathion per acre, species of fish at the proper time terminedSpecifically, whether the counselor Mrs to Hanna, present imof y2 to 2 inches, the field is applied as a and in the most economical man- portant brown trout population DuLois spray. Arcadia, Terpehing, sprayed with 4 ounces of actual can maintain itself, or if this Forage hay treated with hep- ner. chesne stake Gleaner leader. By Larry Van Tassell heptachlor or dieldrin per acre. tachlor may be cut within three Fish now being marked on this species must be stocked to perA lyceum recently enjoyed at The Golden Gleaners of the of last week Tuesday evening The amount of water used may days, but it normally should be stretch of the Provo River are stake were in charge of the special Tabiona High School consisted of marked a high-ligpetuate the 40 creel return above in the activi6 to 50 gallons per applied earlier than this before finclipped for ready identification noted. Others who espe- accordion numbers by Don Heid-ric- ties of the Gleaners and M Men of vary from arrangements. cutting time. Wait 15 days after when checked' in the creel during of Crosse Points, Michigan the Hanna and1 Tabiona wards. A acre, as desired. cially assisted with the food preThis means that 1 gallon of 25 treatment before cutting parathion, the coming season. Ober-linand and , other arrangements Nancy Kay Janousek, of paration program as follows was presented per cent emulsified heptachlor aldrin or lindane treated alfalfa Past records show that 60 of Kansas. The program was Un- in Mutual, after which for the banquet were Mrs. Vivian they had should' treat about 8 acres; 1 gal- Do not feed DDT treated alfalfa the fish taken from this water are Mrs. finished Flora Mis Fabrizio, Curry, Symphony, by Schubert; a progressive suppeT and an eve- lon of 18 per cent dieldrin should to cows being milked, or the DDT rainbow trout. 40 brown, with Crystal Wilcken, and Mrs. Hazel Gershwin Medley, by George nings entertainment. The program be used to treat 6 acres. In sea will cutthroat, kokanee and whitefish appear in the milk. Mrs. Gail H. Anderson Defa, of the Hanna ward and Mrs Gershwin; Blue Danube Waltz, consisted of the following: Talks sons of army cutworm infestation, Read and carefully follow the Grace Giles, Mrs.. Angeline Lewis, by Johann Strauss; Bumble Goog-ie- , were given by Ellis Rhoades, Na- the does well to increase safety precautions printed on the Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Jensen grower and Mrs. Hazel Clark of the Tab..Hillbilly Medley and Pop dine Roberts, and Tom Fabrizio his dosage to 6 or 8 ounces of insecticide container label. Use to went Salt Lake Saturday to iona ward. The Bee Hive girls and Medley, arranged by Lloyd and a song, Gleaners and M Men dieldrin, or not less than 10 ounces visit their daughters, Mrs. Dean care to avoid poisoning the Mia Maids of the two wards was sung by the Gleaners and M per acre of actual heptachlor. This particular of operator, other persons, or warm Reay and Mrs. Wallace Stevenson. did the serving during the banMen. Vivian Curry gave the Glean- should control adult alfalfa wee- blooded when animals parathion Mr. and Mrs. Dean Anderson MIA MAID PROGRAM SET er Sheaf. quet. vils, before they lay many eggs, or dust is handled and apand children and' Neil Hill were in The Honorary Golden Gleaners Mrs. Jessie Maxwell, Duchesne At the progressive supper, the and also clean up the cutworms, spray Roosevelt Saturday. plied. of the stake and their partners stake Mia Maid leader, announces first stop was at the home of Del-s- a so that the alfalfa crop may grow If you desire further details of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sorensen and the Honorary M Men of the the stake MIA Maid So Dear to Michie, where she, Flora Fa- normally.. alfalfa weevil control under Utah and Marvin Sorensen were at the stake and their partners, received My Heart program will be pre- brizio and Ellis Rhoades were hosbeAdult alfalfa weevils killed cond tions. secure a copy of Utah Televsion in an unlighted room auction, Saturday. special invitations to attend the sented in the Duchesne stake tesses for the appetizer. Next stop fore they reach sexual maturity State Exten-s'oviolates a basic principle of good Agricultural College Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Freeman of on March 20. The Mia was at Jean Fabrizios, where Jean lay no eggs. If left to develop banquet. Other stake and ward chapel crcular 213 from your local vision, the Utah Optometric Asso- Salt Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. officers also received special in- Maids, their mothers, and their Vivian Curry and Nadine Roberts normally, each female weevil may ciation said today in a statement Mark Bleazard over the weekend. teachers are especially invited to were hostesses for the salad. Here deposit from 