Show dont pay price prices for oats any toy more mors you yon CD can get goa utah oata oats lacked at it 1 I 60 per IN butir plunie do at emery county mercantile company dont yon can boy floar at ewell county company fort 7 W pound 0 loo for K V pounds and 1 I 1 so for to W J lion ads our baby lias beer nolly troubled with colic call and sod ol aller alers tain ice his hl birth and 11 all II tie t we coald could 10 tor tot him did oot cot acin to its give more thin few horary relief until we tried chamber Cb ember liili colic cholera and da R rin avi edy mace giving that hilt remedy bo be bits not been troubled wb we want to give you this testimonial ile an evide V us of oar out ar a made not that you need it to Adre admeril ril your remedy 1 U 0 it LAW IM imling lInk low for sale lr cy all 1 I I hire have need 11 i cough remedy la in jay family for ye yar arsanA ana at 1 wy wibb rood good results aye says mr W U D cooper of el 1110 cal I 1 for mcball chill dren we re find it especially roat sale ae by all medicine dealan if yon you think the weather li Is hot enough to malis a wood or coal cooking tore toys undesirable then call at the emery comity mercantile co s tore store and iff see conr gal soUne tore stove which we will sell 11 yon you for 5 including bake oven i look at this and take advantage adran taga if 0 the opportunity tb the irth Is here and s we re wib wish to close ont out all our ladle ladies and jart trimmed hills and will do so 0 o at ta unheard 1111 of sacrificed 34 per percent cent S emery Y cloty mercantile co troubled with trill be interested in the experience of mr W M X bash clerk ot of hotel Dorr domice anoe providence it 1 I ile ay says for amov eral yer years I 1 bare have been almost a constant tk sufferer ut ferer from diarrhoea the frequent attack attacks completely in toe and nd rendering rende flut roo me unfit for lay iny dobli f at this hotel botel about two year years ago a a traveling kindly gave me a email small bottle ot colic colle cholera and derbm Ite much to my sur f pries rise and delight it its effects were liam a dials whenever I 1 felt symptoms of the W difed I 1 would fortify myself against the attack with a few low doen dom of thi this vp I 1 6 able AM a remedy the result has been NEU and almost complete i alitt let i from the affliction for ule dale by all wedi medicine clue dealer which do you like best amr bills or doctor bills A use the thc wholesome ome bakin baking I 1 powder bisbe beal fib 7 flowers owr of f Oli for catarrh that cenric CI Ift mercury as rao mercury toury will ill surely destroy the amis if of imell smell and completely derange the whole when catering cut ering it through he surfaces bach art articles cles nold never tr to aud cited except on looe long from reputable physicians f m the camago they will ill do is ten fou fold to the bood boj yon you can possibly derre derive from thern them hll halls catarrh carr care by r J mcvey ct co coo boido tol do 0 contains no and Is I 1 taken internally act aig dirt otly aoa the blood and mucous I 1 of the system in buying U 11 ila II catarrh caro cam b be sure you get got the goa ine it U talan internally and made in Toti toledo edo oble by PJ rj chazey co testimonials free froe sold by bairs family pills aw as the but best aclo illusto 11 lotion cures cr magic pile lotion a positive po altire cure for pile piles stings barns scalds painful awell swell logs in diphtheria dip theria for sal tali i at emery county mercantile compa nyu ts stores magic pile lotion cures plies either external or internal ia in from 4 to if day days acme cholera syrup ia Is the iafet safest and surest remely in to the world for cholera infantas tam cholera borbus col c and all tron blee of the bowel for sale at emery county mercantile com panya torea stores acme syrup cam colic acme clem lymp anre or diar diarrhoea rhoma tbt the 14 bield aud d f daver vr contains coutil ns in bragee Bp agee loc eluding lading as lit 11 r 9 all reading atory story sup opp ale lement m en matrine making it the 11 and la con a eldered the best general farm lam and lirt tock stock journal published it is i haal comely illustrated allut rated bacu week and shoal I 1 be read real by every ranchman to a the coco coun try we can club field and farm with ibis hia paper at fa 3 50 a year mien magnus magnna 1911 expectorant Is U a is tire cure for coughs cold la grippe congestion of the lange lung and acute asthma for ale wile at emery county mercantile com panya stores CM LIN daimus expectorant for pleasant prompt and certain relief for coughs and cold