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Show 01 -- .. .. .1 agesTISITIf . e , ..., ... 5. 11 u.E.,E1Ty : . rtrr prommoo.op Eff . .1111 ChJadiii,3 i Nett Features Planned for Tort WeekMany Embryo . Artists Abroad. .....,..... T . , UniverThe art department of the ta of Utak bi to rennin a 'life class" to ba emr woman only, the model - Prot; Edwin ceed front the city.ego te making other improvements ft the old routine. He his obtained to the entire upper floor the new administhe north winx , building, and as soon as the is completed the art depart. now gather'-I et will be moved. He isnew collection for the building d has a few casts and facsimiles of Lbot the Some of paintings dg masters. Whistlers. Miss Alexander; Rem. 's picture of himself; a scene by Sae; Corogs morning and Ruben. et home Meld IIS studenti hi the normal area and Sil In the college take art the present and the crowded con . close dons are sadly felt in the m Much liberty is given the Is covered. a and scope Manta large 111111 take to the outdoors and sketch from the heights of the verlooking the verdant valley, and Yoe) nolo go into the fields, to the rivers. ad into the bustle of the city for their objects. This outdoor work is come-hindered in the witner weather. in fall and summer. many em- April s artists dot the hill with brush . a tr r Evans lass two assistants. Mr, . and Miss Mayer. Miss Mayer 600U take charge of the new course designing which is being Installed correlate with domestie arts and while Mn. Stevens bolos .witla -- work.-e normal Miss Mabel rmser and VMS Evans ra two Of the "strongest"- - students is year.' Kukagam& & Japanese boy ft, la also doing excellent work, ac ,! yrg ivossisLU r - t1.- I P i ar 11E1Pill-111111.01NS tor Or Salo Granted Westtlitates. '' , ' , t'. In reporting on no Warren bin to donate 1,000.00i) acres of forest land to the state of Wyomintras a fund for the purpose within the state the Interior deitartmest Yeatrz& indorsed the Principle of the hill . dayand recommended the donation to each of a number , of the intermountain states of 250.000 &es of forest land as an experiment. Isiormation to i. itt0 - - Semi-Week- ly See Our r , Tomorrow evening Miss Adams and Lieut.; Stoll will be guests of honor at a dinner to be given by Mr. and Mrs C. C. Crternott-- -. , at a Mrs. A. C. Ewing entertained , Bitsiileii Five expert opticians in constant attendance to help you with your eye troubles. , :: , : you brim just CO - rainutea - crrr Miss Aline McMillan lett yesterday her tor Boston. where she will continue , musical Studies. Mrs. Olen MMer will entertain the members of the Pan Hellenic society at , her home tomorrow night. 3' lira , W. Helots entertain" at ' ., ,- 0011111, - litto. Stopitum 5PTE , at their home. Mn. Charles A. Fans and child leave for-MilF tigura ; Z371:3.r."1-to-111- 1 mapper .1, aal a abart ataY , Us all DealfW ' , RetSCO ' it -- - - - ' rwht Blain . lki ri 4: 1): 3, ..., et.4.: r ,,,, 1.1, I .; 1"."'1. 111111111111111111111111111k STORE R Whet S -- - - C,t Aluminum :WHET Imported ONE will be given away Thursday Supply Depart., louskeeping at Ara uniqualed for sharpening knIves. kitchen .ntenalls and keen edged tool's Evenr lady Thursday. visiting this department whether buying or net; will receive a WHET STONEFREE. , State on -. Brt)adway- 111111111111 : 4 ,t 2 Trimtned,--Hats-c,, , , r !t.' ;Ayb ' - 1 -- - TvirnsDAT we will fcliture woinett's and Mimeo' Trimmed Rats at the above prices that you will marvel atThere's individuality amd refinement in every one of them models that would ordinarily Bell at 50 more. Hats that will please the moat diecriminating and fastidious tastes will ha dia-played in this special showing. - MaterielsAre the very latest including vel, 4 eta, plushea, etc., smartly and effectitely trimmed.. Tha very hat you VS for here. lt SPECIALH other looking at Sti.45, 11740. $10.00 up to $15, Ostrich of Feather-Bands-95- r , 95 $ 49a , ti ' ttractio 1 Iv St. 71 . , ! - - ---- tt - - ,t c 4 1 . , . ..