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Show -L- IBERTY-Tremonton SUN. 21 May r3 r 1 - MON. - TUES. 22 - WED. 23 25 14 and JOEL 7cCR& MP i THURS. - BARBARA STAFHVYCK ADMISSION: MATINEE EVENINGS J in . ' ift, . '"at Funeral Services Hehfr Lundberg and family, of LoReports this week from Sandy told hi3 with visited brother, of the death of T. H. Turner, formerSunday gan, Moroni. ly of Tremonton, who succumbed as a result of a fall in a department D. store in Salt Lake May 8. Mr. TurC. her Harris R. entertained Mrs. MAURIXE COOK, Local Correspondrnt I'hwne friends at a chicken dinner at her ner, it was said, suffered from brain Funeral services for William B. The spring and home Thursday, Bronson, prominent citizen and tem- will a attended identi was bcx?n received Mrs. Moroni Lundberg D. S. Hospital where he Announcements have again capture worker, were held at 1 o'clock hundreds liy frienda in Tremonton of the birth tea given by trustees and faculty by his family. He is survived by ple i of thousands in fied visited Pedersen Nelda under Elwood the at Sunday f Chapel Vnlflnan u: Sunday tV,A wirincr frill school of a son. May 12, to Mr. and Mrs. members of the Dee Hospital 11,3 ,.rie al'" " ' friends the from with "v A. P. of Hansen. states college ,'Ogden direction ""uty a.nd tv the Bishop . Rnat, Mnmpr Stanlev. and Mrs. N.?ville Hunsaker, of Houston, Texas. of Nursing, Friday. The tea was to, : honor the graduating clas3 and their Kngham young university. Ifwllle is a former resident of Speakers at the services were forine Sharpe. Services were held in the mer bishop, Victor L. Hansen, Hyrum a son of Mr. and Mrs. Israel mothers. Bleachers have Th P.nirlp rf tho Rprnnrl ward: aiKiu ruaexiii pawuio xucauajr, Hansen of Logan, Patriarch Jas. the first basefounn" is E. he At Uinaaker. teaching present was entertained their by Primary H. Fri- at the University of Houston and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Getz enter- teacher, Mrs. Mrs. Franklin Walker, of Boise, P. Christensen. President K. Adams, at the Angelina Wm. and River Bear of the where he Stake, Rice the University, tained at dinner Saturday evening in home of Mrs. Amelia Cannon. The Idaho is visiting several days with dal, of Park. Is preparing for his Fh. D. degree. honor or Mr. ana airs, iven nose, Seaman, Hyde ly 100 fans can sit comw-- of hoste8s presented each graduate with her son, Delbert Walker, and his Mrs. Hunsaker was formerly Miss who are leaving for Preston. Idaho Representatives of the temple who reach of wild throws Refreshments were served. gift Ajiii Petersen of Los Angeles. spoke at the funeral paid high tri- their hearts content t bute to the work he had done in the Come out and join in I Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Leavitt, of! Mrs. Radcliff Henry entertained Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Calderwood and the fr Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Fuller attend- - Lewiston, were guests of the week of, the Seagull girls at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen attended Logan temple the past 19 years. Hun- help four good hustling from a ball 1 (he funeral of Mr. Jesse Gilbert in Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Summers. Ernest Cornwall, Friday. Games were the funeral services of T. H. Turner dreds of letters from tourists game out of it. ' rebeen over have the all country home. to their Whitney, Idaho, Sunday. Tremonton Softball at the Larkin Funeral home in Salt They returned Sunday played and refreshments served. ceived by Mr. Bronson thanking him Ajs, Lake, Tuesday. in and kindness his for courtesy nr. E. II. White left Thursday for Officers of the Tremonton-Garlan- d Ralph Jackman, of Salt Lake City, guiding them in and around the tem-- J DEATHCLABIS