200 to 800 eggs. Us- county agricultural agent. vitations. issued for Save Your Vision Week Mr. and Mrs. Leon Brown visGolden Gleaners present Friday attend. The program will be held a song, Where Thou Goest, was ually the infestation of alfalfa wee-vil- l which ended March 10. ited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Anderson SPRING QUARTER STARTED evening weTe Mrs. Twila Rhoades, in the Relief Society room. Platt presented by Danny Fabrizio and larvae appears during early AT The Television screen is about Sunday afternoon. SNOW COLLEGE MARCH 12 Mrs. Ina Van Tassell, Mrs. Carlene Woodland, the Tabiona Seminary Brent Lee. Soup was served at the May, to cause crop damage during ten times as bright as a motion for the Spring Harry Thayne came home from of will Amber be the Mrs. Carter, Williams, principal, special speak- local cafe, where Connie Lee and last May and early June. (The inin held screen, Dr. Bagley, presi- Colorado, Saturday night to move was picture Wednesday Quarter the Jr. Gleaners of the Hanna festation develops a few weeks Tabiona, Mrs. Jean Fabrizio Mrs er. His subject will be Chastity. This bright light his family over there, where he the recreation hall of the Noyes dent, said. Ellis Rhoades of Hanna, and Mrs ward were hostesses. The main earlier in Utahs Dixie.) to make the pupils of the has employment. tends the for in preparation Building H. Don been Davis Elda Van Tassell of Bridgeland has course was of the home served at Principal The most profitable way to preMr. and Mrs. Calvin Jensen ateye contract. Darkness surrounding and Mrs. Humphreys of Duchesne on the sick list this week. We all Angie Lewis, where she, Twilla vent alfalfa weevil damage, with classwork that began March 12. set to the make the funeral for Mrs. Geo. tends continued tended the throughpupils Registration Art Taylor, of Duchesne ward join in hoping he will be feeling Rhoades, Ina Van Tassell and the its loss of quality and reduced in Duchesne Tuesday. was master of ceremonies during much better by this time. Jr. Gleaners of Tabiona ward were crop yield, is to destroy the adult out the first week of the new open. This conflict and constant Mrs. Laura Sulser and son of Snow College in readjustment causes fatigue. Ted Nye, Joe Curry and Frank the hostesses. the banquet- - The program consistweevils early. This prevents ser- quarter at Rules for home lighting and tele- Salt Lake visited with Mr. and The group met at the Tabiona ious outbreak. Control every sea- Ephraim. ed of musical numbers by the T. Defa attended a soil conservavision recommended by the asso- Mrs. Glen Sorensen on Sunday. last church for dessert, the M men fur- son is profitable, when applied Tabiona and Hanna Junior M Men tion meeting in Roosevelt ciation are: DROP JUNIORS Mrs, Cleo Frandsen and son, NEOLA musical and Junior Gleaners, a Wednesday. nishing the ice cream and the Jr with careful timing and dosage, in GAME TOURNEY OPENING Light the television room to Donald, went to Salt Lake one day Mr. and Mrs. William Wadley Gleaners of Tabiona the pie. number from Arcadia ward, a harareas of Utah where the weevil Neola Junior M Men, who are about half the brightness needed last week. They came home with monica solo from Bridgeland ward and family were recent Heber visSquare dancing was enjoyed af- commonly causes crop losses. a new car. Roosevelt stake in for reading. representing itors. musical number A a ter the supper. and by When alfalfa is grown for first special vary large crowd room tournament as if it Donald Frandsen, Phil Brother-so- n the Basketball the Junior Light evenly, the Duchesne stake MIA officers. Larry Van Tassell spent the from both wards enjoyed the eve- crop seed, any additional weevil inwere in bathed ran and Erma Sorensen attended at in now light. Especially Logan, progress The Golden control needed, beyond the early festivities. Mrs. Amber Carter, of Tabiona, weekend visiting relatives in Salt nings from Tremonton avoid sharp contrast between the the dance at Duchesne Monday crowd to a ' tough Lake 'a work. on in of talk were Gleaner wards two Gleaners the City. gave spring stubble treatment, is care night and weTe televsion screen and the area sur- night. Several from Tabiona attended charge of the occasion. Two special awards were made for when the crop is sprayed, in Third Tuesday 48-1A farewell party was held at rounding it. Several from this ward attended early bud' stage, using iy2 pounds lowered to consolation status during the evening. The Honorary the leadership meetings in DuUse opaque shades to prevent the church house Monday night the stake Gleaner and M Men of actual DDT per acre. This Master M Man award for this chesne, Sunday-Specia- l lamps from being brighter than the for Taylor Thayne. A crowd of activities noting M Men banquet held in Tabiona last Fri- treatment should