- ': - . - , M. -.. ..... i; 9 - C t, H ATIs . ee r.,0.0,-,,:7.-:.$0'-oi.0.41o- 1 4 00, Me most particular and dis- - V, :, . 4 4 SKIRT SALE Winter flood i'llils 1,1 Hosiery' qualit y Sped. cotton value at ...pair. 'SW lc good Snoextra up ......,----...,,.m. nne women., ammie rum emwty. fleece lined. fast black cotton stock- at. value Unequaled Inge. a pair. Special ... ... ... ... Women's Ind MiatiPit fine quality cash- mere stockings wilth gray keel and toe: . sort and warm; all sixes. Fair Week Special ... .. ... . t.P...lirraCy Childrens ribbed. - fine black. cashmere stockings with'''s tory . . lortoutsdpecitoad !tarot: G 30c a5 liarm Underwear - , - --- - Fair t7 .95.-- Week-Specia1-- i ,.... ) At , j lix90-inc- h , ... , ,..; - ' C soft flushed durable ulteletatecrhodatml:ulioton sheaecots.h. ..., special tomgrti aoltad usi ...e C e a ' qualityfeather - Bed- , pillows qualitY.-odorlsem Matesoc '45 c All ' 40c - . , , ..... Asc Blanket, Coniforter - - ........$175 ... It aliwtshe neTwhenyh.c4o.ame ......... .... Si 9 ac . $ 39 ) A I ctn"Lr'n"anindt-tirob"wkni- ' CI ,.,.. " 85c.. , G owns 1' , women. extra qualitir Plain white and night govins in col- ors. heavy and firm flannelette and silk and full generous stets. plain .r. -- ... braid trimmed. al:raises. Sr 2A values. Ntwe.CISI nen GOSS IlsWartn: I H ii.Dit EN'S nelette gowns for children of 4 to 14 doubts 'still in stripes. fascy -I Irsers, , iyoks k nd brood t .1 trimmin g. Special . .. .. -- fannneiette - .11..-.., - '' , . -- , . , if I 05c --- .. - --- , , . nCu rtainSaleT h. Weeir - I 50c ' - 4 - and child"n's Extra QualitY "m1'1 pure wool golf glves l a pew- - olim,., brat styles. Special ... . 1... t . tar t...S Ile Children's warm fleece lined kid gloves in complete line et slack - Extra good , values at. . t. . ,...., SPerisi Icowne;ts fanious serviceable. styliali. with three clasps. hi gra,' suode glove: tan and black. ... ... ... pair made ex. Our $1 00 Kid Gloyeelifs one are. guaranteed . pressly for (IL wthhelmte izobmia4-kre- and others at this price and you willThey sea a vast difference; - have no- - equal , at .. - kid gl oyes im'French glace Finest t .a,.............,................ Get a Whet StoneFREE io t , ff.. Wool Blankets ... I new Fall Gloves , Spreads ' a3C - ,,,,51c aith ,. . -- - lArge. full Mee. crocheted white bed spread. hemmed .renna paoardtediribnyte:scodroir: :hi:retie 7:Ito:male: ready' for liee. in neat 1 the WS glove in the city. sit scroll and floral patterns, slam Speslal- . 41.25 kind. , with 'sieves misses" cape Women's and ed Srecial 1"1"1"1"181"-1.nequalCrocheted bedspreads in beau" -ort . tlful kla. illes patterns. extra 10,m.,..4. drsvins -- end -outing wear large rine, hemmed and ready sutesOrtn" - , - ' ' , ' for use, well '' worth ;2.21 on 8Pecisl " ' sale at, QR ,,,. .. ,,, ., ..,T1 1 tooPho g , lot,,A, special 42c ...... ' , feather covered with stripped Pillow esch, Women's and misses ri;ibed, fleece lined Prrf ...ticking' is well cotton Yeats and pants in create ,coloc weighs x fit pounds and worth 76c.1 . only; complete line of slims. 111 .11 46. to Special . . ..i girrciad -eel- - Extra featherton vests and pants with soft warm pillows. covered with good napped fleece lining 4,idi . feather ticidng proof quality ... Special . each pillow- weighs 4 pOunda 'INFANTS tIttillTS. Tbe famous2. 1 Ku and 414 values. sixes in bens Shirts for infanta. in ,,, U iDI,o Special 4. on sale at. ..... ...... per garment Pro- - $7..00 famous 11111111Til. ISFAIITIO 2 text Shirts for Infants. iro shies I. and An 1011111101MS good value In atricuy an went blankets. In pretty Check it and plaids. pink. blue. ... ... ... Per garment .. ... gowns. ..r.,..,-..