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Show .., t. - ' kI4,' " . e A , I , le , j n. a,,ee MO ' I 1 .4 ' 16 , - t ,I, - .' .' 4 , - - '.0.141 L.100) ' .: 1., . i . - ' ' , . - - - en 't,ssive enreznony . 1 ' - dso- . ' -- ' t, ,, ...., . ! -.- .i,- - ,-- , ;- ., 4,. '' - ke .. - M.N.' trayed , - , , ,..!,,7eer - ,-- - e r 4 , - ., - - , :....,0:: , .., .1 JJGHTcOJ TARIFFBILL , . t , ,, - ,, - . - -- - Time , , ' ; --- ' - - -- '--- .. , --.-- " '. ' IN SEER - ''---'-.;- REFUGEES it , 4 - A - , J.Far-reachin- ......,... ' , ' issues g N. Y.. Oct. the stational and 'Albany. hoard .ot. managerstheever putillt - lindtrii" 4sughtout-is- t Statne ttk-I-I- 3:30. at .t. , for Ilieir - rated 'Shieitirtrial ' - -- - - - - - - , - - ; ' :, t , -- 4 ,i ,: a ...... I,r ; , A I. ,, f .4,. t , ,, ! ;.: - t- .Z.. ',.., it : k . , ,,, e7 : i , ,' e Department Does Not Think International Bridge in .4 ., ' tr. I4.; .,?. ,,,1 ,i,-- I 1., ' I ;, ri , - :t , 't I ALARMINO. -- Danger - ,',,,: ,- -I,' It , SITUATION - NOT j... ;4; ..., - " -- - '..f 4 - - , .. , From Piedras Negms Great but Comparatively SURPRISE. - A ' - - Erdus - - , Denver, 00. ' . -,- , 1 ;ft ,. ,...s.,. ,.: Few Are Americans. ANNOUN-C'EME- t :, - ' spondent Requested Court to DOMAIN. 1 1,:,, . - -- OF EMINENT ' ..,,, , Adjourn Until- Mondiy. -- ' 1 v IA ', ' , 4. , t' i- , Judge Herrick of Counsel for Re. 1 " ', ' -. . CASE ;, '1 t ; A 11 I. - - 40 , t , . , , . , N YEAR II - Contended That -- Right Of State In In Preferring Request it Was Stated 7 1115,1tegard k Paramount to . That Part of Goversior's Lawyers , Ali Others. - o Were Absent --War ,-- -. .. . . SIXTY-FOURT- , Depends DRights of State . - - ( it 's.t-t ' 1 Il. ,.',- 4 - I ),, - , They-,Wante- . 1,.--- NT. d- - :- . Number of Democratic Senators - Protest , of , 2 dratnaill rescue - CASE And Natioeat Governments. ' , -f :thesionr"-'0- lit' eterminatiotof INSURGENTS. , - - ..1- - c , 1 . t- .' RIGHT . , , ' ;.tt44,.. , 2 -' --- ,i,, t . '' ' ; " FROM MEXIC On Decisioll I 'THE' .. ; ''' .. ' R!!D -LED. -', 1 s" ,..- - , . . - - - : '. - '- 1 MANAGERS REST - 0, 4'4.'24- , ; ,' ! ) A - ,, - 1," ' ' ' ',' 14 i I 1 , Tim Deseret News le the "short cut" four store le the poople'l yet, .eers eed parses. , , ' i --- 4 ,tp-i- . . . L 1- . - I, c; :I; ;In .1 -- , ,,r,..',..,: :1; ', ,,,s:1-...,- --,...-,.?,,,t, 7 14,,.,,,,,,,,t4.,:!,- :t - ' - ----- ,' - . , ,gromodmommi.domm000mmowonmomonmadm, Entire Conference Report Measure Laid Aside for , ' , Hours.'-- Twenty-fou- r '''ud. . 1 ,. ,,,. 4 - ' CITY1 'UTAH - - , t , ;We ,., .:. , - ' .,. - SALT .. kr, ,:.......,- .' . - ',,4N , ;,,,- Y-' ' ' - .,4t, ,,,, ',.,,,' ,:..,-- ,, -" I . , ' Youilt a of , Prisident (ixiiii ain Young, who,in ' ble and bronze, has tsft'' 4. e marks ,- the of inentorial . ' .E. w:. . ' , . -- - -, ,t- - ,.,, , 19141 , '4. 'PleT:': square: , this Etnoon . ' nivra ax.D uuumn. . 11., ., s , , E , g ,,,, ., ' - ' ' , , ,, . nt ,fim ,..., - ' - weiej j L . . . ':' ' WEDNESDAY' OCTOBER .I. e' - ,.- f .. ts.JI' - - , . ' , - PAGES , ,' , - - ' - . ' , t '' r. i - - , circuit court-of 7 7 appeals hers , 4.., of counsel for Gov. Commander - of Csarrancistito Gives , , Judge, this week. The appeal of the United r , i i . Herrick, ..i Stilser 1 thea 14 . States requested that the court Power & Light , - I Assurances l'Itai Foreigners Win -f , adjourn until Monday next. On mo. 't : ' ' ; Things., ,,, . -; To.lirerce tidat ' Be 'court '''. GivenProtection.' a' '': tion of Senator Brown the "went ,,,.. , , --te , ,, dare session--Wcourt opened this Into executive Benton to decide" the .. ' It !' , hear final the Oct. Minientire msorntlate 1.The Washington, !teT'at.10 eltbd ,, , a, , P. Philips in the ll ';'; I,;:L7.' '' 1..! In- asking for the recess judge Hen. , Washington, Oct., conference report on the tariff-hiTKAulsaliwo case. thilatmeurelothearalrargucnielnuts '''.. :' , ' , great exoslus-- of refugees from Piedras will in., duck managed rethttedeannetbeutrnceeimastnentt!hat was laid aside for 24 hours e .. '' - ".4k.,.,:;-- . e before the Utah Power & ugvhetneorglien ,!.... , ' x..iffill-gtRaba Glaraltenden