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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD Thursday, March 15, 1956 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $3.00 - 1 Year $1.75 - 6 Months $1.00 - 3 Months Payable In Advance Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Duchesne, Utah CLIFTON N. MEMMOTT, Editor and Publisher Goldie Wilcken, News Editor Mrs. Weston Bates, Office Manager 1956 lands? ment power to refuse sale of tax-titl- e If the county hold's warranty deed to Blue' Bench lands, is this carried on the countys inventory as an asset? Is the county government contemplating making a development project out of Blue Bench to sell for a profit? If so, how is this to be financed? How long has the county held tax title or warranty title to Blue Bench lands? Has the Blue Bench water filing lapsed, with no chance' of reinstatement? If so, did this happen while the county had clause' on water control of these lands? How does the filing reinstatement apply to Blue Bench, provided the filing has lapsed? On how many acres does the county have' oil, gas and mineral rights on Blue Bench, and what is the amount (per cent) of this type of equity? Will this equity be sold to individual purchasers provided Blue Bench lands are disposed of by the county? If the county holds warranty deed to part of the Blue Bench land, are the commissioners required to give public notice' of intention to sell, or do they, by law, have the sole right to establish a price and choose the buyer from among the applicants? Has the commission considered the public auction as a means of selling the countys interest in Blue Bench lands? Has an option to purchase certain Blue Bench lands been signed by the commissioners? If so, why does not such action show in the' minutes of the commission? 'Blue Bench lands Do you believe the sale of county-owne- d will boost the economy of Western Duchesne County? If so, how soon is the sale of these lands contemplated by the county commissioners? Thank you for your reply to these questions. Your response to this questionnaire will be appreciated for publication in the Uintah Basin Record and the' Roosevelt Standard at an early date. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Goldie Wilcken, News Reporter Uintah Basin Record and Roosevelt Standard CC. Floyd Lamb, Myton Chairman Duchesne County Commissioners The Year For Eduacation During the coming months there will be Educational Conference's in thousands of school districts across the nation, sponsored by National School Board Assns., National and State citizens committees, and by other educational groups. These citizens conferences on education which are daily swelling in numbers, are the means for finding out what the American people want to do with their schools. Authentic information reveals that only at local levels, with citizens providing their own answers, can the real solutions be found to the' problems of school finance, organization, curriculum, teachers, and public interest in education. An approval of school statistics, reveals unpleasant facts based on widely accepted standard's of the past 10 to 20 years. Schools now are in danger of short changing a whole generation of our children. In Duchesne County, recent surveys have' indicated that our schools are not nearly as good as we want them to be. Many inadequacies in our instructional program, organization and curriculum, are the cause. The solution of our problems does not lie solely in the hands of our professional, educators. It is the duty and responsibility of every citizen of Duchesne County, to gain an understanding of these problems and' to assist in recommending the' best solutions, and remedies. Our 1956 Rural Education Conference to be held at Alta-moSchool, March 22 and 23, is our opportunity to do this. This Conference is of such importance to the future of Education in Duchesne County, that every citizen, no matter what the sacrifice, should attend. nt What About Blue Bench Project? Scout Districts Training Course ROOSEVELT CITY Council has approved the' purchase of a street sweeping machine which has a d hopper and will be put into operation in the very near future, or as soon as delivery is made. . . Congratulations Mayor Murphy and the council on the ambitious way you are trying to keep our new Main Street clean. Now all weve got to do is to influence a few fellows to buy a broom and use it on their own sidewalk and gutter. - - c o - It occurs to me that all these colorful new cars are much like our colorful American girls the one standing before me at any moment is the prettiest I ever saw. - - c o - WHILE I WAS IN Duchesne the other day I observed City Marshall Harold Thomas driving a brand, new Ford Police car which the city had purchased. . . Marshall Thomas does a fine job of law enforcement at Duchesne and most certainly has the support of the mayor and council behind him. - - c o - Then theres the story about the Texan whose check came back Infrom the bank, marked sufficient Funds. . . Not Yours. . . 