Show 01 CHEAT CT the far for i era ere c atho th united states are eta now DOW obtaining from anther I 1 itt is of illi br boril more money for the fiscal baal year which ends with till tills mouth than in my any preceding year 10 a tir be bittony of the country in Aw erivan export of agricultural product products amounted to 10 lint this bt will be b kurpit sed 1 by the ricord of the year wb will b dorrs with the month of jane june the preliminary reports of the may way ex export portis alom which hare reached tbt be lourean of show that the agricultural export will exceed mud ml th total any may reach never before the export exports ot of the agricultural product deac ea the oil WOUW mark sod and never lot twice hr hare they pawed the line the tor fort tanae anale y yan ars being 1881 and ika compared with the lt last alic il year the increase in b exports of prod acts will be ally fully luykx and corn com pared with ho the a preceding year lb the in crease will be over 50 0 while the total will be nearly fifty per cent in ex amis ct M of thit th it of the fit at year it P nat naturally orally the tile export of breadstuffs takis t the most nt mt place as aaby tb y macrat catt to narty n ri arty arly 1 f I on 00 KT for each bibio baynem 1 I sy y awl ua IL 16 tute id le ld leui than in elecie of the laet last yeara rears export exports of of wheat the va no 09 of the export exports of tho fiscal year IM will be more than double that of ot the fical fiscal year while the increase tu lu door will be dearly nearly fifty per cent and of corn com nearly fitly per cent la in value 1 corn meal oali oats and oatmeal and rye atoo al show a s increase la in pro visions by which are mant beef bog hog and dairy product products the total exports are likely to reach a conal ler ter alile able increate over lat tat year lire live beef Is L gaining greatly in popularity with the foreign customers and the exports have increased maWri materially ally while beef either f canned or DOC not only abow shows no increase iacre aee bat but la in most cam there bu has been b cu a falling off the exportation of triet b jef cattle daring during the first ten montha months of the fi ical year tear amounted to agair og t in the corresponding 1111 ct last year fresh lef in llie ilia ame some period fell from pounds in 1897 to 2 87 3 in the corresponding ten months of salted baited test shows it falling off of about thirty fire five per cent agricultural products ar an 3 by far the largest factor la in the of this country tot tat the export of the manufactured pre product ducts bare have alo also increased and the favorable conditions of foreign tarde during the past three yeara years are re pe baas not fully appreciated in their in luence on the financial strength th and general of country coa atry for tho year ending with june jane the excess of merr bandise and silver product products over imports amounted to birj and in the fol tot owing year the be balue balau s la in favor of this ibis country wai was Wo the present year trade is still more favorable the excess of merchandise ch andiss alone over imports for elfven months being nealy va a truly magnificent credit balance it la is still too early to speak with as aurance of the probable requirements of europe during the coming year but the outlook ie Is hope hopeful fal crop prospects ecta in this country are very favorable the wheat crop prom proeung fAng the largest aggregate yield ever known the high price of wheat daring during last season baa has doubt leee loss reduced the interior and invisible stocks of wheat in thin and other coun trice tries and toe too worda worlds supplies aupp liea are now largely la in sight at the principle points of accumulation for this reason large crops this s year ought not to be as de pressing eesing pr to values as thay would it if tup up plies piles of old wheat were large and there Is I 1 reason to hope fair prices will be obtained for a bountiful supply of agri cultural products during the coming coining rear tear the remarkable remar gable showing made wade by our export expert trade in agricultural prod products acts and the hopeful outlook cannot fail to love a most important bearing upon the material prosperity of this country |