- . and black. also plain white with pink GOWNS. Bibles' flannelette or blue borders full II-- 4 onto. 47.04 lotto , . esveral stiles. Pruttlig trimmed,u.ana oe o.. It. o so ' , SPecial f , well made. .1, -- , ' y .... . 71.54A-, flannelette itillakee... liat;c4:0with embroider,' - , In ' Waimea, trimmed , different colors , ' and styles . ' - ' .. fir, - '' . . Good r-- L , Regular .1Se quality bleached muslin pillow cases in plain and 42x21. benuititched styles., for use. ex- Inch size. all ,141.e. tra Special. a Nu ., .:. . each I. 4 i g4 size best qualliY- - Mill hn Pillow $lips. handsoely ''',,em,:, brnkiered wlik floral am' knot designs. ' worth 35c each . scrapecit'l ....,,,s, .1... irill,,,,, - Another SAMPLE 1.INE omn Anti en'a and misses' nobl wthter Coate in all the newt teriabs Including prey and 'brown ChInchillac heavy Caracuis and other popular cloakings in plain ' colons and inktursesoms are lined with the famottis !Susquehanna" satin They 'conk in round rornered cutaway -and straight cut styles. smartly trimmed with velvet. braids and fancy, buttons. Great diversity of Myks and models to choose from. in all sizes: from la to MI. ?him!, coats are Intrinsically worth MAIO and more. Fair Week Special $1.115 . double bed size. set. viceable qUallty bleached mos- which eets. h lin sh buy in case iota hence this exceptional price '12x90-inc- h special I 1 )(149 Sheets- Pillow Slips etc. Pecial Prices for Fair Week - st ,1 it. ,- -- . .01 , g $7 - , , t7- I 7' st,,,. diee cl)Ale These ski rts Were made up to our order from a manufactur- er's surplus stock of fall and winter suiting. There are Just a few of each pattern, but the materials are A fact as good as yolfd get 'in skirts that retail regularly at 85.00 and even more. There are black,and WWI sewi . -Din stripes and diagonals in medium and dark colors . and two to three color checks in leading colors. you values to $5.0e and more for $2.113. on Thursday. -- i I, 411- '. it At 1111111 , ;1 i makees entire' LINE of women'a 95SAMPLE . misses' stylish fall nd ct wmter coats made in newest and moat approved styles; There are novelty mix: tures, diagonals, boucles, etc., in plain and fancy k weaves. Some have velvet and others fancf trimmm-gs, while many' are severely - plain. ' There is - a complete range - 50 - of -sizes and this price is from 25 NI cent to .0, per per cent less than the regular worth.- '' ' ; 1 b,( 7.:41 - Iwo Extra Values ''a1 crimmatmg women will find ' nuts in this Thursday show-- I ,,' I. ing at $14.95 that will Please their fancies. The values are without, precedent ;fi There are suits at thi& price worth $20.00 and more. 4" 1.1!ii Superior quality navy or black wool serges, in latest4 three button cutaway styles, with velvet trimming I ',',,..,);1,1 and genuine Skinner Satin linedsoats. Then there , a. are handsome suits of wool cheviots and novelty ,.''..... 141:wide& in navy, taupe, brown and black, in latest Ilflittil- - fall and winter stylen-4- 11$14.95. -- :e p0 4 ,:re .' f. Iri Values to 62000 , fillattit Ontertains Iter , wtng club that attar:ma. ShimR. E.. Irartand Um. Zart tor a have sotto .to Cattforata ---' psth's stay. WII2lar. IBC TIMMS' PIO. otattotta wit Watkar, t, ei est big ? 