500-poun- Thru The Files Of The Record Good Conduct Medal, and Victory 5 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hadden and Ribbon. Pvt. and Mrs. Tom Fabrizio of family of Texas, have moved to South Hanna, are the proud parUtahn for the summer. Glen is a ents of a baby girl, weighing 6 y2 former Utahn resident lbs., bom at the Heber Hospital, oOoGood luck doesnt alway come Sunday, March 3rd. Mother and with fair weather in the Bert baby are fine. oOoYoung family. This week, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers and Young is recovering from 1st and June, and Mr. and Mrs. daughter, 2nd degree burns on her face, Alfred and small neck, left arm and hand, which were Rogers at the home daughter of Milan visiting were inflicted when she was lightafterat. Rogers Upalco, Sunday in her home ing a butane furnace' one morning. Her husband is re- noon. covering from injuries suffered in 20 YEARS AGO a fall from a haystack about six Duchesne High took the measure weeks ago. his injuries included a of Altamont High in Duchesne broken leg. oOoFriday night, in a thriller which ended Duchesne held a safe Mrs. Pearl Orr and Mrs. Powell were' hostesses at a advantage throughout the game, as bridal shower, Saturday, at the Altamont could not hold possesward house in Mt. Emmons, hon- sion of the ball long enough to oring Mrs. Thomas McDonald, nee get into the scoring territory For LaVerda Powell. Duchesne, Goff, forward; Hatch, oOoforward: and C. Scott were outMr. and Mrs. Shelby Lisonbee, standing. For Altamont, Hartman Sherwood and Bertie, spent Wed- played stellar ball. oOonesday evening in Cedarvierw visB. W. OTooele Mr. and Mrs. Pease. Cecil Mrs. Mr. and iting arrived in Duchesne Thursday af- OURS! 10 YEARS AGO - - c o - -ternoon. They will spend a few Robert Koyeri, son of Mr. and days here looking after their proLOCAL SPORTSMAN Albert Mrs. Wesley Koyen, is home on perty interests and will' then go Crumbo has been endorsed by a short furlough. He has been sta- to Junction, Utah to make their the Roosevelt Chamber of Comtioned at Camp Roberts, and ex- home for the present. merce, American Legion and oOopects to go overseas as soon as other organizations for appointMr. and Mrs. Chase Whatterson he returns back to service. ment to the State Fish and Game oOotook their son, Cleon, to Price on Commission Board. . . Governor T4 Donald Anderton, son of Friday for medical attention. Lee has acknowledged the resoBill Barton, of Strawberry, rode lutions and says hell give his Mrs. Grace Hales, Duchesne, was discharged from the Army, Feb. his horse to town the other day. friend Albert full consideration 26,. at Fort Douglas Separation It appears that Bills horse doesnt when filling the vacancy. . . If Center. T4 Anderton, who has like city life. He left Bill in town any individuals would like to served 26 months overseas, is and went back home with hs help Alberts chances, write the saddle on. He was found in Baums authorized to wear the' Asiatic-Pacifi- c Governor a note telling him your Theatre of Operations Ribbon, field. desires. - - c o - ON THE FRONT PAGE of this issue youll find our Basin All-StBasketball Team for 56. . . I know you wont all agree with our choices, but I have the advantage I keep my own statistics and this year we let statistics pretty well decide who was it . . I want to commend all the student bodies this year on the fine sportsmanship displayed during most of the games. -- -- -- 22-3- La-Ver- -- -- -- -- ar ANNOUNCEMENT t Mr. M. B. Child, Manager of the MEMORIAL ARTS COMPANY OF SPRINGV1LLE ' is Pleased to Announce the Appointment of Mr. Clarence Crow AS HIS COMPANYS REPRESENTATIVE FOR Memorial Monuments and Markers Featuring ROCK OF AGES Products INFORMATION AND APPOINTMENTS Phone Mr. Crow, Roosevelt C o - is In The Uintah Basin FOR - An optomist is a guy who tells you to cheer up when things are going his way! - - c o - -THANKS FOR HELPING the gang at the shop to go to the tournament on Thursday, which is . . Our reour regular press-day- . porters all came in with their columns on Monday and our advertisers gave us a boost with early copy. . . We had to work like - - but we made' it. . . Thanks A Million, maybe we can help you sometime. - - c o - -EASTER EGG HUNT normally sponsored by the Roosevelt Club will be held on Saturday instead of Sunday. . . The Chamber of Commerce is the activity going to this year. . . So kids, watch this paper for more information on the Annual Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt on March 31st. 160-- M ARE DINNER PARTY HOSTS The Oscar Beebes were hosts at a dinner party Friday evening. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Halstead, Mr. and Mrs. Richard John-stuMr. and Mrs. Merlin Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Carman, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Day and Mr. and Mrs. Vem Bromley- - 500 was played after dinner with the Thomases, Mrs. Johnstun and and Mr. Bishop taking high scores. BEEBES RUBY STEPIIENSEN HAS ON MONDAY QUILTING Mrs. Ruby Stephensen had a Special Scout training meetings conducted by Robert Perin, Assistant National Director of Volunteer Training, have been set for March 20 and 21 in Provo, according to Paul Murphy, of the Utah National Parks Council. Tuesday evening beginning at 7:30 p.m. March 20 all district commissioners and neighborhood commissioners are urged to participate in a Commissioners Staff Conference. Some 20 commissioners from the Basin led by George Hacking, Roosevelt, Grant Peel, Moon Lake; Jack F. Dexter, Vernal, and Bill Peatross, Duchesne', are expected to take advantage of this opportunity. Wednesday from 1:30 to 3 pm. in Provo a special training session will be held for den mothers and assistant den mothers. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. also on March 21, there will be a meeting and assistant for scoutmasters scoutmasters. Other special meetings under the direction of Mr Perin will be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday in different parts of the Council, explained Mr. Murphy, but Basin scouters are not expected to participate because of distance. Mr. Perin has been associated with the Boy Scouts of America for many years. Just prior to his appointment as Assistant National Director of Volunteer Training he was Scout Executive of the Three G Council at Safford, Arizona. While in the' Three G Council our Field Executive, Mr. Skinner, became a scout and did much of his Scouting as a boy under the direction fo Mr. Perin, continued Scouter Murphy. He reports those who attend one of Mr. Perinss training sessions will talk of an inspiring experience for years to come. Vice-Preside-nt SEVERAL HONORED AT MOON LAKE SCOUT COURT MAR. 1 Five boys of the Moon Lake were presented Scout District their First Class badges by Glen Mohlman, District chairman, Sunday, March 4, at the monthly District Court of Honor held at Ah tonah. Mt. Emmons, Chad Hansen, Troop 254; Arvel Beckstead, Troop 257; Daniel Apodaca, Bluebell, Troop 269; Gene Berrett and Ralph Goodrich, both of Bluebell, Post 2269 earned their First Class badges. Lloyd Murray, Kirk Larsen and Dennis Thomas received their Second Class badges from Bluebell. Dean Carroll, Altonah, Troop 266; and Glade Evans and Michael Case of Mt. Emmons, Troop 254, received their Second Class badges. Eight boys earned' merit badges: Jerry Bird, Post 2269, in swimming; Arvel Beckstead, Troop 257, art; Kent Maxfield and Norman Maxfic-ld- , both of Troop 266, citizenship in the home; William Dee Clark, Troop 266, home repairs; Gene Carroll, rabbit raising; Chad Hansen, Troop 254, dairying and scholarship; and Laird Hartman, sheep farming and dairying. Mt Emmons Scout Troop 254 won the advancement plaque for the month of February. Bluebell, Troop 269 was second, and Bluebell, Post 2269, third. Next Moon Lake District Court of honor will be held Monday, April 2, at Mt. Emmons beginning at 8 p.m. Tabiona News Reporter Once again it has been my priv-- ' ilege to assist with the choosing of the Uintah Division All-Stbasketball team for the Deseret News, as a special assignment from Grebe, prep sports editor. While sixteen players were nominated by the division coaches for team honfirst or second ors. the ten rating the highest points will be listed in tl?e' Deseret News selection. Jim tells me lack of space, etc., makes it impossible for them to run the honorable mentions this year for any of the divisions of the state We would like to add our congratulations to the fine ball playteams also, er? on the All-Stwe would' especially like to congratulate at this time, the' fifty or so, wonderful basketball players in our division who did not make the All-Stselections, but nevertheless, contributed so much to the wonderful basketball season just past. We all know the stars in any production, must have an equally fine supporting cast, if they expect to shine their best, and we know this has been the case in this years basketball. It