Show UT Increase in Pacific Coast Trade With La Latin tin America Seems Evident Following Fol- Fol lowing ving Hoover Trip I By RODNEY DUTCHER Copyright 1229 NEA Service Inc I WASHINGTON One ot of the things Herbert hoover is supposed to have had in mind on his good wUl tour was the I future development develop develop- ment ot of trade between between be- be tween his tiis own west coast and the west coast of Latin America Business men of our Pacific states stales have been keenly alive to the fl Al of such development f o 0 I several years cars and they hailed Hoovers Hoover's ers er's rs announcement I L' L Labout of the trip as asa a about out the best er thing that could have happened to promote their hopes hoover of course was In no position tion nor In any frame of mind to boost the trade of of one section at atthe atthe the expense ot of another but he is in incomplete incomplete complete sympathy with those those of his numerous friends among west coast business leaders wIo pate bigger and better trade relations relations rela- rela in the lower hemisphere IMPORTS EXPORTS INCREASE That these expectations are vell en founded seems to be indicated by bythe the material growth of the waterborne water water- borne bOIne foreign trade of our PacIfIc II ports during the last few years Imports doubled in the sia years ears ended with 1926 and exports nearly trIpled a much better showing than was made by the north Atlantic or gulf gult ports The Pacific ports have rave been taking over aver a considerably greater proportion of our oceanic export trade and hope to continue the gain There are certain obstacles insofar Inso- Inso far Car as concerns South America Mexico l and Central adjoIn our own west coast But the Panama Pana- Pana ma canal lies In a direct line between between be- be tween our east coast and South Americas America's west coast The lower lowel continents continent's great bulge out Into the Atlantic removes remove her east coast even farther from San Francisco Los Angeles An- An geles and the harbors of the north north- west vest Also South AmerIcas AmerIca's demand is primarily for manufactured goods which are not produced In abundance dance in our far west wesl ALREADY SURFACE ANGLES But Dr Julius Klein head of the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce who who may succeed to Hoovers Hoover's old job ot of commerce see sec says sars these are surface angles and that there them are really sonic some excellent ex- ex opportunities for development develop develop- meat ment ot of trade between this the two west coasts Klein like Hoover Is a Call Call- and it is natural to suppose that his vIews are shared by the president elect Our Pacific coast producers Dr KleIn explains to this writer are especially well equipped to deal wIth the Latin Americans You must have observed a st similarIty or of on the two w wes coasts One can still still feel sonic some of the Spanish atmosphere in California California has been pait of We United Unit Unit- ed States for two generatIons generation but she was a Spanish provInce for fr years She has a of background in lawand for Instance with Latin America In environment the two west coasts are closely closely d. d They have had similar problems of land and climate Shear off a. a strip ot of Chile bring it up over tire equator and slap It on OUr west coast It tits fIts There Theres There's the des des' crt ert of f northern Chile with its mineral deposits her central section section- which is Is' so like the fer fertile ile fruit valley country ot of CaH the same bIg barrier Of snowy y mount moun- moun t which provide the same kind I of water and al allow ow both countries to develop water power then the rainy sections of southern Chile whIch correspond to the densely wooded American northwest of Oregon Oregon Ore Ore- gon and Washington The geographic geographic geo I graphic coincidence becomes amazIng lag Ing when you compare the Chilean archipelago in the far sou south h with the string o and bays running running run run- ning north from Vancouver to the Aleutians UP Simlar environment eln sue such IS as these are arc likely to to produce similar civilizations Our development ort of course has been much the inoc ra rapid id But the South American ican west vest coast has hai tended to begin catching up with us in recent years As' As Chile and the west coast develop those cOuntries countries cOun coun- coun I tries are going to be in I Or engIneers and other developers who can work along the same tines lines of our own western expansion RAILROAD FEET UP our western ness l may ay be considered to have hare begun begun be- be gun m many n years cars ago when Henry Henr Meiggs th the California engineer built tim the famous unduplicated railroad which runs up nearly feet above sea level In the high mountains of Peru Naturally our engineers abroad look back for equipment and methods to the thc see sec whence they came The oIl fIelds of Peru today arc filled with California engineers The west vest coast countries are arc drawing on the experience of our western engineers the Chi Chi- sins have t taken len Ideas from Our Call Call- tornia fruIt and their lumbering methods and amI equipment equip equip- meat ment are similar to those we have used In ino our r northwest Motion I tion pictures pie pie- tures from Hollywood which have hale helped OUT our trade abroad have even even given Iven Latin Americans new ideas of l operations and equip equip- mont ment LUMBER IS NEEDED South America also hIlS a short short- lumber which represents art an opportunity for our lumbermen Argentina Ar- Ar gentina Is especially short of lumber lum- lum ben ber rind and tOday we have ila a trade with her which pas passes cs through the Straights of Magellan l We ate developing a fine trade in tractors and agricultural implements meats ments with Argentina and Chile which have the same kind ot of a terrain ten ter- rain for which those products were wele developed in our western country Because of the reversal of sea sea- sops sons we ive are arc also beginning to develop de- de a large export trade in fresh fruits especially In the Argentine Our west coast also produces apples ap- ap pies ples and canned goods which me aie regarded as luxuries At the moment nio- nio ment laws for standards of cans and fruit fumigation are Obstacles to development export trod to be overcome |