11111 c71 Pallor retursed it , egilveteny at this very special price of - -- re . a quire to duplicate any lens sub--tha- t's at theth B. VIE Kr end Mrs. Frederick ilteigmeyer took a party to the state fair hurt evening. and afteriviud entertained them 1 r Riter are among those wbo leave today for the Bankers' , convention. , Mr. and Mrs. W. ,411' , ' liraMissSohnRavelC. Mr. and Mrae David Keith have turned from their European trip. re- - I Cutler and Cutler. leave their daughter. will today for Boston. where Mr. Cutler attend the Bankers' convention. Mr. and Soap,,tiwil IAl. reuge-upwar- Mr. and Mn. Levis L'vana will enter. tali at an evening affair on Friday for Mats Anna Adams and Lieut. Stoll MINUTES Just itnbouris allwe - Airt. George T. Badger entertains at an afternoon affair on Friday, for Atha Anna Adams, - Iilds gs , , ' 7:: 1,' luncheon yesterday in honor of Mrs Welter Masa, covert being laid for 10 evening. College club tomorrow , ,t lilt :: !',.,... : ' A special ihipment beautiful. genuine Ostrich Piather Bands has just Seen opened up and placed on sale at this phenomenal, prick one of 'which fr!,141(4 ---- crown coiled around of the makes most the effective any and hat, hat stylish '01; ," . are full 30 inches long' in black white and leading colors. -They .. ,:, , - 12.00 values. Thursday, 1c. - - ' Youthful. girlish hats- - In- -- Adtean Rats A Wonderful display of Trimmed variety are here aseembled. offeting ItSSeS especially - desilMed for - misses. many a variety of selection that is sathandsome and exclusive- models- in this dont encountered All the - petite - - - new fall . Phuysday showing that have not been on dfrowinm I:ThiattireayouT here a galaxy have display till now. Velvets annd plushes no trouble in Making a choice, arttstkally trimmed with satin and fancy prices from ribbons. worth to 13.00. Thursday - ,- - ter Hazel to Nathan W. Lang. the mar-nato take place in the sear futurs.i Mrs. Robert B. Porter entertains the ... ,, L Mr. and Mrs. William H. Park announce the engagement of their daugh- I - Co - It Yez-fórAt- he 4 4 Mrs. A. H. Erudgn will entertsdn for Mrs. Walter Maas on Thuraday her , home on T street. - 4, - -, .oe-,---..-....,-.-- .. 7, ;SOS I - -- , Rotel Utah. ,rurm:n - READY-TO-WEA- e Miss Anna R. Adams will be guest of honor at a Itmcheon tin Friday to be given by Miss Marie Me ley at the -- - Beautiful at a second at affair yesterday. in honor of liTeeent of Chicago. , : R .7 - f Display ,,, Mrs. R. O. Meckknberg entertained --- -, him, elle: far of "Palm Olive" Cream sold ;:aalytnrCR)1E1 ee roses being used with the fail foliage. Tbe hostess was by Mrs. F. C. Richmond. Mrs. O. A. Beaman and Mrs. George Rust, - the oourt Of and 'an appeal taltett-froTR Ow justice to the district court. I The releatte of Whitman was ordered,1 .r., :L by Justice Harper before a formal corn. 5,, plaint bad been preferred against It, regard to ibis triatter..Judge Ritchie 7.,,1 , ' doe' : more eya there is no dangerous .. trine than that of a judicial officer may assume to exercise ,his power before th e proctsions of the law which InVoke :,4 t a jurisdiction have been complied stilt. These privisions had not been complied with in the Whitman ease( A until & complaint had been issued in cis, wming. .worn to and illed,.nillt111114.,ii., 'court. Judge Ritchie bolds. , ,L,,,. of th e famous. genuine .1'hree ,cakes 11111111.111111111111EIMMOME' UTAH'S GREATEST Electric Reading Lam pa. Cut Glassware. Clocks. Pictures. Wool Blankets. Linen dem. Portiercs,Comforters. TapestrY Couch Covers. Large Dolls. etc.. Given 'tway as Premiums, FREE of CHARGE .ra. parm." Agic the clerks, or at information Desk. Bee the premium low decorations Mr& P. 0. Keogh entertains tome'. row at a breaMast in boner of Mies - , , Anna R. Adarrei. Y ! Perm m s Mrs. P. D. Webster was turtle of or yesterday' nt a tea given at the post by Mrs. Willis Mins. Weirton to her departure ,t with Maj. - Webster for Urbana. IlL riming were bright with autumn leavea.