pilislica.to 'pe1:71111Teenthee; ries to ada sens!te today as the result of a prorfor The t"becitntr:sposen:pnautvp.. chap'. ii, t f, the,.cmnsel appeal , t nt among Democratic senators which y Act mutath: wtlinilithted agistamtlesseasdisotrientbeillmortt "There are a number of motions to be within' the last 24 hour, officials here g , '..,4-..i 'l' '"-- J,- - reitulted in the calling of a e-. eorrmiain't a ,histo,ryi A 4 7,, made," bteo 0 : ' 'i out 'Snialt , ,' a , .. .that todai pointed LiZtin ...only rel:Trt:td It itnhgerestaater; meat' is ''''' '' ,''. , caucus to go over the 'colitarenc- re. ,, portion of them are Americans. - , ' ; IhauvememwIllshenth:uresitapotic'endIenwthl wchhos,11 einmosusrt 2. ' port before it should be finally acted reservoir- on s to , , ., - -, - ' . which. opinion. should be entitled to the bene- Hundreds of Mexicamrhave been con, with a pomp and splendor fitted governMent. land, , c 41 on in the senate. as vrithdra, wi from fit of all his counsel. ' ' , occasion, the $ea gnu monument. , ce.. ntritting in. Pisdras Negras .from ; '.'4 ,''.1:, entry.. of relies upon the 'My cbileatrue. inhabitants I. 4 assemof MThe called the dream the hurriedly meeting act of Congress enacted in 1886. tg , .eMrea'llgiouMarsebhaoniet the to grantto . interior of Coahuila ',, t unveiled observe day and to- of was many , Utah. .:.,-..of ing. right of wayov I Stale senate ertime:it 11 bled the but o'clock. morrow C ' towhich is when at, very sacred film. these, land..- - It further- contend?, that the this morning - at 1050- , p public fearing for their safety in the ; ii-i 2 tç A ( ): , wit:. met at noen no progress had been made states right of eminent domain over callmaterial witness whom we expect,to .k t., 4 .,.r leek. A great throng of people is also of the tame " early faith of the ,"," and event 4 public land is superior to the- federal expected of as i, occupation cheered I and , i weed the ceremonies toward a conclusiott- and the Demo- government's interest as proprietor. t i' '; open the the constitutionalists' capital by blexi- ,, government holds that the act of great American. flags dropped ! i: 4 (4 cratic leaders agreed to lay the tariff 18418Thehas f'' the exhausted. can of been virtually repealed by the We do ''''' '' i 1 have . ,5 at about the gulls at the top an on federal, sought asylum theffie to ,' it ; delay proceed. work ed oxide.- The caucus bill 1..-1 the from and , we Pings tit but think in justice to the re... American soil. . 1 ettrInictinerilLparnttlinoforenliattbdtee t. o ,: . resum, the :.1 . ., '.P i 1 :;, and ! we 'spondent his i ,., counsel. 3 t the bronze tablets illustrating o'ciock should at this ' , be framed a liberal adjonroment.--- - If Officials at the war department ..t., ';' I :4 1 ,!. .. rieent which the monument corn- -. Paola, , ,,, The ao.easee Insurgent forces, led by :eunderTtribitt: !lite tug for the purpose of . by Utah 4oto Materlala- Ca. , ,, O , : ; and wsheordtasesIalsionatuFridrnwaeircanunderhavtheeItitreleall anroewn'tthtaltbanne bonged over the power,. circuwho Senator Reid ...., sibastuabett orklistourt; .....' i' . 4.a...! MONITSEENT.. OF tinthe for hour ctBjLT SEAGULL patrol Long before lbw and I believe that we should take a reinforced lated the caucus petition. Insisted that ? I ths en additional I soldiers by front ri ''t. t c, recess until Monday. We cannot go On 11 rhologrkplfWait 'Babes Just After ill:flags Which Had Draped and POLICE ning, crowds began to gather there were many 'compromises Port solo HoustIm. and they suggested le, near ' SOFFRACETTES ' 1 with llotia. Etweellae B. Wells. INg of but and counsel our NOW, places part , Released present. Been Meelletelt '1. ,,:l Had .,:', grounds conferto by antendmtmla the , bpie by agreed ' ' If we attempt to do so I am afraid one today that the presence of a machine ., , stand erected . i.; , ' i, .1 t inonnment and the ence committee which demanded fur1 of my szeociates will break down, gun- platoon on. the AMerican side :, 2.,''.. e's;',..' ir ,.. . 