St. Louis to attend the convention of Literary club were named at the reg- - visueci aunaay wiin ms parents, Air. an(j Mrs Wesley Gephart en jjr pie grounds. tlte National Medical association. He ular meeting held at the nome or Airs, ana airs, wiuora jacuman. tie was tertained at a buffet PHILENE HAL; supper at their Other speakers who had known Mr. will visit a week at the Mayo Clinic or urown aims uy ruiui uariana. uincers iviuir, were acuumiui;u iihome Henry Friday evening. Present t, Philene Hall passed away Rochester, Minnesota, returning chosen were president, Edna Burn-- 1 Salt Lake. Sunday afternoon the Mr and Mrg Jack Fronk, Ajr an(j Bronson during his life, spoke of his worth as a man and his activities in li wne June 1. in visited friends and vice group Logan i'b Mrs Don ham; president, Sophia Taylor; Peckenpaugh, and Mr. and a religious nature and praised him fllness" hme ln Prta"e historian-recordeLucv White: lit- - Wellsvllle Mrs. Ted Christensen. for that which he had done. She was born at Little Cotton The B. R. Bridge Club was enter erary leaders, Ruth Summers and A tribute, written by D. P. Wood- Salt Lake C. Mrs. E. H. White, Mrs. J. DewMattie Stone tained Saturday at the home of Mrs MatHf Rtnnp-. county, Utah, Aug Mrs. Genevieve Walker presented land, was read by Hyrum E. Hansen. . n r anai t. ifw, r She Wafew Ransom. Special guests were n ur. Arinur iiertzier s ine "iiorse oeager, mis. Ai mur her in a Thursrecital musical piano were a numbers pupils Special her childhood in Iowa when Mrs. Dorothy Peckcnpaugh and Mrs. Buggy Doctor," was reviewed by Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. A. L. Cook attended at the Tremonton chapel. solo by Walter Wuthrich and a duet ents made a InVem Hacking. Prize winners were White. Refreshments were served to a banquet at the Howard Hotel in day visit tn J: by Norman Andreason and Elna Hun home. Jewel Steffen, high; Phoebe Halght, nineteen members and two guests. Brigham, Thursday, given by the Honj Mrs. Ethen Nelson ' entertained at saker. Civic Welfare club, cit; and La Vein Hacking, low. ReUpon their return to the w 1U1 C1S11U ldUies President and his counsel' Quinney Rhea Hennler attended the Dental at which mothers of the club mem- -' freshments were served . 1870, her parents located in y! irsaay. Douglas lors, of the temple, visited at the vw rvio vvii eel c i ciic ill VtUcii jit iiwiiwt n.Joioian to where Mrs. Hall has made"!.!' r, valley, ' ' uier. uuncn home to review the remains of their home ever tistically laid on two long tables and Mr. and Mrs, Lcander Stenquist Thursday. spending tie friend and brother Saturday, previous ters at the since, oc,,cu' Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Weaver, of the banquet was folowed by a pro-- , home of her daughter avl Mr. and Mrs. George Stenquist to funeral. the E. II. WTiite was the club Salt Lake wre Mothers' day visitors at the Bountiful, were Sunday guests of Mi. gram. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dalton were Interment was made in the Willard nine in City where she spent mr'i guest. hune of Mrs. C. G. Borg, of Salt and Mrs. R, S .Calderwood. aomg temple work. weekend guests of their daughter, cemetery. .Mrs. Hall taught school for ' lUce. Mrs. Joe E. of Salt Lake City. Jette, Mrs. W. W. Whitney attended a years when she was a young wcr a"enJed the Mothers' Day ser Tn compliment to Miss Barbara beautifully arranged luncheon given ed in Salt Lake, spent the weekend' and spent several years viv.tr; ai Liie i ait, wrest ward. the Indians at Washakie I; ., R.iimussen prior to her departure to by the Modem Mothers' club of Prov with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G California on a short-terwhere she spent her early niarr'! mission, idence, Wednesday evening in honor Brough. JS