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Show Thursday, Ftbruary 2006 SPRINGVILLE HERALD 5 1 ifs Girls' State Tea February 6 An invitation is extended to all girls who are juniors at Springville High School and their parents to attend a tea to explain Girls' State. The tea will be held Monday, Feb. 6, at 3 p.m. at the Senior Citizen Center. The address is 65 E. 200 South, Springville. Girls' State is an opportunity for young women to learn more about the inner workings of our democratic form of government from city to national. Girls' State will be held at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, June 5-10, and is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. The Girls' State Citizens from last year will be present to answer questions about the program and to give more information. They hope to see a lot of junior girls and parents in attendance. If you have questions about the program, especially if you cannot attend the tea, contact Girls' State Chairman, Valerie White at 489-7625. Krysten Anderson was the first place, top sixth grader in the Mathcounts competition. Aiyssa Payne, not in picture, came in second sec-ond place for sixth graders. i : I . jl - I? j il 4 1 1 1 li rl" ""A p i Mel, w .. Cnr.fv - Pt- L K '. i ft f n -I , j V C f l ? ' Over five thousand years ago, the people of Egypt created one of the earliest civilizations. One of the most impressive achievements by this people were the temples and tombs they built called pyramids. During the month of January the children of Art City Elementary have been learning about Egypt and other ancient civilizations. civi-lizations. In conjunction with this a contest was held in which the children were invited to build a pyramid. The only rules were it had to be made of something from home. So, from "Starburst" candies to cans, the pyramids pyra-mids were built. Pictured here are the winners of the contest. Each winner received a Hematite Magnet from My Fun Family Toy Store downtown. Congratulations to the winners: Breanna Powers, Parker Barnes, Ripley Tew, Katya Fullmer, Wyatt Bateman, Annie Mallory, Madison Covey, Aubrey Conrad, Marynda Chipman, Lexi Hardman, Katelyn Vaughan, Chole Fullmer, Elizabeth Elliott, Anna Fleischmann and Sarah Palmer. a. -i i umm I, .. . y, nmt m... ioTirirfiiiawBai Mapleton Schooi first graders had a fun day celebrating the 100th day of school. Everyone got to walk through the big 100 at the front door, colorfully decorated with balloons donated by Reams. Everyone was sporting their 100's day glasses including Mrs. Warren (Principal) and Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Tarrin and Mrs. Mi-tank Mi-tank the librarian. Second graders earned a snow day by learning to count to 1,000. Students sang songs about 100 and counted to 100. Each student brought a collection of 100 and shared with the whole grade level. It was a fun celebration of 100 fantastic days of learning! Pictured here are Mrs. Snyder's first grade class and Mrs. Julie Warren in front of the Big Walk Through 100. A PARTNERSHIP IN EDUCATIOfJ Reagan Academy Springville's Free K-8 Public Charter School Announcing Open Enrollment for school year 2006-2007 Wondering if Reagan Academy is right for your child? Here is what we offer: . 1. Rich & Rigorous Core Curriculum - exceeds State Standards! Highly Acclaimed Saxon Math Program Student tailored Leveled-learning - to promote academic excellence Outstanding, well-trained teachers. School Uniforms - Fosters a more disciplined learning environment Great Teacherstudent Ratio 7. Extensive Opportunities for Parental Involvement 8. Brand-new Facilities 9. Diverse selection of After-school Opportunities jl 0 Reagan Academy is Motivated to Excel! To Find out More, Visit our website at www.Reaganacademy.org We invite you to attend an Open House and Informational Meeting on Thursday, March 9th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Reagan Academy is located at 1 143 W. Center - Springville 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Corbin Cutler, Caleb Reidhead, Taylor Sutterfield and Lance Merrel, front, from left, comprise the Math-counts Math-counts First Team at the Springville Middle School. In back, from left, are the students on the Second Math-counts Math-counts Team. They are Kolby Harget, Ryan Allan, Caitlyn Erickson and Dallin Pope. The students will compete com-pete February 11 at the Region Mathcounts contest which will be hosted by the Springville Middle School. Springville is the only school who competes against eighth grades. The State Math contest will be at the University of Utah in March. J . If N 1J ' " 595 DRUG TirriiTTriTnTiiTniiiTTn'rtBrnimiiiimn Corbin Cutler was named the Springville Middle School Math-counts Math-counts Champion for the school. Since 1909 Springville's Only Traditional Drug Store and Soda Fountain 489-6041 214 South Main St, iiHiiiiisisiiiiiiit1 " ipKiss Don't make a mistake with your old pictures and home movies. Tommy knew he should have saved those old home videos, photos and slides. And now he'd wished he'd saved the old 8mm and Supers movie film too! snelson PRESERVE YOUR MEMORIES ON DVD! ' . ' Did you know Sfiat your hoirie movies, your family photos, slides, and negatives an ecgr&i rgeven as you read triis? Yon may not notice it today, but time, humidity, and temperature dia-igts wiil 'Je id destroy your precious fentily memories. Keeo txse memories alive and vibrant by areinving their to DVD. Sneson PhotoColor Lab acwifjts any rw.tiire sks, negatives or slKtes, and most video camera formats, A handy, archived DVO filled with family ohotos or home movies makes an ideal gift, anniversary or Christmas present, or to oopy and sliare with other family members. Home movie transfers to DVD start at $20 00 1 09 photos, slides, or negatives (al Die same sae and type) tixmsferred to CVD start at jiist $9.95. 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