4;.; Hold's band. play. , ,. r the speakers, ---,-- ---the .. consideration and ttorther. Ot by study 401 UP dress and tied MELT SCHIrolAGE 11:rysheaSeut ibeitypOtOvusItitlovItilloartl: rasa at the iniernational bridge would i Inch l ,- ;,, l',. i. ; Drayer, and th;it and tiobernesa. ' Miremarks most be Democrats Of the senate before being twill the tatatani.cdttiatho" Itt.:74-choir glee. We Lova Thee." limited on this occasion for there are likelihood insura Protection, letratd- ., ; , t t 5: , 4 r, .4 " has been Ter, laborious sad exhaustInto the bill. . i I. , Lyman offered the other' to Weak; but tee ate here trOrtell linally written less of tho et,a44,4 in which th.,, bord.:,- 'f0.. 4 i ;; ? ,, whew Pratident ing - to couneei." ''''' ,. , A, i by a big crowd. aril ,' ,1,,,,,s1- ,,,,, - - e Tr flirtAAA. tfir1474. beartLettoo-,.;'- i ,, ; be Win that a thinaeonutaentinerAtter- art enectitjve :,,ieseleti- of 40 Pressed mustily' lotKilsts - 1 earn K.4gtett bad tonne, 0 end may, When Attempt ht Made to Rearrest miseries the court In opening ler. iliter reminder te thane who come after Oa, Said tie- tiettileived, ?""""I' Defoe'After ... adiotmod hour'sdiscussion an sad the !tend mentioned same i God whose the that have mercies t, tlim morrow afternoon Tonr Young Women , appropriate that a '' ' i i':1-'1hovered ever his children In times erotic leaders determined not to try to - Two.Womeg, Oiled the spatter bow Stanchion of t pioneer awl hum, ever adADMISSION. APPLICATION i Cullen FOR lit Clerks Set the Bobbien. the announcing tpon ''' ,',1i3 ;:r': , ahoaht he the ..,..1 of theta direct dietresa ettiLlives, and forte the tariff-hiAtte IT, Brigham assembly 'bet sad through the senate journment said It had been 'decided No far no application haw been Iffr i!..' !I, thor or the mom ?arm which verve"). that lie rear ever be relied upon for ,:daall the preliminary motions shout that to allow time for but today ..431s:eciock ample. succor relief all fails. human whet; t .) .: -A Oct. I into the London, admission for calved, Ellett, It the laeldertt to atiaa rchitcd about This l lively scrimmage be of and tomorrow's heard at disposed if bate behind ! closed doors. :Senator between the ponce and I the militant the erteketa .would the sults. avid then Pass of a band of Jammer who. it la: .1. t : lid dent,. the 10414, fear the federal occupatims nt a,'o'! .. i - i i.' li ; ., I did- not refer to, a grand eharaeter !Poinerenas objection tti the action' of Miff ratettes occurred edar-whett Herrick then inquired-IInk northeagrof the narrated the Judge Him .... ....,., w the Uncle in us. .., of person the tea droPPInS hi conferees , Gov. the Stle assure could. court :.; counsel for ' , ,, vt 11. stair-at-Harriet Robert Kerr and Mrs." Beanies Piedras Negras because their sympa- - ' st, (I t.. 7 r 1, the following chirch as he then was' en grape brandy used to fortify sweet Saunders. secretary and treasurer of Bulger that the preliminary motions thleo have been with the - Smith. Mr. titer ,: , - - . - calleda brether to the prophet'à faJoseph 4 Reed's criticiame the Women's Social and Political union, only Would be taken up tomorrow. ; ' Authaa H. LIMA. Prost. C"' W ' Brethren an PriendaWe have met Uwe. He was than an aged man. His wines, ,iind Senator they should be 'granted ,i, "It will embarrass us errestlY to be alists. In ease '' :. t,' on this wee on to celebrate. in a courage and faith never failed. decisions of the conference corn- were their of at the Texas on the I. ..,', My ski.."'II headquarters, In ease at asylum on and the to with M. go compelled Lyman 11qteee.,prest, Francis '. ",:" . of the moltt father. ithil was not sustained by the mittee on several Important tariff under the pmvisions of the 'Vat and that time," be said. "We will deal with probable they would be interned and In atedoetwey. unveiling WhitO. F. ,I. der Reber Moues act. Grant, en of the G$JI.the bird that a question. would. nottedi,, t.I - :,,i ''.', ' played faith many had. suffered extreme that question when the occasion arise that event r r '' Mrs. Baunderit in under eentenoe t the Council $o important 4an in the preservation Mese of mind at the perilous conditions rates 'were the chief point, -brought up tled Reed 8mook-o- f the gutyment of their ately arise-ovetomorrow.