colds does baby bab y thrive q if your baby is dc delicate licate and sickly and its f food docs does not nourish it put fifteen or twenty drops of scotts emul emelion Em ulion A on in its bottle three or four times a day and you will sec see a ma marked r ked change we have had abundant proof that they will on this emulsion when f food bod fails to nourish them it is the same with larger children that arc are delicate scotts emulsion seems to be the clement lacking in their food do not fail to try it if your children do not thrive it is as useful for them in summer as in in winter ash your doctor if V th aku is net met fru true SCOTT A NOW cowf af climb now I 1 mh wit mrs A woolman PROFF professional nursa offer offers her ices to me tk people of price and od vicinity admitted by taso bbate 1 medic dindi ces to pr Tra attics Uc ate Keil 0 dence n ith mrs J it lluc race FOR A FINE LINE OF call on mrs J JW W lett lott huntington UTAH at ambr ber residence ahers you tny way aid the laft styles tyl lo 10 bati bate at t very low fleuren I 1 have ladle ladies and nd children i a french flannel fuk oak embroiders 1 avalis embroidered flaw deli eta te my we were la in the ft peat tor for cash and can give 1 the ladies of r and surrounding towns excellent THE WONDERS OF OP SCIENCE lung troubles and consumption can be cured As E andt no kw york chilt asid d selem 1 lit ties makes ilak a arto offer to use uada Ite aders tb the new now york cle diet mist cam demonstration hij his dla di covery of a reliable and also alonte uto cure tor for consumption pulmonary taber tuber cu losis and nd all 11 II bronchial throat lung ud and chet cheat dis diseases dieca esses eee cough coughs catarrhal affections general decline and weakness loee lose of flesh and all condition of wasting away wih tend send TV FREE BOTTLE different ot of hie his new Mc overtes to any afflicted reader of the advocate writing for them zent his I 1 new now scientific lenting Sc treatment baa has cured cared permanently by its timely use and he consider it a simple professional duty to buffering suffering humanity to to donate a trial of bis his infallible cure dally develops dev elope new wo wonders and this great chemists cheT ilet patiently in euting tor for y tare tars baa has produced results aa an beneficial benen cial to humanity aa as can be claimed by any modern genius genins hie his assertion that lung long troubles lee and con are curable in any climate is I 1 proven by heartfelt letter letters of agrati ali tude filed bled la in hu his american and enro earo ean laboratories labor torie in thousands from hose those cured in all parts of the world medical experts concede that bronchial cheat chest and lung tron blea blell lead to which uninterrupted means speedy and certain death simply ato writ to T A slocum at 3 gel pine street saw york giving poet post office and express ad address drees and the fre free me medicine Ileine will be promptly sent suffer buffer era ers should taice take instant of his ge generous ne propos proportion itsou p I 1 tell teu the doctor that you saw his offer in the advocate 4 toot bato with wits Cm eert re arsta rt buur tir 1 C CERVERA DOWNED 1 but not so with our store our stock cannot be downed quality considered our goods arc are as low as money can buy them and don t forget that we pay the highest prices on all countr country y produce PERRON FERRON BRANCH OF THE emery county mercantile mel 4 cantile co cos T TWO 0 SPLENDID TRAINS DAILY TO THEL HAST MAST va via great rock island route ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIMITED lw lett 0 E R am m 4 COLO SPRINGS RINGS dl I 1 arrive arrives LINCOLN 1145 11 45 p m 11 a in of 1 1 8 1 10 IN hn 5 25 afa A fa is DAVENPORT 6 CHICAGO nest next day through sleepers and dd chair care cars colorado to chicago wide ves chiule 1 he finest train in the west COLORADO FLYER lemes DENVER 1 COLO SPRINGS m TO A 7 30 am slin KANSAS CITY 9 15 ain ar at LOUIS avab web rj rey 6 15 13 p in arches alrh c ST JOSEP 10 40 am ab COL ex sun run 6 42 am sun 8 59 am m through Sl ciera Col colorable orale springs to st loul louis ia a wabash ily rey these are hew new trains in addition to our former service tor k or particular a and folders giving the tb time of the ahw write W 11 E E 19 NA MACLEOD cLEOD jiso JNO sebast N geni abt denner dei er A G P A topeka 0 11 A Cli chicago leago THE SCIENCE 0 OF F irrigation master it by reading irrigation fanning farming A book of pages and aioo illustrations bound in cloth price 2 by mail prepaid pre paid we print the best agricultural journal