- - and the diningroont especially attractive with its yel- Slim Violet Perkins gas. a party at the It Lake theater last evening in honor at Mrs. Gibson Boyers. the event else celebrating her birthday. Later a supper was given for the party by Mho Grace Perkins at her home. the table being decorated In violets and asters. and music being furnished by Min Basel ?rank. coN TMilficothnigtempt - ' "Palm Olive" Soa ft), ,D..... It ..rihirit - 3-- CAKES-0- 1 L. the rooms tad in American 126 guests ho- Beauty TOMS, and ling present during the ewhaoon. The beaten was assisted by Mn. James 'vers. Jr... Mrs. Fired Davidson. Mists Prances McChrystal, Miss Wilma Neilson and Miss Florence ,Sullivan. while little Margaret Godbe welcomed the guests at ., .,:t 4. . .....4,. ..,- Mai. L. M. Taylor entertained Si a dinner last evening.. the Uhl being decorated in American Beauty roses, and covers laid for six. Later the party tttended the Salt Lake theater. . 4 haring nu orium pipe in his possession. lialg sustained in a IticiabWi rendered 1 L. Itachie of the Third by Judge - iBistrict court yesterdAy afternotin. By ( hiq Grant !spurned of tho - Ti The resident alumni of the eta of Illinois entertahred at a banquet lent evening at the University club In honor of Maj. Ir. D. Webster, who is to be military instructor of the Illinois unlverartY The table was effectively decorated and eovers laid for the following: Maj. and Mrs. Webster. Capt. and Mrs. Wilson B. Burt, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Frederickson. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Frederickson. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bind, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Baum, Mr. and Mn. E. O. Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ifernytor Mr. mod Mrs. C. L. Ma. and lira .L B. Denny. Mr. archer, and Itra GemTo Bartel's. Prof. and Mra Robert B. Ketchum. Mr. and Mrs. D. IL Meadowst Mr. end Mn. IL B. Prater. C. M. Ellis. W. IL Gregory. W. H. Garrison, H. D. Bowman and Ben , 11Pqw ' C L V FoLicE, , gilINT ., ti -- , 10 - Chalsotariatica of Ruben and Van Dyke.' A dimmed of the 'work of RIBEST - , n. that ..: - . Inticesdings 'brought against Harper. N hen the tat- ner held the chief in contempt of court. . the latter applied to the distrat court tfor & writ of prohihitiin to stop the A. decision sustaining Chief of po.1,kthtmo from proroolos, it was in this tro B. IP: Grunt in lite refusal to corn- - ...tatter that Judge Hitettlei tendered the riSECREST MN STILL OPEN.. I To rf or , . .. -- - , - o. ur. e n millgoof J 11 8' well-know- was-oo- Géti. Hill, Wel knownt in IrlorenOs Powell and A. M. ness Circles, Gives ifievis Re-Brown will be married this evening et ': the home of the btide's parents. Mr. gartfing Plant itice, and Mrs. Thomas Powell. and a 'veep-Wi- n will follow from S to 14 o'clock. here is another statement from a prominent Salt Lake city man regardAnothir home wedding of this eveis George He Juice. ing ?lent n ing will be that of Mies Georgina SI Herb Hill, whom home is Robertson and ?red C. Morton. to take Hewing: avenu. He relates so in this place at the borne 14AM' brides par"I have been in re now en ents. Mr. end Mrs., George A. Robert-Mr- s. city for the past five one of West Third liouth: in the city. the moat popular pla to test- - the Florence 'Kistler and Clarence I decided ten daYs and I I. Waters trill be married this merits of your evening is line. It at the home of the bride's sister. want to say to you Mrs. has relieved me of indigestion; has IL L. Baldwin. , built me up and ma In. feel lie onvinced that Mrs. Prank per cent better. 