-",-was- Cullen's reply Judge met. caucus 12 when the menthe of the of And 1847 the lives : board bin. The ,lityanese ere said Pioneers of imprisonment B. 'Ii; '' and surrounding us. Uncle 2,11n.seelng the 'twelve, mil.. rmmolina Itt 12 months for Kerr SESSION. 1141. It la fItjNg that the workmanMORNING the Democratic be .Senater destitute. man.-They leader, Kern, butbet conspiracy. an was honest lacking ellx preoldent of the Relief society, 8. or nrI4pr.IaIOn . portrayed lb faith. buoyed The report of Consul Blocker eon- - ; him up by prophetic and diairman Simmons of the finance were liberated in June after a "hunger 4 Presiding Bishop C.w.- Nibtey. Most of the morning session was deI belted strike?' bird this Metals elvoul In be their original firms the the handiwork of a words sad Promisee of tenet I well committee, ire on the mend were Governor Wil, expressed the opinion this The two women bad resumed their voted to an effort by the managers that Aber. the t, leaden' Brigham remember him eaybig on one Acetalon. danger ye an Inter- -, fp, : ; .,,.i .'; 4 !,:',,:r;; ea,t, ms Spry. W. IL Bancroft,- - ' vice- I""' of who afternoon that the tar iff. woute be duties for the end time since the raid to show how and why Gov. Sulzer re- national clash at Piedras Negras. but; I Young. these 4, Pioneers next,' 03 vithemenee: tell considerable with exident and general manager of tho into this then devil . ; ,.., on their offices last April. When the warded his campaign secretary, Louie that the only cause for apprehenaion t4-1, 4 and on Short Lino rellroad company You. Biethee- - Riter. all will come out taken up tomorrow In the senate. The '4' by procuring him a 14,000 lies in the, presence of S large iumberpt Arbiarecky, ' there forbidding arrived arrest to office I thetn the police are country. ' It "' '' any 4 M. M. Young. sculptor. who do--I The$4) words were a great settee controversy ever the, propneed netton well." ' in state service. l; the nee-.job :' immigration to w in thitt , event has a to staff smutted the policemen. Four of of refugees. not only civilians. but ;!,, t kned and executed the monument present me, for young as- I liras. 2 shared futures tax may further prolong the the They evidently did not wish to call women clerks were arrested tu 'FAO. 1 than- - to toe. I ii4 w. ,t,t,,, Mier. president et- - the greater eigni to ing constitutionalist aoldiers of disaster that 'my deliberations of the Democratic caucus, for young ta ..: ; - Sarecky as a witness until force mks only n 11 years when the :Ile apprehension Arnetican with the the of gide on One paPass, interfering police. ,,." ts .ths do so and endeavored to establish weir Rio ' ' Savings bank. did., , event occurred. liceman's coat age torn to shreds. , Grande. we now have , ' however, As the crowde awaited the hour tor .4 4 , from the , point r excerpts , by seemed reading the distress that How met to comma rate. I well great m- - Pie unveiling. Iteld's hand played a w- - ..,0.r tral float pnarzonos FOR FORMONERS. 0" '',' t '.'''.1, , f... t procibedings of th Frawley Investigita ost desspair, that fell to surely be upon us In cast the crick- - When the senate met, the conference W.C. and then whom BarechY before Bishop on ing HARD WORKING bin TO' Maley, as :i ,7 committee, the agreed to.hy the ,:i t ; ; 1 erickets came dour eta Intim& &IW."4'd our er1at allay report The state department was advised to. - upon us when at- - tbs ' I''..7'' presided repmtedly refused to testify. P. cad Our- - i , .,',z' the bills in b myriads that the better be staged when I tell you that house was presenW..