is not easy' to pick the All-Stsince they are neteams cessarily limited in number, and we thank the wonderful coaches in the Uintah Division who have assisted in this assignment, and wish them success in the future. Uintah We also congratulate High as the' division champions, and hope they will shine glorious- ' ly for all of us in the Uintah Basin when tournament play starts this week. all-st- quilting at her home on Monday. The ladies who spent the day there were: Mrs. Carrie Hatch, Mrs. Mildred Carman, Mrs. Grace Bench, Mrs. Sylvia Abbott, Mrs Rose Partridge, Mrs. Emma Wim-me- r and Mrs., Zella Grant. A lovely dinner was prepared The Allen Bonds and the Regi- and served to the group next door nald Burchinals motored to Amer- at the home of Mrs- Cleo Stephican Fork on Sunday, where the ensen. Burchinals visited with friends and the' Bonds went on to Salt Lake PROGRESSIVE SUPPER where they visited for the day. HELD BY MIA GROUPS The Duchesne Jr. Gleaners and Mr.' and Mrs. Vanore Brown and M Men, with guests from the Duweekthe of Provo, spent family end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. chesne Square Dance group, enjoyed a very fine progressive supDeon Brown and' family. per last Tuesday evening, after The' Farrell Humphreys motored opening exercises at Mutual. Cockto Ogden on Sunday to visit with tails were served at the home of their grandparents, and to have Mr. and Mrs. Weston Bates; salad at the home of Mr. and' Mrs- - Richdinner with them. ard Moore;, the main course' at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Houtz and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce then the group went back boys of Orem spent Sunday visit- Smith, ' to the stake house' where they ing with the Morley Davies. finished off the evening with root Mr. and Mrs. Bill Meyers of beer floats, after square dancing. Over 65s Who Work Can Cardston, Canada, were guests of MAYOR MRS. AND LYMAN Contact Social the Rowan Stutzes on Wednesday ENTERTAIN DINNER AT Califorenroute to and Thursday, Security Field Man nia. Mayor and Mrs. Chester Lyman It is still advisable to call on entertained Saturday evening with Social Security representayour visited a very lovely dinner party with The' John Thompsons tive when you are 65, even though the St. theme of Patricks Mtn. with the Curtis Walkers at Day. amount The guests who enjoyed the fine you continue working. The Home on Sunday. be affected by benefit of may your chicken dinner and evening of or you before Mrs. Mary Bingham from Char-lo- , Cards were: Mr. and Mrs. Vern filing receive you ertire, for payments part of may BeeNevada, spent last weekend as Bromley, Mr., and Mrs. Oscar is less income when a your year a guest of .Mr. and Mrs. Ern Wil- be, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Merkley than $2 080.01, or do not son and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson. Mr- - and Mrs. James Hatch, Mr. work for one month you or more. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson, Mrs. Anfield Ora Scott, representative Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Billings and na Nielsen, Mrs. Emma Wimmer, of the Salt Lake District office' of son, Larid of Salt Lake City were Mrs. Ruby Stephensen, Mrs. Eliz- the Social Security Administration, abeth Mrs. and William home Wilson Thomas, callers at the Ern in Duchesne at the New be will last Saturday enroute to Vernal. Case. Prizes were won by Mrs. County courthouse. Room 3, at Wimmer, Mrs. Hatch, Mrs. Steph- 3:00 p.m. on March 20, 1956 and Mr. and Mrs. Dee Workman and ensen, Mr. Merkley, Mr. Beebe at the City Hall at Roosevelt in Mr. and Wilson. family and Miss Joyce Hansen of 9:00 a.m. on March 21- - He will Salt Lake were weekend guests at be glad to assist you with any THELDA HALSTEAD HAS the G. B. Workman home. ing Social Security matters, ON THURSDAY QUILTING you may have' concem- problems Mrs. Thelda Halstead had as The Earl Jensens returned Saturday from a trip to Stillwater. guests on Thursday to help her Okla., where' they visited with the quilt and enjoy a fine dinner to- Three Graduates of DHS Tom Mickelsons. Greg, gether, Mrs. Carrie' Hatch, Mrs. Are Enrolled At B.Y.U. son of the Mickelsons, was oper- Sylvia Abbott and Mrs. Vinda Three graduates of Duchesne ated on while they were there, Merkley. High School are now attending but is doing fine'. Barbara and Tom send greetings to all their EMMA WIMMER ENTERTAINS j Brigham Young University, accordMrs. Emma Wimmer entertained ing to official figures released tofriends in Duchesne and said they at club on Thursday evening for day by school authorites. are all well. Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, Mrs. Anna Those now enrolled' for winter Dr. and' Mrs. John Smith spent Nielsen, Mrs. Rachel Wilson, Mrs. quarter1 from here are: Lou Ann Connie' Robbins, Mrs. Laura Ly- Cole, James Duke and Amanda Saturday and Sunday in Salt Lake with their families, the' Smiths and man, Mrs. Rose Partridge, Mrs. Swasey. Grace Bench and Mrs. Ruby the Barnetts. Stephensen. The hostess prepared Democracy is a small hard core Miss Renon Christensen spent a lovely luncheon in the St. Pat- of common agreement, surrounded the weekend in Levan with her ricks theme and the group en- - by a rich variety of individual Dr. James Conant differences. ;oyed 500 during the evening. parents. ar . Plan Special . Players ar By Thelma Nye NEW POLICE CAR The Weston Bates and the Ray Horrocks shopped in Salt Lake on Thursday and they also visited with the Gilbert Horrocks before coming home. Ray and Weston transacted business on the exchange of the old city police car for a new one, a black Ford, which they drove home. 30 - All-St- WENDELL JOHNSON GUEST SPEAKER AT FIRESIDE Wendell Johnson, Seminary principal at Roosevelt, was the guest speaker at Fireside Chat at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Moon on Sunday evening after Sacrament meeting. Forty-on- e people of mixed ages, enjoyed a very inspiring talk by Mr. Johnson. Songs were sung by the group and refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Moon. 50-ye- An open letter to the Duchesne County Commissioners for publication in the Uintah Basin Record and Roosevelt Standard on March 15, 1956: Duchesne, Utah March 12, 1956 Duchesne County Commissioners, Floyd Lamb, Chairman Lyle L. Young Clinton J, Mickelson ' Re: Blue Bench Gentlemen: So the' residents of Duchesne County may be informed as to the status of Blue Bench, the Uintah Basin Record and Roosevelt Standard submit the following questionnaire to you, their representatives in the county government.. What is holding up the sale of Duchesne Countys interest in Blue Bench lands? In order to give consideration to the' numerous prospective Aids Deseret News In Choosing purchasers of this land, who have submitted applications over a period of years, on what basis is the sale of the countys interest in Blue Bench lands to be' handled? How many acres of land on Blue Bench does the county hold under tax sale, under warranty deed? If so, how much asset value is listed? ' Is there a section in Utah law that gives a county govern- PUBLISHED THURSDAY OF EACH WEEK j The Hal Merkleys of Roy spent the weekend visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stephensen and Mr. and Mrs. Wilse' Merkley. Sheriff and Mrs. Lorin Stevensen visited for the weekend in Salt Lake with their children. Mrs. Marvin Shields of Arcadia was a Sunday caller at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Remund and family. Mrs. Owen Wright is visiting in Heber with her daughter for a while. The Howard Powells Dean Powells shopped .ake on Thursday. HIFM WEEVILS ? and the in Salt The John Strangs and daughter, Caroline, attended a family in Salt Lake over the weekend at the home of Miss Dona Oldroyd. Miss Oldroyd has just returned from an LDS mission of 2'i years in Australia, and is the sister of Mrs. Strang. er Tal-mag- e, ' The' Niel Moons spent the weekend in Duchesne with their families. They brought Mrs. Phoebe Morrell with them and Mrs. Morrell is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Halstead. She is recovering from a recent operation and is feeling well. The Elmer Moons left this last week to attend' the dedication of the Los Angeles LDS Temple on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Lockner and family of Salt Lake, former residents of Duchesne, spent the weekend as guests of Mrs. Emma Wimmer. Mrs. Hildur Johnstun spent the weekend visiting in Heber. Jay Rice, Alvin Hardman of Salt Lake and Keith Bankhead of Tooele, were house guests at the Weston Bates home on Saturday and Sunday. Character of all worth-whil- is the real foundation success. John Hays Hammond e More growers than ever before are treating their fields with powerful dieldrin for alfalfa weevil control. Dieldrin gets the weevils before they lay their eggs which hatch into destructive larvae. Dieldrin can be applied as a spray or as a dust. .Only small amounts are needed for effective conn trol. Dieldrin is available under brand names from your insecticide dealer. well-know- HERES . M-0- 1 Dieldrin la also topa for con trol of onion thrips, graashop- pera, onion maggots and other insects. SHELL CHEMICAL CORPORATION AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL SALES DIVISION 100 Bush Street, Sm Francisco 6, California |