MrsL. Haivey was J guest of t) life. She has given about 50 officers and teachers of the Sec of their mothers. Mrs. Whitney was honor at a chicken yr' dinner given by Mrs. Francis Norr was hostess to' ond Ward Primary entertained Mon- - guest of her daughter, Mrs. Leland Doyle Nelson, of Bothwell, in hos active service to the L. D. S. chr members of the Garland-Frida- pital for medical treatment. nglnal G. home! the S. F. club at her at Zollinger. in 1 Bridge the home of various Mrs. evenuig capacities. ,i4' Walter Archibald, of Plymouth, in were Mrs. Tremonton Bride club VVednesday .Amelia Cannon. Miss Rasmussen has guests Special She is survived one by daegfe; ' Friends of Mrs. Viva Munk honor- Douglas Cannon, Mrs. Ethen Nelson !lVen'ng at the home of Mrs. E. W. testinal obstructions. Condition is sat- Leona Zundel Johnson of Salt fved as organist of that organiza-- b L of Gar'and. the ed her at her home Tuesday evening. and Mrs. Wayne Holmgren. Prize fradford m for the past year and will Following isfactory. and one brother, David W.Kf City 4 l"c cvenin& was spent in Miss Mary Burns, of Tremonton of Eurley, Idaho. on her return in the fall. Prizes Mr. and Mrs. Munk have spent the winners were Mrs. Wayne Holmgren,! f?- Pl.lze winners were Mrs. Andy for medical treatment. it games were won by Angelina winter in Tremonton and are-- moving high; Mrs. Guy Ballard', cut; and Mrs. Funeral services were held Zane Abbott, of Tremonton, for in- (Thursday) in fMams and Katherine Stenquist. Re- - t o their home in Howell. Present were Elva Jackson, consolation. A bridge' Auftm- hln; Mrs. J. M. Gaddy, cut Portage ward chaj and Mrs. Rudy Felsted, low. Mrs. Rosa Hunsaker, Mrs. Margaret luncheon was served. fection of leg. trwihmeiita were served under the direction of Bishop JohiL Allan Robbins, of Layton, for ulcer Gibbs. Interment will be in We Pack, Mrs. Kirstine Parker, Mrs. Ada and Mrs- Harry Taylor and of the stomach. ' Mothers of the American Legion' Garfield, Mrs. Rose Kerr and Mrs. Lawn burial park, Salt Lake Citv. I Lund were Salt Lake visitors Maud Cook. Auxilliary were honored at a program MONEY TO LOAN Joyce Wankier, of Bear River City, sdayat the First Ward chapel Thursday.! injury to leg. Shirts. New Linefold followineLawrence The Whitnev returns Carol Hall, of Bear River City, for justable collars. TmrJ REAL ESTATE Always a perfect I Taylor was hostess to surgical treatment. day from Detroit, Michigan. Delmarl ed: address of welcome, Mrs. Amelia! Mr3, Harry $1.49 and $1.65 Cliffs Clothier FARMS OR HOMES bbewi"g club at her home Lawrence Bessinger, surgical treat Whitney was also at the Whitney Cannon; paper on Mother, Mis. Zina home Thursday. Stander: tribute to Mother Mr. Wednesday evening. Vera Stohl was ment ot leg. BROUGH Todd Johnson, of Santaquin, for Mary Stenquist; response, Mrs. Mar- - Pecial guest. Lunch was served at ACENCF Cleanid Mrs. J. H. Fronk entertained the garet Pack. Musical selections were! e conclusion of the evening. surgical treatment of leg injured in Gilndmg Rolling FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE club furnished and! at her home Wednesday. Bridge by Mrs. Con Steffen accident, May 14, in Tremonton. ALFALFA - CLOVER Treble Clef music club, under Prize winners were Mrs. Lois Chris- a trio, Mrs. Hector Haight, Mrs. Con! INSURANCE A baby girl was born to Mr. and the dlrectlon of tensen Miss and Mrs. Alice Cummings. Re- Steffen and Mrs. James Walton. Fol-- j TKEMONTON, UTAH AND LAWN SEED Mary Burns, Mrs. Andy Trease, of Garland, May freshments were served. 