-- . of the commander the that day a ettlection by the '''''''''''at- from RESCUE THOS.TOSHESKY Counsel for the governor objected to rancistas at Piedras Negras bad given , ....: '. ,:, 7iV1-2- ' I was near sneered with them. already many Of the people had con- - ' Senator Simmons', for the conferees, , r. a large representation of which gmund this line evidence. Werner of Judge ' s.' arid attacked wit tonic-ion- s that- foreigners and their sod on and near the sad steps of the appetites awned the scantt SOPPIY of food they alasked Mr. StanchtleM of the prosecu- assurance will be afforded ::'-- :;.i ''''i the then too , Is fields of grain. had brought across the plains with asked that the conference report be every peeler- -- ... Centralia. Pa.. Oct: ' was to be called property tion weintrly ball. whether tomoron lowed to the table lie until harecky which command. in bad is he as been so were and then' ted tion Wm; with toilsome them the year before. p t. .,'" r.,; , i4 at the Continental mine of the as witness. One of the Sulzer The monument was draped with three no explanation of the party received at the state I.,ehigh Valley Coal oompany.. which la American flags. which entirely haul, you taues 'don me if 1 five living on thistle roots. pig weed. and row... Be offered, informed him that Strocky was Other reports htrralt.i:,',,-.',-,to reach Thomas ToshesitY. a that the indicated nearest 1.200 to my was the miles remembrances in partment it trying was aid the but it irranted o .nmaIed the birds .at the top of the you aime. of request, ,i from the managers' dotes will not attempt to destroy 'the '4,o obI even for the" are the "egos; who was entembed last Friday. this food- supply at St. Jooeph. Missouri. consideration ' ....' ft. and the tablets! on the pedestal., ....,A counsel. tariff bill went rooming arrived at a point which ! , '' t showed :: ' most . ones' besinternational ...', bedded a. bridges. must deeply in at least and toy elapse year Mr. 4 StantIA.1d. 40 ,'"1 solid rock would of coal feet "But," that and interrupted over , Consul Block' reported that be bad "war"- I fore food tould be had from that guar-- nut uNvErlAso OCCURS. have to be cut through to enable them to 'you need not understand from that . ' with Maj. Colwell: ..i! ..';',4 11 i, My father had .., acres of ter, even if we bad had the to eight crawl In and release the Imprisoned man. feet that the managers are going to crossed the river REED EXPLAINS. szNATen o'clock 'Bra Einnieline 15. wheat :014t71 to in the Cnited States troops ';'t 'il i..' : ,. le there commanding orIlleteenth To Toshesky is undergoing the terrific it. which we bad make him witness. , their 'purchase pulled the cords releasing the ward, tap the Emu ,...,..!f, ; Pass. and two Amerimin db.- at "we ere simply insisting that tho deal bravely in his hoisted little prima 100 "We never immediately in ' make matters worse, we knew that AIL and followed with o brilliant ad- - trout ,.: thought you would." in- VMSEagle and bad conferred with Calitaln H - President below tha surfers. Frequently durfeet restold r was have shall sulltelent : W. W. Miter time to penal. the governor's Coisada. eeminander of that Gabriel:4 lave as dams on deem t grow thir weir until the rsle.hers, limlreng ing the night he converatil with tho res- terjected Judge Herrick. he wickets and the guile ; - ' 1 ...4''', study and famillarito Itself with the cuers. hi. remarks being heard VorY, chief counsel. after which crickets canes. tad t our glowtng would have to be fed our tionalist garrison at Piedras Negras. s from our eid's band Played -r-he suit gptniksi 1"1" of 10 feet of tubing penruled Cullen that Mr. Ceisada the crop" Preliding through Judge warn clearly ()Conference the assured him that no attempt 4 tariff al ' turned Jilt report 'oa bills", r r abet" As the mle 1Vail beard despair.- - crop Ake an bow feed them. if 'we had :no coal from in SarechY breast adjoining Stanebileld etrating . reading the be mad. by his troops even if y,fetberput, to -a rude drops? ll11 o can pidure the peril we said Senator chamber-B. ,itald water welt driliPing testimony must confine himself to the would the-itreughoist the crowd, hats were to-- dam on Mk. surrender were north obliged were of in they and was his taken roof week. the that ....... from and "Many things cityput prison ' z; had our crops been COO- - out in which Sircity refused to an. town 16 the tederals, to destroy private andachster was- Aiwa at the bear wh --- the Odeon of the bin by the conference corn., beginning to grow damp, while the at- parts "twain and aumed.la ' and. - ;salon. camid ha vs her a our wou the swat' hat ' buildconcerning i question', the turned water to government , was Unless though heavy. property. becoming and we demand tite right to mosphere his whew' The fate Of the Dona. party mittee familiar - ' r , , atita- E. 1- WELLS. 