on earth try it t and keep posted address FIELD AND FARM DENVER COL SENT FREE FRED to any person interested in humane matter matters or who lovee loves animals we will end send free fros upon application a it copy of the alliance toe the organ of thi this society in addition to its intensely interesting reading it contain contains a list of the valuable abla and unusual premiums given by the paper anc NATIONAL nation flux sit united charities Chart tle hew how kork rork mrs kate etter OF or MISSOURI Is I 1 cured of hiort oil asse by or dr nw how hart heart cur cure lit IIA KITE arr ettelt rote wrote lion tram MRS M Ne calso ho tn to march aul two year years sk pi 0 o I 1 vu was severely er Frely troubled with my kidneys and A areat atlon 0 o abit 0 condition O lion became alarming lannin tho th ph brought a r la 1 a c or i suited in ha no bentel I 1 went eat to byomin tor tot chante of climate without ta fit was brought bachta i A atchison here where worked with ath me rag night aad and dy day to kcf dileep cum C ice we aure alive to reach my friends here my cyb h art became beca me so bad that my friends rare fare up all hope botas I 1 balt ta lie ag tr dr 1111 heart oar cure ani and ervine auer titer bately aad and was reume to it is is U now BO boath lance lad am a ver perte factly etly beell IL vr dr 1 jaenie ja euie am old sold by all drag CUU iff under a 11 tnt bottle book on and nerves sent ire re to all applicants DIS DIL uiles 1 MEDICAL 00 alhart lad ind essma i 2 to ft P N EVEN THE ENJOY BAKING DAY ivy N AND TO THESE CAKES AND BISCUITS THE cook SHOULD USE 11 US S BAKING POWDER consumers the prices 5 oz cans bioc i oc 8 oz cans 16 oz cans asig your grocer for or a cm can and you will be W j pleased that you will use DO no other bd c C a THE STYLISH t V F orl OrL bal Mil IV I 1 fitting frices foaud 10 aud 15 lucent cents nor onither none 1 SOOMI tel labia merchant acis L CM ia in or every city oc or town ask for ahm or they can be flad by ina I 1 fran f in in la elsbet new cycak or zo Is 1 st sump ps ulta taken latta bastion 2 S ct t i lent UP b a one 0 ceat tj pay I 1 I 1 po stife 1 I 1 MS mtv ift M 9 buga brightest lidit ladice maci fice r wd I 1 invaluable for the benn I 1 the day hoine home I 1 mateo hint fancy verb cat et esl tt an fir amily 50 cc us a at U chiding cb iding inga ree I 1 any t r d arm a iw 7 j x timpu am copy co aduss ft J THE bl CALL ca 1 JY ichi IC hi vist irth u stat icv kocl i lag ditth avenue clifto I 1 doat dt Tub still book tr tear lare isar to 4 quit tt tobacco Is ad 1 forever be ame belle full ull f or of life nerve sod 1 vicor 1 uk take toto to oto o to abe tb nailer a ir that weak ak wes luv 9 all Cult eor ta bookies IL ad d ibal rw tree add sterling a efti chicago or of K new tora CLARENCE MARSH real estate Es loans insurance rm lire LIFE AND acal ACCIDENT doht wishing to trade dan 0 s i will rill do down well location to on fu 04 james prim utah MARK P BRAFFET PRICE UTAH ON MAIX MAIN elbing EQUIPPED for tor work to I 1 a try very important Impo fm fast or 0 anen wa ft crit first class work I 1 14 liln I 1 hav hf the tb experience xi 4 Is wa equipped for I 1 r my work I 1 will do ali all kind of TIN iou ibe the ul to of or jim hour can cans a as i follows a ran cans 81 1 of 0 11 rallon cam wa ferron utah 1 experience COUN COUNTS TS FOR MUCH when it conits to satisfactory fluff lof 1 I bar bars bad had twenty lenolla jozos in abi this line alln of f ark frt tu eu a 21 work at ry low fis you are toady is plaster your house bou lt lot me ibur wills 1 you I 1 caa can mak make itan it object THOMAS artall wes WC C RICHMAN MD PHYSICIAN and 1 uram will win answer cal cat i a f acm om settle THE CULLEN SALT LAKE CITY centrally located RATES aa 1 l and a 2 so per day 5 C EWING prop KEEP MONEY AT H HOMI 0 M EP E P by insuring in the HOINE 0 F FIRE UTAHN CAPITAL HEBER J GRANT CO gen abts salt lake asab ASA 1 k se 0 future t for preat sewing C economy but buy the dewing machine with an estall lashed rc that avs euf anteck you icari aej 1 tory service j j aw 7 6 az ITS PINCH TENSION D TENSION INDICATOR for arld showing the exact rt a few of the features tbt that the aich grade character of the send sena for our elc irant I LT HT catalog WINTE SEWING co 0 0 8 cascante Caie Cas arete cants cand clady Cau the most YE wm darful medical discovers dc disco otere verv of the am pless ant and ants to the taie uste act my by and nl oo 00 kiil Df five rand SS iab nM cleas islat the entire system aej ee WP cin Isca dache few lover baalu 1 so sm jOW of Q a a today to day I 1 10 guaranteed to C PI |