always be apyear in the Duchesne stake was television screen. The lower edge young folks attended and a good OF COURT presented by stake M Men presi- and Gleaner week have been car- day night. Mrs. Vivian Curry was plied to the prospective seed crop IN THE DISTRICT of a shade should be at eye level. time was had by alL COUNTY DUCHESNE in Tabiona on other ward and Duchesne ried of Mitchell Brother as a Gleaner and Golden honored If for control. a dust dent, lygus bug Use indirect lamps with three-wa- y Mrs. Colleen Thacker visited the UTAH OF Duas STATE of Duchesne the of the Levi Anderton wards J. to was presented with her certificate is used instead of a spray, 20 stake, school one day last so can switches be Altamont lighting is well as throughout the church. chesne ward. Mr. Anderton and pin by stake Gleaner leader, pounds of 10 per cent DDT shoruld NOTICE OF adjusted to reading or conversa- week. n d One of the joint activities great- Mrs. Lois Terpening. and through Glen and Marvin Sorensen were tion as well as televsion. One lamp SHERIFFS SALE out the stake for his accomplish- ly enjoyed by the Tabiona and Tom Fabrizio and Ted Wilcken in 50 is Roosevelt on Tuesday'. feet needed for every square was the progressive went to Fruitland Sunday where Hanna wards ments. ON FORECLOSURE OF of floor space. The other special award was supper party Tuesday evening. MORTGAGE they spoke in Sacrament meeting Mankind wilL be Place the lamps where reflecAnother special activity in the made to Mrs Vivian Curry, of Plans and rehearsals are underCase No. 3055 in the television in proportion as Gods government of tions light enthe three-awas ward her Tabiona Hanna ward, who received recently play to be preway for a COMMERCIAL BANK OF becomes apparent, the Golden screen can be avoided. Mrs. Doris Nielsen of Salt Lake THE Golden Gleaner pin and certifi- tertainment of their mothers by sented by the MIA the end of this a Corporation UTAH, A booklet on Home Lighting Rule utilized, and the rights of City sent a letter to the Record cate from Mrs. Lois Terpening, the Junior Gleaners under the di month. Plaintiff and Television has just been pub- man and the liberty of conscience rection of Mrs. Angeline Lewis. ' stake Gleaner leader. The following ladies attended this week and states that a group vs. held sacred. association. lished the Mary Baker Eddy by met a friends school of DuTabiona in The stake banquet After the banquet and program, year ago C. MYRON WHITE and BERNICE Relief Society convention in club which meets Friday evening will long be chesne, Sunday afternoon: Connie and formed a square dancing was enjoyed. WHITE, his wife, and R. NEWas an outstanding high- Lee, Jean Fabrizio, Flora Fabrizio, the first Friday1 of every month. The officers in charge, especialELL CARTER and AMBER CARly wish to thank everyone who as- light, while special Fireside Chats Florence Roberts and Pearl Moon. It is called the Basin Etts. They TER, his wife of home met this month the at sisted in any way to help make Sunday evening will climax the Nadine Roberts and Patsy from Defendants this community attended the FHA Elva Partridge Boulton of Magna. virtue of an order and Under by Others were Doris Young Niel- of sale and decree of foreclosure-issueconvention in Salt Lake last weeksen, Mae Price Belt, Novella Law-so- n end. out of the above-entitle- d Ivie, Dorothy Jensen Wardell, court of the County of Duchesne Mr. and Mrs. Oran Curry atRobbins Adams, Ardith State of Utah on the 20th tended to business and visited in Grace day of l, American Fork Friday and Satur- Davis Watts, Elma Robbins 1956, in the above-entitleFebruary, Dezzie Shelton Gurbich, day of last week. action, wherein the CommerMrs. Crystal Hackett reports her Abbie Hair Birch, Violet Marshall cial Bank of Utah, the above-name- d brother, Dale Allred, who has re- Fullmer Wanda Johnson Fisher, plaintiff, obtained a judgShelton Cassidy, Dora ment and decree against C. Myron cently undergone major surgery Mickey were Games Zucca. twice, is recovering as well as can Everette Bernice White, his White and played and the prize went to wife and R. Newell Carter and be expected. the month Next Richens. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Allred of Freda Amber Carter, his wife, defendof Rangely, Colo, visited over the club will meet at the home ants, on the 20th .day of February, Lulla McKinna. weekend in this vicinity. 