1 paign contributions. down an o channel :, , 1 bum might be dynamited.- - -- Bo aleo-,.e croek until doom' with the, scope of the he is mon monad he may perish for i g ,,, been - but a conamistawe bill want of creek air, alining experts msg- .It teethed is Sold. : des the my- - would have tbe safety of the two Um, , 4 SARECET'S guaranteed APPOINTMENT. same is the . taken It attitude A by Mrs. Emmeline It-- Wells. president Sods of cr it--- , There were only 10 national bridges that span the river at ( ' : A' het, ethic ere already eltuttPare- us towards currency et the Relief Societe, legislation." w1.90e the ere' of John C. Birdsaytt secretary of that ' 'as, performed the devouring t tender p Engle Pam and lbtally amerted is water of tura'. .'"U civil service COMMISSiOn. Imitated 'that the when Senators who signed the petition 'DILAOHN:CASPER BRANNER, weeding of the beautiful monument. brought do most ample measttres would be ; i . , ,,' 4' others utat to hst augmented be' IMO Isere Reed. O'Gorman. Shatroth. Myers. r t ale wen introduced by Bishop C. W. badcome off tut rules et ; ai the commission and the Sees the to auspended persons taken protect (w hMed hills, d failing to PRESIDENT OF STANFORD Sulzer' request in order that Sarecky of Owen., Hollis. Hitchcock. Nader alt one of the it river' ganiebery. all the foreign residents at ;hake. .,.1, , .,.;4 4;, 1 .,,-- pioneers of cross the wa (for , y f were a rear be(oretnog the Pomerene and Martine. he lug, had 4 withstood be of the might .,,,', appointed deportation agent Negrasravages clumsy butect) ere was dowa toto should arrive with the emigration ' 4.., slade b" the ericketd, Democratic senators caucivied 'this and the de- - his field. ', The. extremity a so 'rest that year. Added to this. the winter ,.. at a salary of 84.000. This was on the refugees at Pit.dms Neirrs"- : 1. i Stanford University, Cal-- , Oct. Japanese arerance ot the crepe from 7 movement result the of as a of was 'master deetrucoffered Rebell Pierce le contents following was 000 Of the coldest known morning will b admitted to the United States ;; ::' ; 7 i: John Casper Branner one- et the eldest ground that Sarecky tka by the gulls. Bishop Nibley men- - he of his 'whole Sold tor tit barrels of slate Our coining here. Can you witn- begun last night by some members who members of the Stanford faculty, was five languages" and was "pecullarlY under supervittion of the department i , ; t essed that MraWelbs la a Of flour, reckoning that t the position by reason of of labor which will tithe proper pre ,,, objected to certain features of the con- Inaugurated today as the unlversity sec- equipped-to- t . der that 1 say. I doubt if any are f 1'4, t lt 21 ferenee committee's agreement on the ond president. Trustees, faculty. ,alturini his knowledge of the Jargon Of the cautions of age." due to the fact rels of flour would feed h three bar t int. of a the event has vtolations this whom 'ti.,::,:-,to ant t - , Oat ate years greater sully against ,! est, was born on ' petitioin for a caucui . and undergraduates participated In the races. which largely constitute.. Out 21, and the months, and then we could --- - --- - tariff 4 ;, )i than to me-- migration- lawa1 teat crowd cheered "eh , as she arose to Theme conditions were 4 ot oft en significance , t ' 4 started by Senator Reed of Miseouri earemonies, which" were held in the open state Insane hospitaLpepolation." 3 : , ask: one Some ,i, pertinently I might Meek. With a few , t totreductorr re- - the pioneer. then bete.. vs fro- - What has become of those crickets! and setbmitted to Democratic) Leader Twenty-twT PARTIALITY CHARGED. 