'I Westoott Plant Juice will do a that you say . the members of the Crystal, entertains club this and r know that for tonic and for stomach trouble it is greet" Plant Juice is the oat oucceesful Ife Plus Vitra club meets with specific of the age fordhe We to com- . Mrs. Charks B. Jenkyns this after. mon to our city life. namely. nervout nese and ludigestiowi Every ailment of the stomach kidneys. liver and Mrs. Iforace IL Smith entertains her blood is immediately end wonderfully effected by this ?lent Juice. It Sewing club this afternoon. cleanses, relieves. reconstructs and The Osotan meets this afternoon cures. Test it and y'u will proles it. with Mrs. Rodney T. Badger. For sale at the hrarnm-JohnsoDrugs. Five (I) Go 7 StormAdria The art section of the Ladles' Liter tieement. arY club met this morning and Mrs. W6 IL Mats read re paper. "Resume of the to Prof.. Evans. who says the are prOving adept as wilder, the brush. Beiddeis st.taight brush are stibJects suitable for there rt. elm pigment and many artistio pieces ..rn the walla Charcoal. ink water lor. Oil sad pastel are used a good - in the art work, each student be- gfeet was received here from - yesterday g allowed to select ids preference in Washington. -,The bi asked for 1.000.000 Warren 'eatits arexpe:cted are The new( to Serell forest which might be m by the arid of the year, most of sold orofleased by had the state of tn coming from Boston and New to aid in the comitruction andWyoming mahibbork. where the largest factories Ph:t- Dance of public roads. In the report iming cast work are located. Prof.N on the bin the interior department as has asked for an- appropriation recommended that Utah. Nevada. Cot.-redo help pay ..for these necessities and Arizona. Montana, t lahoped the powers of the-"I- r win Idaho and New Mexico eachWyoming. be fill'ell oeo St to f. this department land to be sold help acre. or leased per Evans extends an especial invlvalue of the kiwis. ation to the conference visitore to Similar bills have been introduced rIspeot the department on the top floor granting from LIMAS to 2.000.000 acres 1 the library building. The generas to the respective etates by Senators ublic la also welcome at all times. Smoot of Utah. ithafroth of Colorado. Pittman of Nevada. Amherst of Arizona, and Catron of New Mexico. U b believed In Wastington. according to the POLITICAL POINTERS dispatch, thlit the senate public lands committee.lwhich has the Tarim bills tinder con devotion. win adopt William Groesbeck. deputy in the the recommend ion of the depart,- went. unty clerk's office, yesterday . '..:.., his candidacy for the office pf .. ,, . , 1 ity auditor at the coming, election. ,i CALLISTEZ dr. Groesbeck has been formerly eontlIZ.V7 OFFICIL iected with the Qttlees of ..county litor and county treasurer. Ur. GrimE. R. Callisteit son of Z. IL Canisewk's petition was placed in circulater. yesterday laccoecied C M. Mor10e this morning and he announces la the office of the counhat he will Die it within the nest ris as assistant ew days. ty attorney. - Cbunty Atterner I. 111. said this reWilley i gretted Mr. Morrismorning that be very mucb . The great country newspaper of thls declaring that the leaving Moe owes much to ection is the News. $3 the efficiencyland ability of Mr. Morrie. eti year. Limed, Mondays and Thurs. Mr. Morris will engage in Private law i sys,Advertiseiiment practice. Sines-Pro- the the-Hot- . TE- N- Et TEsT , I "I, NEWS - WEDNESlikle OCTOBER 1 1913 n , EVENING sctrees. are restint It Utah during their Belt C and erso nal visit. Their days are employed iskp tn 1111"ring le II ths "lilts or 'int"'t - ' by. Yesterday they went up lig The inartiage of Miss Maya) Sum- - nest COttODVV004i canyon. within six milectt .morts&ye and H. Arnold Rieb land returned roll of enthimi I mniaed today in the temple, and ote Brighton I leans seer tha wonderful coloring :a n evening a reception will be held lot the great canyon seen at this time of. home of the bride's parent. - sociat , Busl- Prof. evens &TS , ,,, 01:3T . o :2 |