1956, which said decree was, on to hear will be Friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Parley Reid moved 1st day of March, 1956, rethe Duof to Salt Lake City last week, where of Dora Young, formerly of in the Judgment-Dockcorded Mr. Reid has employment. They chesne, moving to Salt Lake. We said court at page 117. all. wish her luck. Mrs. Jim PowI am commanded' to sell all that plan on spending some of their weekends here in Hanna, however. ell of Bluebell, returned home after certain lot, piece, and parcel of Bernice, land situate in the visiting her daughter, SEEK T.V. SITES County of DuExcitement ran high in this vi- whose husband is very ill. of Utah, and boundState chesne, Thanks very much, ed and particularly described as cinity last Friday afternoon as the Mrs. Doris Nielson the under Salt from Lake, plane follows, 1099 So. 8th East BEGINNING at a point 473 instigation of Gilbert and Wallace Salt Lake City Chatwin, searched the valley, for feet South of the Northwest television possibilities, and from corner of Section 32; thence what we have heard, the possibil- Tabiona Has Five Grads East 407 feet; thence South ities are good. 100 feet; thence West 407 feet; Enrolled At The B.Y.U. thence north 100 feet; to the place of beginning, in TownFive graudates of Tabiona High ship 1 South, Range 7 West, School are now attending Brigham Uintah Special Meridian, Utah Young University, according to official figures released today by and Notice is hereby given that on Reta Lott school authorities. T Those now enrolled for winter the 3rd day of April, 1956, at 10 EIGHTH BIRTHDAY in front Linda Bates celebrated her 8th quarter from here are: Sharon oclock A.M. of that day, in the Courthouse of the County Glen and birthday at home. Lovely pink and Hamilton, Joseph Josie,Cecil I will, in N Lynn County of Duchesne, white birthday cakes and ice Pleasy Lewis, and obedience to said order of sale and cream were served to 14 children. Roberts. sell the fv decree of foreclosure, W-The guest of honor received many .' or so property, little gifts from her friends. as may be necessary thereof much DuMiss Nancy Hollenbeck of to satisfy plaintiffs judgment, of Mrs.' chesne, little daughter with interest thereon and costs, to was a weekend Hollenbeck, Betty the highest and best bidder for HEPTACHLOR protected alfalfa gives guest of Linda Bates. cash. Sunday dinner guests of Mr Dated this 12th day of March, and Mrs. Raleigh Ivie were Mr. 1956. the acre More hay or teed to and' Mrs. Mandy Campbell, Mr. and LORIN STEVENSON Mrs. Ronald Cook, all of Price, feed nutritious Duchesne County Sheriff more makes that Leafy hay and Gilbert Ivie. First Publication, March 15, 1956 his week a After with spending alfalfa stands Last Publication, March 29, 1956 Healthier, longer-live- d family, Rex Mezenen returned to Cody, Wyoming to his job. Notice To Creditors Mr. and Mrs. Bud Olsen and control .apply Heptachlor , F or most effective alfalfa weevil of J. Fred Brown,, hlso Estate little of Lake two Salt their boys is V& It inches to is high. lVi early in Spring when alfalfa Duas James Fredric Brown,, of known Olsen Minerva Mrs. and easier to control the egg laying adults than to try to conchesne visited at the home of Mr. and J. Fred Brown 2nd: trol the many larvae which hatch from the eggs. will present claims Creditors and Mrs. Wilbur Bates on Sunday. BLUE STREAK WASHER Besides being effective, Heptachlor is safe to use. Under Weekend visitors at the home with vouchers to the undersigned PRINCESS of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baum at 1311 Walker Bank Building, Salt the Miller Bill, tolerance for the use of Heptachlor on HQ THE son. Alvin and wife and Lake City, Utah on or before the were their established. been ELECTRIC WASHER SET has already forage crops their five children. They returned 10th day of May, 1956. This year let Heptachlor help you make better hay or BEN R. BROWN and to their home in Spanish Fork on EASY TERMS for an insecgrow more and better seed. Ask your dealerlow-ooFRANK M. ASHLEY, evening. Sunday crop Estate ticide containing Heptachlor. Its added of the Executors Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Sackett LOW DOWM PAYMINT DELUXE of J. Fred Brown, insurance. of Barstow, Calif, and Mrs. E. A. . $109.00 OTHERS AS LOW AS Deceased Sackett and Mrs. Sylvia Harbour BAGLEY, VAN COTT, of Salt Lake City, spent the day at the Lott ranch. They returned to Cornwall & McCarthy 1311 Walker Bank Building Salt Lake the same' evening. chemical Mrs. Tessie Ivie of Duchesne, Salt Lake City, Utah IMS CMr ItrMt spent a few days at the home of Attorneys for Executors WMtorn Mm DMiIwi PHONE 38 ROOSEVELT, UTAH SEED AND FEED CO. her son, Ralph, who is convalesc- First Publication, March 1, 1956 CHfmia 1956 March Srkly, 22, Last home. Publication, MYTON PHONE ing at his ; Mrs. Thelma D. Nye B Stake Men And Gleaner Social A Success 0. HANNA Joint Party Is School News Enjoyed By Groups h Salmag,e Television In Dark Room Violates Vision Principle 5. well-love- well-know- Mrs. Doris Nielsen Writes To Record ct God-govern- . -- Mac-Kerel- et to-wi- t: With r JL PQI70n s m to you... Straw! ernj above-describe- d ALFALFA WEEVILS hi rLUO $149.95 ... et Qviliicol corporation 21-PIE- CI Moody Bros. DROLLUIGER FURIIITURE CO. |