4 AL 44 4 4 ' MORNING SESSION'. . years ago today Stanfoird , .r amnia In which she told briefly of . questtly thought host ev were in They - rt having witneesed the diminished In numbers Kara last night. collectedto enough university was opened to students and Morris Sheppard of Tessa, 1"4 - . , Senator lawful Al the names now the the induce call the of to latter morning to David Starr Onattestier, Jordsa Dr. opening striking ',twinges ; '1 ter- - it:4;4 and !tett; now dis1811. h of the crops In 1141. Mrs. Well' ed Metville B. Fuller of the brok. took up with Astistant Secy. of the tf was Installed as president. t i ,:by the Israelites under an ht owe. was About 20 years moose delivered the appeared from Utah, 1, k brief hot M4- - ramped near the shores 02 when firm of Harris & Fuller made Treasury Hamlin today a complaint 1 ;: Senators t The crate signed by petition TIWWIS Had saw-wiDear event address:follow's' in : i I , valley. i,.1 a personal statement to the court Mr.-- 'received from M. L. Beach. publishet4-.see. The Ealtntiowtt,,werl ' either owl I Reed. Pomfret'', Hitchcock, Martine , I saw 10 KINGMAN .' DAN ',.1 is a poetic coincident that our side and and about ago i C. gov-years 'It COL I read from a prepared topy.' or the San Antonio Light that the behind. ski the Idea ta I.ockton, si tow at the mouth of Salt River, lit and many others, each of whom had freedom from twee- - Profit end death haver" to headlines -- in vert-- 1 ertuntnt was discriminating ... against i.. :,.., i- 3 7 y ' lies, sadnational the v 'yarning. 1 bellevethey hats- now some pertkular item in the conferOF ENGINEERS 'Fuller referred CHIEF FOR 1 our idea to his Mate in of relative constitutionalists deliverance Atm God is41." scene, paper Mesican when Ltd .t. ence agreement to which he objected. frees -4 he or .of the federal in decisions relatiug 1,:: "titivation, should he represent his hand and his people O resterdaY. kle said-th- at was The exact purpose of , .N, ,,L ,Z by birds: The eagle. majestic m on- - Death could have Mewed enacted into ', ..,Oct. bad been firm his mikrepresent.1 preiddent and it Washington, emi, --legidators to the neutrality pmciernation. cail. but it is expected - of the an. la represented . ts protectine the suit aa not stated In the sc.,,- tsle- - f 1 :! I on imminent to , -- web ed, i ! : today the following be sent to the senate rteetted Ib lelll and would anntor tariff Sheppard entire the report that .. a S. rohl. and tablet of Wanes the deserts of the Iiii .s, nominations: 1 have enlitetilled nothing." the wit.' ,gram from Mr. Beach; whick he subt that'll" had been ....-1 1,f ..'t ill over the 'bread ,.tont land. The 1000-1dont tot from &Arno- - under Ore. ores. Chief of engineers, irith rank briga- nese declared. 'I testified frankly and !waled to Asst. Secy. Months. Earlier 1) : ;$,t thaa to tte. wa divinely s WU. humble 41OS et OW' overhabitant of the shores of As the Childrentheof icre ,N, ,"13 t Um ' C .; Dan C. Kingman, freely before the Frawley committee In REPCBIAt"Alt ThREA5 don ' general-C- ol. dier the day. while at the White Boum 2' .., f ,1,, .,,,...1' 1 mooted a poor. bong' , .0 Great Salt sea, has fouad ohne" all their gewerattottil. 1 although f understood" of engineers. i blessed sesks" , east:170re to present friends to President Wilson.. 4; 111.,'':: f The threat of Republican. 'including corps the Stanchfield Interrupted,-claim-, . Imso of them Ana ,la urstatid Atty. of boilers, la locomotive acknowladted eating e" demi 'Chief r)' inspector katel,e ,,,, nemoriesof only 1:,!: this walla?" pieseers and partlag the Intone . , 0 1,41 ass, it talk. as It' t Frawley litenstor Sheppard said he might tater:I-1.i1 ruir vaaeratiaa for 'Senator. 1.4" Follette and Penmee, that interstate commission- -. ing that comment on the OOMMell e to obwee, titian. MI beast t attention to the send conference 'call the president's IF,k,:.41:-try committee "exceeded the province of troteace that We' wells with them.. rWt 't ' Stant oll leernlhir they might '''' hichlanamy of Oregon. ,-' ' ( 1. i l''!' ;rf,,; .back to the conference com- Frank that wp We sow to pre- -' any 4 calsohir of 0 I that lew 114 d'e '"ax'Prnitig 'cri se , Bail. Mit a personal statement" Judge Cullen peach's oontention.,...