12. lowing the program, corsages were wasJlold at the home of Miss All Kinds of Seed Grain to the mothers and a gift !.n farL The ones who Played were Schaffer, LaRene Evans. Cleo to the Gold Star Mother, Mrs. Kath-- j Jensen, Phyllis Archihnld iramn Veople are like rivers. Whatever K erine WatUina r,A CUT YOUR FOOD ' in ensen, them comes out at the mouth. Bonnie Jean pnn-ifnnf At.v!,is frpshmntQ ivhitnr txjciiiy v , y m uic iiuMiiiai iUclIU-Utah Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Are Now in Season poppy theme. Mrs. James Ransom Betty Rae was general chairman and those in j0rn' Rlchard Smith, Colleen Harris ELEVATOR CO. And Ate Obtainable At a Lower Fit anirrs, New Linefold mi Guest was t Comparative Cost Than ""touiinui. i,ignt re-- justable roll unmicmcuia were iirS.' frcshments Canned Goods. Con Steffen and Mrs. Duane Lower were served. Phone 41 - Tremonton, Utst $1.49 and $1.65 Cliffs Clothierv S WE AT j ivir. ana Airs, waiter Huish and; " ' ; .. . Inn r daughter, Margaret Jane, of Ogden. were Wednesday visitors at the home of Mrs. Huish's aunt, Mrs. Frank Dal-to- Held Sunday For William Bronson Local and Social Items Softball IW G0-a- -2 ',Tr' i " . Tre-nMnto- n, i the I itself week sting $ ,.:truent He ! Housf Sit old & ef i s:t. So v.".g, r&my ilic cu -- r. ... - .. hnld-ov- er whk'l ,3 ! 1 t :sent !; ! j CO! 7--J ;: priatic ? r.gress. ' . H T I t. eyville-Deweyvil- s ie ' ; the Sc y came leered Thus d: ;,:iroprio 1 3500.0' j:e had id crop th strict ( CLINIC NOTES m $225 b recoi erence li high tPlet -- - j re s had (if . ID. 1 y. con-Hjt- H " ue - tod: - ' JCST Gettin If we - - at - silly too ! re re If we :es. Wi wrselve: - JAMES our o on . Mari-present- ed STOHL BILLS a. .... Rinj i X-A- ct i If we :;ht tc do g "? ;:ghttc Hwe m ap ;nnt tl ;mk. If we snow's ..If V Now, swir : WE I j 3 CHRISTENSEN PRODUCE FRUIT STAND Tremonton n. Products of Merit rvi.. r i Vi V.11 . tat I her are "andled by the City Drur. WP r.nnmnto. TtPm We Sell Refunded . . . Trade and Save at Your Friendly tore. prv ywy Tou're NEWS PAPERS ":al lYescription is the Most Important Part of Our E usiness j .... .... Good Houses Need Good LUMBER .... A home is no better than the j We Have It! j materials put into it. TKF.MONTOX, B " I - 'CI 1 - tl u u Hardware - Coal and China Ware warmers' Cash Union "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET" Mor I'TAII "DOWN IN ARK ANSA W" 'hiuee mi:s(riiti:i;ks "NIGHT RIDERS" MICKEY mouse Sunday Monday QUALITY MERCHANDISE H0X1 Friday and Saturday - Seeds a com rofts BUILD NOW j tl 5 . ".".e a ur ll Take a Tip from (lie Birds so o "a!f MAGAZINES i 'The riling 0f ::lai . OrpheiimTIieatre 'i bee ;rn Shou -- ZlUUI POSTAGE STAMPS Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gephart entertained at a Mother's' Day dinner at their home. Guests were '?.Tr !r,,i Mrs. DeLos Thompson of Brk-hMMr. and Mrs. Millan Peek, and Mr. a;,d Mrs. Frank Peck of Garland. l.hV$- is si ether THEY tn , -- i The Junior Girls of the Second 11 Ward were entertained at a swimming party at the Crystal Springs Tuesday by their teacher, Miss Maur-in- e Johnson. h--- If thi :;o - I Ills. i l 5 !l Wednesday and Thursday "THEY MADE HER A SPY" "ROOKIE COP" ,., " v11('U!- """ - ' W'-ove- -'i -v ll-- o 49' 89 29( 59 $ I i J ! ' - J .23 iNAIL POLISH ... 10 FURNITUHE IX)L SiV: Quu t .... i - i o, 66 49 vi r.n t- IffiC kueeing alcohol I ull Pint AM EH I CAN MINE R AL OIL . Heavy Fun rint Sp2Cisl ..... Uwk lour 1'ersonalitv" Me Wil DiioOTIIAIR TONTC ith Oil - Save 75c LISTLUINE l- "MIRACLE OF SALT LAKE" "STAND UR AND FIGHT" Vai,ll,a Extract- - - FULL QUART .......... i Tuesday WALLACE REEKY KOP.EUT TAYLOR 1 13 19 Ljb V WHITE ACE SHOE f It if3 1 Johnson & Johnson ! 1 'ityc irf RAND AID New "Eveneady" SPOT LIGHT Automatic Complete PAIJLUM PRE-COOKE- he Qt 79e POCKET WATCH "c i! pr A 1 CLEANER SI. 00 ST. REGIS -- t '" 8i; !rx' D CEREAL EPSOM SALTS R - SPECIAL 31.00 J ERG ENS LOTION r.o a. 3-l- Large SI. 00 Challenge ALARM CLOCKS - Square J & J RARY TALC Large Can 50c IPANA TOOTH PASTE ..... 19C 39 n. Tti- - |