--Postmaster-Thom- as. the mere , great 411Part" for 'report lerve In eetilynagni drt the miraculous our are was token as le it told Ituertistas and , the the ea sustained The goats , buying, latter mitte ',;,,r ,,. attorney woo Sty o t them dveatteJ 2 dr aboadoe, to reePect gulls, incident we all know so Ili i '2.4"..',;' ,,i, 4 witseta that if be hatt been misrepre- horse s. saddles and forages at ass well: sad I wickets, ate 4 the eenate. further complicated th. moo have to ',. and I !Bever knew 4,.:AL reiAle a oars thomi the. hosor to unveil thla oar to pi' ... now aw, feared that a move." sented In any newspaper he had re- Antonio and that Assistant flocy4 3 .4 , It was " , I botatifol mentunent a c I dest .et ).,as went named. situatton. Wed.-tL!.;!1.4 4, t course to the courts. It received the APPROPRIATION FOR 2- -ead 1 0 Hamlin has ruled thetepurobases not aar allIS and went of that latuirallm: of Wailful- littwoc. :". - 4 of in violation of neutralite Marshall be 1 1 Pe-tee Democrets. ;''t!' "But,' Atty. interposed I of might any at' I ..1 ,,-,- ' support Os proclamation , love. at to and . brial,..sad of uatold thous- ,- 1 1 . t, , SALT LAKE ASSAY OFFICE the governors etturniel. 'he claims not as not manufactured for military On"-' issue Inntructions that P ''', , to sufficktot sat 41 tillrli '1' ri....111 the ,t if it,Astalls,4entntine la I 1.-- !rt , I only to have been misrepresented In 4 14. , . 1, . , ed coo 4 ,, .. le notes. On the othitr bend; the message 1 ...ty a tive ,iligs 0enlist...and would emberraes'the conferees. finance bilthouri - - the papers, but also that there v, . . to The : Mean) , members the of t,.. Democratic tgr,..ial ' 01,,t lii slum M. " woo. 4't- 4 4 4 1 eonstiCol. ""' of the ' ,i ; Ortega weret derlares that , de- innuendoes from the counsel but-Witahington. D. C" Oct. ,I Vountelecuerar 10'2 ;4, t has been pr teated sent, aide tenersione let tte bow our committee werenewcoiled. Weather were 1 r" Prelt;' him and On Atitiortnatint army,hied. Pr, 1 nidtthat raltactimi,r vat' and the ficiency aprpopriation billI hr000rtet 1 other complications of- - He bowed rhotty reser of l',1 and Mereiel exportine Sour tram the wed eclutotriedo ,,,,,t .....u., , AI hill firm. la OPIUM the of s era, clerks today ' tP the i 4 Parliamentary IIPPIsuse of his up. II P. troops and,- 1 ;1 r tit our Imhoff tit the event which taken $1.000 ad- lets Judge Cullen told the witness to for the oenttitutionelist . ea -appropriating meata-weraims t I watemonsd.'s ler es in the sow , end.p tele6A wieituoseitt dottleatitei sealsin Meals 1 , ,,,,. -of the confine himself to ip. personal tante. that merchants Mill'amendment meet the expenses , ' the Democratic) leaders might I , allath i, ''' . Leredo beet bets followed Inning!' "i,.:1 office. . ,, , , ' ., 4 1: - a 1: IN 114I '' k'', ! 41 r , atil, '.- h , I , ---- -- --- Attar- - au Hour's - Diocusoloo Democratio Loaders Decided Not to Try -,- lain pioneers-from- -- ,- . rs - z -- 4 - mcoimypaniberer.cetthedginabellyto-re:att---h.feorenfe- in ,,,,endurind a ,Etunt tribItte te the . tah ' , b against-thaDta- by' the gulls and , , en. hen - - - ----- to..Y. - .:. ! ih - - , - ' - ' - - , '' , . .., - :- - e- ', ,, - - - Sajbe- -p. : '1, ''. ; , .4. - : . - . - - 4 , ", r ; '.1 , 1 !. " n pedestid-wi;eree- - ' - .i. . :' ummnta 'a - a - , '1; - .. f HIE it ' . A , -t , , - .1.-- e- - - : - 'I- 1 - . 1..,, ..1:6 1 ., . -- j. ,,:':, ll 1.-- ,i, y, : .i, ...,,t "' .. . -- -- -- i '4' f then-amon- : : !1;-'-- ' te , ,r , "' i'':,'t i- - 1 m , t 1,; 4 , , ' ''. not-wis- rraflweagig;.askianudtilottriroretTnipde:batryme.t -- e.,,. '';; !. , - -- - - ' I. 4..! 7 A , ''' ' : ' .,,,,- , - , - jaw-yo- re . 1. under-subpoe- na ''.'". ''' Of-t- -- a . ,,, k,., he 7 ' , ,;.-:',- - ; , 1 , . . ;;- , , , 4-- s - - . - te , - 3- ,.. nip-lad- s ' '''''' -- ' - ' - - . ;.' - y.i ."'. . '!. 1 Prue--"e- ,.; - - - - , - o' 4- Se-.i-on. ne i a 7 - - dwelt-wart- , , , - t',r14 ,,. , YI1 4 . - - dean. ' , 1 111Y-- h'e , 4 ll -. i,si, 1 I 0 1 , ", - , ; 1 N Ca-h- .1$ o. - ' 1- ., ',' - 4t , - k ' ells.-01011- .r 1 . . ,r ..5 i' I ., . L e W.-th- 4,;,...- 7 tattle Tbe - t 1 1 1 attil Z e, A 0.--- , , , , . ''44. ,....,, ' :, 1 . ;-'4' , , . ONIEN..;MM.110,,q1ItirteRi. ,, 4 . , , ,' .. , Y''' |